Net Worth It



Welcome to the Net Worth It Podcast! I am so excited you are checking it out. My name is Gretchen Heinen and I am a former hospital nurse turned entrepreneur. Changing how we viewed money and the actions we took around money changed our net worth by hundreds of thousands! You can do this too and each week I will bring you inspiring stories of people who have drastically changed their net worth by making radical changes to their life and how they view money. When you know your worth your net worth will grow into it and your net worth will go up. You are worth it! Check out how I did it at


  • Laws of Names, Company You Keep and Self-Control (Guarding Your Reputation)

    26/06/2024 Duración: 28min

    Laws of Names, Company You Keep and Self-Control (Guarding Your Reputation) Are you careful who you align with? Are you putting in the bare minimum but expecting the maximum? Is your word credible? If you answered yes to any of those, today's book club series is for you!  Grab your copy of The 25 Biblical Laws of Success here and join us in the discussion this week! This week on the show we are discussing the Laws of Courage, Resilience and Joy. Law of Names: Are you reliable and have a honest name? Law of Company You Keep: Partnering with those who align with your ethics and beliefs. Law of Self-Control: Keeping your mind, body and time aligned  Your word and reputation will make or break your calling. Just look at the famous preachers in the news lately who have had some things of their past come to the surface. We realized this at the Daring Daughters when we did a re-brand and subsequently deleted 6 seasons worth of podcasts that offered business advice that didn't have Biblical attachment to it.

  • Laws of Recharging, Self Hiring, and Honesty

    19/06/2024 Duración: 29min

    Do you struggle with knowing when to rest vs work? Do you find yourself in a place where you start and stop your business? Would you hire you to do the work you do in your business? Do you ever find yourself lying to people because you don't want to say the truth in order to save someone's feelings? If you answered yes to any of those, today's book club series is for you!  Grab your copy of The 25 Biblical Laws of Success here and join us in the discussion this week! This week on the show we are discussing the Laws of Courage, Resilience and Joy. Law of Recharging: Are you resting and working properly? Law of Self-Hiring: Are you showing up like you would want an employee showing up? Law of Honesty: Telling the truth and doing the right thing.   Grab your book, pen, highlighter and favorite beverage and listen to today's episode. Want more help in your business? Try a Biblical approach...

  • Laws of Courage Resilience and Joy

    12/06/2024 Duración: 25min

    COURAGE - RESILIENCE - JOY Grab your copy of The 25 Biblical Laws of Success here and join us in the discussion this week! This week on the show we are discussing the Laws of Courage, Resilience and Joy. Law of Courage: Are you taking risk or playing it safe and small? Is your risk reckless or calculated? Law of Resilience: Are you bogged down with small things? Do you start and stop in your business? Law of Joy: Are you only happy with business when it's making money? How is your mood in the low periods?   Grab your book, pen, highlighter and favorite beverage and listen to today's episode.  

  • Laws of Focus Planning and Work (Summer Book Club Series)

    05/06/2024 Duración: 41min

    Grab your copy of The 25 Biblical Laws of Success here and join us in the discussion this week! This week on the show we are discussing the Laws of Focus, Planning and Work. Law of Focus: Focus helps us to stay on course for what we are called to do. Law of Planning: Planning is the true MVP of business. Without a plan it's an aimless ride. Law of Work: How much is too much? What is the balance between hustle and rest? Without work getting accomplished, a business never gets off the ground.   Grab all the resources at:  

  • The Law of Opportunity, Wisdom and Vision (Summer Book Club Series)

    29/05/2024 Duración: 29min

    Today we kick off the Summer Book Club Series! We are diving into the first 3 chapters and discussing the laws of opportunity, wisdom and vision in the Book 25 Biblical Laws of Success by William Douglas and Rubens Teixeira. Law of Opportunity: Everyone of us is given a change for some type of opportunity and the time to execute it. It is different for us all, but we all get it. Law of Wisdom: Wisdom is a foundation that we must pursue. This chapter goes into depth about why some businesses go farther than others. You guessed it. Wisdom. Law of Vision: This law states that without a path or a vision of where we are going, it's impossible to create the strategy. Check out all the resources at our website:  

  • How We Take Clients from $0 to $1M with the 5S Method

    22/05/2024 Duración: 34min

    Do you ever find yourself just wishing someone would tell you exactly what to do? Well if so, we have you covered today! We are sharing our exact playbook we use with all of our clients that can take them from $0-$1M+. Buckle up, get a pen, and let's look at a Biblical perspective on growing a business using our exact formula.    All of the resources we mention on the episode can be found at our website: 

  • Should You Start A YouTube Channel? w/ Paige Major

    15/05/2024 Duración: 45min

    Do you need a YouTube channel for your business? Today we are diving into why you might want to start one, and what might be a drawback. On our episode we interview YouTube expert, Paige Major. She shares what are the 5 mistakes people make when starting a YouTube channel and which business will benefit the most from them. We also discuss a podcast vs a YouTube channel and how to pick which one is right for you. Hint, turns out a podcast is best for me! Surprise! You can reach Paige on Instagram at @paigemajorcreative. You can also visit her website at   Connect with us: @thedaringdaughters   

  • The Ultimate Summer Planning Guide for Business Owners

    08/05/2024 Duración: 17min

    Here are the topics we cover in this episode: How to plan your summer business tasks so you can take a vacation or spend more time with kids off of school. Letting go of expectations of others and what you think your audience needs. Traps and lies about the to do list that most people fall into. Ways to off load tasks and outsource when you have a small budget to work with. Check out the accompanying blog for this episode at:  

  • "We All Have The Same 24 Hours" Is a LIE. What God Says About Your Time.

    01/05/2024 Duración: 18min

    Have you ever heard this phrase, "We all have the same 24 hours?". That is a flat-out lie. None of us have the same 24 hours. We have been bombarded with advice all over Instagram on how to use our time when growing a business. Most of it is bad advice that won't work for you. Today's episode we will look at what the Bible says about time and how we can translate that to our own life. Click here for the accompanying blog that has the resources for this episode.  

  • Can This Version of You Carry it or Do you Need Healing? with Lauren Hostetler

    24/04/2024 Duración: 37min

    Lauren found nature a therapeutic refuge after her sudden mother's death. She now empowers women through backpacking lessons and trips in Montana and Yellowstone to experience nature's mental, physical and spiritual restoration.

  • Divine Direction: Time for a Social Media Re-haul in Your Business?

    17/04/2024 Duración: 29min

    Posting just to post? Not getting any clients from your social media?  Feeling exhausted by it? Feel like giving up? Then today's episode is for you. We are diving into how to tell if your social media strategy is working and what to do about it if it's not. The answers we give might surprise you. Below are 3 things to consider about your social media and what to do to fix it if it's broken. Head to the blog for all the resources mentioned:  Follow us on Instagram:

  • 6 Sales Secrets from My 14 yo Son & His 50 Sales in One Week

    03/04/2024 Duración: 48min

    My 14 yr old son recently had an amazing sales week. He sold over $1,000 in one week. On today's episode I break down why I think he did so well and what we can learn from it as Daring Daughters. If you struggle to show up in your business with sales. Perhaps you loathe talking about yourself, your products or your services in your business or don't know where to talk about them, TODAY'S EPISODE IS FOR YOU. Don't miss the bonus tip at the end. It's the best one. Also on the episode this week I go over our big vision for The Daring Daughters. EEEK! Check out the blog this week: 

  • S8E11: 9 Declarations to Speak Over Your Business

    27/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    In the realm of entrepreneurship, where uncertainty often prevails and challenges abound, finding solace and strength in one's faith can offer a beacon of hope amidst the chaos. As Christian business owners, we navigate the complexities of the marketplace with trust in God's providence and guidance. In this journey, we draw inspiration from the wisdom found within Scripture, anchoring our businesses in its timeless truths. Each verse becomes a guiding light, illuminating our path and infusing our endeavors with purpose. From the assurance of God's refuge and strength to the promise of abundant provision and divine guidance, our faith serves as the cornerstone upon which we build and grow our businesses. Join us as we explore nine powerful declarations rooted in Scripture that shape and define our approach to business, emboldening us to step forward with confidence in God's unfailing promises.   Connect with us IG: @thedaringdaughters  

  • S8E10: Organizing the Finances and having a plan in your business

    19/03/2024 Duración: 25min

    If you run a business, it is likely that you stay up at night or at least part of your working day wondering about the household finances and how you business is either going to help or hurt it. In today's episode (and new blog attached!) we are exploring this topic in detail. Get your Bible and your ear buds and let's dive in. Time saving tip for podcasts: Listen while you cook, clean, drive, or walk. These are some of the best times to soak in a short learning that doesn't take you away from your family or life.   Resources mentioned in the episode:   Masterplan: Mastermind: 2024 Planner: Follow us on Instagram:

  • S8E9: Empowerment Over Finance Anxiety: Insights with Susanne Venberg

    13/03/2024 Duración: 36min

     Susanne shares invaluable wisdom on navigating financial challenges and reclaiming control over your finances. Don't miss out on these empowering insights! Susanne's LinkedIn: Connect with us! IG: @thedaringdaughters   

  • S8E8 Breaking Free: Transforming Your Language to Propel Your Progress

    06/03/2024 Duración: 13min

    Join us today as we discuss how there is life and death in the power of the tongue

  • S8E7: Living bold off the grid with @wildsevenoffgrid

    28/02/2024 Duración: 37min

    Today's podcast guest is @wildsevenoffgrid. She is a homeschooling mom who LIVES OFF THE GRID because God told her to. I'm talking ZERO electricity lines or indoor plumbing. She uses solar power and fresh water. She grows all her own food and has a remarkable story of being BOLD in your calling. Now I am not saying this is what is right for you, but her story is a story of OBEDIENCE to the calling. I know you know how scary it can be to follow a calling that seems uncertain. I sure do.    

  • S8E6: Widowhood, meaningful work, grief and managing your money as the leading woman in your home with Fractional CFO and CPA Lauren Furtado

    21/02/2024 Duración: 26min

    Lauren is a Fractional CFO who is labeled as "Not your typical CPA" She spent 18 years in public accounting serving multi-billion dollar Fortune 100 companies, but in the aftermath of loss, rebuilt her life as a widowed single mother of two by starting her own Fractional CFO Services Firm. She is grounded in her faith and family-values and is passionate about creating impact for value aligned business owners.   Connect with Lauren: Connect with us IG: @thedaringdaughters  

  • What Got You Here Won't Get You There

    14/02/2024 Duración: 13min

    Today, we dive into a topic that's been on my heart lately—embracing change. You see, there's this saying I love: "What got you here won't get you there." It's a reminder that growth requires us to constantly evolve, to shed old habits and mindsets, and to step boldly into the unknown. And you know what? The Bible is full of wisdom on this very topic. In Isaiah 43:18-19, God tells us, "Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?" Isn't that beautiful? God is constantly inviting us into new seasons of growth and transformation, if only we're willing to let go of what's familiar and embrace the unknown. But I get it—change can be scary. It means stepping out of our comfort zones, facing uncertainty, and sometimes even letting go of things we hold dear. Yet, as Romans 12:2 reminds us, "Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." Transformation begins with a willingness to break free

  • S8E4: How to Pick a Word for the Year

    07/02/2024 Duración: 07min

    Today on the podcast, we're diving into a topic close to my heart—choosing a word for the year. You know, I've always been fascinated by the power of our words and how they shape our lives. It's like that verse in Proverbs 18:21 that says, "Death and life are in the power of the tongue." Crazy, right? So, let's talk about picking a word for the year. I love how the Bible shows us the creative power of words. I mean, God literally spoke creation into existence! That's some serious inspiration for us. When we choose a word for the year, it's like we're tapping into that same creative energy. We're setting an intention, a focus, for the year ahead. But here's the thing—our word needs to be rooted in Scripture. We want it to align with God's truth and purpose for our lives. That's why I love Psalm 19:14, where it says, "May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O Lord." It's a reminder to keep our words in line with God's will. So, how do we pick our word for the year? Well, it'

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