Christ Community Church Ct



Podcast of Sunday Sermons from Christ Community Church located in Darien, CT, USA.


  • Serving as ONE


    How do we grow as a family? How does our ONE body mature and become more like Jesus? The truth is it will take ALL of us doing our part. Everyone matters. Everyone is important. Everyone has to serve. So what's YOUR role? How do YOU fit into the family?

  • The Community of ONE


    How do we do life in genuine community? How do we form the kind of relationships that change life and empower us for our ministry/mission? Jesus gave us an incredible picture of life lived in meaningful and transformational community.

  • Guarding our ONEness


    Let's be honest. As a church, are we really acting as unified as God says we are in Christ? Are we really living in deep community? If not, how do we fight the barriers that prevent unity, and how do we grow closer to each like God intends?

  • We are ONE


    Our unity is found in more than our shared experience. It's discovered in our shared identity. Through our common faith in Christ, we become ONE in Him.. So what does that mean? How does that happen? And how does that change the way we view and engage the Christian life?

  • The Ultimate Rest


    What does it mean to enter into God's rest? How do we stop working for our own salvation and acceptance and simply entrust ourselves to the work of Christ in His life, death, and resurrection? We discover the reassuring truth and find freedom from the unrealistic expectations of our own perfection.

  • God's Mission and Methods | AM Service


    God wants to bless us ... but His plan is about more than just us! He blesses us so that through His goodness to us others can see Him, come to know Him, and ultimately worship Him!

  • A Prayer for Our Blessing | PM Service


    How does my blessing become a part of other people's awakening to the reality (and worship!) of God? How does His goodness toward me tie in to His desire to see the nations worship Him?

  • What's your "Why?"


    What moves and motivates the heart of God? What is He pursuing and how do we align our lives with His passions?

  • The Enduring Love of God


    The love of God is an enduring and ageless reality meant to prompt our hearts to continually give thanks for His unending and unearned kindness.

  • When God doesn't Answer


    Unanswered prayer in desperate situations is one of the most debilitating experiences a Christian can have, and Psalm 22 is one of the best examples of this situation. See how the psalmist holds on to the promises of His King and Savior even in the midst of his darkest moments, and watch your hope increase.

  • The Light to our Path


    Psalm 119. C. S. Lewis said that this psalm "is the language of a man ravished by a moral beauty. If we cannot at all share his experience, we shall be the losers."

  • Get Over the Sun


    If money, sex, power, position, success, fame, and knowledge can't satisfy us alone, what can? What is enough? How do we live a life with meaning, purpose, and value? Hear Solomon's final advice and counsel. (Spoiler alert ... He says we only have to worry about 2 things in life!!!)

  • Advice for Living Under the Sun


    Most of Ecclesiastes is telling us how NOT to live. But how should we live under the sun? How do we live in a world that is not our ultimate home? Hear sound advice from the wisest person who ever lived.

  • (In)Justice


    Evil and injustice seem to run rampant in our fallen and broken world. We see it in our politics, our economic systems, our workplaces, and our personal relationships. So how do we view and respond to the inequity we see and experience?

  • Death


    Death is the Great Equalizer. Rich or poor, black/white/hispanic/asian, well known or unknown, educated or without that opportunity, we must all face our own mortality and the inevitable end to this brief life.So how do we view both life and death in a way that maximizes the here/now and prepares us for the their/then of eternity?

  • The Beauty of Sovereignty


    The 14 pluses and 14 minuses of the "Time Poem" in Ecclesiastes 3 show that we are helpless to effect real change in the world. But the good news is that God is sovereign over every season of life, and His sovereignty is absolute, personal, beautiful, mysterious, immutable, and eternal

  • Work and Wealth


    How do we view our work and wealth through a biblical lens? How can we honor God with what we do and what we gain through our career and employment?

  • Wisdom and Pleasure


    How much is enough? How much do you need to own? What do you need to drive? Where do you need to live? What do you need to wear ... to satisfy your soul? Can anything this world truly be enough or do we need something more? Relational Discipleship Questions 1 - Why do we look towards outside things to satisfy us on the inside? 2 - What's on our "list"? 3 - How do we turn towards Christ to be our soul satisfaction?

  • All is Vanity


    Everyone has a soulthirst. And everyone has tried to quench it with things that only leave us more thirsty. The book of Ecclesiastes is a warning and an invitation to put down the cup that doesn’t satisfy, find the rivers of living water, and never be thirsty again.

  • Waiting on God


    How often do we try to solve problems in our own strength only turning to God for help when we fail? God is our fortress and our salvation and His timing is perfect, wait on God.

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