Afford Anything | Make Smart Choices About Your Money, Time And Productivity



You can afford anything, but not everything. We make daily decisions about how to spend money, time, energy, focus and attention and ultimately, our life. Every decision is a trade-off against another choice.But how deeply do we contemplate these choices? Are we settling for the default mode? Or are we ruthlessly optimizing around a deliberate life?Host Paula Pant interviews a diverse array of entrepreneurs, early retirees, millionaires, investors, artists, adventurers, scientists, psychologists, productivity experts, world travelers and regular people, exploring the tough work of living a truly excellent life.Want to learn more? Download our free book, Escape, at


  • Andrew Hallam (Part One): How I Became a Millionaire on a Teacher's Salary

    02/09/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    #212: It’s September!! If you’ve been listening to the show for the past few months, then you know that I’m on what I’ve dubbed my September Sabbatical, in which I’m taking a break from podcast production and traveling the globe. In light of that, we’re digging through the archives and airing some of my favorite interviews on the show, in between airing interviews I’ve done on other podcasts. First up is a two-part interview with Andrew Hallam, a teacher who became a millionaire in his 30s and reached FI in his 40s. How? Beyond investing small sums (we’re talking less than $100 per month) throughout college, he also saved half of his starting salary of $28,000. This episode is for anyone who thinks it’s impossible to reach FIRE on a low salary. I originally interviewed Andrew in January 2017, and we could not stop talking. Which is why our three-hour interview was divided into two parts. In this first part, Andrew shares his story - how he became a millionaire, and why he wanted to achieve FIRE in the f

  • What’s Your Why? Financial Independence, Debt Freedom and More

    26/08/2019 Duración: 01h01min

    #211: Hey there! I’m writing this from Croatia, where I’m beginning five weeks of travel that I’m calling my September Sabbatical. From now through September 23rd, I’ll be exploring the globe and enjoying a one-month break. Today, I’m kicking things off with a community-based episode. Here’s the backstory behind today’s show: There’s an event called CampFI, which is a 3-4 day gathering for people who are interested in financial independence. CampFI holds around half a dozen events per year in various locations; I spoke at one in Colorado Springs this past July. While I was there, two other podcasters and I decided to interview the participants to find out their “why of FI.” What motivates them to build financial independence? These interviews and stories from the community are today’s episode. Enjoy! For more information, visit the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • How to Be an Adult - with Mark Manson

    19/08/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    #210: We live in a fascinating era: huge sections of society are more prosperous, advanced and safe than at any other point in human history, yet depression and anxiety are at record highs. It’s a paradox of progress: the richer the nation, the more likely its citizens are to suffer from mental health issues and report feeling crushing isolation and unhappiness. What gives? At the individual level, pursuing financial independence and early retirement (FIRE) often fills people with enthusiasm, purpose and meaning. Yet once people reach FIRE, they often report feeling purposeless or rudderless. It’s a paradox of hope: nothing kills a dream like achieving it. And in the absence of anything else for which to hope, a person becomes, by definition, hopeless. Ouch. When we’ve taken care of the bottom of the Maslow Pyramid, how do we find hope and meaning? How can we create purpose in a vast world? This week, I invited one of my favorite writers, megabestselling author Mark Manson, to join me on the Afford Anyth

  • Ask Paula: Are Index Funds Unsafe?

    12/08/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    #209: Anonymous wants to retire early and often. They’re going overseas, where they’ll make their annual salary within six months. Where should they put their extra income? Anonymous also wants to know: how can they find a financial advisor they can actually trust? Another anonymous listener wants to know - is it possible to spend more while minimizing taxes in early retirement? JuanCarlos asks: is $20,000 too little to invest with a financial advisor? Angela is wondering how to create a Roth IRA account for a teenager. Rose is thinking about switching from mutual funds to index funds because it means encountering less fees, but her and her husband are in their 60s. Does this make sense? Ari has $700,000 to invest in a taxable brokerage account. He wants to know if a 90 percent total stock market index and 10 percent bonds is a good asset allocation. Dave and his wife want to use their defined benefit plans as their primary income stream in retirement, and supplement with Roth and 457 incomes. Where el

  • How to Talk to Your Parents About Retirement and Beyond -- with Cameron Huddleston

    09/08/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    #208: Well, this could get awkward. Your parents and grandparents are aging. (Duh.) You want to have a few important financial conversations with them. It’s time to get the answers to questions like: “So … are you ready for retirement?” “You’ve been retired for 10 years … how’s that going? How are your finances looking?” “Do you have a will or legal trust? What’s your estate plan situation?” “Do you have an advance health care directive?” “To whom have you given your power of attorney?” “What types of accounts do you have, and how can I -- or someone whom you designate --  access the passwords if and when the appropriate time comes?” These financial conversations are important, but awkward. Most people would rather discuss the news, the weather, or the Kardashians.  How do you introduce these conversations to your family? What specific topics should you cover? What documents and other information should you gather? How do you manage these conversations when siblings, half-siblings and step-siblings a

  • Ask Paula: Should I Take a $30k Paycut for Better Work-Life Balance, or Stick it Out?

    05/08/2019 Duración: 01h10min

    #207: Matt and his fiance earn $7,500 per month combined. They save more than half of their income. He’d like to take a different job that will decrease his income by $2,000 per month, but improve his quality of life. Should he? Suja wants to take out a loan for business growth. What red flags should she watch for? Anonymous and her husband are thinking about buying half-million-dollar home, purchasing a second car, and having a baby. They’ve saved an emergency fund and a 20 percent downpayment. Are they ready? Trayci wants to quit her 9-to-5 and start working as a 1099 self-employed lifestyle. How should she manage this transition? Daria is curious about the economics of a podcast. What do the income and expenses look like? Jared wants to retire early and then sell off his rental properties, but he’s worried about the depreciation recapture tax rate. How should he plan? Ali wants to set up a long-term giving plan, but most of the advice out there is geared towards wealthy donors. How should middle-clas

  • When Career Zigzagging is Smarter - with David Epstein

    29/07/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    #206: We live in a society that values career specialization. You’re not a “doctor” -- you’re a pediatrician, an anesthesiologist, an oncologist. You’re not a “lawyer” -- you practice family law, or bankruptcy, or criminal law. You’re not an “engineer” -- you’re an electrical engineer who specializes in solar technologies, or a civil engineer who specializes in the application of artificial intelligence in highway traffic design. Specialization is beneficial and necessary, but specializing too early in life or too narrowly can also have drawbacks. According to today’s podcast guest, New York Times bestselling author David Epstein, overspecialization can stifle innovation if we’re all digging in parallel trenches. Sampling a broad range of subjects prior to specializing (e.g. at the undergraduate level, or as a hobby) allows people to make connections between far-flung domains and ideas. If you’re an athlete, spend your childhood playing a variety of sports before you commit to the one you’d like to devel

  • Ask Paula: Am I On-Track for Retirement?

    22/07/2019 Duración: 01h14min

    #205: Is it ever a good idea to use your 401(k) as an emergency fund? What's the best way to break up with your financial advisor so that you can move all of your funds to Vanguard? Should you put all of your Roth IRA money into index funds, or is there a better option for your money? A listener has a job offer working less hours for more money, but without a retirement plan. Is this a good move? When running a small business as a sole proprietor, are there tax advantages to incorporating or forming an LLC? If so, what should you consider? What's the best way to maximize the earnings on a large amount of savings while keeping the savings liquid? Can a robo-advisor help with this? Myself and former financial planner Joe Saul-Sehy tackle these six questions in today's episode. Enjoy! For more information, visit the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Upgrade Your Thinking, with Super Thinking authors Gabriel Weinberg and Lauren McCann

    15/07/2019 Duración: 01h07min

    #204: You make decisions on a daily basis about your career, family, friendships, health and investments; these choices shape your life. But how much have you thought about how to think? There are common threads and collective wisdom across disciplines. These common threads create mental models, which are frameworks for understanding the world. Mental models allow us to apply insights from a variety of unrelated fields, using reasoning by analogy to make better choices about our lives. For example: Critical mass is a concept from physics that can be applied to our understanding of microeconomics or entrepreneurship. The availability heuristic and filter bubble are concepts that we can use to check in with ourselves whenever we’re assessing risk in our businesses, careers or personal safety. Loss aversion and information aversion are notions that, when articulated, allow us to understand why we hesitate to learn more about investing during recessions. Mental models can make us better thinkers. Warren Bu

  • Ask Paula: Early Retirement and The Four Percent Rule

    08/07/2019 Duración: 01h11min

    #203: Many people in their 50’s or 60’s warn us about catastrophic or ‘black swan’ events. But what’s the likelihood that this will actually happen? How can you use the 4 percent withdrawal rule for early retirement planning, given that your portfolio will be split among accounts with different tax treatments? How do you adjust your retirement plan for future taxes? Should a couple in their 30’s switch from term life to whole life insurance? Should a couple in their 50’s with adult children bother buying life insurance in the first place? Is it okay to keep all your assets at one investment brokerage, like Vanguard or Fidelity? And can you deduct rental losses if your income is over $150,000? Former financial planner Joe Saul-Sehy and I answer these questions in today’s episode. For more information, visit the show notes at Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Slow Travel is Cheap Travel - with Nomadic Matt

    05/07/2019 Duración: 01h03min

    #202: In 2006, Matt Kepnes worked at a hospital in Boston, and he felt miserable. He dreaded fighting traffic, spending his days under his offices’ fluorescent lighting, drinking stale coffee. He decided to take one year off -- a “gap year” -- thinking that after his sabbatical, he’d resume another 40 years of punching the clock. He worked 60-hour weeks in order to save money for his sabbatical year. He saved $30,000, then handed his boss a resignation letter. Matt traveled for 18 months, returned to Boston, and realized he had lost his willingness to punch the clock. He couldn’t sit still in an office any longer. He re-packed his bags, bought a one-way flight to who-knows-where, and reinvented himself as a travel writer known as Nomadic Matt. He lives on a budget of $18,250 per year, or $50 per day. In the last decade, his travel information website,, has become one of the most popular travel blogs in the world, drawing millions of visitors. His writing has been featured in The New York

  • Ask Paula: Which House Should I Pay Off First?

    01/07/2019 Duración: 01h09min

    #201: Ross and his wife are both in the Navy. They bought a home while they were stationed in Hawaii. Then the Navy sent them to Virginia, where they currently live; they’ve purchased a home there, too. They kept the Hawaii home as a rental property, and they’d like to move back into it when they retire. Which home should they repay first? Mike is 33, debt-free except for his mortgage, and earns more than $200,000 per year. He saves half of his income. What should he do with his savings? Pay off his mortgage? Invest? Josh has a nervous habit of checking his investment account balances daily. How can he break this habit? Amanda and her husband live in a duplex. They have $115,000 in equity in their home, and another $115,000 remaining on the mortgage. They’d like to move. Should they hold the duplex as a rental? Or should they sell and use the proceeds to buy a cheaper home, with a goal of being mortgage-free? Christy wants to know how to compete with other aggressive real estate investors who are bidding

  • What I’ve Learned from Interviewing 500 Millionaires -- with Jaime Masters of Eventual Millionaire

    24/06/2019 Duración: 01h02min

    #200: Nine years ago, I had no idea that personal finance blogs existed. Then, as I was flipping through an issue of Kiplinger magazine, I came across an article about a woman who paid off $70,000 in debt in 16 months. Her name was Jaime, she lived in Maine, and she earned 3x her husband’s income. He made $30,000 per year; she made $100,000. They wanted to have a baby, and she wanted to stay at home for the first year, but their debt load made this impossible. She aggressively went into debt-crushing-mode, working 70 hour weeks while 7 months pregnant in order to tackle their debt. She started a blog (and later a podcast), Eventual Millionaire, to track her journey and interview millionaires. This article made me aware of the existence of personal finance blogs. I immediately thought, “I want one.” The following year, I started my own site, Afford Anything. Like Eventual Millionaire, it later became a podcast, as well. Today, we’re celebrating Episode 200 of the Afford Anything podcast. And so it feels

  • Ask Paula: The Three-Year Reunion with J. Money

    17/06/2019 Duración: 01h13min

    #199: Ashley is paying affordable rent for a home she enjoys, but she feels certain that the real estate market in her local market will stay strong. She’s thinking about buying a home with 3 to 5 percent down, but she doesn’t have much in savings. Should she wait for a year to save more? Or should she take advantage of a rising market and relatively low interest rates? Ian and his girlfriend live together in Washington D.C. and have a combined 40 percent savings rate. He’d like to buy a rental property, but his girlfriend has $18,000 in student loans and is about to re-enroll in school. Should they buy an investment home, or use their cash to repay her loans and cash flow her new academic program? Annette is about to travel to Spain with her family. How can she plan an affordable and high-value international trip? William is concerned about losing his job. What if he can’t pay his bills, especially his new mortgage? How can he protect himself? Anonymous is a renter, and she often encounters surprise fee

  • The Japanese Art of Being a Zen Millionaire, with Ken Honda

    10/06/2019 Duración: 59min

    #198: Money flows. When you receive money, you’re in the path of this flow. Money flows from someone else to you, and eventually, it’ll flow from you to someone else, either in the form of a purchase or an investment. A healthy relationship with money is to feel gratitude when money flows towards you, and to release your money without attachment or resentment when it flows away from you. Today's guest, Ken Honda, is known as the “Zen Millionaire” of Japan. He’s sold more than seven million books in Japan about the intersection between wealth and happiness. In today’s podcast episode, we discuss four core principles for developing a healthy emotional relationship with money. For more information, visit the show notes at  Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

  • Ask Paula: Traditional IRA vs. Roth IRA -- What Should I Choose?

    07/06/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    #197: Should Bret invest in a Traditional IRA or a Roth IRA? If Amanda gets married, how will her child support be affected? What about her student loan forgiveness? Joe is investing in bonds, which average a rate of return that’s equal to the interest rate on his mortgage. Should he switch to all-equities and redirect his bond investments into mortgage payoff, instead? Taunia has a car loan, a 401k loan, a home improvement loan, a primary mortgage, and a second mortgage. She also has an emergency fund that only covers two months of expenses, and she’s trying to save for college for her two children. What should she prioritize? Mickey has a six-month emergency fund. Should he leave it in a savings account or invest in bond ladders? David made $10,000 from a side hustle last year. Can he open a Solo 401k or SEP-IRA for his side hustle business? If so, which one should he choose? Should Andy invest in a Target Retirement Date fund, or should he split his money between a U.S. index fund and an internationa

  • Starting Over at 40 with Six Kids, with Wendy Mays

    03/06/2019 Duración: 01h06min

    #196: When Wendy Mays was in her early 20’s, she earned $12 an hour working as the office manager of a pest control company. She wanted higher income, so she enrolled in college at age 22. By the time she finished her undergraduate degree, she was 26, married, with a child. Her husband worked low-paying jobs to make ends meet. They struggled to pay the bills. Wendy decided to enroll in law school, so that she could bring in more money. She graduated around age 30, and became the primary breadwinner for the household. She opened her own law practice. The couple starting bringing in a combined household income of around $200,000 annually. They bought a large house, with a swimming pool. Sounds like the American Dream, right? Except it was all financed. By age 38, Wendy and her husband accrued nearly $800,000 in debt. Around $480,000 came in the form of mortgage debt. Another $20,000 comprised of vehicle loans. The other $300,000 came in the form of student loans. They lived paycheck-to-paycheck. They deci

  • Ask Paula: I Make $168,000 Per Year and Spend $5,000 Per Year. What’s Next?

    27/05/2019 Duración: 01h19min

    #195: Alex makes $168,000 per year, combined between her full-time job and her side hustle. Her company pays for breakfast, lunch and dinner during the work week, plus a cell phone subsidy, health, dental and vision insurance, a gym membership, and commuting costs. She also househacks, so her living expenses are only $400 per month. What should she do with her ample savings? Christine is 38 and earns $70,000 per year running her own business. She holds $70,000 in investment accounts, has another $16,000 in savings, bought a condo with 20 percent down, and has no debt. What can she do to fast-track her path to financial independence? Amy is unsure whether she should pay off her mortgage, downsize to a smaller home, or invest. Katherine is 23 and househacking into a duplex. How much should she set aside for cash reserves? Miriam started a podcast and wants to know how to morph a passion into a lucrative income stream. Nick wonders if the FIRE movement should plan an annual gathering … you know, like a FIRE

  • The 7 Faces of Fear -- with Ruth Soukup

    20/05/2019 Duración: 01h18min

    #194: Fear shows up in our lives in countless ways. Sometimes, fear takes the form of procrastination. We're afraid of botching something, or we don't like the feeling of anxiety that a project gives us, so we avoid it, dodge it, and indefinitely put it off. Other times, fear takes the form of perfectionism through endless iterating and tweaking. We want to keep tinkering with a project, to get it "just right." We applaud ourselves for our attention to detail. Fear takes the form of making excuses and rationalizations for why we can't pursue a goal or dream. We tell ourselves that some outside factor is to blame. Fear takes the form of throwing ourselves pity parties and locking ourselves into a negative self-talk spiral. We get easily discouraged. Fear takes the form of thinking others can't be trusted, and pushing people away. Fear has many faces. Today's podcast guest, Ruth Soukup, surveyed 4,000 people to find out how fear manifests in their lives. She joins us on this episode to discuss the seven

  • Ask Paula: I Spent Ten Years in School, and Now I’m Behind on Retirement Savings

    13/05/2019 Duración: 01h05min

    #193: Lori is behind on retirement savings, as a result of being a full-time student for more than a decade. She makes good money and lives frugally, but she’s aware that she’s behind for her age. What should she do? Sierra wonders whether she should apply her savings towards paying off her mortgage or building investments. Jenessa plans to retire at age 35, and she’s wondering if the 4 percent withdrawal rule applies for such a long time horizon. Her friend swears that it’s designed to cover a 30-year retirement, not a 60+ year retirement. Is that correct? Jacqui is 24 and recently married. She’d like to open a 529 College Savings Plan for her future children, which she doesn’t plan on having for another 8 to 10 years. Should she do this? David is on-track to reach financial independence at age 50. He would like to start adding bonds to his taxable brokerage accounts. How should he manage this? Mikayla lives in Atlanta. Her employer gives her a stipend to use public transportation. This money can only b

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