Three Insight



Covering technology, social media, startups, and whatever else comes up.


  • 34: and streaming TV


    Dave Taylor and Friends discuss It is a streaming service that offers broadcast television over your computer. Dave downloads it and tests it during the podcast. Is it legal? Is it quality? Does it work? Check out the podcast and find out some details and how it is shaking up the industry.

  • 33: Real time news (AKA: the Boulder Fire)


    The Boulder fire. Nooo, the fire itself is not tech based, but the way the information about it was circulated and possibly re-circulated, is. Where do you go for up to the minute, important news? The internet? Tune into a radio station? Or some other source. (hint: count how many times the word "Twitter" is said.)

  • 32: DOCC, Ping, and accuracy in social media news


    Today's show carries a shameless plug for DOCC! ( Apple's Ping… It's about a week in, and what the heck are they doing? The guys weigh in on what's right, and mostly, what's wrong, for now… With the advent of the Boulder fire, Michael, Dave and Doyle discuss how social media has changed the way we communicate with one another. This also extends to the city and county governments using Twitter. But with sooo much information in the ether, how can you determine what is accurate, up to date, even true?

  • 31: Apple Keynote Dead Web iPod Saturation


    On today's episode, we find out that Dave Taylor is not a unique snowflake… But more importantly, the guys discuss Apple's Media Keynote and what you would have had to have, in reference to current technology, to be able to watch it live. Next topic, has Apple pushed itself out of it's own market in regards to ipods? What else can they do to get you to buy the next generation? Per Wired magazine, "The Web is Dead!" What exactly does that mean, and what is going to replace the dead web…

  • 30: Places Enterprise 3DTV and eBooks


    Facebook places launches this week, what do you like or don't like about it? And do you'll use it? The iPad is making waves in the enterprise world. Just a few years ago, the iPhone was being virtually disregarded. 3D TV is making progress in technology, and prices are dropping. Even though Doyle doesn't even have an HD TV yet, he helps weigh in on it's possible future. Also, the evolution of eBooks. They are now outselling hardcovers in Amazon. Have they come of age?

  • 29: FM for everyone, and GM


    Would it be a good idea to have Congress mandate that FM receivers be installed in all cell phones? Yeah, that's what Michael and Doyle thought too. (Dave is on vacation) There are rumors that Google and Verizon will be launching a tablet in November. Will it be a viable device? (sound familiar?…) During the podcast, Michael receives a breaking news notice from CNN that GM is going to file for an IPO!

  • 28: Net Neutrality, Skype's IPO, and IPOs to come


    Net neutrality defined, and how it plays a part in out internet experience. Plus possibilities of what it COULD mean for the consumer. The Skype IPO, and tech IPO's in general. What has come before and the face of them today.

  • 27: RIM, UAE, India, and Government Snooping


    There are some interesting privacy issues going on with RIM. In some countries, Blackberry devices are being banned and/or the source code has been given to the government so they can monitor. Which brings up privacy concerns with regard to lawmakers and individual rights currently going on in America.

  • 25: iPhone 4 Antennagate Recognized


    The guys discuss the iPhone press release to address the "Antenna issues," what do you think will happen, and is it just a public relations placebo or an actual fix?

  • 24: Microsoft Kin, iTunes hackers, Amazon news


    The interesting news stories being discussed are Microsofts attempt at making the now defunct Kin a social networking device, and some was actually able to get behind the security wall of iTunes and wreak a little havoc. Plus a bonus topic regarding the purchase of traditional books vs ebooks.

  • 23: iPhone 4, Privacy, and more


    The iPhone 4 launch… Who has theirs, and who doesn't, (Doyle). The camping out experience and first day impressions. Also privacy in today's age of technology. What needs to be done and should our expectations be more forgiving for the time being? Which leads us to the Social Security Number and how its been misused for so many years.

  • 22: Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Adobe and their relationships


    Like in childhood, friendships and alliances are fleeting. Companies that have cooperated in the past, are now at odds. And then friends again. And then at odds. The guys discuss if it good or wise for Microsoft to make Office available for a competitors product, like the iPad. A few years ago, Microsoft was the king of computing, my how things have changed.

  • 21: Social Media, Current Events, and BP


    How social media affects news events. Could your friend's presentation of current photos and video color the perception and importance of current events? The guys also speculate on the best way to handle the BP incident.

  • 20: Facebook, Myspace, and Privacy


    Myspace is increasing privacy! This comes at a time when Facebook is basically giving all your information away. There are 3rd party applications to help with your privacy settings, but is that just another point of concern? What is the responsibility of major companies (i.e. Google) that capture the public's information? People still need to take responsibility an be aware of their own privacy with the advent of geo-specificity and other services.

  • 19: HP Palm Lala and Dave on iPad difficulties


    HP's expensive purchase of Palm, HP is no longer going to produce their tablet, and is the Microsoft Courier also dead? Dave rants about tech difficulty with the iPad, and is it time for a new iTunes… Will it involve the newly acquired LaLa?

  • 18: The iPad revolution begins


    The group discusses iPad issues, uses, and favorite apps. There is a fundamental shift in the way we use computers… The tactile interface adds another element to being a part of the computing experience. How does internet access figure into possibly being a part of societal infrastructure. Also, the changing face of software purchasing and distribution.

  • 17: The last pre-iPad episode


    iPad, based on recent videos, running numbers on it is intuitive and may allow Doyle to do spreadsheets for the first time. Potential iPad functionality that may lead some users to leave the MacBook Pro at home… Philadelphia's recent "Flashmob" incidences, and its relationship to social media and parenting. Also discussed is the current and possible future state of investor status requirements. (Sorry for the crappy audio. That's a Skype > Garageband thing).

  • 16: Google China and Territorial Rights


    Live from Atlas Purveyors. Google claims they're not going to abide by China's rules. Censorship is becoming increasingly difficult to police around the world. It's up to citizens to determine what's acceptable, and take control if they don't like it. Parents should ultimately get control over what their kids see, not governments. What is community decency? It's arrogant for us (the US) to dictate what's acceptable in other countries. If a business wants to play in a country, they have to abide by that country's rules. Bing is OK with China's rules.Find us at or - and as always, we're brought to you by Blue Microphones

  • 15: The Boulder Fiber Initiative


    Michael is at South By Southwest. Google is looking at running fiber to several cities. What would Boulder do with it? Does Google have alternative intentions? Dave does an incredible Darth Vader rendition. Faster, or less expensive bandwidth? What would you do with 10 to 100 times more bandwidth?Find us at - and as always, we're brought to you by Blue Microphones:

  • 14: Google Jail Time and the Olympics Buzzie


    Google goes to jail in Italy. What are the ramifications? Which country is the best model for acceptable internet content? Do we use local community standards?Michael watched 10 minutes of the Olympics. This was the last traditional broadcast of the Olympics, delays are over. What are we willing to pay?Buzzie? A Google Buzz app for the iPhone.Thanks for listening! As always, Three InSight is brought to you by Blue Microphones:

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