Riverbend Podcast



Sunday morning messages from Riverbend Church, ATX.


  • Facing Our Fear of Faith


    We often experience fear but God says to cast all fears on Him. He is the Good Shepherd, and through faith in Him, we will not be in want.

  • All In To Follow Jesus


    If you want to live a good life, you have to go all in to follow Jesus Christ.

  • Storms of Life


    Todd talks about hardships within his life and his son's life. Yet, God has always been there for them and because of God's love and kindness, they have dedicated their lives to Him. Who do you run to when you're left to deal with the wreckage from the storm?

  • Song of Relentless Love


    Why is it always easier to do the wrong thing rather than it is to do the right thing? Why do we turn away from God? Why do we walk away from love? We often want to control things and we tell ourselves that we don’t need anyone else because we can handle everything on our own. But the truth is we were never fashioned to do it alone; we were fashioned to walk through life with God and it is by His love that we are able to overcome the hardest situations in life. So let’s abandon our pride and trust in Him, let’s choose to walk everyday with God, and let’s choose to love as we have been loved so dearly by Him.

  • Song of Irrational Love


    We explore the idea of love, but never exhaust it. When we say God is Love, we are saying it is infinite and exhaustive - bigger than the universe. That's what makes it so magnificent, so compelling. Love is not our personal catalog of experiences we have to describe love - even though they are legitimate: none alone are adequate. What are the limits of limitless love?

  • Easter - Holding On By Letting Go


    Regardless of how we perceive Jesus, He not only meets our expectations but He exceeds them and today is our greatest reminder of His sacrificial love. His adoration for us is beyond what we can even fathom. We serve an awesome God!

  • We Are Because I AM - Palm Sunday


    Why try to disprove something that we know for a fact isn't real? There's no point. Today Dave makes the point that the Pharisees and high officials relentlessly sought to disprove that Jesus was the Son of God.

  • Show What You Know


    God gives wisdom to all types of people - even those who aren't Christian. And, they are people that could teach us stuff.

  • The Faith of Unbelief


    Humble yourself before God. God's grace is available for everyone.

  • Spiritual Cannibalism


    Today we celebrated the sacrament of COMMUNION, relating it to our daily provision of food and water – "Whether for sustenance or pleasure. We believe Communion IS INTENDED TO REMIND US that JESUS IS OUR SOURCE OF LIFE, giving us strength and health; and to PROVOKE US TO JOY, THANKFULNESS, and CELEBRATION.”

  • The Unpardonable Sin


    Pastor Dave interprets the "unforgivable sin" as spoken about in Mark 3: 28-29.

  • Out With the Old, In With the New


    In this series, we examine difficult to understand, challenging to implement, or just plain hard sayings of Jesus. Today, we tackle the one constant in the universe: change.

  • Expressing Gratitude


    Pastor Doug Congdon expresses the importance of gratitude.

  • The End of The Beginning


    John had a question of faith moment and Jesus reaffirms that He is the one. Was his death a difference-maker?

  • With The Voice of Elijah


    The baptism of Jesus was John's ultimate prophecy. John baptized Jesus to commission him to continue his journey and die on the Cross.

  • Going Rogue


    What does it mean to set aside time for God? If we will listen, He will speak because God desperately wants us to hear Him. You hear that?

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