Midwest Radio Gardening Show



Each week Padraic Horkan from Horkans Garden Centre joins Deirdre Kelly to look at every aspect of the world of gardening. From answering listeners' queries to explaining the ins and outs of every plant known to man,Padraic has all bases covered when it comes to gardening.


  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 02/06/2018


    With Bloom in full swing Paraic gave a run down on some of the highlights at this year's event in particular the Dementia and Sunsmart gardens and the gold medal winner, the Sustainable Seafood Garden. Met Eireann has issued a national blight warning on foot of the warm humid weather and Paraic advised on the importance of applying a systemic treatment to the leaves of potatoes and tomatoes, and there was also a reminder of the availability of nematodes for soil pest prevention. Listeners questions included planting wild garlic, replanting daffodils, trimming back winter flowering heathers, growing butternut squash, rhodedendrons, azaeleas and peony roses.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 26/05/2018


    With the national Bloom festival just around the corner this week Paraic gave a preview of what's taking place this year, from show gardens both large and small to the myriad of food, lifestyle and cultural attractions on offer. Plants under the spotlight this week included Alstroemeria, Cistus, Japanese Maple and Croton while there was also advice on wildflower and wildlife meadows and the different categories of bark mulch for supressing weeds. Listeners questions included poorly performing rhubarb, labelling apple rootstock, roses suitable for a garden arch and tips to combat carrot root fly.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 19/05/2018


    There were hints and tips this week on how to get the best from garden containers and Paraic gave an update on robotic mowers. Feeding lawns and shrubs in general is also high on the agenda at the moment and there was advice on planting up kitchen herbs which is best done in stages. There was an in depth look at nematodes and how they work to control some of the more common garden pests and information on pruning hedging, in particular, laurel, red robin and griselinia. Listeners questions included tackling mare's tail, hebe as a hedge, pruning larger trees, and flowers for early summer colour.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 12/05/2018


    Hanging baksets were in the spotlight on the programme this week with advice on planting up containers and baskets for summer colour, and for something a little bit different there were options for edible window boxes and herb themed baskets. Paraic also discussed robotic mowers, a relatively new development in lawn care which will be tested on the programme in coming weeks. We also looked at hostas with advice on preventing slug damage and hedge planting for seaside locations. Paraic gave recommendations for plants suitable for large clay pots and discussed a range of plants suitable for shaded lcoations. Listeners questions included treating dandelions and other broad leafed weeds, wireworm in potatoes, transplanting boxwood, sowing peony roses and miniature dahlias.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 05/05/2018


    With the May bank holiday upon us this week the programme focused on planting flowering trees which are coming into flower shortly while thoughts are also starting to turn to hanging baskets and patio containers. Paraic discussed the Living Edible Salad Bar and there was information on the Cleaner Community Campaign which has been launched recently. Dahlias, scented lillies, galdioli and sweet pea were all featured while seeds for laveteria, english marigold, night scented stock and nastursium can all be planted now. Listeners questions included problems with vine weavil, bedding annuals and flowering bulbs for borders, treatment for canker in apples, yellowing tomoato plants and fruiting plants suitable for growing in a conservatory.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 28/04/2018


    Vegetable planting is now in full swing and this week the programme looked at the different ranges of onions and cabbage available and advised on protecting young potatoe plants from frost. Chillies, lavender, black kale and lemon scented geranium also featured and there was a special segment on roses with varieties for summer colour, scent and cutting all discussed in detail. Other topics covered included preventing damage from hares, growing potatoes in boggy soil, planting vegetables in pots and treating aphids on blackcurrants. Listeners questions ranged from planting bulbs and potting on roses to sowing sunflower seeds and growing horse chestnuts.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 21/04/2018


    Warmer temperatures are drying put soil resulting in more favourable conditions for planting and this week Paraic took a look at some trees that are coming into flower which can be planted now. Snowy Mespalus, Laburnum, Euryops and Flowering Cherries are adding a real splash of spring colour while Flowering Malus also offers the added benefit of pollinating apple trees. There were recommendations for greening up lawns to have them looking their best and tips on preparing ground for sowing vegetables. Bedding plants for the Irish climate and climbers for south facing locations were also featured this week, while listeners questions included unwrapping tree ferns, pollinating flowering cherries, tidying up cordalines, pruning large native trees and controlling carrot root fly.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 14/04/2018


    Lawn care was the main topic for discussion on this week's programme with lots of advice on moss control, sowing lawn seed and feeding in general. For those looking for something different, wildflower meadows can be sown now and Paraic advised on what's invovled. New varieties of potatoes that are high yeilding and pest resistant were also featured in addition to suggestions of seeds that can be planted now and of interest to younger gardeners. The art of Bonzai was explained while listeners questions included growing Lemon Scented Geraniums, managing carrot root fly, everlasting sweet pea and growing camelias in pots.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 07/04/2018


    With school holidays upon us this week’s programme looked at gardening with children and plants that offer interest which are quick and easy to grow. Family apple trees providing more than one variety were featured and Paraic recommended planting in conjunction with strawberries. Blueberries and rhubarb were also featured with tips on soil conditions and feeding. There was information on preparing greenhouses and tunnels for vegetables while sweet pea, bleeding heart, lavender and Chilean lantern all featured for planting now. Listeners questions included leaves curling on amellias, colourful shrubs for borders, the strawberry tree and plants for hanging baskets that tolerate rainy conditions.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 31/03/2018


    This week's programme opened with a feature on planting trees to create memories across the generations - Paraic looked at a few varieties including the cherry which is about to come into flower now. As it's Easter weekend Paraic reminded listeners to use the bank holiday to attend to lawns and trim back hedging and flowering shrubs in general. Kale and cherry tomatoes also featured as well as double flowering primulas which offer great show of colour right now. Listeners questions included shrubs and flowers for heavy soils, attracting worms back into the garden, moving daffodils, sowing strawberries and mistletoe and pollinating plum and apple trees.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 24/03/2018


    With winter turning to spring grass is starting to grow and moss was the main topic of the programme this week. Pauric visited a garden in Enniscrone and described the steps taken to control moss into the summer months with lots of tips and advice on the application of treatments and fertiliser. The tradition of sowing potatoes and other tillage crops on Good Friday was also discuseed while alpine plants were featured as a method of providing good ground cover in poorer soils. Listeners questions included planting oak trees, pruning hydrangeas, treating mildew on gooseberries, planting strawberries, moving ash and standard rose trees, lifting and splitting snowdrops and rejuvenating apple and fruit trees by pruning.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 17/03/2018


    St. Patrick's weekend signals the start of the traditional potatoe planting season and this week Pauric discussed early planting and differient varieties favoured by Irish conditions. The programme described methods for planting in tunnels and pots with some slug and blight resistant varieties highlighted including Colleen, Orla, Setanta, Foremost and Blue Danube. Katsura and Rhododendron were also featured together with timely reminders to protect softer bedding plants where frost prevails. Listeners questions included forcing rhubarb, propogating dahlias, transplanting seedlings to individual pots, moving primulas, maintaining hebes and sowing strawberries for summer.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 10/03/2018


    With Mother's Day almost upon us this week's programme looked at some colourful flowering plants available now including double flowering primrose, camelia and orchids. Pauraic discussed growing shamrock in advance of St. Patrick's Day and how to get the most from shamrock plants available now. The programme also dealt with the fallout of the snowy condidtions with many plants experiencing leaf scorch in the past week. Listeners questions included repairing lawns trampled by farm animals, pruning hydrangeas, transplanting daffodils, flowers for May and November weddings and sowing and propagating winter flowering heathers.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 28/10/2017


    Our final programme for 2017 focused on tidying up jobs in the garden before winter sets in. Paraic recommended giving lawns a final cut, applying a moss treatment and using falling autumn leaves to add variety in composting. The programme also discussed harvesting final crops, sowing green manure plants to enrich soil and weed control over the winter months. Listeners questions included splitting formium for potting, watering and liquid feeding cyclamen, planting roses at this time of year, preventing leather jackets, repotting indoor plants, caring for orchids and flowers for a Christmas wedding.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 21/10/2017


    Following on from recent stormy conditions this week's programme focused on cleaning up and checking for storm damage in the garden. Paraic discussed how ivy on trees can trigger uprooting and how to treat and manage wind ravaged branches. This week we also looked at harvesting garden herbs for freezing over the winter months and featured sweet peas and broad beans for planting now. Listeners questions included over wintering geraniums in pots, thuja blight, what to do with early budding snowdrops, steps to plant a sloping bank with ground cover, dwarf tulips for window boxes and taking care of sweet peppers and jalapeno plants over the winter months.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 14/10/2017


    With Autumn colour all around this week's programme discussed colour for the winter months with Heather's being a great option. Paraic highlighted different varieites such as Kramer's Red, White Perfection, Furzey, Foxhollow and Darley Dale, with recommendations for companion planting to maximum effect. The programme also focused on the propogation and care of a selection of indoor plants including jade, spider, snake and aloe vera. Other topics featured pruning apple trees, improving soil in raised beds, polytunnel planting at this time of year, treating buttercups in lawns and storing begonias, dahlias and geraniums.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 07/10/2017


    October is National Reuse Month and this week the programme looked at making compost for use next Spring. Paraic recommended using grass clipping, leaves, natural garden and household waste when composting and noted the importance of keeping the compost free of any wet, heavy rain. Putting the garden to bed for winter was also highlighted with tips on cleaning out green houses and weed control. Paraic discussed transplanting hardy annual and biennial seedlings, storing geraniums over the winter, controlling thistles and cutting back roses. Listeners questions included evergreen hedging for exposed seaside gardens, planting spring and summer flowering bulbs in rockeries, how to prevent a raspberry crop from failing and sowing blueberries in pots.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 30/09/2017


    The honey harvest is now in and this week the programme sampled some of the honey produced and available locally. Autumn foliage was in the spotlight this week and Paraic discussed a variety of trees and berried shrubs that are awash with colour and suitable for planting now; Royal Shumac, Maples, Liquid Amber, Crab Apples, Pyracantha and Weeping Cotoneaster. Listeners questions included transplanting roses, photosythesis and experiments for children in class, growing Hyacinths for Christmas, transplanting strawberries from runners and winter/spring vegetables for raised beds.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 23/09/2017


    Hedging was in the spotlight on this week with advice on when to stop feeding, and tips on tidying back and shaping for the winter months. Paraic discussed bare root planting, how to prepare the ground, and gave options for creating an instant hedge. Boston Ivy, Virginia Creeper, Bromelia and Hot Lips Salvia also featured, while recommendations for indoor plants to brighten up homes and offices included The Snake Plant, Boston Ferns, Peace Lily, Castor Oil Plant and Painters Pallet. Listeners questions this week ranged from growing acorns and treating bacterial canker on apple trees, to dividing perennials such as Crocosmia and Gladioli, and preventing mould when storing onions.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 16/09/2017


    The apple harvest is now in full swing and apples were the star of this edition of the programme with lots of advice on picking and storing this year's bumper crop into the winter months. There was also information on harvesting carrots and potatoes, and Paraic discussed the merits of beekeeping with tips how to establish a beehive. Other topics included planting and feeding winter onion sets, sowing godetia and sweet pea, treating pest damage on courgettes and using sulphate of potash to ecourage floury potatoes. Listeners questions featured growing pumpkins, trees with autumn leaf colour, recommendations for short varieties of tulip and planting peony roses.

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