Wise Traditions



Looking to improve your health? The Wise Traditions podcast embraces traditions from the past for optimal health today! The key is to nourish our bodies with nutrient-dense food, not processed, food-like products. Health coach Hilda Labrada Gore, known as Holistic Hilda, is the host and producer of the show. She conducts down-to-earth interviews with leading health and wellness experts (scientists, doctors, farmers, physical therapists, and more) to uncover practical tips that you can incorporate into your life today. This podcast is brought to you by the Weston A. Price Foundation, committed to wise traditions in food, farming, and the healing arts.


  • 100: From soup to nuts: Q&A w/ Sally Fallon Morell

    16/10/2017 Duración: 34min

    What's the story behind the Weston A. Price Foundation? How did Sally Fallon Morell, the founder and head of the foundation, come across Dr. Price's discoveries? What motivated her to write a cookbook based on his dietary principles? What would she ask Dr. Price if she had the chance? And how has her conception of what constitutes a good diet changed over the years?  In today's episode, Sally answers the questions that you posed in recent weeks. She tackles, among other topics, how we can improve our diet and strengthen our immune system, how to deal with parasites, and how to best help our children develop strong, healthy bodies. Sally is a wise, strong, and accomplished woman. You will be inspired by her spirit and gain perspective on what it means to embrace wise traditions. For more information on the Weston A. Price Foundation, go to westonaprice.org.  For the complete show notes, with links to resources mentioned, go to westonaprice.org/podcast/.

  • 99: Soul and soil

    09/10/2017 Duración: 34min

    Farming is a back-breaking, weather-dependent, uncertain profession that often does not turn a profit. No wonder the average farmer in the United States is 58 years old. Not many are interested in farming as a career. Why farm, they might ask themselves, when they could have a nice comfortable job in some air-conditioned office downtown? Forrest Pritchard is a persuasive proponent of farming. He represents the soul of those who till the soil. He, and many others, are answering the call to farm. They have a heart for providing whole, healthy, nutrient-dense, organic foods for everyone and they want their farms to be places of harmony, peace, and beauty. Forrest is a best-selling author and the farmer of Smith Meadows in the Shenandoah Valley. Prepare to be captivated by his words and vision. He most definitely puts his heart and soul into the soil. For more on Forrest, visit his website: forrestpritchard.com. For show notes, visit westonaprice.org.  

  • 98: From "Farmageddon" to farm

    02/10/2017 Duración: 32min

    Kristin Canty is the filmmaker behind “Farmageddon: the unseen war on American family farms.” She is proud and pleased at how the documentary has shed light on the dangers of modern industrial farming practices. And yet now her life has taken a new turn; she has shifted from fighting those whose regulations threaten small-scale farms to running a farm herself. She now owns a farm and runs an organic/sustainable/local restaurant in New Hampshire. You will be inspired by both stages of her life: how she took on the idea of making the movie, ignoring the naysayers  how it had much more success than anticipated the influence of raw milk and traditional dietary practices on her son's health and, subsequently, on her lifestyle the movie's impact on the raw milk movement how/why she got into farming and the restaurant business why real food is a priority for Kristin and her family (and why it should be one for all of us) For more on Kristin's restaurant and projects, visit woodshilltable.com. For complete show not

  • 97: Hello tallow

    25/09/2017 Duración: 29min

    In today's society, a lot of effort is being invested into skin care and beauty products. There are plenty of modern treatments and products touted as able to reduce wrinkles, remove callouses, heal psoriasis and achieve overall healthy and glowing skin, yet they don’t really seem to work for more than a couple of hours after application. And upon closer inspection, we realize that over-the-counter creams and such include toxins and chemicals that do us more harm than good. It's time to take a look at what traditional people do! Hello, tallow! Andrew J. Gardner is a WAPF-member who discusses how his eyes were opened to the benefits of traditional animal fats for skin care. His story led to growing excitement and such interest in the topic that he established a company to offer these products to the public, Vintage Tradition. Andrew explains in today's interview how animal oils and our skin cells have the same cell structure, which makes them ideal for healing and nourishing our skin, and a step up from what p

  • 96: What the health...what the heck!?

    18/09/2017 Duración: 34min

    Lately, the documentary "What the Health" has been receiving a lot of attention. It is persuasive and provocative. The movie is causing widespread concern about the dangers of consuming animal products. But what is the truth behind the hype? How much science backs the numerous health claims of the movie? Is going vegan the answer to avoiding cancer and chronic conditions? Or is there another side to this story? Nina Teicholz is our guest on today's episode. She is an investigative journalist and the author of "The Big Fat Surprise: Why Butter, Meat and Cheese Belong in a Healthy Diet." She has spent over a decade digging deep into scientific claims and shedding light on the misconceptions we have as a society about what constitutes a healthy diet. She asks hard questions and brings her investigative skills to bear, as we examine scientific evidence of the claims presented on What the Health. The bottom line? Upon close inspection, the studies and documentation for the health claims made by the movie don't hol

  • 95: Bonus episode: Vitamins, minerals & more (summer journal highlights)

    14/09/2017 Duración: 25min

    Every Wise Traditions journal is full of articles that are relevant, scientific, and significant for our health. In today's episode, the President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, Sally Fallon Morell, reviews some of the top articles featured in the latest Wise Tradition Journal, Summer 2017. The topics are varied but they are all equally fascinating. Highlights include: The importance of sulfur for the heart and arteries and where to find it (& even how to help our bodies produce it) How extruded grains are a danger to our health and how they have contributed to all the issues we see in digestion of grains today The hot topic of CRISPR, the new genome editing tool, and how it is far from accurate The problem with vitamin D supplementation and why supplements are generally not recommended The role of nutritional deficiencies in today’s increasing number of c-sections How the Feingold diet helps children improve their behavior And more on vitamin A, saturated fats, and childhood diseases After listenin

  • 94: Why is losing weight so difficult?

    11/09/2017 Duración: 33min

    Why is losing weight so difficult? This is the question Zoe Harcombe set out to answer while studying at Cambridge University. We are trained from an early age to seek solace in food. Sweet treats are a central part of nearly every holiday we celebrate. According to Zoe, food in the form of starchy carbohydrates has become the world’s most accessible and acceptable drug. At the same time, the US Dietary guidelines reinforce these behaviors by recommending a diet high in carbohydrates and low in fat. After years of following these dietary recommendations, most people find themselves with one or more of the following conditions, that in all likelihood is sabotaging their weight loss efforts: hypoglycemia, candida, and food intolerances. Today Zoe helps us understand the symptoms and treatments of these conditions. Her suggestions for finding lasting change include addressing these issues with simple, practical advice including: eating real food, lowering your carbohydrate intake, and being careful from whom you

  • 93: Rediscovering ancestral sexual instincts

    04/09/2017 Duración: 28min

    As a society, we have become disconnected from our ancestral food traditions. In a similar way, many of us have also lost touch with our primal instincts when it comes to sexual intimacy. Dr. Marianne Brandon is an author, clinical psychologist, and diplomat in sex therapy and, in today's episode, she helps us rediscover these instincts and improve our most intimate relationships. She touches on a variety of approaches to enhance our relationships including: the importance of being present, vulnerability, and communication. She also describes common problems experienced by couples in this area and how to overcome them. Throughout the conversation, she points to how men and women differ sexually, emphasizing that these differences are complementary and should be embraced rather than erased. Finally, Marianne reveals that one of the major roadblocks to physical intimacy is that many of us are stuck in our heads. Marianne emphasizes the importance of being mindful and open and honest with our partners. Her advic

  • 92: Healing Lyme

    28/08/2017 Duración: 40min

    Have you or has someone you know been diagnosed with Lyme Disease? Transmitted by ticks and often contracted due to weakened immunity, this condition seems to be on the rise. Unfortunately, many conventional doctors are unfamiliar with natural protocols that strengthen the body and promote long-term healing. In today's episode, certified integrative nutrition health coach Robin Shirley discusses her road to recovery after struggling with Lyme Disease for over a decade. She has learned that nutrition is a key piece of the puzzle, as it lays the foundation for improved immune function. In addition to consuming nutrient-dense foods, she suggests a three-pronged approach to combat Lyme's: avoiding antibiotics, cleansing from parasites, and addressing heavy metal toxicity.   Listen to her story and recommendations to discover fresh ways to address this very serious condition. Learn more about Robin and the resources she offers at clubtbyh.com. For extensive show notes (including links to resources Robin mentions o

  • 91: Find your health sweet spot

    21/08/2017 Duración: 28min

    How can you tell if a dietary recommendation is right for you? Is there a diet that works for everyone? What is the best way to measure what works or doesn't work for you? How can you find your own health “sweet spot?” Dr. Richard Maurer helps us understand what he considers the best, most objective way to measure your health and find your sweet spot: blood work. Richard is a licensed naturopathic doctor and the author of “The Blood Code: Unlock the secrets of your metabolism.” In today’s episode, he explains in simple terms which tests are key to evaluate our metabolism and overall health. He also tells the story of how he found his own metabolic "sweet spot" after becoming pre-diabetic at forty years old.  He has specific tips that will help you avoid common dietary pitfalls and lead you to your own health sweet spot! Learn more at thebloodcode.com.  Or visit the westonaprice.org website for full highlights and links from today's episode.

  • 90: Strike the right balance of omega-3 & omega-6 fatty acids (Principle #8)

    14/08/2017 Duración: 26min

    Chances are that you and many people you know take an omega-3 or fish oil supplement. These supplements are among the most popular on the market, yet they are highly misunderstood. For optimal health, we really need to strike a balance between omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. The right balance can protect our heart health, reduce inflammation in the body and improve neurological function. But how do we get there?  Is fish oil the same as cod liver oil? Are supplements the best way to get essential fatty acids? How can we get more omega-3 fatty acids in our diet? Is it possible to get too much omega-3? Is omega-6 all bad? Sally Fallon Morell, the head of the Weston A. Price Foundation, dispels myths and misconceptions about essential fatty acids in this episode, as she explains principle #8 of the Wise Traditions diet: how traditional peoples ate just the right balance of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. (These fatty acids are called essential because we must get them from our diet. Our bodies can't

  • 89: Migraine relief

    07/08/2017 Duración: 27min

    Jodi Ledley was fighting a life-long battle with migraines and chronic pain to no avail. These were not simple headaches but rather debilitating incidents of excruciating pain that sent her to the ER on many occasions and were simply putting her on the sidelines of life. She spent thousands of dollars with medical professionals but received no resolution until she discovered what was triggering her health concerns: monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG, an excitotoxin, was causing serious neurological disruption for Jodi. She found relief as she began to remove MSG from her diet, and her family’s health improved, as well. Now, through her book and speaking engagements, Jodi has encouraged thousands to follow in her footsteps. Migraine-sufferers, those with ADD, ADHD, and anxiety can all benefit by eliminating foods from their diet that contain this additive. In today’s episode, you will learn how to detect MSG in your food--it goes by over 70 different names on food labels--and how to make changes to your diet that

  • 88: Get off the sugar rollercoaster

    31/07/2017 Duración: 33min

    Many of us are stuck on a blood sugar rollercoaster and we don't even know it. We find ourselves reaching for a muffin at 10 a.m. and can’t make it through the day without a mid-afternoon cup of coffee or energy drink. It’s so common, we’ve come to regard it as normal. Today, an expert in nutritional science and kinesiology, Lindsea Willon, joins us to explain how we can make different choices to avoid blood sugar spikes and dips. She offers practical tips like reminding us not to take sugar into our bodies "unopposed"--meaning vegetables and fruits should be eaten with some kind of fat to slow down their absorption into our blood stream.  By eating differently, we can avoid short-term issues, like headaches, sleeplessness, PMS, and getting "hangry." Proper nutrition can also help us avoid more serious health concerns like diabetes, PCOS, joint pain, and injuries. Lindsea understands, both intellectually and from life experience, the importance of a healthy diet. An athlete in college, her poor diet led to in

  • 87: Simple & fearless healthy living

    24/07/2017 Duración: 36min

    In an age of information overload, it is easy to become overwhelmed and even paralyzed by the choices we have to make on a daily basis. Today, Hilary Boynton reminds us to slow down, take a deep breath, and cherish the moment. Hilary is an author, real food advocate, and a busy mother of five. Her husband has been battling cancer for some time. Her life is full and challenging. And, yet, in the middle of the chaos, she makes healthy eating a priority. She reminds us that it doesn’t take much to make delicious and nutritious meals. And that eating mindfully and in good company is just as important as eating clean and organic. Pursuing good health is a lifestyle, and it is as much about relationships (with our farmers, our friends and family, and ourselves) as it is about nutrient-density and diet. At the end of the day, Hilary reminds us to trust our bodies that know what we need. And she calls us to live consciously and courageously. This interview was recorded LIVE in Topanga Canyon, California. Learn more f

  • 86: The benefits of acupressure for children

    17/07/2017 Duración: 27min

    Rather than providing a “one size fits all” approach to wellness, Oriental Medicine recognizes that each of us has a unique constitution.This Eastern practice dates back at least 3000 years, but its teachings are just as relevant and powerful today as ever. Acupuncturist Cheryl Harris discusses the benefits of acupressure (and acupuncture) on some of her youngest patients. She discusses its efficacy as "preventative maintenance medicine," grounding the children emotionally and shoring them up physically. You will even get to hear from some of the children she works with on the show! Cheryl knows what she's talking about! She has a Masters of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine from the Colorado School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and she is also certified in Five-Element Acupuncture. She speaks to how the five elements--wood, fire, earth, metal, and water--appear in nature and in our own temperaments. You will find this to be a fascinating conversation that calls us all back to live in tune with nature and o

  • 85: Let's heal the planet

    10/07/2017 Duración: 29min

    Many conservation groups hold a piece of the puzzle when it comes to saving our planet. They focus on saving a particular species or on planting trees. Sarah Savory suggests that we must step back and look at the big picture for a more cohesive approach to regenerate the land. And the land is indeed key, because if it becomes infertile, there will be nothing for the animals to eat, and they will indeed become extinct, despite our best efforts. Sarah Savory is a children's book author and conservation advocate (and, yes, the daughter of famed wildlife biologist Allan Savory) who knows how to explain in simple terms what is happening to our planet. She is a proponent of holistic management, an approach to greening the earth by properly managing livestock...and our own choices. Sarah invites us to examine how we are living and either contributing to, or alleviating, the issues that lead to desertification. Sarah discusses the challenges she sees in Zimbabwe, her native country, and those that are common all over

  • 84: Ground zero of health disorders

    03/07/2017 Duración: 37min

    Do you eat all the right foods but still struggle with health concerns? Do you feel like your health recovery is characterized by forward progress, followed by inevitable setbacks? Microbiologist Kiran Krishnan explains in detail what he believes is the “ground zero” of most health disorders: a weakened mucosa layer between the skin and the cellular lining. When the mucosa layer is defective, it becomes permeable, allowing toxins into our system that wreak havoc with our health. And some of these toxins are found even in the very food we eat! When our bodies are invaded in this way, it naturally elicits an inflammatory response. And inflammation, as we know, is associated with autoimmune diseases and chronic illnesses. From his studies, Kiran is convinced that many conditions that present quite differently—such as heart disease, arthritis, Hashimoto’s and Alzheimer’s, for example—stem from the root issue of a weak mucosa layer. In today’s episode, Kiran reveals not only the problem but the solution: how to st

  • 83: The power of real food to treat MS

    26/06/2017 Duración: 26min

    Over 15 years ago, physician Terry Wahls was diagnosed with Multiple sclerosis. Being a doctor, she dove into the scientific literature looking for a cure to this progressive disease. Though she got the best conventional medicine had to offer, her health declined to such a degree that three years later even a strong breeze could cause her sensitive body pain. After much research, she came to the conclusion that, rather than taking supplements, she should identify the foods where the nutrients could be found. It wasn’t long before real food had turned her health around. Now, she is an author and researcher that advocates the power of real food in recovery from multiple sclerosis and a host of other conditions—including lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, auto-immune conditions, scleroderma, mental health concerns, neurological disorders, depression, anxiety, bipolar issues, Alzheimer’s, traumatic brain injury, Parkinson’s, and even primary care problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and heart diseas

  • 82: How to fix our broken food system

    19/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    What can we do to help those in food deserts? How can we address food insecurity and inequality? Pam Hess, the Executive director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, discusses what we can do as individuals and organizations to make whole, real foods available in cities and rural areas where choices are limited. She discusses the mission of Arcadia: growing food and farmers, creating demand, and making fresh food accessible to low-income families. Their mobile market service brings fruits, vegetables, eggs, and grass-fed meats to under-served communities. By accepting food stamps and providing vouchers, Arcadia gives people the opportunity to nourish themselves well for improved health and a more positive future. Their model is holistic and replicable. You will be inspired to help reduce barriers to healthy food and to work for food justice. Learn more about Arcadia's work in D.C. at arcadiafood.org. For this episode's highlights, go to the podcast page at westonaprice.org.  

  • 81: Why our food system is broken

    12/06/2017 Duración: 28min

    Why is fast food cheap while real, organic food is so expensive? Why are there “food deserts” not only in cities, but in rural areas around the country? How did the invention of the automobile and the grocery cart affect our food-buying habits? Pam Hess, the Executive Director of Arcadia Center for Sustainable Food and Agriculture, explains our broken food system and how it has set the stage for our current health crisis. All of us should have the choice to purchase nutritious real food where we live, but many cannot. Pam has a firm grasp on the history of our nation that has led us to this point. There are political and economic forces that affect the availability of food in our neighborhoods. She touches on the impact of WWII, the Cold War, crop subsidies, and the free market. Pam has solid ideas about where we are and what we need to do to remedy the situation. You will get the big picture of what has led our nation to this point---why real food is in short supply and how this negatively impacts our health

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