Wise Traditions



Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 140: Óptima salud con sabias tradiciones (Spanish bonus episode)

    29/06/2018 Duración: 25min

    En este primer episodio de Sabias Tradiciones (Wise Traditions) en español nos enfocamos en las raíces de la buena salud. No provienen de la última moda para perder peso o jugos para desintoxicar el cuerpo, sino vienen de nuestros antepasados, nuestros abuelos y tatarabuelos, que tenían tradiciones culinarias y sabiduría que cultivaba y mantenía la mejor salud. La Fundación Weston A. Price se dedica al redescubrimiento de estas tradiciones. Hoy, Hilda Labrada Gore, entrenadora de salud y entrenamiento físico y líder en el organismo, conversa con el médico naturópata Guillermo Ruiz. Juntos hacen hincapié en el trabajo del médico e investigador Weston A. Price, cuyos descubrimientos en los años 1930 forman una guía para recuperar y respaldar nuestra salud. Para mayor información sobre la Fundación y recursos en español, haz "clic" aquí.  Para comentar a favor de más episodios en español, haz "clic" aquí.  He aquí el sitio de red del Dr. Guillermo Ruiz 3030strong.com. He aquí el sitio de red de Hilda Labrada Gor

  • 139: Curbing cravings (part 2)

    25/06/2018 Duración: 28min

    Why do we crave certain foods and what we can do to end food cravings for good? In the second of this two-part series, Julia Ross, author of "The Craving Cure," offers practical recommendations to end the rollercoaster of food cravings once and for all. This is a follow-up to Wise Traditions podcast #138 "What drives our cravings?" in which we discussed the various kinds of "cravers" and what affects our bodies' drive to eat certain foods at particular times of day. Today, we take the conversation one step further--not only do we identify what's behind our cravings, but we talk about methods to shut them down altogether. Simple dietary tweaks, such as eating more protein, for example, can do wonders for making cravings a thing of the past. Julia--an expert on nutrition therapy for helping those with disordered eating, addictive behavior, and mood problems--also offers advice about what supplements can address our diet's deficiencies. Julia has seen countless clients recover their health following her protoco

  • 138: What drives our cravings? (part 1)

    18/06/2018 Duración: 28min

    Do you often crave a bowl of ice cream late at night? Does stress lead you to ply yourself with cereal and carbs? Julia Ross, author of "The Craving Cure," has a deep understanding of the brain/craving connection and today she shares her insights into why we crave certain foods, at particular times. Julia helps us identify what kind of “cravers” we are, and how we got that way in the first place.   Julia is an expert in the use of innovative nutritional therapies for the treatment of eating disorders, addictions, and mood problems. Today's conversation covers many pieces of the craving puzzle--from the "bliss point" of food, to the addictive nature of wheat, to how changes to our food system have impacted our relationship to food, leading to behaviors dictated by the neurotransmitters in our brains. For more on Julia, visit her website: juliarosscures.com. Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Just Thrive.  To learn more about the Weston A. Price Foundation, click here.  For more information on our upcomi

  • 137: The Sioux Chef & indigenous food wisdom

    11/06/2018 Duración: 31min

    The United States is a country of many cultures and food traditions. However, the traditions of the land’s indigenous ancestors have largely been forgotten. Sean Sherman, an award-winning chef, is the CEO and Founder of The Sioux Chef, an organization committed to helping us rediscover Native American culture and history, using food. He and his team prepare local, traditional foods, using ancient cooking techniques, in an effort to re-introduce Native American cuisine to their own communities and to the world. Their work is about more than food, clearly. It is provocative, reminding us of the past, and present, oppression of indigenous people. Our conversation covers the intersection of food, culture, and history. We discuss what inspires Sean’s work and why he believes it’s critical to preserve ancient ways. Today, Sean leads us to encounter the lost world of indigenous food wisdom. Check out our sponsors: Green Pasture and Just Thrive probiotics. For information on our Wise Traditions conference & to r

  • 136: Joel Salatin: worldwide to hyperlocal

    04/06/2018 Duración: 36min

    Joel Salatin is likely one of the most influential farmers on the face of the planet. He runs Polyface Farms in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. For decades he has been an influential author and speaker; a prominent advocate of the sustainable, regenerative agriculture movement. With humor and honesty, he always tells it like it is. One of his most popular books, "Folks, this ain't normal," was recently translated into Spanish. We caught up with him shortly after some recent travels to Australia, Austria, Spain, and more. In today's interview, he gives us his perspective on farming around the world. Along the way, he weighs in on imitation meat, how limited the “organic” label can be, and why Americans may be more willing to buck the government than Europeans. After going global with Joel, we get hyperlocal and swing back around to Polyface, and then to our own backyards. How can we eat more locally? What changes can we make to live in a way that’s better for the world and our health, too? Prepare to be cha

  • 135: Mercury: the hidden toxin

    01/06/2018 Duración: 28min

    Mercury is considered by the World Health Organization as one of the top ten chemicals of major public health concern. Why? Because mercury is a poison, more toxic than lead or arsenic. And it is the hidden toxin behind a lot of common health concerns—it attacks the central nervous system and can lead to chronic conditions like Alzheimers and Parkinsons, as well as ADD, brain fog, mental illness, and more. This episode focuses on how we are exposed to it—through environmental pollutants, food sources, dental amalgam fillings, preventive medical practices, and more—and what we can do about it. Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation walks us through important articles on the subject in our latest Wise Traditions journal, including one written by Robert F. Kennedy Junior. This conversation covers the problem mercury poses and reveals protocols for minimizing exposure and removing it from our bodies. For the full show notes, or to make a donation, visit our website: westonaprice.org.

  • 134: Anti-aging hacks

    28/05/2018 Duración: 35min

    What’s the secret to a long, healthy life? Dr. Alvin Danenberg recently participated in the "Human Longevity Project," a documentary that explores the world’s “blue zones”--areas where folks are living long, happy lives. He knows well what it takes to nurture good health. A personal health crisis years ago led him to change his own diet and lifestyle. Now, at 71 years of age, he is healthier than he was decades ago. Today, he is a certified functional medicine practitioner, a primal health coach, and a periodontist who offers unique insights and tips to point us in the right direction.  Among other hacks, he stresses the importance of diet (not just what we eat, but what we choose not to eat), the role of the microbiome in our overall health, the supplements to take to diversify gut bacteria, and how a 4-minute daily workout can bring immeasurable benefits to our bodies! Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive Probiotics and Chelsea Green! Take our listener survey here. To visit our website, for the show notes or

  • 133: The dangers of glyphosate

    21/05/2018 Duración: 34min

    Many people use Roundup without questioning its safety. It’s advertised on TV, and sold at hardware/garden stores all over the country. The herbicide is viewed as a miracle spray that gets rid of those dreaded weeds within hours. It’s become a staple garden product in many homes. And it's used by many agricultural companies during food production. But how safe is it really? What is it doing to our health? In today's conversation, Kiran Krishnan, a research microbiologist and an expert on the human microbiome, explains how dangerous glyphosate is. He discusses the science behind the damage it causes to the body's microbiome. He also explains how the presence of glyphosate directly correlates with the rise of many chronic health conditions, including obesity, autism, Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and gut infections. Kiran goes in depth about the dangers of this ubiquitous herbicide and explains why it's still in use today, despite warnings from the World Health Organization that it is a probable carcinogenic. Most im

  • 132: Foraging: finding food in the wild

    14/05/2018 Duración: 31min

    Fiddlehead ferns, dandelions, mushrooms--these are just a few of the many foods that can be found in your own backyard (or in your neighborhood, perhaps) that are free for the taking and good for you! Our ancestors foraged for wild plants and mushrooms that were rich in nutrients, and we can, too! Becca Griffith, longtime food educator and foraging enthusiast, explains why wild foods are beneficial to our diet, how to go about finding them, and what precipitated Becca's own involvement in the wild world of foraging. Learn how you can get started, too, from today's engaging and "wild" conversation! Follow Becca on Instagram @griffithbecca! Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive Probiotics and Green Pasture. For the full show notes for this episode or to make a donation, visit the Weston A. Price Foundation's website: westonaprice.org.

  • 131: From picky kid to healthy eater

    07/05/2018 Duración: 31min

    It is now so common for children to be “picky eaters” that most consider it a normal childhood phase. There are special menus at restaurants and at social events shaping this whole “children’s food” culture—offering them primarily chicken nuggets, french fries, and mac and cheese. Despite parents’ best efforts, “picky kids” seem to choose carbs all day long and getting them to eat healthier foods can appear like an impossible task. But is it? Can picky eaters be “fixed”? On today’s podcast, Jennifer Scribner, Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and author of “From Mac & Cheese to Veggies, Please”, helps us understand what makes a picky eater “picky” in the first place and she gives us strategies for helping them change their eating patterns. She tells us what to expect and how to plan ahead to make the transition smooth (or at least smoother) as we navigate from picky to healthy.  Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive Probiotics & Green Pasture.  To find our more about the Weston A. Price Foundation or to

  • 130: Soy what?!

    30/04/2018 Duración: 25min

    Some say soy is heart-healthy. Others consider it a food that is a perfect protein, making it an ideal meat substitute. Dr. Anthony Jay has a different perspective. He suggests that soy is problematic. Anthony has a Ph.D. in biochemistry and works at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. He is also the author of “Estrogeneration.” He describes soy as an “estrogenic” food, meaning that it acts like estrogen in our bodies, which can lead to dysfunction and a number of ailments. In today’s episode, Anthony explains why there is so much conflicting information on soy and how to make sense of it all. He makes clear why we should care, guides us on how much—or rather, how little—we should consume, and describes in detail the cumulative effects of soy on our health. Check out our sponsors: Just Thrive probiotics and Kraut Pounder. For the full show notes or to make a donation to the Weston A. Price Foundation, visit our website: westonaprice.org.

  • 129: Inside "Generation Zapped"

    23/04/2018 Duración: 33min

    We let our kids play with them, sleep with them next to our heads, and can’t seem to live without them. But cell phones just may be one of the most hazardous objects in our house. Our guest, Dr. George Carlo, a world-recognized medical scientist, tech expert, and the Chairman of the Science and Public Policy Institute, explains why. George is not an alarmist and yet today he does sound some alarm bells to wake us up to the dangers that radiation poses to our health--specifically the radiation emitted from our devices and wifi networks. George was featured in the recently released documentary “Generation Zapped.” In that movie, and on today’s show, George discusses how we got to where we are today, why the cell phone industry has chosen to ignore evidence that radiation damages us on a cellular level, and what we can do to protect ourselves from its effects. Check out our sponsors: The Frenching Your Food Summit and Defender Shield. To find out more about the Weston A. Price Foundation or to make a donation or

  • 128: Myth-busting dental health

    16/04/2018 Duración: 29min

    Most of us believe that our dental health is directly related to how much we brush and floss. But what if there is more to it than that? The traditional groups that Dr. Weston A. Price visited so many years ago did not have wonderful dental hygiene, yet their teeth were perfectly straight and surprisingly free of decay. Their secret? Their diet! These populations were eating a diet devoid of processed foods, and extremely rich in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins A, D, and K. On this episode, Dr. Steven Lin, the author of The Dental Diet, explains how to maintain a healthy smile, naturally. He covers how we need to increase vitamin and mineral consumption from the foods we eat, what foods to avoid that are destructive to our health, and how to breathe and hold the mouth properly. He also busts many common dental myths and replaces them with truth that we can apply, to enable vibrant dental health. For more on Dr. Lin, visit his website: drstevenlin.com. And check out our sponsor: Just Thrive Probiotics. To fi

  • 127: Regenerating soil, regenerating ourselves

    09/04/2018 Duración: 31min

    Farmer Paul Grieve, of Primal Pastures in Southern California peels back the curtain on how life on the farm affects our own lives. We all want to be healthy and eat real, nutrient-dense food. This becomes a reality when we begin cooperating with nature and regenerating the soil. When we help the land heal, we heal ourselves. On today's episode, Paul describes what regenerative agriculture looks like and why it's important. It's healthy farming at its best--restoring the soil, the air quality, ground water, and wildlife, while at the same time providing nutrient-dense food for people. He also talks about how challenging it is to come by. He describes how labels like "organic," "cage-free,""antibiotic-free," etc. don't tell the whole story. He explains why organic food costs producers and consumers more. In sum, he describes the how and why behind sustainable, regenerative agriculture and how it is worth the effort--since it benefits us, our children, and grandchildren. To find out more about Paul, visit Prima

  • 126: Helping kids with cancer

    02/04/2018 Duración: 28min

    "Cancer" is a word that should never be uttered in the same sentence with the word "child." But it is, and with increasing frequency. In 2018, it is estimated that 16,000 kids will be diagnosed with cancer. Today's episode is about how to best help these children through cancer treatment. Season Johnson's son, Kicker, was diagnosed with leukemia as a little boy, and Season supported him through his chemotherapy regimen with a combination of nutrient-dense foods and detoxification protocols. She observed the benefits he experienced and now she is on a mission to support and educate parents whose children have also been diagnosed with cancer. Season, a nutritional therapy practitioner, is the founder of KICK CancER, an organization with a science-based, holistic approach to healing. Its focus is to educate and empower parents to shore up their children's health with dietary advice--emphasizing real, whole foods--and methods to support the health and quality of life of their children. For more on KICK CancER, vi

  • 125: Don't throw away the bones!

    26/03/2018 Duración: 25min

    One of the easiest and cheapest ways to nourish ourselves and our families is to use animal bones! Across the ages, traditional cultures around the world have included them in their diet in various forms: from fermented bones, to ground up bones in soups and stews, to bone broth. Bones are rich in calcium, glycine, amino acids, and collagen which our bodies desperately need. Collagen, for example, is good for detoxing our bodies and decreasing anxiety! In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, makes a strong case for including bones in the diet, as she explains Principle #10 of the Wise Traditions diet. She discusses how we can benefit from their nutrients to preserve and protect our health.  So, don't throw away those bones! Instead, make a warm cup of broth and enjoy today's enlightening discussion on the use of bones for a healthier diet! To learn more about bones and bone broth, or to become a member, visit our website: westonaprice.org.  And check out our sponso

  • 124: Hormone health (winter journal highlights)

    22/03/2018 Duración: 30min

    Hormones are chemical messengers that manage many major functions of our bodies. How do we support our hormone health so that our bodies can run optimally? Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, explains how to best do so in this bonus episode, that reviews the latest Wise Traditions journal. She discusses the results of recent studies that show the benefits of fats for proper health, the importance of the hormone axis, and why we should get vitamins from real food, as opposed to supplements. She discusses how soy damages hormone function and how to best nurture our children. This is fascinating conversation that covers a plethora of topics! For highlights from today's episode, see the show notes on our website: westonaprice.org.  For information on becoming a member of the Weston A. Price Foundation, click here.

  • 123: Depression: a symptom, not a disease (part 2)

    19/03/2018 Duración: 28min

    What if we approached mental illness differently? What if we treated it holistically, as a symptom of a problem with the entire body? How can nutrition support the body’s natural healing capacity? Dr. Kelly Brogan, holistic psychiatrist and author of “A mind of your own,” touches on these topics, and more, on this important episode on mental health. This is a follow-up conversation to last week’s discussion (on Wise Traditions podcast episode #122) about depression—how it is frequently misdiagnosed and inadequately addressed. Kelly dives deeper this week into healing therapies that she recommends to address the root cause of mental health issues, rather than simply suppressing symptoms with medications. Today, she touches on what she considers the “four pillars” of health, her elimination diet, and detoxification strategies. Her recommendations address mental health concerns in new and effective ways and they offer more hope than conventional treatments. For more on Kelly, her book, and courses, visit kellyb

  • 122: Depression: a symptom, not a disease (part 1)

    12/03/2018 Duración: 34min

    Depression is escalating, world-wide, as is the use of psychotropic drugs to treat it. What is happening? Why is mental illness increasing at alarming rates? Are drugs the best way to treat it or are there alternative approaches to consider? In today's episode, Dr. Kelly Brogan, a holistic psychiatrist and the author of "A mind of your own," challenges our preconceived notions about the causes and treatment of depression and other mental illnesses. Kelly suggests a holistic approach to treating mental illness--that the best way to heal the mind is to heal the body first. She suggests looking at gut health as a factor in mental health; she explores how psychological issues can be approached without the use of drugs; and she discusses the risks and benefits of decreasing medication. Finally, she offers action steps to help heal the body and the mind. For more on Dr. Kelly Brogan, her book, and courses, visit her website: kellybroganmd.com. For the full show notes for this episode, click here.  To become a membe

  • 121: Low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diet on trial

    05/03/2018 Duración: 31min

    Low-carb, high-fat (LCHF) diets are trending, but how healthy are they really? Are they for everyone? What does the science say? Professor Tim Noakes, co-author of "The Real Meal Revolution," is a renowned scientist and researcher from South Africa who is convinced that most people can improve their health by restricting their carbohydrate intake and upping their fats. He had to defend this dietary position in recent years before the Health Professions Council of South Africa. He came before the council as a result of a tweet where he replied to a breastfeeding mother, suggesting that she wean her baby to a LCHF diet. The trial was focused, in part, on whether he was offering "unconventional and unscientific" advice to the mother.  In today's episode, you'll learn about the outcome of the trial, why the LCHF (a/k/a Banting) diet is scorned by some, what health benefits can result from adopting it, what it looks like to eat this way in the day-to-day, and more.   For more on Professor Noakes and his foundation

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