Meaningful Mondays




  • What do biscuits, horse manure and focus have in common?

    03/06/2024 Duración: 04min

    Welcome to this week's edition of Meaningful Monday with Lee Brower. In this inspiring episode, Lee shares a unique perspective on gratitude through a prayer about biscuits, emphasizing how life's individual components, both good and bad, can come together to create something wonderful. Lee takes us back to 1898, illustrating how focusing on positivity can lead to innovative solutions, as exemplified by the transition from horse-drawn carriages to automobiles. He challenges us to shift our focus from negative to positive aspects in our daily lives, encouraging us to ask ourselves, "What is one good thing that happened today?" Join Lee in this empowering journey to amplify the good and make a meaningful impact in our families, workplaces, and communities. Let's start the week with a positive mindset and a commitment to being the answer to someone's prayer. Have a meaningful week!

  • Cascade of Gratitude: Transforming the Diderot Effect

    27/05/2024 Duración: 05min

    Good morning, everybody. Lee Brower here. Welcome to this edition of Meaningful Monday. I am grateful to be here. I am glad to be here. Have you ever heard of the Diderot effect? Few of you probably have. I had never heard about it until just reading recently, and I was able to link several things to it. So let's talk about where did the Diderot effect come from? It came from the 17th century from a man, French philosopher by the name of Denis Diderot. And what he did is he put together a book he called his encyclopedia, but had all All of the great philosophers, Voltaire, et cetera, brought together on how to run governments, how to put the, and it became well-known and kind of a guideline for a lot of the governments. And Catherine the Great saw it. She wanted to get it somehow. So happens that Diderot, after his fourth child, needed money. So she came in and bought it from him. She let him be the librarian for the rest of his life, but she was able then to access it and use it in her own governing and her

  • Enduring Wisdom: The Power of Purpose

    20/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    Welcome to this week's edition of Meaningful Monday. Our discussion this week is centered on the wisdom of two exceptional thinkers, Viktor Frankl and Abraham Maslow. Their profound insights into human motivation can help us navigate even the most formidable challenges. We talk about Frankl's experience during World War II, which was documented in his book "Man's Search for Meaning". Despite facing unimaginable suffering and hardship in a prison camp during the Holocaust, he managed to find meaning in small acts of kindness and maintained the will to live by looking forward to uniting with his wife and sharing his insights with the world. We also delve into Maslow's famous hierarchy of needs, which underwent a revision after he was influenced by Frankl’s lived experiences. He added 'self-transcendence' at the top of his model to reflect that true satisfaction comes not just from fulfilling basic needs but also from surpassing oneself and finding a higher purpose. This week's challenge is to identify a higher

  • The Weightlifter of my Life, my Mom

    13/05/2024 Duración: 04min

    Welcome to another edition of Meaningful Monday with me, Lee Brower. In this episode, I reflect on the significance of Mother's Day, an auspicious celebration of our mothers that goes back to 1908. To honor the occasion, I reminisce about my mother, a woman who played a pivotal role in shaping my life and lifting my spirits. I remember my mother as a weightlifter, not in the literal sense but metaphorically. She carried the weight of my world on her shoulders, always encouraging, supporting, and elevating me. Throughout this episode, I share two stories from different periods of my life that reflect the positive influence my mother had on me. The first story dates back to the time when she coaxed me into climbing a tree by holding my hand, showing me the way, and lifting me up. The second story is about our last moment together, where even though she was weak, she managed to extend her strength to me. The hand she held out to me symbolizes how she kept lifting me and continues to do so. In honor of Mother's

  • The Worst Place to Fish

    06/05/2024 Duración: 03min

    Welcome to a brand new episode of Meaningful Monday with Lee Brower. This week, we're delving into our ability to adapt, improve, and most importantly, change. Join Lee as he narrates the exceptional story of 'Big Al,' a man who spent his latter days futilely fishing in a swimming pool. This anecdote serves as a metaphor and a poignant reminder - are we fishing in our swimming pools? Are we investing time and energy in habits, activities, and goals that are no longer meaningful or feasible? In this episode, Lee underlines the idea that the 'producer of old age is habit.' While good practices indeed strengthen us, mindless repetition of routines, born from carelessness and finally settling into cowardice or inertia, can dangerously narrow our world. The empowering question posed is - Am I fishing in a swimming pool? What habits or routines can you eliminate or refine to break free from the mundanity of everyday life? Join Lee in exploring how stepping out of our comfort zones fosters growth, vitality, and imp

  • A Note from Nick

    29/04/2024 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to this week's edition of Meaningful Monday. I am your host, Lee Brower, and today’s conversation is about the importance of gratitude and focus and how they play essential roles in making our future more meaningful based on the lessons from our past. In this episode, I question what makes a moment worthy of remembering and how we can make this week meaningful. I present a thought-provoking query to you: Can you pinpoint a moment in the last week that is worth cherishing? Let's explore this by starting with a clean slate and allowing our gratitude to naturally cascade from there. I share my own experiences, from a helpful cashier to a motivated foundation co-founders I've crossed paths with. This talk also reflects on the concept of going big – to begin in gratitude. We explore this by thinking of precise moments that are worthy of remembering rather than taking a broad look at the things we have to be thankful for. Also, I share a personal story of my collaborative work in building The Rivers, contra

  • Fueling a Meaningful Life through Lifelong Learning

    22/04/2024 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to another edition of Meaningful Monday! In this episode, our host Lee Brower shares insightful content on the transformative power of lifelong learning. He discusses how continuous quest for knowledge not only keeps us intellectually stimulated, but also fuels a vibrant, meaningful life. Lee brings into focus four vital elements that are crucial for a balanced life; energy, balance, focus, and confidence. He emphasizes that from the time we are born, we are innate learners, but as we age, we often sideline our inherent thirst for new knowledge. He probes into the possible consequences of stopping to learn and advocates for the continuous pursuit of knowledge as a path towards a richer life. The first key element, energy, is discussed as the driver for action and a direct outcome of clarity. Lee emphasizes that clarity is transformative and a vital contributor to the energy that feeds us. Balance, the second element, is likened to harmonic motion, seen as a requirement in life that facilitates growth

  • The Power of Kindness and Inclusion -A Nora Moment

    15/04/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this week's edition of Meaningful Monday, Lee Brower talks about the powerful effect of kind words and actions, and the joy of inclusion. He recounts the inspiring story of a young boy named Jim Abbott who, despite having only one arm, was determined to play baseball as well as anyone with two. Abbott's influencer was his third-grade teacher who was instrumental in boosting his confidence and teaching him the practicalities of life, such as tying a shoe with one hand. Brower shares his personal experience visiting a trampoline park with his daughter Natalie and her two daughters, one of whom, Sloan, has Spina bifida. Amidst the hustle and bustle of the park, Brower observed a simple yet profoundly heart-warming moment of kindness - an interaction between Sloan and a four-year-old named Nora. Despite the seeming indifference of others, the perceptive Nora offers kindness and companionship to Sloan, proving that small acts of kindness indeed create waves of goodwill. Brower marvels at the wisdom and compas

  • Who's Your Hero? The Ripple Effect of Kindness and Positivity

    08/04/2024 Duración: 03min

    Welcome to this edition of Meaningful Monday with Lee Brower, a widely known sports enthusiast who celebrates the inspiring story of Jim Abbott. Jim Abbott, a major league baseball player for the California Angels, has never let his one-armed condition deter him from achieving his dreams. Constantly challenged by his disability, Jim faced difficulty in even tying his shoelaces. It was at this juncture that his third-grade teacher, Mr. Clarkson, stepped in. Mr. Clarkson showed him not sympathy but a solution, teaching him how to tie his shoelaces with one hand. This single act of kindness and thoughtfulness brought about a significant change in Jim's life, leading him to break barriers, achieve the deemed impossible, and make it to play in the esteemed Yankee Stadium while demonstrating an unyielding spirit of determination. What's heartening is that Jim treasures not his staggering accomplishments but the memory of Mr. Clarkson - the teacher who cared enough to make a difference. Today, Jim passes on this kin

  • Creating a Tidal Wave of Change - Let Gratitude be Your Guide

    01/04/2024 Duración: 04min

    Hello everyone, and welcome to this week's Meaningful Monday with me, Lee Brower. I'm thrilled, as always, to join you at this most wonderful time of the year. It's the perfect time to reflect on the power of gratitude. Its transformative effects permeate our daily lives, often in ways we don't fully appreciate. Whether it's the spirit of renewal from Easter celebrations or the reflections of freedom symbolized by Passover, these occasions are powerful reminders to appreciate and share our gratitude. Gratitude is often underestimated. A simple 'thank you' has far-reaching effects. The problem lies in our tendency to limit the expression of this powerful emotion, especially in our workplaces despite its potential to nourish our personal and professional relationships, much like a river irrigating our fields. Gratitude fuels productivity, personal growth, and enriches our communities. A study once showed that by simply expressing gratitude, a group's productivity increased by 50%. This goes to show that gratitu

  • Choose to be a Gratitude Truck, Not a Garbage Truck

    25/03/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this week's installment of Meaningful Monday, Lee Brower explores the difference between being a garbage truck, filled with anger and frustration, versus being a gratitude truck, driving around filled with light and seeds of growth. Brower challenges the listeners to dissect the instinctive reactions they have when confronted with negativity, and urges to strengthen a personal growth-centered perspective, rather than picking up the garbage — disappointments and frustrations — scattered by others. He underscores the omnipresence of 'garbage trucks' in our society, including social media and news agencies, that incessantly spout any forms of negativity. Brower then shifts the focus onto the idea of being gratitude trucks or garden trucks, laden with seeds, sunlight metaphorically speaking, that are vehicles of enhancing positivity and nurturing growth. Through this discussion, he asserts that gratitude and negativity cannot coexist, emphasizing the power of a single spark of light to pierce the engulfing dar

  • Becoming the Gardener of Your Own Mind

    18/03/2024 Duración: 05min

    In this week's episode of Meaningful Monday, we delve into the fascinating world of our brain. Presenter Lee Brower shares mind-blowing facts about this vital organ, such as its weight representing about 2% of your body weight and it using 20% of your total energy and oxygen intake. With 400 miles of blood vessels and 86 billion cells, the brain is an intricate system that stores one apostrophe followed by six and a half miles long of zeros of data bits in a lifetime. While the average person has 50,000 thoughts a day, 95% of our decisions are made in our subconscious brain. The second brain, the intestines, functions with 100,000 neurons and produces 30 essential neurotransmitters, even producing serotonin, the happy molecule. Nothing ever gets erased from your brain - everything stored in your subconscious lasts a lifetime, even if we can't voluntarily access it. But how can we best use our subconscious mind? Brower compares it to a flower pot, something that does not decide on what seeds (thoughts) to nour

  • The Profound Power of Preparation

    11/03/2024 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to this week's episode of Meaningful Monday Message. In today's discussion, I delve into a universal concept that transcends various boundaries - the significant role of preparation. This episode is majorly inspired by the wisdom of the esteemed Coach John Wooden, a man I had the privilege to learn from during the last years of his life. His definition of success revolves around self-assurance and knowing you have done your best to bring out the best version of yourself. The journey to becoming the best isn't an instant achievement. It is a sum of our continuous past efforts, the work we did yesterday, and the build-up to the present moment. Our past endeavors inform and build our confidence. The essence of this journey isn't just about reaching a destination but also fostering growth and character. Coach John Wooden never prioritized the victory; instead, he emphasized the journey towards it. According to him, genuine success lies in the peace of mind you gain from being optimally prepared. This etho

  • Creating a Spontaneous Legacy

    04/03/2024 Duración: 05min

    Welcome to another edition of Meaningful Monday with your host, Lee Brower. In this refreshing episode, Lee discusses the profound concept of a spontaneous legacy, emphasizing that a legacy is not something we leave behind, but rather something we live every day. This episode begins with a compelling story about Mr. Big, a high-paced businessman, illustrating the domino effect of negativity and the sometimes unseen impact our actions may have on others. Lee uses this narrative to press the importance of the ripple effects we create daily, both negative and positive. Focusing on the transformative power of positive actions, Lee shares personal experiences about "paying it forward." From surprising people by paying for their meals anonymously to small acts such as placing a quarter in someone else's parking meter, Lee encourages us to create a spontaneous legacy by appreciating what we have and sharing it with others. He emphasizes these relatively small actions, when done without expectation or need for acknow

  • Stop, Look, and Go - Gratitude as Your Guardian Word

    26/02/2024 Duración: 04min

    In this week's edition of Meaningful Monday, host Lee Brower shares a moment from his childhood where the word 'stop' played a significant role in his life. He shares an incident when he, a curious explorer, strayed too close to a busy highway and the frantic moment his mother experienced realizing he had ventured into a dangerous area. A 'stop' lesson was learned that day, but its value extended into his later life. Life, as it mimics the busy highways, often goes by in a rush. Brower encourages us to stop and appreciate the moments, for it is in those pauses that we can truly be present. By pausing, we give ourselves a chance to 'stop' and savor the experience of 'here and now'. The word 'look' goes beyond mere seeing - it implies observing the wonders around us, the comfort of our homes, the smiles of our loved ones, and the miracles that subtly mark our everyday lives. 'Go' is not just about moving forward but doing so full of gratitude. It embarks upon the appreciation of the moments in our lives which a

  • What would you do?

    19/02/2024 Duración: 06min

    Welcome to a new edition of Meaningful Monday's with Lee Brower. In this episode, we delve into some insightful content aimed at sparking reflections about our life and the unique journey we each embark on. Lee shares some thought-provoking questions brought forward by Earl Nightingale in his book "Your Success Starts Here". These enquiries challenge us to reflect on whether we're content with our lives as they are, or if we secretly wish to walk in another's shoes. Lee recounts a touching and impactful story involving his son, Nick, during his battle with cancer, which ties into a poignant quote by Regina Brett. The experience and Brett's quote combine to probe the human tendency to compare our circumstances with those of others. The underlying message is about developing a deeper appreciation for our own unique path in life and finding a sense of contentment and gratitude amidst our struggles. Lee sets a challenge for listeners to ponder about their burdens and to find within themselves the strength to say,

  • What if the very thing we most try to avoid is the key to our greatest growth?

    12/02/2024 Duración: 04min

    Welcome to this week's episode of Meaningful Monday with Lee Brower where we discuss the idea of how stepping out of our comfort zones can lead to great personal growth. This episode challenges the traditional idea we hold about pain and discomfort - far from being solely negative experiences, they can be powerful catalysts for our personal, relational, and societal development. In our fitness journeys or while competing in sports, we often encounter pain and discomfort along the way. However, we push through it due to the vision of the gain we hope to achieve. We use examples of enduring the pain of going to the dentist or running a marathon to illustrate this idea. Through these examples, we invite listeners to view moments of discomfort as opportunities for growth rather than signals to retreat. We share an inspiring story about a man who overcame his physical exhaustion to keep pace with an older hiker, motivated by his strong vision of the future. This is a perfect example of how our perspective on pain

  • Things I learned from my dinner with Warren Buffett

    05/02/2024 Duración: 06min

    Join Lee Brower in this week's Meaningful Monday as he shares incredibly valuable insights he gained from a one-on-one interaction with world-renowned billionaire investor, Warren Buffett. Brower reflects on an inspiring lifetime experience where he had the opportunity to sit with Buffett and ferret out the secrets behind his enormous success. In a fascinating conversation with the Oracle of Omaha, Brower learned about Buffett's unique ability to see opportunities where none apparently exist and his strategy of strongly saying 'no' to anything that doesn't align with his main objectives. Here he discusses how Buffett's secrets are less about financial acumen and more about possessing the right mindset. Brower shares that Buffett attributes much of his success to building and cherishing his cheerleaders; the leaders within his 62 companies. Brower further reflects on an incidental expression of profound gratitude from Buffett who claimed that one of the reasons behind his astounding success is being born in Am

  • Who Owns Your Past?

    29/01/2024 Duración: 06min

    In this episode of Meaningful Monday, Lee Brower dives deep into the concept of reflecting upon our past and the experiences that have shaped and defined us. The first essential question he opens with is "Who owns your past?", indicating that oftentimes we consider our pasts as an inherent part of our individual identities. However, the more weighted question he brings up is whether we approach our past as an asset or a liability. The key lies in how we utilize our past experiences and reframing it can transform our past into an impactful asset. Lee shares an inspiring story about Larry, a hardworking friend who grew from poverty to prosperity. Despite his family's previous financial instability, Larry worked relentlessly to support them, which eventually led to him owning a successful chain of retail stores. Yet, Larry's children were unaware of their father's journey and struggles, thus, they only perceived him as being a workaholic. Upon Lee’s advice, Larry shares his life journey with his children, turnin

  • What will it take for me to show up as the best version of myself today?

    22/01/2024 Duración: 05min

    "Our potential is one thing. What we do with it is quite another." - Angela Duckworth "Every choice we make today is either a deposit or withdrawal from our future."  - Lee Brower "Grit is sticking with your future, day in, day out, not just for the week, not just for the month, but for years, and working really hard to make that future a reality." - Angela Duckworth

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