Wise Traditions

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 287:30:46
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Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 161: Biohacking our health

    19/11/2018 Duración: 36min

    You wouldn’t settle for the second-best partner in your life or for a job that you dislike, so why would you settle when it comes to your health? Thaddeus Owen, a personal trainer with a Masters in Holistic Nutrition and a B.S. in Chemical Engineering, explains today how to reach optimal vitality by making the most of our surroundings. Thaddeus is a biohacker, an individual who incorporates ancestral practices with modern science to boost the body's health and natural functions. Today, he gives us the tools to overcome our indoor, sedentary, and oftentimes toxic lifestyle with a new focus on diet, light and temperature. In short, he describes how reacquainting ourselves with nature, by spending time outside, can reset our circadian rhythm, boost our mood, and help heal our mitochondria. He offers us tools that are simple, inexpensive and practical as we "biohack" our health to new levels. For more on Thaddeus, visit his website: primalhacker.com. For information on the Fire and Ice Retreat, go to thepointretr

  • 160: Centenarian dietary secrets

    12/11/2018 Duración: 33min

    What should we eat to live a long, healthy life? Gina Baker, a writer, farmer, and researcher, who has lived in Costa Rica for over 20 years, went to the Nicoya Peninsula to learn about the traditional diets of centenarians. Her visits and conversations with the centenarians revealed that their traditional diet featured fried pork, pork brains, and lots and lots of lard. Does this surprise you? It definitely runs contrary to what was written up about the Nicoya people in “The Blue Zones.” In that book, their diet was characterized as primarily vegetarian. On today's podcast, Gina does some serious myth-busting about what has kept the centenarians so well, for so long. She also shares secrets that she learned along the way about the key to the longevity, vitality, and strength of the centenarians of the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. Visit our website for resources: westonaprice.org. To contact Gina and inquire about her retreat, email her at gmuschler@gmail.com. Our listener survey is here. Check out our spo

  • 159: Walking on the wild side

    05/11/2018 Duración: 29min

    Did you know that we’re more bacterial DNA than human DNA, and that we’re only as happy and healthy as those beneficial little bugs that live inside of us? Today, we take a walk on the wild side as we explore the beauty and benefits of wild fermentation--along with the bacteria and enzymes that come along with it. Monica Ford, ancestral cuisine educator and the founder of Real Food Devotee, explains in a lively way why fermented foods are fabulous and absolutely essential for good health and a strong microbiome. Monica talks with us not only about how food fermentation started, but what it means for our health and how/why we should reincorporate it into our diet. She shares her story, including her scrappy attempts at making her first jar of sauerkraut, and how everything evolved from that. Find out just how wild and powerful fermentation can be through this conversation. Who knows, maybe you’ll even get inspired to make your own batch of pickles or kombucha at home?! For more on Monica, visit her website: Re

  • 158: Tech side effects

    29/10/2018 Duración: 31min

    Technology makes our lives easier, there’s no doubt about it. We share information, connect worldwide, and communicate in ways unimaginable just 5-10 years ago. However, our devices have unintentional side effects that interrupt our bodies’ natural functions and rhythms. The earth has always yielded natural radiation and electromagnetic frequencies, but research shows that the influx of electronic gadgets – think smart TVs, cell phones, and even baby monitors and lights – are placing an ever-growing burden on our bodies. As a result, these stressors are known to cause a host of symptoms, from headaches and night sweats to grogginess and even cancer and other autoimmune disorders. On today’s episode, Geobiologist and Nutritional Therapy Practitioner Brian Hoyer explains what’s happening and what we can do about it. For more on Brian and his company, visit his website shieldedhealing.com. To learn more about our Wise Traditions conference and to register, click here.  Take our listener survey here. And check ou

  • 157: Crowd-sourced wisdom

    22/10/2018 Duración: 32min

    Where do you turn when it comes to dietary advice? For too long, most of us have listened to "the anointed"--that is, experts who have promoted erroneous information to the expense of our health. Increasingly, people are turning their backs on what the supposed experts say and are instead turning to the wisdom of the crowds for their nutrition advice. Tom Naughton, filmmaker of the 2009 hit documentary, "Fat Head," explains why this "crowd-sourced" wisdom is a good thing. He himself once promoted federally-governed food guidelines, but he came to realize that these guidelines were greatly misaligned with the diets and ways of ancient populations. On today's podcast, he explains how ancient foods are not causing the diseases of modern civilization, what we can do to take our health into our own hands, and what he's working on to help children make healthy decisions early on for a lifetime of good health. And to anyone who thinks it’s too late to start nourishing themselves with the nutritious whole foods of ou

  • 156: Diversify your diet

    15/10/2018 Duración: 37min

    We understand the beauty and benefit of diversity. We switch up our exercise routines. We diversify our investment portfolio. But did you know that it’s a good idea to diversify our diets, as well? Today, Chris Masterjohn makes a strong case for why it’s critical to do so for optimal health. Chris is a health expert and educator, with a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut. He explains in detail his rules of thumb for healthy eating. He give us practical ideas on how to translate the research of Dr. Weston A. Price from head knowledge to the dinner plate. Along the way, he tells stories about traditional people groups' dietary patterns; he warns us about the dangers of dietary extremes; and he gives us a window into the way he himself eats for optimal health. For more on Chris, visit his website: chrismasterjohnphd.com. Check out his "cheat sheet" for analyzing your own nutritional status: chrismasterjohnphd.com/wisetraditions. For information on our Wise Traditions conference, go t

  • 155: The "Isaac Newton of Nutrition"

    08/10/2018 Duración: 36min

    Dr. Weston A. Price, a Cleveland dentist and researcher from the late 1800s, has been called the “Isaac Newton of Nutrition.” His research is just that pivotal to our understanding of the role diet plays in our health. Today, we take a deep dive into the research that Dr. Price conducted and how we can benefit from it. What foods did traditional peoples enjoy that helped them cultivate good health? What did they avoid? And what can we learn from their choices? On this podcast, Chris Masterjohn, a nutrition expert who has a PhD in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Connecticut, explains the foundational work of Dr. Price. In the 1930s, Dr. Price traveled the world in order to study isolated people groups, visiting sequestered villages in Switzerland, Polynesian South Sea Islanders, African tribal groups, Australian Aborigines, and more. He was interested in finding out how these groups resisted the tooth decay and deformations that he was seeing in his clinic in the United States. The world over, Dr.

  • 154: Local spotlight: one hundred meals in Pasadena

    01/10/2018 Duración: 33min

    Can you imagine hosting a potluck every month for eight years, without missing a single one? We can't, either! This is no small feat! But this is exactly what Karen Voelkening-Behegan has done! Karen is a woman on a mission to change her community one meal at a time. There are countless Weston A. Price Foundation chapters across the U.S. and around the globe. And, today, we shine a spotlight on Karen and the Pasadena chapter that she founded in 2008. Karen is a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Restorative Wellness Practitioner, and the mother of two. Today, she reveals her secrets for building community and reaching the jaw-dropping milestone of 100 consecutive chapter gatherings in a row! She shares her ups and downs along the way, what kept her going, and the joys of building a wonderful, sustainable community of like-minded people. Karen highlights the surprising benefits of local chapter meetings, that go beyond simply gathering around delicious, nutrient-dense meals. The gatherings encourage a spirit of

  • 153: Primal play: the joy of movement

    24/09/2018 Duración: 40min

    Chained to a desk all day with little or no time to exercise? Is your enthusiasm for exercising waning? London-based movement coach, play advocate and personal trainer Darryl Edwards knows just what you need to get moving – and to stick with it. He knows because he’s done it himself. Once very sick, with chronic conditions affecting his entire body inside and out, Darryl has now been medicine-free for the past 15 years by making physical and dietary changes. In today’s podcast, he reveals how partaking in physical movement you truly enjoy can not only help you create a sustainable healthy habit, but can also reverse disease and benefit your hormones, mood and even your gut’s microbiome! He also shares that while enjoyable, to create real change in your body, movement must be intentional, challenging and yes – even a little inconvenient. For more on Darryl, visit his website: primalplay.com. Visit our website, westonaprice.org, to learn more about good health. Check out our sponsors: Green Chef and Ancestral

  • 152: Optimize your gut health

    17/09/2018 Duración: 40min

    There’s much buzz about gut health these days. If you’ve been diagnosed with IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) or other digestive ailments, you understand why. However many of us have health concerns that do not seem to be tied to our gut, but that could stem from hidden gut problems. Such gut-related symptoms include: joint pain, brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, depression, skin lesions, constipation, and more.  Today, Functional Medical Practitioner and author Dr. Michael Ruscio defines a number of gut-related issues throughout the program. He talks in-depth about IBS, and other common health concerns including  histamine sensitivities, Crohn's, autoimmune conditions, and the like. Importantly, he also talks about how to best address these and other more subtle gut concerns through dietary tweaks (like trying the low-FODMAP diet, and increasing probiotics) and other natural therapies.  Visit Michael's website: drruscio.com. For information on our Wise Traditions conference, and to register, click here. (Use the c

  • 151: Is raw milk safe?

    10/09/2018 Duración: 35min

    Why is raw milk illegal in some states? What are the risks associated with drinking it? How could a simple, straightforward product—like milk from a cow—have become so controversial? On today’s episode, Mark McAfee, the Chairman of the Raw Milk Institute, and the head of Organic Pastures Dairy, expounds on the topic with first-hand knowledge, experience, and passion. You’ll soon discover that Mark is a proponent of real, unadulterated, unpasteurized, grass-fed and pasture-raised raw milk. Mark explains the history of raw milk and pasteurization; he dives into the proteins and beneficial bacteria in raw milk; he contrasts raw milk with pasteurized milk and even "nut milks" on the market; and he discusses the role raw milk plays in the health of our gut microbiome. He gives us the big picture of the dairy industry world-wide, along with important information as to the benefits of including raw milk in your own diet. To learn more about raw milk, go to realmilk.com. For information on the Raw Milk Institute, go

  • 150: The power of community & consciousness

    03/09/2018 Duración: 36min

    How do we relate to the people around us? What is our relationship to nature? How do our choices (food and otherwise) affect the ecosystem we live in and the world, as a whole? Jessica Prentice, one of the founders of Three Stone Hearth in California, tackles all of the above in today's conversation. Jessica has a brilliant mind and passion to match it. She established Three Stone Hearth with a view to providing healing, nourishing foods to those unable to make it for themselves. Her heart is for cultivating community and consciousness. Her mission is to wake us up to the reality that good health is made up of much more than just a particular diet or "clean eating." Jessica discusses our role in revitalizing the earth and the soil, the joys of communal work and meals, and the ins and outs of her unconventional Three Stone Hearth business model. She is an innovator--the woman who coined the term "locavore." Her candor and insights challenge all of us to live differently...and healthier. For more on Three Stone

  • 149: The vaccine trade-off

    27/08/2018 Duración: 45min

    Vaccines are a controversial topic. Some say that they are effective; others disagree vehemently. Dr. Tom Cowan, a holistic physician, author, and speaker, sees both sides and sheds needed light on this difficult topic. Basically, Dr. Cowan postulates that vaccines do indeed reduce the likelihood of our contracting various illnesses such as whooping cough or measles, for example. However, he explains why this short-term help has long-term consequences for our health—leading to autoimmune disorders and other chronic conditions. Today’s conversation includes a discussion of what best boosts our immunity to disease, how vaccines (& illness) work in our bodies, why vaccines must include adjuvants (toxic ingredients) to be effective and what holds the most promise for long-term positive health outcomes. Visit Dr. Cowan's website: fourfoldhealing.com. Learn more about the Weston A. Price Foundation (or make a donation) here: westonaprice.org. Take our listener survey here. And check out our sponsors Vintage Tra

  • 148: Get cooking

    20/08/2018 Duración: 32min

    As evening approaches, we ask ourselves "What should we have for dinner?" Exhausted from a full day of work, we try to come up with something semi-decent to put on the table. Sometimes we punt and order take-out or fast food. Twenty-four hours later, the same scenario crops up again. Cooking instructor and expert Nevra Ledwon suggests that there is a better way to go about providing healthy meals for ourselves and our families. In episode #147, Nevra talked about "why" we should get cooking. Today, she gets into the "how." She walks us through a week of cooking and shows us how simple it can be, with just a little forethought and planning. She gives us strategies for using what food we have on hand, ideas for involving the family in meal planning, and tips for avoiding our perfectionistic tendencies that make us stress about getting a dish exactly right. Novices and cooking veterans alike will glean ideas from Nevra's clear guidance. She shows us how cooking can truly be a joy and a wonderful tool for deep no

  • 147: Why cook?

    13/08/2018 Duración: 33min

    In this hectic day and age of modern convenience foods, where you can grab food on the go practically anytime, anywhere, why would anyone decide to spend time cooking at home, from scratch?! Nevra Ledwon, cooking instructor and aficionado, gives plenty of reasons why--from the joy and pleasure of the process, to the sense of accomplishment and freedom that accompanies nourishing our families ourselves. On today's episode, Nevra also gives us plenty of practical ideas that empower us to take decisive steps toward our kitchens and the preparation of nourishing meals. Along the way, she tells us the story of how, as a young girl, she became inspired to cook and how it led to her can-do attitude when it comes to cooking up new dishes. In addition, she gives us easy tips for how to transition from being consumers to creators. She suggests that meal planning may go far in relieving the stress that can characterize many busy families today, giving us more time for joy in our interactions with one another and in our

  • 146: Keto for cancer

    06/08/2018 Duración: 35min

    Most people turn to the ketogenic diet to lose weight or to enhance athletic performance. Today, nutritionist Miriam Kalamian, author of “Keto for cancer,” explains how this diet is a powerful tool for improving our health overall. She tells how her son's cancer diagnosis launched her on a mission to explore the possibility of nutritional therapy to improve his outcome. When she came across the keto diet, she saw promise. And once she changed how he was eating to align with keto, she saw its efficacy. Science backs up what she witnessed first-hand. Not only does the keto diet help cancer patients live longer, it also allows them to enjoy a much higher quality life. On this episode, we discuss the origins of the healing keto diet, how it works on a cellular level, and why it is an effective and safe treatment for cancer. Miriam explains how nutrition can be the first line of defense for cancer treatment & recovery of health, or, how, at the very least, it can be an adjunct to conventional therapies. To che

  • 145: Why GMOs are bad for us

    30/07/2018 Duración: 34min

    We're told that GMOs can help feed the world and that they are perfectly safe to eat. And yet there is growing evidence that GMOs (genetically-modified organisms) are damaging our health. Zen Honeycutt, the head of Moms Across America and the author of "Unstoppable," joins us today to help us understand what GMOs are and what they're doing to us. She gives us a short history of where GMOs came from and she explains their relationship to chronic illnesses and health problems (like cancer, autism, auto-immune conditions, and more). But she doesn't leave us there. She challenges us to take our health into our hands and to become advocates to lighten our toxic burden--making our families, communities, and the world a healthier place!  For more on Zen, visit momsacrossamerica.com. To learn more about the Weston A. Price Foundation or to give a donation, visit our website: westonaprice.org. And check out our sponsor: walkabouthealthproducts.com.  

  • 144: A chicken revolution

    23/07/2018 Duración: 38min

    Many of us are able to buy quality vegetables in enough quantity to satisfy our hunger. It’s so easy we may become convinced that the world doesn’t need animal products to survive. But what about those who live in isolated places who don’t have these privileges? What about those who can’t grow a big variety of vegetables in enough quantity to have a balanced diet and keep hunger at bay? Cue the chickens. Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin makes the case in today’s episode for a poultry-centered regenerative agriculture model that has the power to shift food inequalities and cultivate health. A chicken laying eggs can make all the difference for a family on the brink of malnutrition, and quite probably bridge the gap between life and death. Today, Reginaldo Haslett-Marroquin, author and fair trade advocate, tells his own story—how chickens saved his life as a small child in Guatemala, and how he is applying this nature-centered agricultural knowledge (and knowledge of poultry, in particular) to today’s farming strate

  • 143: Emu oil: the best fat you've never heard of

    16/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    It has helped bring relief from joint pain, asthma, vision issues, Lyme’s disease, heart conditions, digestive problems, wrinkles, and more. What is it exactly? It's emu oil, the best fat you've never heard of! Emu oil is a super food of sorts, rich in vitamins K2 and MK4. On today's episode Dr. Will Schlinsog and Dr. Sylvia Onusic explain the many benefits of emu oil. They discuss emu oil's anti-inflammatory properties, what makes it a fantastic source of vitamins K2 and MK4 (the "activator X" that Dr. Price often spoke of), and how it can be used topically and internally to improve our health. They also relate many anecdotes of people (and even animals) who have had promising responses to this unique fat. You will certainly be intrigued about this beneficial heretofore overlooked fat. Give a listen. It may be just the thing your body needs to restore your health. For information on our conference in Baltimore, go to wisetraditions.org.  For events in California or D.C., check out our events page. And check

  • 142: How to have the healthiest babies (principle #11)

    09/07/2018 Duración: 31min

    Is it important to detox before conception? Are prenatal vitamins helpful? What foods should we include in our diet, pre-conception, and when pregnant and nursing? What role does birth control play in our fertility? In today’s episode, Sally Fallon Morell, president of the Weston A. Price Foundation, answers all of the above and then some as we discuss Principle #11 of the Wise Traditions diet: how men and women can plan and prepare for conception with nutrient-dense foods. She tells how all traditional cultures had special diets and “sacred foods” for men and women wanting to get pregnant, and how today’s recommendations for women who want children are often misguided. Sally sets the record straight for what foods youreallyneed to eat to have a healthy pregnancy, and, in turn, healthy, happy children. Her perspective is based on the work of Dr. Weston A. Price, who travelled all around the globe in the 1930s, studying traditional food ways and the diets of the healthiest peoples. To connect with Sally, visit

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