Midwest Radio Gardening Show



Each week Padraic Horkan from Horkans Garden Centre joins Deirdre Kelly to look at every aspect of the world of gardening. From answering listeners' queries to explaining the ins and outs of every plant known to man,Padraic has all bases covered when it comes to gardening.


  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 20/04/2019


    The easter weekend offers a wealth of gardening opportunities and this week Paraic looked at caring for early plants in pots and containers with emphasis on feeding and watering for healthy growth. Cucumbers, aubergines, pumpkins, marrows and courgettes can all be planted now while cottage garden plants such as old favourites like lupins, foxgloves, sweet peas, delphiniums and poppies can be planted now for colour in may and june. Other topics this week featured interplanting carpet roses with stem varieties for contrast, growing apple trees in pots and what to do with winter heathers that have finished flowering. Listeners questions included planting for August wedding colour, wild grass patches in lawns, pruning forsythia and how to care for young tomato plants that have been exposed to low temperatures.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 13/04/2019


    As summer starts to beckon this week's programme looked at advance planting with hints and tips on preparing hanging baskets, patio planters and window boxes. There were great options for colour and edible fruits with geraniums, petunias, fuschias, begonias and other trailing plants for summer colour all becoming available now. Other topics included ground covering plants for banks, options for three foot bordders and climbers that are also suitable to use as cut flowers. Listeners questions ranged from pest control for greenfly, growing blackcurrants and raspberries in containers, dealing with frost-damaged forest flame and cutting back daffodils.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 06/04/2019


    Colour for Easter opened the programme this week with some great planting suggestions available at the moment including Dianthus, Euryops, Nemecia and others. Paraic advised against planting out summer bedding as night time temperatures are still somewhat cool, however daytime temperatures are perfect for seeds and the programme looked at some alternative vegetables that can be sown now including chickory, chard, baby carrots,brussel sprouts and italian kale. There was advice on taking cuttings from orange fizz geraniums, planting lavender from harvested seed, looking after lillies in pots and growing celery. Questions this week included how to treat frost stained camelias, repotting houseplants and orchids, treating bacterial canker in apple trees and how to differentiate between Japanese and Chinese wisteria.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 30/03/2019


    As Mother's Day twins with the start of National Tree Week this year today's programme looked at celebrating tree planting with many different native trees highlighted. Aquilegia (Granny's Bonnet) which comes into full flower now was featured and the programme went out and about to hear from Cregmore National School in County Galway where the school is planting up their newly acquired vegepod. Paraic discussed the challenges of planting trees too deeply, gave information on canker in parsnips and the programme looked at the life cycle of the Vine Weevil. Listeners questions included transplanting Japanese Maple, the correct depth and distance when planting Begonias, pollinating plum trees and reasons for poor flowering camelias.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 23/03/2019


    With the good weather finally allowing us to get back into the garden property after winter this week's programme covered a range of tasks that can be tackled now from getting the lawn into shape and cutting back hydrangeas and roses to trimming hedges and sowing and setting seeds. There was a preview of plants offering colour and scent in advance of Mother's Day including camelias, orchids, anthurium and scented lillies. There was information on the care of fruit bushes at this time of year, moving strawberries, hand pollinating pears and recommendations for cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables suitable for a poly tunnel. Listeners questions included what to do with early flowering calla lillies, grafting apple scions to rootstock, treating bugs and other greenhouse pests and splitting and moving rudbeckia.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 16/03/2019


    This week's programme focused on getting vegetables and other early summer plants started in the garden - Paraic discussed a variety of vegetable options from early salad leaves and speedy veg to sowing peppers, chillies and tomatoes from seed indoors. There were features on scented roses, semi mature evergreens and planting options for small plots. Listeners questions this week included how to grow oleander trees in Ireland, pest control of leather jackets and bugs on clematis, re-potting lemon scented geraniums, tackling the problem of rushes in a new lawn and trimming back weeping willows.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 08/03/2019


    St. Patrick's weekend is just around the corner and that signals the start of the potato planing season. The programme this week featured an in-depth look at this much loved staple with advice on sprouting indoors, planting out, layering in pots, slug and scab resistant varieties and growing in tunnels. Daffodils are in full bloom and Paraic addressed reasons for buds failing to flower and when to move bulbs. Other topics included what to do with cuttings that have rooted, fruiting trees and plants for small gardens and how to control ivy growing between shrubs. Listeners questions included sowing wild flower seeds, hand pollinating peach trees and learning about bee-keeping.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 02/03/2019


    The 2019 garden programme kicked off with a general look at how gardens have fared over the winter period with lots of plants coming into growth and flower a little earlier than usual due to the mild conditions. Roses were in the spotlight as its a perfect time to prune and feed them now. There was also a focus on summer flowering plants such as hydrangeas and budleias which will all benefit from pruning at the moment while summer flowering bulbs like dahlia and begonias can be planted inside now for transplanting later in the spring. The benefits of gardening with Vegeopds were highlighted as a great way for growing a variety of vegetables while listeners questions included problems with bolting onions, sowing herbs for sensory therapy, planting oregano to attract bees around apple trees and how to deal with grubs and vine weavil on bulbs that have remained in the ground over winter.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 27/10/2018


    The final programme of the series for 2018 focused on putting the garden to bed for the winter period. Paraic advised on giving the lawn a final trim and on feed and moss treatments in preparation for Spring. The programme explored compost options including the use of seaweed and featured potatoes harvested this week. There was advice on patching up a hawthorn hedge, bringing on hyacinth bulbs and plants suitable for graves over the winter months. Listeners questions featured an Arum Lily with no flowers, damaged Bux trees, splitting and transplanting Hostas, sowing whitethorn and blackthorn from seed and using copper to deter snails.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 20/10/2018


    High pressure and nighttime frosts have resulted in some fantastic autumnal gardening weather - this week Paraic advised on giving lawns a final mow and feed before the winter period sets in and spoke about planting fruit for next year. The programme looked at plants providing great colour right now including asters, the strawberry tree, achonites, liquid amber and winter heathers, considered options for security planting and gardening projects for children over halloween. Questions included cooking apples that grow well in the West of Ireland, taking slips from virginia creeper and boston ivy, trimming and planting dog roses, harvesting and storing potatoes, carrots and beetroot and trimming back weeping willow.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 13/10/2018


    The honey harvest has been very bountiful and this week the programme examined the different kinds of honey available inlcuding urban, heather, ivy and rapeseed honey. The programme also discussed walnut trees and fruit, pruning roses and planting orchards with a mix of soft and hard fruits. There was information on pot bound daffodils, purple berried hedges and wind damaged trees. Listeners questions included cutting back sweet pea, planting hyacinths for christmas, transplanting ash and sycamore, ripening pumpkins and growing brussel sprouts.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 06/10/2018


    As the weather gets a little cooler Paraic looked at taking cutting from non-frost hardy plants this week and focused on preparing soil for planting hedging at this time of year. There were general tidying up tips and a reminder about controlling moss over the winter period. Questions this week included training Wisteria, problems with Amaryllis flowering, choosing a suitable partner for fruiting cherry trees, pruning lilac, roses, beech and raspberry canes, planting trees in scrub land, taking Grisellinia cuttings, harvesting apples and multiplying daffodils.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 29/09/2018


    This week the programme looked at gardening for bees and focused on tender plants now that early frost arrived. Paraic recommended taking cuttings in order to propagate tender plants for next year and also gave some tips on planting hyacinth bulbs for Christmas colour. There was advice on caring for house plants at this time of year and a reminder to sow sweet pea and wildflower seed for future colour. Listeners questions included re-designing a herbaceous border, moving and splitting hostas and astilbes, sowing a lawn at a new build, the difference between climbing and rambling roses, treating liverworth and sowing wheatgrass.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 22/09/2018


    Autumn is now in full swing and this week Pauric looked at tidying up the garden, particularly in light of damage caused by Storm Ali. The programme discussed reseeding lawns and repairing damaged areas, bulb planting for spring and general maintenance of summer bulbs and shrubs. Pauric explained how to start an orchard with apples, pears, cherries and figs and what to do with large wind damaged trees. Listeners questions included planting different types of ivy and also how to remove overgrown ivy, what to do with lupins that have now grown from seed, transplanting mountain ash, overwintering galdioli, lifting begonias and cutting back lillies.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 08/09/2018


    The sowing and reaping principles of Autumn got this weeks programme off to a flying start - Pauric looked at how to take cuttings using compostable coffee cups and explained about harvesting seeds from a variety of plants. Garlic, onion sets, winter heathers and spring bulbs can all be planted now and the programme discussed the availability of honey following a bumber year for bees and beekeepers. Listeners questions included hedging for wet soils, tips for picking and ripening fruit, common laurel vs portugeuse laurel, white flowering bulbs for spring, propagating beech and pruning lilac.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 01/09/2018


    As Autumn beckons this weeks programme focused on timely tips for early September, from sowing lawns to wildflower planting and forward planning for Spring 2019. There were ornamental options for autmumn colour and a variety of vegetables suitable for planting now from seed including cabbage, carrots, swiss chard and kale. Questions included treatments for leatherjackets in lawns, pruning young gooseberry bushes, harvesting onions and beetroot, evergreen and flowering climbers for high walls, boxwood blight and pruning back apple trees.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 30/06/2018


    The hot weather has thrown up lots of challenges for gardeners and this week Paraic looked at the most effective ways to keep gardens hydrated with the main focus on watering pots, containers and hanging baskets rather than plants in the ground. Featured plants included the greek basil, Aristotle, and Apache chillies. As fruit trees come into crop there was advice on June drop and thinning in general. Listeners questions included spinach and rhubarb going to seed, evergreen flowering shrubs for the back of a flower bed, organic treatments for root flies, bee friendly plants and harvesting first potatoes and japanese onion sets.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 23/06/2018


    Watering in the hot weather was the key focus on this weeks programme and there was lots of advice on watering for different locations, plant varieties and soil types including borders, baskets and planters, and greenhouses and tunnels. Paraic stressed the importance of liquid feeding and dead heading plants to maintain continuous flowering. For summer colour; hydrangeas, roses and zinnias were top of the list this week while other topic covered included preparing new lawns, information on gerberas and leaf damage from the recent winds. Listeners questions featured flea beetle in turnips and dahlias, climbers for south facing locations, care of camelias, pollinating pear trees and planting and harvesting non-stop begonias.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 16/06/2018


    The arrival of Storm Hector during the week left many gardens damaged and this week Paraic advised on the best approach to bring flowering plants in particular back to full bloom. The Chelsea Chop technique was featured as a way of trimming back to maintain flowering and balance plants that are tall and top heavy. There was also advice on pruning and sealing damaged branches, sowing new lawns and treatment for Mare's Tail and Japanese Knotweed. Plants for graves were featured along with strawberries, sunflowers, sweet potatoes, echinacea and red penstomones. Questions this week included moving Rhodedendrons, sowing New Zealand Flax from seed, cutting back Montana Clematis and sowing Persian Roses for sloping banks.

  • Midwest Radio - Weekly Gardening Advice Show 09/06/2018


    This week the programme looked at the many options for instant summer colour with alstroemerias, penstemons and hydrangeas all coming into flower now. For vegetable growers Paraic highlighted sweet potatoes and tomatoes and advised on controlling pests which are very prevalent at the moment, especially boxwood blight, carrot root flyu, gooseberry saw fly and mildew. Wallflowers, primulas, winter flowering pansies and double daisies can all be sown now from seed while featured plants this week included Tree Lillies and Violas. Questions ranged from watering geraniums and blistering on blackcurrants to house plants for darker hallways and lifting tulip bulbs.

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