Face To Face Podcast With Naea's Jay Kinder And Michael Reese



A Podcast for Serious Real Estate Agents


  • Partnering For Success | F2F 031


    Has a life event derailed your business path? How long are you going to let it hold you back? It’s impossible to avoid unexpected and unwanted complications throughout the years. Unfortunately, many people will let these dire situations anchor them in a state of arrested development indefinitely. The problems of yesteryear don’t need to effect […]

  • Is Your Personal Brand Protected? | F2F Podcast 030


    Are you ready for new rules? What happens when the game changes? Facebook recently announced that they were altering their platform. The location tools that were benefiting many realtors have been deemed discriminatory under the fair housing laws. The updated guidelines will certainly eliminate much of the ease the website was known for utilizing.   […]

  • How Agents Can Successfully Use Social Media To Grow Their Business | F2F 029


    The days of costly print and radio ads are long gone. Social media has revolutionized the real estate industry by offering extremely inexpensive avenues that yield much more potential.   These platforms are waiting to be utilized. RELATED: Knowing Where Your Next Deal Is Coming From) How Agents Can Successfully Use Social Media To Grow Their […]

  • How You Can Change Anything In Your Life|F2F 028


    How much do you believe in what you’re doing? Do you have ‘It?’ Raw desire is a force that presents itself as unstoppable.  If you don’t truly want the goal, everyone can tell. Authentic tenacity will propel you past your competition.   Develop an unquenchable thirst in order to elevate above the rest. How You […]

  • Knowing Where Your Next Deal Is Coming From|F2F 027


    Do you have bills to pay? Is your pipeline empty? What happened last month has little to do with this month’s mortgage payment. When your back is against the wall, fill up the gas tank, hit the phones, and deliver face-to-face interactions.   Put your ego aside for a while and join the team. Knowing […]

  • How To Win Any Real Estate Listing | F2F 026


    Has your confidence turned into arrogance? Are you aware of why you lose? The curse of knowledge is comprehending information, but not seeing it in your results.   Once you understand the process, there are no more excuses for not landing the listing. It’s not about becoming a master; it’s about going back and reviewing […]

  • The Art Of The Hustle | F2F 025


    Have you always worked harder than everyone else? Can overexertion ever capsize? The effort and skill it takes to succeed in real estate requires immense talent in a myriad of directions. It appears counterintuitive to abandon the date that took you to the dance, but there comes a point where the day runs thin and […]

  • Mastering The Art Of Goal Setting | F2F 024


    Do you know what you want out of life? Can you picture your perfect day? People often get stuck in their grind and forget where they’re going. Without clarity, it’s hard to know if you’re moving towards or away from where you want to be. Don’t simply react day after day, intentionally perform actions that […]

  • Embracing The Struggle | F2F 023


    Do you think your barriers are real? How long are you going to let them stop you? No matter your status or stage, everyone rides the Struggle Bus from time to time. Challenges will never stop coming. Your hindrances will quite often pop up without any warning. Imagine your worst-case scenarios. You must analyze your […]

  • Dominate Any Market At-Will | F2F 022


    What causes you resistance? How are you trying to overcome it? Making an effort is the only path that breaks down barriers.   It is the road map to progression. Understanding your self, your product, and your position will provide all the tools needed to advance your success. Dominate Any Market At-Will Effort: Believe In […]

  • Creating A Personal Brand That Drives Results | F2F 021


    Does your company have a solid brand? Do you have a personal brand? A great brand is surrounded by a message. If your audience can associate you with their improvement then they will be eager to do business. The right message will shift their perspective from hesitant judgment into positive compliance. Creating A Personal Brand […]

  • Do The Math | F2F 020


    Do you follow your gut in business? Should you? Every business owns invisible integers that contain the secrets of future success. The numbers exist. Beyond the facts that they represent, they reveal what’s working and what is a waste of time.  Once the math is done, all of your decisions will get easier to make. […]

  • Recruiting Is The Key To Success | F2F


    Are you spoon feeding your agents? What would happen if you quit giving them leads? Most brokers use the Team Model simply because that’s what they’ve always used. Newspaper ads no longer reap the rewards they once did. The lead game has changed. Those that control the leads run the whole show. Recruiting Is The […]

  • F2F 017: Turning Your Dreams Into A Reality


    Who doesn’t wish they could turn their biggest dreams into a reality?  

  • F2F 016: Do You Want To Sell More Homes Or Have More Freedom?


    Do you want to sell more houses or have more freedom? Is it possible to close more sales and have more freedom in your life? What does freedom look like to you? Are you looking to spend more time with your family? Are you looking to travel more? Are you looking to spend your time […]

  • Face To Face Podcast 015: Positioning Yourself As A Local Celebrity


    Positioning yourself as the local celebrity in your market is a surefire way to give you an unfair advantage over your competition. Welcome to season 2 episode 15 of “The Face To Face Podcast” hosted by Jay Kinder and Michale Reese. In this episode, Jay Kinder and Michael Reese share with you what they did in […]

  • Face To Face Podcast 014: Unpacking The Way Billionaires Think


    Jay Kinder was in attendance in Omaha Nebraska at The Berkshire Hathaway Shareholders Meeting rubbing elbows with power players one of them being Warren Buffet. Welcome to season 2 episode 14 of “The Face To Face Podcast” hosted by Jay Kinder and Michael Reese. Kinder|Reese is back in your earbuds with a fresh new episode […]

  • Face To Face Podcast 013: The Philosophy Of Optimization


    In the latest dosage of “The Face To Face Podcast” Kinder and Reese are breaking down the philosophy of optimization. What does that mean and what does optimization me for your business in the real estate industry? Welcome to Season 2 episode 13 of “The Face To Face Podcast” hosted by Jay Kinder and Michael […]

  • Face To Face Podcast 012: How To Transition From Real Estate Agent To CEO


    Real Estate agents are quick to get caught up in the transaction treadmill. Thinking it’s all about setting the goal and what it takes to reach that goal is what it takes to accomplish it but what it’s really about is who you need to become. It’s more about who you are and how you […]

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