Riverbend Podcast



Sunday morning messages from Riverbend Church, ATX.


  • Love Mercy


    Message 2 in our Grace Beyond the Walls series is based on Micah 6:8.

  • And Justice For All


    Build a case for passion, not just participation. Trust and Obey.

  • Expressing Love As A Community


    How can you say you love God, but don't love your brother? The nature of love - the way we express it as a community.

  • Saints & Sinners


    We do not make a distinction between Saints and Sinners - Believers only. Journey of faith is for a lifetime - be comfortable with having people seek without being saved.

  • Sacred & Secular


    Why we do things the way we do at Riverbend? What it means for us to walk on THE RAZOR’S EDGE of Spiritual Dichotomy.

  • Sacrificial Love


    Reflecting Jesus' love for us to others. Why we should show sacrificial love.

  • When You Finally Get Your Chance


    What do we do - WHEN we know God has called us to do something great and WE FINALLY GET THE CHANCE?

  • When Someone Else is in the Way


    Why should we wait when we know God has called us to do something great and someone else stands in our way?

  • When Your Opportunity Arrives


    How do we handle it - WHEN we know God has called us to do something great and OUR OPPORTUNITY never seems to arrive?

  • To Establish Our Faith


    After a particularly challenging week personally, Pastor Dave shares how Jesus' Sermon on the Mount can teach us about the power of humility during times of chaos, crisis and difficulty.

  • To Shape Our Destiny


    Is our Humility truly setting us free? Relational humility is a test for how humble we are.

  • To Free Us From Our Anxiety


    What is the true nature of humility? There is a misconception of Jesus' teaching on this. Not things we should take pride in - but to humbly be - even without notice.

  • Facing Our Fear of Loving Others


    This week Pastor Dave concludes our consideration of Psalm 23: "For the length of my days, for all of my days, will be filled with the presence of God - and the presence of God is through my grateful generosity when I take what I have been given, when I show what I have been shown, when I bless as I have been blessed; I am practicing my destiny, I am touching the face of God, and I am experiencing the eternal right now. Because forever has no beginning and no end. And we connect with it through our gracious, grateful, generosity... Surly this, surly goodness and mercy, surly these things are the most important legacy, and it is how we will dwell in the house of the Lord...forever."

  • Facing Our Fear of a World Gone Mad


    The most significant enemies that attack our gratitude are not external, but internal: Comparison, expectation, unmet hopes and dreams, disappointment, disillusionment, and entitlement that says “You deserve more, you deserve better.” Instead, we should be thankful for the table God has set before us – grateful for all He has provided – in adversity, or prosperity. "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; you anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows." - Psalm 23

  • Facing Our Fear of Death


    Many of us have experienced the fear of death's arrival but as believers in Christ we need to walk in the confidence and knowledge that God will come through with His promises. The presence and the power of God brings us strength and comfort, even in the reality of death. Though we will face trials and tribulations in this life, let us be reassured by His works and relentless love so that we may walk in faith and peace with Him daily. "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and your staff, they comfort me." -Psalm 23:4

  • Facing Our Fear of The Future


    Continuing in our study of Psalm 23, we looked at our fears of 'what will be'. When you find yourself worrying about the unknown in your future, it is good to reflect upon the things that God has done for you in the past because remembering God’s provision helps us relax and trust in Him. One day at a time: rest, refresh, be restored and re-commit.... And know that we don’t have to worry because God is always in control.

  • Facing Our Fear of Faith


    We often experience fear but God says to cast all fears on Him. He is the Good Shepherd, and through faith in Him, we will not be in want.

  • All In To Follow Jesus


    If you want to live a good life, you have to go all in to follow Jesus Christ.

  • Storms of Life


    Todd talks about hardships within his life and his son's life. Yet, God has always been there for them and because of God's love and kindness, they have dedicated their lives to Him. Who do you run to when you're left to deal with the wreckage from the storm?

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