Stellar Life | Get Inspired And Live Out Loud



Get inspired and live out loud! A podcast for exceptional women.


  • 207: Unlock Your Potential to Heal and Transform with Donny Epstein

    11/02/2020 Duración: 58min

    My guest today is an exceptional human being. He's one of the most extraordinary healers on the planet. What he does in real life looks like something out of a Harry Potter movie. Really, it's incredible. Donny Epstein is the founder of EpiEnergetics and the creator of NetworkSpinal. He's an energy healer who has helped so many people, including me, my husband, and Tony Robbins.  Donny started out as a chiropractor and created his own healing modality. He's an author, speaker, and healer who shares his new knowledge about energy and focus, and how to have the most significant impact on the world. Donny is a unique human being and a real-life wizard. My experience with Donny has been nothing short of extraordinary.  It's tough to explain getting entrained by Donny because it's like trying to explain the flavor of the best ice cream you've ever tasted to someone who never ate it. I am a better partner, coach, and leader because I was privileged enough to work with him. He says that unless you claim the extraord

  • 206: How to Speak So That People Want to Listen with Julian Treasure

    04/02/2020 Duración: 54min

    I just had the most extraordinary conversation with Julian Treasure. He's the author of the books Sound Business and How to be Heard. He is a highly-rated, international public speaker on business sound and personal communications skills, particularly conscious listening and powerful speaking. His five TED Talks have been viewed over 80 million times and his latest is in the top ten TED Talks of all time. You'll be mesmerized by listening to him because he got such a beautiful sound of his voice, but more than that, the insights about communication, listening, and how to be heard will transform the person that you are and the way you show up. Not only in your intimate relationship but mostly in the world in general, with other people, with communicating to strangers, with communicating your business to the world. There was so much valuable information that was packed into this interview that it will blow your mind.

  • 205: Achieve Long Lasting Confidence with Jo Emerson

    28/01/2020 Duración: 52min

    Every once in awhile, you meet somebody that just feels like you’re sisters from another mother, or at least, best friends. My guest was so easy to talk to, I think the reason is that she’s genuine authentic, kind, and sweet. This conversation is going to blow your mind. It was inspiring to me and I just enjoyed it so much. Jo Emerson is the International Executive Coach of the Year, and confidence and human behavior expert. She is also the author of Flying For Beginners available on Amazon. Her most important job is being a mom to her three daughters. After six years as a single mother, she met her soulmate, Terry, in late 2016 and they married in April. They are blissfully happy together. Today’s conversation is how to find confidence by being true to yourself, connect to the authentic person that you are, and show up to the world in your true colors. I love that. I love that journey and I love it when people discover it and they’re not afraid to step up and be who they want to be in the world, not what the

  • 203: Healing Toxic Mother-Daughter Relationship with Karen C.L. Anderson

    14/01/2020 Duración: 48min

    Today, we’re going to talk about a topic that is usually unspoken. It’s almost a taboo. People don’t talk about it a lot, but we all have issues with our parents. If you don’t, you’re amazing. You just won the lottery. But most of us have some issues- some more than others with our parents. In this episode, we’re going to talk about the troubled relationship between mothers and daughters. Mostly awesome, but there are some things that are always in the way. Some triggers from childhood, some unhealthy attachment. It happens. Your parents love you no matter what, you love them no matter what, and there is still some friction sometimes. To discuss this topic and to shed some light on this topic, I invited Karen C.L. Anderson. She helps women take a compassionate look at the troubled relationships they have with their mothers and/or daughters and guide them to reveal patterns, heal shame, and transform legacies. She’s the author of Difficult Mothers, Adult Daughters: A Guide for Separation, Liberation & Insp

  • 202: Break Through Your BS with Derek Doepker

    07/01/2020 Duración: 54min

    Today, we’re going to talk about how to feel more empowered, inspired, and secure in who you are because even when you’re successful, even when things are going well, sometimes there is this little voice in your head that can bring you down. I invited Derek Doepker, he’s a best-selling author of Break Through Your BS. He loves sharing practical strategies to overcome self-doubt, fears, and limiting beliefs.

  • 201: Clarify Your Brand’s Message with Adria DeCorte

    31/12/2019 Duración: 41min

    Sometimes, it's hard for me to communicate what I do in the world. I can say I help women find self-love so they can attract their person and attract success. But it's so much deeper than that because what goes into that is also healing of trauma, dealing with self-esteem, and connecting to a persona that is stronger than you think. But how can you share all that in one sentence or in the very quick elevator speech? To help with that, I invited Adria DeCorte. She helps women leaders clarify the message they're here to share, so they can reach the right audience. She's a TEDx speaker, host of The Unforgettable podcast, creator of the Messenger Archetypes, and has been featured on the Huffington Post and Fox Morning News. Are you ready to step into those messenger shoes and share your message with the world?

  • 200th Episode Special! The Story of My Miracle Baby

    24/12/2019 Duración: 38min

    For this episode, I’ve decided to share my secret with you, a secret that I’ve kept for almost a year. Later on, you will understand why I kept it as a secret and why I didn’t really want to talk about it or share it. But it’s time. I’ve received a gift from God, and I am ready to share that with you. I also think that it can help a lot of you with the idea of manifesting and understanding of what goes into manifestation and how the manifestation of what you want doesn’t always happen the way you want it to. Still, you can manifest your dreams. If you deeply connect with that, it will show up in your life. Not always exactly the way you want it, but it will happen for you. I wanted to be a mother for a long time.Every time I saw a little kid or baby, I felt a deep longing in my heart, that desire for being a mother. Earlier in my 20s, it wasn’t there, but when the 30s hit, every time I saw a little baby or even a little puppy, I just felt like “Ugh. I really want it.” Knowing I have hormonal deficiencies and

  • 199: Living a Kick-ass Life with Andrea Owen

    17/12/2019 Duración: 47min

    Today, we're going to talk about how to live a kick-ass life. Life coach, author, hellraiser, Andrea Owen is passionate about empowering women to value themselves and fiercely love who they are. She helps women let go of perfectionism, control, and isolation and choosing courage and confidence instead. She is amazing. This girl is on fire and you're going to get tons of value from listening to this episode. I'm sure it's going to inspire you to live your kick-ass life.

  • 198: Women, Wealth, and Power with Barbara Huson

    10/12/2019 Duración: 45min

    My husband Stephan just came back from a talk, and one of the speakers shared this statistic: “80% of men die married, and 80% of women die single.” Mindblowing. Most women relegate their financial management responsibilities to the men in their life, and that is a dangerous thing. Because what happens when the guy dies or leaves the relationship, and they have no clue how to manage their finances? Barbara Huson is the leading authority on women, wealth, and power. As a bestselling author, financial therapist teacher, and wealth coach, Barbara has helped millions take charge of their finances in their lives. Her extensive research and her personal experience with money give her a unique perspective and make her the foremost expert on empowering women to live up to their financial and personal potential.

  • 197: Financial Freedom Through Real Estate with Tamar Hermes

    03/12/2019 Duración: 56min

    Today, we're going to talk about how to dissolve money blocks, how to invest in real estate, and how to make lots of money to secure your future. From poverty to a wealth warrior, Tamar Hermes has grown businesses and invested in real estate to reach financial independence. Now, she's on a mission to support other women to do the same. Tamar is a wonderful friend. She's also been my financial coach. I took her course, The Wealth Warrior, and she is extraordinary. 

  • 196: Seeking Joy with Shannon Kaiser

    26/11/2019 Duración: 49min

    What fulfills you? What brings you joy? How can you love yourself more? How can you feel more fulfilled? What is fulfillment? Is it the money you make? Because some people live in mansions and are miserable. And there are some poor children on the streets of Calcutta in India who have hardly anything to eat, but are so happy.  So what is happiness? What is joy? And how can we bring ourselves to love ourselves a little bit more every day? I enjoyed this episode because I’ve interviewed many guests, and sometimes, I find this one person who's almost like a kindred spirit, who I feel very much in alignment with it. This was a refreshing conversation, where we bounced ideas off of each other, and it was very much in sync. I know that you're going to be very inspired.  Shannon Kaiser is the best selling author of five books on the psychology of happiness and fulfillment, including the number one bestseller, The Self Love Experiment, and Adventures for Your Soul. She helps people trust and believe in themselves s

  • 195: Love is in The Stars with Carol Allen

    19/11/2019 Duración: 59min

    When it comes to popular astrology, you’ve probably read that Scorpio’s are too intense and Cancers are super sensitive. And whether subconsciously or consciously, these stereotypes of your “sun sign” has probably influenced your dating decisions - like rationalizing that a guy didn’t work out because his Leo sign mean he was too self-centered.  But what if I told you that compatibility has nothing to do with those signs - in fact, it has everything to do with your moon sign, your date of birth, and the destiny which the universe has outlined for you. I say outlined, because even though you may have some sort of destiny, it’s up to you to make decisions and take actions that will lead you to the partner that was meant for you.  When coaching my relationship clients, I stress the importance of being active in your quest for love, not just waiting around for the stars to align. We have to put in the work and remember that life happens for us, not to us. To understand these concepts better, I am excited to have

  • 194: Training Your Love Intuition with Dr. LeslieBeth Wish

    12/11/2019 Duración: 51min

    If you’re like me, you’ve probably had to kiss one too many frogs in your life. I am grateful that I have found my soulmate, but it was not before I experienced some challenging, and sometimes painful, relationships.  When I did meet my future husband, it was at a time that I allowed myself to be vulnerable with the universe, to believe that he was out there waiting for me, and to trust my intuition on knowing he was the one. Your intuition is a powerful source of guidance in your life that can help you weed out all the frogs.  I find myself having to encourage my love coaching clients often, reminding them not to give up just because they have gone on a couple of bad dates. Don’t give up, and don’t settle, because I promise there is a small voice inside of you – your intuition – who is going to guide you to the right man, you just have to trust and listen! My guest today, Dr. LeslieBeth Wish, strongly believes in the power of intuition and her belief is backed by scientific research. Tune in today to learn h

  • 193: Nice Girls Don’t Get Rich with Dr. Lois Frankel

    05/11/2019 Duración: 49min

    As a child, I was taught that being nice and polite would go a long way. And while having these values will certainly take you far in life, you may have noticed by now that we live in a man’s world - and as a woman, you have to be more than just ‘nice’ if you want to get ahead.   Women are living under societal pressures which dictate how we should behave, look, and live our lives. A lot of the messages which surround you as a women are infused with limiting beliefs on what you can accomplish in life - from how much money you can earn, the kinds of roles you can play in society, to how valuable you are based on your looks.  Laurel Thatcher Ulrich, a Pulitzer winning historian, famously wrote “Well behaved women seldom make history” - meaning, it’s the women who have shaken things up and been assertive of what they want in life - often at risk of being labeled a “bitch” - who have gone on to lead memorable lives. My guest today is one such memorable woman who was tired of being the nice girl, and started takin

  • 192: How to Make Him Yours with Mark Rosenfeld

    29/10/2019 Duración: 47min

    What do men really want? If you’re single or have recently been dating in today’s modern world, you have probably asked yourself this question as you deal with the seemingly ever present flakiness and lack of commitment that men seem to have.    Yet the real question that you should consider is, what do you want in a man? And once you figure that out, visualize it, and most importantly, believe that you deserve it, you’ll find that you will be able to surpass all the lame dating experiences as you realize to not take ‘rejection’ personally when they were never the right fit for you anyway.    I often tell my clients, you have to work on yourself internally to become the woman who is going to attract the man of her dreams. It’s not about changing yourself fundamentally, it’s more about changing your perception of the love you deserve by healing your past traumas. My guest today, Mark Rosenfeld, has gone from awkward virgin geek in high school, to stripper, to finally a world renowned relationship coach who sha

  • 191: Rethink Performance by Asking the Right Why with Jeanette Bronée

    22/10/2019 Duración: 51min

    Life happens for you, not to you. When things are not going your way, it can be comforting to take the easy way out and blame everything and everyone else for your problems and stress. And while there are people who will hurt you, or things that happen that are beyond your control, that just plainly seem so unfair, or cruel, these facts of life are always going to be there - it’s what you do about them that matters.  You owe it to yourself to have the self confidence and self love to make sure your needs are getting met. Regardless of the ups and downs of life, it really is up to you to roll with the punches and make the best out of your life as possible. It’s up to you to have the foresight to realize that there is a lesson in every hardship - it’s the gift with the bow on the bottom. You can’t see it yet, but if you are open to receiving the message, you’ll get it soon enough.  With all that being said, I know it’s not easy to develop mindfulness and self-awareness, which are the pathways to forgiving, and

  • 190: Live Life with No Regrets with David Wood

    15/10/2019 Duración: 40min

    Being vulnerable can be risky - but wouldn’t you agree that it’s the risks in life that make life worth living? If you never venture into the unknown, if you let yourself be held back by fear, I bet there are many things in your life that will pass you buy, when they could have changed the course of your destiny forever.    Vulnerability exposes the most inner truths of ourselves and for that reason, many people equate vulnerability with weakness. But being vulnerable is actually a sign of bravery - you are risking the most fragile parts of yourself, knowing well that you could get hurt by rejection, shame, or ridicule, but you do it anyway. And at the end of the day, you want to live a life of no regrets, and not look back on what you didn't do, because you were too afraid.    Many of my clients are strong, independent women who have trouble with the idea of vulnerability when it comes to relationships. They are alpha females who have been hurt in the past, who feel that wearing their heart on their sleeve i

  • 189: The Science of Conscious Creation with Tamara Dorris

    08/10/2019 Duración: 49min

    You can be the architect of your life. It all starts when you accept responsibility for everything that has happened to you - the good and the bad - and decide that you are going to live empowered by it all, not victimized. When you reach that level of consciousness of how the world, and its infinite amount of energy works, you can tap into a higher realm.  You are incredibly vulnerable to the energy around you. Surround yourself with positive people, and you will see a change in your disposition. When you are feeling down, a simple joke or something that makes you laugh can wake your spirit up. Allow yourself to align your heart and mind, and commit to living authentically and from the heart, doing what makes you happy and serves others.  When I coach my relationship clients towards finding the man of their dreams, they understand that it’s more than just willing someone to appear on a white horse and swoop them away. A big part does involve putting out into the universe the type of relationship you want, bu

  • 188: Influence, Authenticity & Success with David Essel

    01/10/2019 Duración: 56min

    For many people, there is a sort of skepticism when it comes to the “woo-woo” concepts of manifesting your destiny. Ever since The Secret came out, there was a group of people, led my questionable “coaches” who really believed that they could will a “magic check” into their lives.    But the law of manifestation, of attraction, doesn’t work so easily. Otherwise, we’d all be writing big fat checks to ourselves. The law of attraction really only works when you combine it with action. It’s more than just thinking positive, it’s getting up off your butt and actually doing, not just dreaming.    Because of the popularity of The Secret, there were many coaches out there who sold false hopes to people desperate to change their lives. And today on my show, I have an incredible coach who admits to doing just that but has done a 360-degree turn in his life once he realized that self-help was just that - you need to want to change from within, and be willing to put in the work yourself. David Essel joins me today in an

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