Government Information Security Podcast



Exclusive, insightful audio interviews by our staff with government/security leading practitioners and thought-leaders. Transcripts are also available on our site!


  • Digital, Physical Security Synergized


    Honolulu CIO Gordon Bruce, bolstered by an international conference, is working energetically to expand digital and physical security.

  • ID Theft: How to Help Consumers


    ID theft expert Joanna Crane wonders whether banks, government agencies and healthcare providers do enough to assist consumers with ID theft recovery, saying consumer expectations are often loftier than what's being done to meet the demand.

  • Fighting Fraud: Banks, Merchants Must Align


    The only way to improve card security is for banks and merchants to align their strategies, says Gray Taylor of NACS. "This is something that hurts both of our industries. Fraud hurts us all."

  • VA's Plan for Mobile Device Security


    Roger Baker, CIO at the Department of Veterans Affairs, outlines the department's mobile device security strategy, providing details on the rollout of iPhones and iPads.

  • How Audits Can Increase Infosec Budgets


    Mike Brown and Amry Junaideen see audits as great tools to promote heftier IT security budgets, substantiating where dollars should be spent to safeguard an organization's information systems and assets.

  • BlackBerry Episode Strikes at IT Security Tenet


    Winn Schwartau says the BlackBerry disruption this past week (see BlackBerry Disruptions: Where to Start?) hit at the heart of one of the fundamentals of IT security: availability.

  • The App Sec Pro and the Shark


    When Mano Paul of (ISC)2 discusses today's top application security challenges, he draws an analogy with sharks. And what he views as the skills needed to tackle today's top threats might surprise you.

  • Barriers Stunting Cloud Adoption


    Alastair MacWillson says the lack of harmonization among state, national and international security laws and regulations has proved challenging for global organizations that want to work in the cloud.

  • Cloud Computing: Compliance Challenges


    Too many organizations overlook regulatory compliance issues when working with cloud computing vendors, says security expert Alastair MacWillson.

  • Interview: The New HIPAA Enforcer


    Leon Rodriguez, the new director of the Department of Health and Human Services' Office for Civil Rights, describes his HIPAA enforcement agenda.

  • Business Continuity: What We're Missing


    From the earthquake in Japan to Hurricane Irene in the U.S., organizations worldwide have found their business continuity and disaster plans tested. But what lessons must we draw from these incidents?

  • 7 Steps to Secure Mobile Devices


    Elayne Starkey recently gave up her BlackBerry for an iPhone, and uses the Apple mobile device for personal and work doings, securely connecting to the computer system of her employer, the state of Delaware.

  • PCI: Merchants Still Fall Short


    Discussing Verizon's new report on the state of PCI compliance, PCI expert Jen Mack says payment card security today is "disappointing," and global merchants are at serious risk of new data breaches.

  • Taking Charge of Physical, IT Security


    Merging government agencies responsible for physical and information security into a single operation makes sense, says Michigan's new chief security officer, Dan Lohrmann. After all, he says, the same technologies used to allow entry to a building also can be deployed to permit access to a sensitive database.

  • Mobile: Are Security Risks Overblown?


    Mobile apps and smartphone security are increasing global concerns. But Dr. Giles Hogben of ENISA says mobile malware mania is a bit overhyped, since mobile is actually more secure than most other platforms currently on the market.

  • Dodd-Frank: What to Expect in 2012


    It's been well over a year since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. How should banking institutions prepare for the hundreds of new regulations expected to come as a result of this landmark legislation?

  • A New Approach to IT Security


    Intelligence expert Terry Roberts says cyber intelligence, a new approach to IT security, could make significant gains in the coming year. "The good thing is, this isn't really rocket science," says the chair of the Intelligence and National Security Alliance's Cyber Council.

  • Hurricane Irene Offers Lessons


    Based on its experience with Hurricane Irene, an executive at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in Manhattan advises hospitals to make sure they plan for worst-case scenarios.

  • 9/11: The Global Perspective


    The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks struck the U.S., but the impact and lessons affected the world and the entire information security profession, says Rolf von Roessing, past international vice president of ISACA.

  • Security in a Post-9/11 World


    Although the 9/11 attacks 10 years ago were a strong catalyst for ramped up disaster recovery and business continuity planning, there's still plenty of work to do, says security specialist Mac McMillan.

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