Wise Traditions



Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 120: Learning to thrive in this modern world

    26/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    As time passes and humanity develops new technologies, we would expect new generations to be healthier and live longer. Sadly, the opposite is true for children in the United States: our children are overweight, sick, and getting sicker. Developmental issues are common. As a matter of fact, this is the first time in history when children are expected to have shorter life spans than their parents. What an alarming situation! How did this happen? And what can we do to reverse this trend of sickness and disability? On today's episode, author and speaker Dr. Tim O’Shea discusses the impact of today's technologies, like vaccines and genetically modified foods, that are damaging our immune systems, impairing neurological function, disrupting our DNA, and negatively impacting our health. He gives suggestions for helping your children not just survive, but thrive, despite these challenges. He offers concrete ideas for protecting young immune systems through diet and other natural therapies, in addition to exercising

  • 119: Homeopathy and your health rights

    19/02/2018 Duración: 33min

    Homeopathy has been around for over 200 years, so it is clearly a wise tradition that we need to rediscover! It is a natural, holistic way to stimulate the body's own healing ability, and it has been used in ancient cultures worldwide! In today's episode, Paola Brown, the President of Americans for Homeopathy Choice, explains homeopathy in detail and elaborates on why it is a powerful healing tool. She also discusses what the FDA is doing that is jeopardizing the future of homeopathy in the U.S. The FDA regulates homeopathy and things have gone smoothly for the past 30 years. Now, it wants to withdraw its Compliance Policy Guide which could upend the industry and cause mistakes that could throw into question homeopathy's efficacy and reputation. This episode will help you gain a better understanding of homeopathy, and will make clear the importance of defending our right to it today, as a vanguard of our health rights in the future. For more info: go to Americans for Homeopathy Choice. And check out our spons

  • 118: The story behind "Kale vs. Cow"

    12/02/2018 Duración: 28min

    A lot of people think being healthy means having a meat-free diet. Dietician Diana Rodgers goes to bat for why meat--even red meat--should be a part of a healthy diet. Her plan is to make the environmental, nutritional, and ethical case for better meat via a documentary that is now in pre-production. The working title of the movie is "Kale vs. Cow." Diana knows what she's talking about. She struggled as a child with many health issues which is what led her to become a nutritionist, NTP, LDN, and dietician. She is convinced that real, organic, sustainable food is the key to good health. She lives on a working organic farm near Boston and is a supporter of the grass-fed movement. She cares deeply about improving the lives of animals raised for consumption and protecting our environment. And this is something both vegans and meat-eaters can agree on. On today's episode, Diana shares her personal journey and the reasons behind her decision to produce the "Kale vs cow" documentary and buck conventional thinking a

  • 117: Benefits of heat & light therapy

    05/02/2018 Duración: 30min

    As a young man, Brian Richards had a laundry list of health issues: mind-racing, insomnia, acne, adrenal fatigue, and more. Doctors wanted to give him Accutane and other pharmaceutical drugs to manage his symptoms, but he wanted to get to the source of the problem. He realized that the reason for cellular degradation is our environmental toxic exposure on a variety of levels—chemical, electro-magnetic, emotional, etc. He sought a natural detox solution and his research led him to the conclusion that passive sweating is one of the best ways to detox the body. He decided to build his own sauna to provide that full-body thermal light therapy for himself. In today’s episode, Brian shares his own story and how it led to him establishing the SaunaSpace company. He also tells stories of those who have benefited from this therapy, along with the science behind why saunas work: how near-infrared incandescent light exposure stimulates the cells so that they can repair themselves, and allows the body to detox. For more

  • 116: Cod liver oil controversy

    29/01/2018 Duración: 28min

    Cod liver oil is one of the main foods that the Weston A. Price Foundation recommends for a healthy diet. It abounds in nutrients that are sadly lacking in our diets today. Cod liver oil provides fat-soluble vitamins A and D, which Dr. Price found present in the diet of traditional people groups in amounts ten times higher than those in "modernized" diets! Unfortunately, in recent years, there has been some controversy around the subject of fermented cod liver oil, which has caused some concern about its safety and health benefits. In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, dispels the confusion and answers the questions that have been posed about it. She explains the value of cod liver oil in detail. She describes the results Dr. Price saw when he introduced it into American diets. She goes through the cod liver oil extraction process, how fermentation allows us to get oils without compromising the nutrient content of the livers, and more.  Most importantly she addre

  • 115: Chemicals that wreak havoc on our health

    22/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    Did you know that there are chemicals that we encounter on a daily basis--in our food, water, even in our personal care products--that are detrimental to our health? The chemicals, called estrogenics, mimic estrogen and disrupt our bodies' normal functions. You may have heard of BPA (Bisphenol-A), for example, which is a chemical found in some plastics that has been linked to health problems and has been therefore banned from baby products here in the U.S., but it is just one among many estrogen-mimicking chemicals that threaten our health. On today's episode, Dr. Anthony Jay, author of "Estrogeneration: how estrogenics are making you fat, sick, and infertile" explains how estrogenic chemicals are wreaking havoc on our bodies' hormone balance. He tells us where these chemicals are found--from our drinking water to shampoos to sports drinks to sunscreen to grocery store receipts--and he gives suggestions for how to minimize our exposure. For more on Dr. Anthony Jay, see his website: ajconsultingcompany.com.  F

  • 114: The wild world of fermentation

    15/01/2018 Duración: 30min

    Traditional people groups around the world have long valued fermentation as a process that preserves food and makes its nutrients more bio-available. Today, fermentation “revivalist” and well-known author Sandor Katz takes us on a tour of the wild world of fermentation. He discusses how it works, how delicious it tastes, and how it benefits our bodies. He also dives into his own story—what piqued his interest in fermentation in the first place, and what he’s learned from recent travels around the world. He shares about the foods he's enjoyed, the connections he's made, and the fermentation traditions that are still being used today. He completes the interview with something of a mini-workshop on how to make sauerkraut. This conversation is a fermentation "starter," of sorts. It will spark curiosity and wonder at the mysterious process of fermentation. For more on Sandor, visit his website: wildfermentation.com And check out our sponsors: krautpounder.com and farmtoconsumer.org! For the full show notes, visit

  • 113: It takes guts

    08/01/2018 Duración: 31min

    There's a lot of buzz about gut health these days. It is key to our overall wellness. But some people think you can just pop a probiotic pill to protect it and you're good to go. Dr. Zach Bush has a better idea. Zach is an expert on the microbiome and nutrition and in today's conversation he sheds new light on what constitutes a healthy gut and how to keep it that way. The threats to our gut health include glyphosate, herbicides and pesticides that compromise our gut lining and result in allergies, sensitivities, and chronic health conditions. These chemicals are found not only on our food, of course, but also in the soil, the air, our water. Zach goes into detail about how to shore up our guts against these attacks. It takes guts to make the dietary and lifestyle changes he suggests. But if we do, we can be sure that we will improve our own health, and potentially impact the health of future generations.  For more on Zach Bush, the science behind this discussion, and more, go to zachbushmd.com. For complete

  • 112: Fasting for weight loss & better health

    01/01/2018 Duración: 27min

    Losing weight is a popular new year's resolution. Holistic physician Dr. Tom Cowan makes a strong case for why we should aim for getting healthier, rather than just hitting a particular number on the scale. That said, in today's episode, he offers practical ideas for how to meet both goals: weight loss and good health. He and his patients have benefited from his protocol that includes intermittent fasting, movement, and a balanced diet. He goes into particular detail about fasting. He discusses how it stimulates weight loss, how to approach it as a beginner, how long and how often you should fast, and more. Dr. Cowan also gets into the science behind the macronutrients our bodies need: fats, proteins, and carbohydrates. He explains how to approach a low-carb diet and the role of insulin in weight gain and fat storage in the body. He explains how a balanced diet can lead to more focus, better energy, and protection from diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer. It's a fascinating discussion that will give you prac

  • 111: Best of 2017

    25/12/2017 Duración: 40min

    Learn how to avoid blood sugar dips and spikes throughout the day. Discover how you can lift brain fog and protect yourself against Alzheimer's through diet. And benefit from tips on how to shore up your gut health to avoid chronic illness and improve your immune system. All of this in just one episode?! Yes! This is a "highlight reel" from the top three episodes of 2017! NTP Lindsea Willon's shares practical tips on how to avoid getting "hangry." Author Amy Berger has sound dietary suggestions for lifting brain fog. And microbiologist Kiran Krishnan gives us hope for better gut health and avoiding chronic disease. Three-in-one is our year-end gift to you! Eager to hear more? Click here for each of the original episodes from which this one was compiled: #88 Get off the sugar rollercoaster w/ Lindsea Willon #70 The antidote to Alzheimer's w/ Amy Berger #84 Ground zero of most health disorders w/ Kiran Krishnan For show notes for this episode, to make a donation, or to access more resources, visit westonapric

  • 110: Vaccines, autism, & Wakefield's side of the story

    18/12/2017 Duración: 32min

    Dr. Andy Wakefield was the lead author of a research paper, published in 1998, that indicated that there was a possible link between the MMR (measles/mumps/rubella) vaccine and autism. The paper appeared in "The Lancet," a peer-reviewed medical journal and it catapulted Dr. Wakefield into becoming one of the most controversial figures in the history of medicine. Andy has become a lightning rod since that time; he has been called a fraud, a liar, manipulative, greedy, and he has even had his medical license revoked. And yet he refuses to slink quietly away into the night. He remains convinced of the importance of exploring the possible link between gut health, vaccinations, and autism. He is outspoken about what the science indicates, in the midst of serious opposition and persecution. Yet, he is undaunted, and even optimistic about the future of the anti-vax movement. Today, you will hear Andy's side of the story. This episode will dispel rumors and myths related to the paper, Andy himself, and the continu

  • 109: Vegetarianism explained

    11/12/2017 Duración: 30min

    Vegetarianism and veganism are becoming more and more popular with each passing day. You walk into a bookstore and the cooking section is overflowing with vegan cookbooks; restaurants all around have vegan options because of the high demand. Word of mouth is that we should all go vegan to be truly healthy, and that animal foods are bad for us. But is a vegetarian diet really a good idea? What are its strengths and drawbacks? Is vegetarianism better for the planet? What does science have to say about all of this? And, more importantly, what does nature have to say about it? In today’s episode, Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride, author of “Gut and Psychology Syndrome,” offers a fresh look at vegetarianism. She provides up-to-date scientific information about how plant and animal foods work in the human body and how we can eat to thrive. She dives into a variety of topics including agriculture, soil degradation, the power of plants to detox our bodies, and how to be a healthy vegetarian! For more on this topic from D

  • 108: Preventing autism

    04/12/2017 Duración: 26min

    "Preventing autism" is such an audacious goal! Is it possible? How can we prevent it if we don't know what causes it? Dara Berger is a mom whose son was diagnosed as autistic before he was three years old. She was told that there was no cure or hope beyond ABA (applied behavior analysis). This was the start of her quest to find answers and help for her child, and to avoid a similar diagnosis for children she hoped to bear, down the line. There are no simple solutions, Dara readily admits. She has done much research, interviewing a variety of doctors and autism specialists for her book "How to Prevent Autism." She has concluded that autism is in all likelihood a disorder tied to toxic overload. To regain their health and to prevent the condition in future children takes much work. In today's episode, she gives ideas about where to begin. She touches on:  how dietary changes are critical for the child's health the importance of seeing an integrative health specialist how autism is related to gut health how fun

  • 107: Focus on cancer (fall journal highlights)

    30/11/2017 Duración: 25min

    More and more people are diagnosed with cancer every day, including children. The rates of invasive cancer in the general population in the U.S. (and abroad) are alarming. Those who are diagnosed with it are faced with conventional treatments that seem to ravage the parts of the body that should be relatively healthy. In today's episode, we focus on nutritional supports for those in the throes of cancer. And for those who are healthy today but want to avoid the disease down the line, we discuss foods that may help keep it at bay. In this "fall journal highlights" episode, Sally Fallon Morell, the president of the Weston A. Price Foundation touches on the numerous factors that are damaging our bodies, including 5G technology. She also explores cancer support for children, homeopathy, and even GcMAF, a controversial, anti-cancer food.  For episode highlights, visit our website westonaprice.org and click on the podcast page. Look for the show notes for episode #107. You will also find links to the articles menti

  • 106: Why we still love coconut oil

    27/11/2017 Duración: 27min

    Plant-based and delicious, coconut oil has become more and more popular in recent years. Studies point to its many beneficial properties which include boosting the immune system, decreasing inflammation, fighting heart disease, and more. If this is the case, why did the American Heart Association (AHA) issue a statement earlier this summer re-categorizing coconut oil as a bad fat? Nutritional therapy practitioner Lindsea Willon discusses what is driving the AHA (hint: food politics is often more about money than our health) and she makes a case for why we can and should embrace coconut oil--and other natural, well-sourced saturated fats--in our diets. For the full show notes (including a coconut oil reference sheet), visit our website: westonaprice.org. And check out our sponsors: Perfect Supplements and Real Milk!    

  • 105: Salt: friend or foe? (Principle #9)

    20/11/2017 Duración: 29min

    Although conventional medicine may recommend a low-sodium diet, is this really the best for us? Low salt consumption has been linked to metabolic syndrome, insulin resistance, poor digestion, parasites, and even depression. Salt is critical for proper brain and body functionality.   In today's episode, Sally Fallon Morrell presents Principle #9 of the Wise Traditions diet: that all traditional diets contain some salt. She dives deep into the subject and addresses the following and more: what kinds of salts we should be consuming salt's ability to improve satiety salt's role in hormone function, brain development & sleep the concerns about plastic in sea salt the problem with refined salt You will gain a new appreciation for the role of salt in your diet and how it protects your health. For more on salt, see articles on our website: westonaprice.org. And check out our sponsors: Perfect Supplements and Defender Shield.

  • 104: Raw milk on the move

    14/11/2017 Duración: 27min

    How easily we forget! Raw milk has been part of the human diet for thousands of years, yet only after a century of introducing pasteurization, many people think that the only way to consume milk is to pasteurize it first. Our raw milk heritage is getting lost. But thanks to farmers and activists who believe in the value of raw milk and who are brave enough to fight against the establishment, raw milk is coming back. From being legal in only 27 states in the 1990s, raw milk is now legal in all but 7 states and more people are consuming it every day.  In today's episode, Pete Kennedy, lawyer and defender of food freedom, explains the history of the raw milk movement, what's left to be done, and what we can do to be a part of it all! For more on raw milk, visit realmilk.com.  For the complete show notes, go to westonaprice.org.  And check out our sponsors: beethewellness.com and defendershield.com.

  • 103: Farming: a trend or here to stay?

    06/11/2017 Duración: 30min

    In some circles, it seems that sustainable farming is on the rise. Farmers markets are growing more and more popular, and young people are volunteering to work on organic farms. But sales at farmers market are down, overall, and less than 2% of the population is directly responsible for growing our food in the U.S. So what is the truth of the matter: is sustainable, soulful farming here to stay or a pipe dream? It’s critical to our future, so how can we make it work? How do farmers balance making a profit with still being true to their core values: establishing farms that properly care for the land, the animals, and the customers?  Today we converse with Forrest Pritchard, farmer and author of “Growing Tomorrow: Behind The Scenes With 18 Sustainable Farmers Who Are Changing The Way We Eat.” We discuss the advantages and problems facing farming today, and what can each do to make tomorrow’s farming landscape more promising. For the full show notes for today's episode, visit westonaprice.org. For more on Forres

  • 102: Be awesome

    30/10/2017 Duración: 35min

    Adventure. Activity. Mindfulness. Community. Risk. Vanessa and Adam Lambert are expert health coaches who understand the need to nourish ourselves on many levels. Adam has a background as a Crossfit Games competitor and Vanessa is a coach with a speciality in meditation.Together, they inspire us to move past complacency and become who we were meant to be: awesome, influential individuals with limitless potential. Good health comes from more than just the food on our plate!  Today, you'll learn the eight key habits that have helped their clients reach new heights, physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Health coaches and professionals will glean insight from the Lamberts' coaching strategies. And every one of us will enjoy the humor, joy, and honesty that this couple brings to the conversation, and to the world of wellness and health, as a whole. For more on Vanessa and Adam, visit beethewellness.com.  For the show notes for this episode, visit westonaprice.org.

  • 101: Protect yourself from radiation

    23/10/2017 Duración: 30min

    There’s no doubt that we rely heavily in the day-to-day on our devices for entertainment and connection: we seek out wifi, work on our laptops, watch Netflix on our Apple TV, and scroll through Facebook and YouTube on our cellphones right before bed. We like having those phones handy, carrying them in our pant or shirt pocket, or tucking them into our sports bra when going on a run. Maybe we rarely question the safety of these gadgets because we can’t imagine life without them. However, it is clearly time to stop and take notice.  Today, we examine the consequences to our constant exposure to emissions from technology. What types of radiation are we exposed to? What risks do they pose to our health? And how can we mitigate the damage they might cause? Daniel DeBaun informs us about the dangers of electro-magnetic frequencies (EMFs) and radio frequencies (RFs). Daniel is an internationally-recognized expert in EMF radiation, EMF shielding, and EMF-related health issues with a special focus on the effect of exp

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