Fools Daily



A daily miniature gaming podcast brought to you by some blokes in the UK


  • Episode 299 - Age of Tyrants


    In which Mike and Conrad talk with Mark Brendan about Age of Tyrants, a new 6mm sci fi game that is currently on Kickstarter.

  • Episode 298 - Club vs. Store


    In which Mike and Conrad discuss the problems of growing and keeping a gaming club viable vs. building a player base in a store. All sounds a bit serious and dull doesn't it but come on, this is the main team you are talking about, the living legend that is Conrad and his bestest sidekick Mike. They are down with the kids and everything. Init.

  • Episode 297 - Bumbling abounds


    In which we present something slightly different, a recording of the first part of our first D&D session. TBH I'm not sure how well it works as a podcast, but its something different and it crosses off one of Mikes New Year resolutions. It does have a cool intro though.

  • Episode 296 - Look at the teeth on that one


    In which Mike and Conrad talk about the latest shiny to grab Mikes attention in the form of Dragon Rampant. Its another Osprey game and gives you an excuse to pull all your old fantasy figures out that you stashed away when AoS hit.

  • Episode 295 - Jolly good show chaps


    In which Mike and Conrad talk about, in the main at least, In Her Majestys Name, Januarys game of the month. Mike has actually played now so goes through the game, discusses his new crew and how the game actually went. Clue, it was against Matt so the result was always a forgone conclusion.

  • Episode 294 - The Butterfly Gamers


    In which 3 old duffers make plans which they then fail to complete. This is the first Butterfly Gamers episode, which is a longer form podcast where we will cover several different subjects in the same episode. Think of it as a Fools Daily on steroids. Oh and with different music.

  • Episode 293 - The Conrad Awakens


    In which Mike and Conrad renew there 20 year partnership and do what they do. Which is basically meander around talking about some interesting stuff in between utter stupidity, today Conrad managed to pull out his headphones in the middle of recording. Remember you wanted us to come back.

  • Episode 292 - A New Hope


    In which Mike explains why we went away, why we are now back and how having daily in the title should now be considered some sort of post modernist ironic statement.

  • Episode 291 - Pay me


    In which Mike and Conrad discuss becoming a Henchman / Pressganger etc. and what you should expect back from the company that you are supporting. Hint, the answer is nothing.

  • Episode 290 - Not this again


    In which the famous five channel the spirit of grumpy and talk Kickstarter. Yes its the topic that just keeps on giving. In a twist in the usual what has Mike backed and pulled out of now, they discuss how many Kickstarted games have actually been sucessful in terms of longevity or is the fact they raise loads of money sucess enough.

  • Episode 289 - Stark Raving Bonkers


    In which Mike is joined by Lee and Matt to talk about the #3peaksgaming challenge that they are going to do next year as well as the fact that Matt is going to run a marathon. We point out they are called snickers now but then Matt just gets all grumpy at us.

  • Episode 288 - Plugging Daffcon


    In which the famous five talk Daffcon schedules, how stuff is evolving, when tickets will be on sale and all manner of stuff related to the event.

  • Episode 287 - I went to a Guildball event and it was just fine


    In which Joel talks to Mike about going to his first organised Guildball event. Thats it, they stay on topic, its the right length and it gets the information across. Don't worry though, tomorrow normal service will be resumed.

  • Episode 286 - It aint dead


    In which something unexpected happens

  • Episode 285 - Grumpy Guildball


    In which a whole horde of people - its starts off at 3, by the end its 5 - talk Guildball. Its long and its rambling but I make no apologies for that as its a classic blokes down the pub talking gaming type episode.

  • Episode 284 - H/WM Nationals


    In which Mike and Conrad discuss how COnrad got on at the Hordes/Warmachine Nationals a couple of weeks ago. At least that what it starts out as. It ends up going in a very different direction where they talk about the difference with various gaming communities and how judges / TOs insert themselves into games.

  • Episode 283 - So Jealous


    In which Mike and Lee talk to Mike Hutchinson (@crikeymiles) about Gaslands, his Mad Max inspired car combat game. Surprises and excitement abound in the episode but you shall have to listen so that he can explain everything that is going on himself. Tease isn't it.

  • Episode 282 - Roots of Magic, Part III


    In which Mike and Conrad finish their talk with Des about "The Roots of Magic". Today we talk about what it has taken to get the game to the point it is now and where it is going to go next. Hopefully the passion that Des has for the game has come through over the last couple of days and got you interested in the next stage.

  • Episode 281 - Roots of Magic, Part II


    In which Mike and Conrad continue to talk to Des about "The Roots of Magic". Today we talk about the game itself.

  • Episode 280 - Roots of Magic, Part I


    In which Mike and Conrad talk to Des (@happymrBrennan) about his forthcoming game "The Roots of Magic". I think most gamers have a dream about making their own game, either because there is a gap in the market or that they have played something and thought, well I can do better than that, but not all of us take the next step and do something about it. Des has. Hope you enjoy.

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