Fools Daily



A daily miniature gaming podcast brought to you by some blokes in the UK


  • Episode 319 - Welcome to 2017


    In which we discover another episode that was recorded a while ago. If it had been put out at the time it was recorded it might be slightly more relevant than it is now but hey its content right? Anyway Mike, Matt and Lee talk how they sucked at 2016 resolutions and how they are going to do so much better this year. We all know that this is a lie but we all play along with it anyway. Apologies for the end, I believe its called technical difficulties.

  • Episode 318 - Dystopian Wars


    In which we discover that even though he is old Conrad has a better memory than Mike and reminded him that this episode was recorded like a month ago and then Mike completely forgot about it. In fact he forgot about it so completely that he has no idea what we talk about for an hour, only that its vaguely related to Dystopian Wars. What hope does this podcast have with an idiot like that in charge. I would ask for a refund if i was you.

  • Episode 317 - Roots of Magic Revisited


    In which Conrad and Des talk about The Roots of Magic - whats happened with the game since we last talked, Daffcon, Salute and the up coming Kickstarter and expansion for the game.

  • Episode 316 - Catching up with Gonsalves


    In which Mike and Conrad get to chat for an hour about everything that Mr Gonsalves has been up to over the summer. We cover Warmachine Mk III, Dystopian Wars, a little bit of Malifaux and then various WWII gaming type stuff. Amazingly Mike stays awake for all of it, even the Snoremachine discussion. You should treasure these gems with Conrad as he is very old and as you'll hear in the episode falling apart. Probably hasn't got long left with us and then these recordings will become part of the National Archive. And you will all be able to say, I knew him and he was great.

  • Episode 315 - Getting Serious


    In which Mike and Matt get all serious and talk about how Matt is rubbish at games and then dive into his specific issues with Malifaux and how he is the worlds biggest chump when it comes to that particular game (well all games to be honest). We also talk about No More Room in Hell, the Fools Daily Roadshow, Daffcon and a little Kickstarter that the Terrain Shed is going to do. Phew, seems quite a lot when you write it all down.

  • Episode 314 - Dreadlock Holiday


    In which Mike and Matt talk about going to Trent Bridge to watch England make the highest ever 1 day international score of 444 as well as the highest ever one day score by an English batsman. The tale involves sunscreen, ostrich burgers, long long drives in the car with dodgy sat navs and a jolly good road trip. Oh yes, we also went to Warhammer World for Matts first visit. Well there has to be some gaming content right?

  • Episode 313 - I've missed him


    Conrad, nothing else to say.

  • Episode 312 - Other drinks are available


    In which Mike and Matt talk about the other new gaming hotness of the moment, Congo. It seems likes its everywhere and Studio Tomahawk have made some great games in the past, but does Congo live up to that. Well we don't actually know because we haven't actually played yet. Which leaves this episode like an audio unboxing with a payoff to come later.

  • Episode 311 - Stompy Robot Bang Band


    In which Mike and Matt talk about the new game from Warlord / Clockwork Goblin, Konflict 47. Now Matt is predisposed to like it, Mike is predisposed to hate it (it has guns and nazis) so do either of them change their minds? Somehow I doubt it as they are both stubborn old fools but listen and prepare to be amazed - not that amazed though, its not like one of those really good magic tricks where you spend the next two days trying to work out how they did it or did perhaps J K Rowling actually right a non fiction book?

  • Episode 310 - General Tito


    In which Mike and Matt are joined by Joel to talk about their visit to Partizan. Of course it wouldn't be FD if they didn't talk about things like the Olympics TV coverage as well. Still they do talk about the show, Matt gets to name drop - CLANG!!! and Mike and Joel got to spend money.

  • Episode 309 - Are we over Kickstarter


    In which Mike and Matt talk about if the gaming industry is over Kickstarter, especially as a pre sale system. The discussion was started by the performance of the latest Mantic one and as is normal with FD goes in all sorts of different directions.

  • Episode 308 - Going Mainstream


    In which Mike goes on a little rant. He is prone to these sort of things and frankly we should just be all happy that he isn't sitting around in his underwear yelling 'get orf my lawn' and 'pesky kids, wasn't like that in my day' Today he rants about games having ambitions of breaking out from that tabletop miniature wargamer market into the bigger boardgame market and failing miserably.

  • Episode 307 - Its all Fallouts fault


    In which we revisit Post Apocalyptic gaming, proving two things. One, we can't say apocalyptic and two, you should never ever get rid of figures from your lead pile as even though you might stop playing a game for a while, it WILL come back around again and you WILL be going, I'm sure I had some figures that would be perfect for that...

  • Episode 306 - Stop looking at me


    In which we chat with Mark and Stu of Paranoid Miniatures about how work on Mythos is coming along. Having run a successful Kickstarter the guys are able to talk in depth about how that who process works, where they have got to and what the next stages are going to be before backers (like us) get miniatures in our hands. It gives a real insight into the game creation process of having the initial idea and taking it to market and highlights a lot of the pitfalls along the way.

  • Episode 305 - Thats the way we roll


    In which Mike and Matt return to one of their favourite games of the moment in Dragon Rampant. After a brief plug for the small event they are running they get onto the meat of the discussion which is about the inherent randomness and swinginess of the game. Tehy talk about options such as rerolls and Lucky 7 cards as well as other turnover mechanic based games. Its all very intellectual and stuff.

  • Episode 304 - Million Degrees


    In which we discover that the summer is here and with it the return of Fools Daily. Today Mike, Matt and Lee talk about what projects they are planning on working on over the summer, whats been going on in their lives and make terrible excuses about why there hasn't been an episode for 4 months. Its good to be back

  • Episode 303 - Ain't no rest for the Malifools


    In which we have our occasional Malifaux only chat. Well, almost only, there is a slight rant about what a terrible director Zack Synder is. So its Mike, Joel and Matt talking Faux. Not a lot else to say.

  • Episode 302 - Wittering On


    In which Mike and Conrad chat and record it at the same time. Its been a while so there is a lot to catch up on. Little bit of Malifaux, some painting, Kings of War, Dragon Rampant, Daffcon and 7TV are just some of the things they talk about in this lengthy special. Will try and be slightly more productive after Daffcon but who knows.

  • Episode 301 - Iron Cross


    In which Conrad waxes lyrical about his new love, Iron Cross from Great Escape Games. Mike is just basically along for the ride on this one given that he doesn't do WW2 games and has no intention of ever doing so. With that said though Conrad paints a compelling melodious picture of a fun game. Its not quite enough to convert Mike but it probably comes close.

  • Episode 300 - Butterfly Gamers II


    In which a long, rambling diatribe is broadcast. The 3 Amigos are joined by Pete to discuss Gaining Grounds 2016 for Malifaux, events we have planned and have attended and why London sucks if you are a gamer. Norfolk rules.

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