Something More With Chris Boyd Show Podcasts



Cape Cod's Financial Talk Show airing Saturdays at 3pm on WXTK 95.1 FM.


  • Fear, Conspiracy & Navigating Alternative Investments

    14/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    Chris and Jeff Perry shed light on a pressing topic: the influence of fear and conspiracy theories in the realm of alternative investments. Navigating the choppy waters of alternative investments can be daunting, especially when bombarded with misleading information and sensational claims. Chris and Jeff aim to equip listeners with the tools and knowledge to discern genuine opportunities from mere sales pitches fueled by panic and misinformation.  So, whether you're an experienced investor or just starting your financial journey, this episode offers invaluable insights into staying level-headed, vigilant, and well-informed. Remember, in the volatile world of finance, clarity and caution often go hand in hand. Join Chris and Jeff, and let's debunk, demystify, and navigate the intricate maze of alternative investments together. Stay smart, stay calm, and most importantly, stay informed. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. S

  • Treasury Bonds & Housing; Where are we?

    13/09/2023 Duración: 22min

    Chris and co-host Jeff Perry are accompanied by CFA Brian Regan as they delve deep into what is happening with treasury bonds. Brian is talking about fixed rate mortgages and more housing conversations happening around the world.  What does the typical person with their 401k do when they're selecting a fund?  Buying high yield? Join us on this enlightening journey because, in the financial world, knowledge isn't just power – it's profit. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd:  

  • Navigating Market Volatility

    12/09/2023 Duración: 23min

    Welcome back to "Something More with Chris Boyd," where finance meets real-world understanding. In this riveting episode, Chris and co-host Jeff Perry are joined by renowned CFO Brian Regan to dissect the pulse of the stock market. As recent fluctuations stir unease among investors, Brian offers expert insight into the causes, implications, and strategies to weather this volatility storm. Whether you're an investment pro, a stock market novice, or simply curious about the economic climate, this discussion will illuminate the intricacies of market volatility and how to stay afloat. Take advantage of this chance to catch up on the market's latest shifts and prepare for what lies ahead. Tune in, stay informed, and fortify your financial future with Chris, Jeff, and Brian. Because in the world of finance, understanding is your greatest asset. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd: https://amrfinan

  • Trusts and Divorce with Keats

    11/09/2023 Duración: 27min

      In this episode of "Something More with Chris Boyd," we dive into the intricate world of financial planning and law. With special guest F. Keats Boyd III, we dissect a recent appellate court decision that has stirred the pot in the financial community. When divorce meets trust situations, how does the law interpret it? More importantly, this episode prompts us to reflect on a deeply personal question: How is your trust built? Tune in as we explore the complexities of trust structures, the nuances of divorce implications, and the importance of financial foresight. Whether you're a financial enthusiast, someone navigating the world of trusts and estates, or just curious about how the law intertwines with personal finances, this episode promises to enlighten and engage. Don't miss this deep dive into the ever-evolving landscape of financial planning and the legal decisions that shape it. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901.

  • Are You in the 10%? Breaking Down Income Brackets and Where We Stand

    07/09/2023 Duración: 28min

    Dive into the intriguing world of high earners on this episode of "Something More with Chris Boyd." Chris and cohost Jeff Perry pull back the curtain on the top 10% of income earners, offering insights into how these figures have evolved over time and what they signify in today's economy. Are you close to joining these ranks, or perhaps you're curious about how far that milestone may seem? From examining the criteria that set these individuals apart to pondering how the average American measures up against these numbers, this episode offers a comprehensive look at the financial landscapes of success. Join the conversation and discover where you might fit in this monetary mosaic. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd:

  • Cape & Veteran's Outreach Center

    06/09/2023 Duración: 29min

    On this episode of "Something More with Chris Boyd," Bill Blaisdell & Jim Seymour sit down with Chris and Jeff and talk about 40 years of helping veterans that started with a couple of guys and truck assisting soldiers returning from Vietnam. Cape and Islands Veterans Outreach Center has helped tens of thousands of veterans over the years and are continuing to do so as food insecurity and housing issues grow. The 40th Anniversary Gala is coming up so if you can support them on this mission we ask that you do. Cape & Islands Veterans Outreach Center    If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd:    

  • Stretching Wealth in the Age of Longevity: Planning for a Century and Beyond

    05/09/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this thought-provoking episode of "Something More with Chris Boyd," Chris and cohost Jeff Perry explore the implications of increased longevity on retirement planning. As lifespans extend and the idea of living past 100 becomes less of an anomaly, how can we ensure our wealth endures as long as we do? Delving into the delicate topic of mortality, they discuss strategies to make certain your finances keep pace with your prolonged golden years. Drawing inspiration from "Blue Zones," the new Netflix show that highlights regions where centenarians are common, they delve into the lessons we can learn from these longevity hotspots. With recent speculations suggesting that the first humans to live to be 150 have just been born, the need for extended financial foresight has never been clearer. Join us for a conversation that marries finance with the fascinating prospects of our ever-extending lifelines.   If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (

  • Market Update-Jobs?Inflation?

    04/09/2023 Duración: 33min

    In this episode of "Something More with Chris Boyd", join Chris and cohost Jeff Perry as they delve into the latest market update.  Why can slow economic news spell good news for the market? They touch upon the latest on jobs, inflation, and the uptick in CD rates. Jeff brings his favorite term to the table, describing parts of the market as "frothy" and possibly overextended. As September traditionally poses its own set of challenges for the market, the duo speculate on what might be around the corner for investors. Tune in for a comprehensive look at the financial world and strategies to navigate its ever-changing tides. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd:

  • Investing on Artificial Intelligence

    31/08/2023 Duración: 21min

    AMR will be hosting an education webinar on September 20th to help people prepare for retirement. The webinar “Are You Ready for the Retirement Red Zone?” will be held from 10am to 11:30am. You can register for the webinar at The program will be recorded and posted on and the AMR You Tube channel. Even if you are already in retirement the subjects we will be talking about will be helpful in case you missed something when planning for retirement or need to make an adjustment to your the plan. Having a financial plan helps take the guess work out of whether you be ready for retirement when expected or if you should adjust your plan. A plan will also help identify that you and your partner have a common vision going into retirement. When preparing a financial plan do some stress testing to ensure that you plan can hold up in the event that a worst-case scenario occurs. Some people save so long for retirement that they don’t give themselves permission to spend money that they ha

  • Are You Ready for the Retirement Red Zone?

    29/08/2023 Duración: 22min

    Are you aware of what you need to do to become prepared for retirement? Chris and Jeff talk about the upcoming education webinar “Are You Ready for the Retirement Red Zone?”.   The Retirement Red Zone is defined as the 5 years before and the 5 years after retirement. This is an important time to prepare financially and otherwise for retirement so there are no critical errors. During the webinar,  professionals from Asset Management Resources will cover topics such as: Ø  Your retirement lifestyle Ø  Cashflow – where to take money from and when to maximize return and tax savings Ø  Healthcare – options and costs Ø  Leaving a lasting legacy – estate planning, philanthropic intentions The Retirement Red Zone webinar will be held on September 20th from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. If you are interested in attending, please register at Take the guess work out of whether you will be ready for retirement when expected or if you should adjust your plan by having a financial plan in place.

  • Will AI save us or hurt us? Maybe a bit of both?

    24/08/2023 Duración: 26min

    Dave Sampson, VP of Cyber Risk and Strategy at Thrive joins to talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cyber security risk. AI is a machine learning mechanism that feeds data into software through algorithms that analyze data and determines how to dynamically provide with feedback, or even actions, based on what it known or what you are telling them. It is a rapidly evolving technology – there are huge benefits, but also negatives that can happen if we are not watchful. The ability for AI to impersonate a person is real – scams will become more sophisticated so those vulnerable will be at greater risk. Dave suggests calling the website phone number of a business who claims to have sent a communication to you to verify that it did come from them. Personal devices, such as cell phones and pads, need protection if company data is used on them.  In the future, there is a possibility of malicious code being embedded into cell phone software. Cyber mesh architecture is currently being worked on. It brings all i

  • What did you think of the Republican presidential primary debate?

    24/08/2023 Duración: 25min

    Is there a viable presidential candidate in the crowd? Chris and Jeff discuss the August 23rd Republican primary debate. 8 members, who met certain thresholds, joined the debate of 12 candidates. They analyzed the performance of the candidates from their perspective. Currently, former President Trump is widely leading his GOP rivals in the polls. The next debate will be held on November 5th at the Regan Library. If you need help with financial planning issues don’t hesitate to reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. Something More with Chris Boyd: Asset Management Resources: https://www

  • Cape Cod Special - Heroes in Transition Gala "Legacy of Love"

    24/08/2023 Duración: 15min

    Sarah Daly and Kristen Boyd, along with Maria Raber, are chairs of this year’s 2023 Heroes In Transition gala. The 14th gala’s theme is Legacy of Love and will be held on Friday, September 22nd at the Coonamessett Inn in Falmouth. Heroes in Transition started in 2009, when Ken and Cyndy Jones lost their only son Captain Eric Jones in an Afghanistan helicopter crash. Since then, they continue to keep Eric’s legacy of service alive to active military members and veterans and their families through various programs that help develop a sense of community and resiliency for this population. The programs that they offer fill the gap between what government and other agency programs don’t provide. They offer a veterans’ equine warrior program, families in transition, couple retreats, etc. Tickets for the gala are available on their website. This year’s keynote speaker is Tim Whalen. John Terrio is the auctioneer. The live auction offers a Provincetown weekend, a weekend at the White Elephant on Nantucket, lobster bo

  • What's My Magic Retirement Number?

    23/08/2023 Duración: 34min

    How much do you need to retire? This number is personal based on your desired lifestyle and goals (e.g., do you want to retire early, do you want to travel, etc.). It can also be a moving target because factors like inflation, interest rates, health issues, etc. may change. Brian encourages investors to know what they are investing in and to use the services of a financial professional to help with your portfolio. Some investments like ETFs, Index Funds, Money Market Funds, are easier to understand and you may not need all of the tools in the toolbox to do well. He suggests that investors: -        Get an emotional self-check -        Build a portfolio that you can stick with for the long-term -        Build an investment that you can understand and hold during difficult times He also says that consistent, persistent and investments that are predictable/growing at nice price will help investors to outperform market.

  • I'm Getting Divorced - Now What?

    22/08/2023 Duración: 28min

    Are you about to get a divorce or currently going through one? Here are some things to consider from Scott Birmingham, CFP® and Jeff Tomaneng, CFP®,  who both hold their CDFA® (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst) certification and help individuals going through a divorce with their financial plan. Ø  Use an attorney who specializes in divorce or family law. Ø  Have money in the bank for typical life emergencies and to cover moving/housing expenses. Ø  Look at what expenses will look like down the road – what happens when alimony or child support ends? Ø  Set up a journal or cash transactions Ø  Freeze joint credit cards Ø  Consider if all asset divisions are equitable – some may have additional expenses associated with them If you need help with your financial plan call Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901. We offer a complimentary consultation. Recorded on August 17, 2023.

  • Are You Thinking About Retiring Early?

    17/08/2023 Duración: 18min

    Scott Birmingham, CFP®, AMR’s Lead Financial Planner shares some of the things to consider if you are planning to retire early:       - You may not be eligible for Social Security, penalty-free IRA distributions, or Medicare.        - Typically, people have the bulk of their investments in retirement plans and therefore cashflow can be challenging when retiring early.      - If you retire early risk (are working fewer years) will you have enough money to cover your expenses?      - Another consideration is healthcare insurance. Pre-Medicare health insurance can be expensive.  Through the Internal Revenue Service 72T program (Substantial Periodic Payments) you can withdrawal from retirement accounts and avoid the 10% penalty. There are several restrictions, however, with this approach. If you need help with your retirement plan, reach out to Asset Management Resources at (866) 771-8901  if we can help. We offer a complimentary consultation. Recorded August 17, 2023.

  • What Does Your Property & Casualty and Life Insurance Cover?

    16/08/2023 Duración: 16min

    Life insurance is especially important to have during your primary working years if someone (children, spouse, other) is dependent upon your income. If not one depends on your income, you may not need life insurance. It is important to know what kind of insurance you have and what it covers. In the event of severe weather, you may need additional insurance to cover extreme heat, floods, wind, fire, etc. In the case of life insurance, do you have whole life, universal, or a variation of universal life insurance? Are you familiar with the terms of your insurance policy? Some life insurance policies become void if premiums have not been kept up or there is an outstanding cash balance on the policy.  Chris and Jeff recommend that you put life insurance into context of your financial plan. If you need help with your financial plan, contact us at (866) 771-8901. To learn more about Asset Management Resources, visit Recorded August 10, 2023.

  • If You're Thinking About A Divorce...

    15/08/2023 Duración: 23min

    Scott and Jeff, Investment Advisor Representatives at Asset Management Resources, LLC, are both CDFAs (Certified Divorce Financial Analyst). In this episode, they share things to consider if you think you might be heading for divorce. First, is to get organized. Make sure you have knowledge of all of your joint and single financial assets. Make copies of three months of bank statements, investment statements, and tax returns. If there are financial records that don’t add up (e.g., high income spouse now not able to work, etc.), consider hiring a forensic accountant to do some research. Alimony and child support are not taxable or tax deductible, so consider that when developing a plan. The biggest financial items affecting one’s quality-of-life following divorce are court-ordered QDRO’s (Qualified Domestic Relations Order), which indicate how 401(k)s and pensions will be divided. Housing is also a big financial consideration when divorcing. If you are thinking about a divorce, Scott and Jeff encourage you to

  • Using Debt Intelligently - Is There Such a Thing?

    14/08/2023 Duración: 30min

    Should you be concerned about last week’s CPI numbers, which implied an uptick for inflation? Brian explains that it was expected and that the market yields responded favorably after the reading. 90% of the increase was caused from a shelter number. It is expected that the shelter is going to come down in the next few months as the lag data comes in. Brian, Chris, and Jeff, also discuss if it Is wise to leverage your debt? This is the subject of Brian Regan’s article “Using Debt Intelligently”, which was recently published on The Street|Retirement Daily. Brian’s argument is that in some cases the math makes sense to leverage the debt. If you can borrow at a low interest rate and invest at a higher rate, you earn the spread. This is the case when someone takes a mortgage out on their house and invests their money at a higher rate, rather than paying the mortgage off. One big caveat in leveraging debt is to make sure that you have the discipline to keep accessible cashflow to pay the debt down/off. Also, even i

  • College - Investing in the Future for College & What if your Financial Plan Doesn't Work?

    14/08/2023 Duración: 19min

    Saving for college is investing in the future. You will have to pay for a future liability (e.g., college) – whether that be saving for it today or paying off a loan tomorrow. Families have different values when it comes to paying for a college education. In some families the parents pay and in others the parents believe that the children should work and pay for it. Parents who try to do good and borrow to pay for children’s college expenses need to ensure that they have cashflow to handle that debt or their financial plan may not work.  What do you do if your financial plan doesn’t work? If you are in or near retirement, there are small things that you can do that may make a difference. These things include cutting spending, going back to work, starting retirement later, helping others less, etc., or a combination of things. Just get started towards making positive progress right away. Every person/family should have: 1) A cash flow statement or budget to make sure your money is going where you want it to go

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