Southside Baptist Church Podcast



Located at the heart of San Marco, Southside Baptist Church is engaged with God in His mission to make all things new. Southside Baptist Church is not what you might expect. While the Corinthian columns and stained glass windows may lead you to believe you know what this place is all about, don't make your decision until you meet the people. At Southside we believe it is the people, not the building, that is the church. We believe it is our privilege to represent Jesus in San Marco by creating ministry environments where people can GATHER to worship God, GROW in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and GO in the power of His Spirit to serve the world.


  • Home Field Advantage | The Only Thing

    05/05/2019 Duración: 34min

    Dr. Jerry Haag serves as president and CEO of FBCH and One More Child – a leading child welfare agency that provides Christ-centered services to meet the needs of hungry children, trafficked children, foster children, single moms and struggling families. Under Dr. Haag’s leadership, FBCH and One More Child have increased from serving 3,351 children and individuals in 2007 to impacting 249,044 in 2018. During his tenure as president, he has guided the expansion of ministry sites from nine locations in Florida to more than 50 locations around the globe. To read more about Dr. Haag and the ministry of One More Child, visit

  • Home Field Advantage | Throwing Strikes

    28/04/2019 Duración: 39min

    Major League baseball teams play 162 games during the regular season. Eighty-one games are played “away” and another 81 are played at home. Since 2004 the average MLB baseball team has won 54% percent of their home games. This “Home Field Advantage” comes, in part, because the host team has a better knowledge of the field and a friendly crowd cheering them on. But imagine if a baseball team only won games on the road and lost all of their home games. It wouldn’t take long for the crowd to thin out and the players to begin dreading coming home. This describes how many people feel as they drive home from work. They are winners in the workplace but feel like they are always losing at home. This may be, in part, because while we focus on leadership in the marketplace, we seldom apply those same principles of leadership at home. Join us as Pastor Gary Webber kicks off a six-week series where we examine the biblical playbook for winning where it counts.

  • So Close We Could Taste It

    22/04/2019 Duración: 34min

    Our greatest disappointments in life happen when our greatest hopes are unfulfilled. The closer we come to accomplishing our goals the harder it is when we fail. It’s tough to endure a losing season, but it is devastating to lose the championship in overtime. Two thousand years ago, Jesus’ earliest followers had suffered the devastating disappointment of His arrest and crucifixion. This loss was so great that they nearly missed the miracle that was just about to happen. Join us as we celebrate the God who turns our greatest disappointments into our greatest victories. 

  • With This Cup | We Look Beyond

    07/04/2019 Duración: 32min

    If you’ve ever had dinner at a nice restaurant and left the table, you probably returned to find your napkin neatly folded and reset in place. Proper dinner etiquette teaches that what we do with our napkin when we leave a table is an important indication as to whether or not we plan to return. When Jesus ate His Last Supper with the Disciples, He left a very important clue about what was about to happen and His intention to return to the table. Join us for the final message in the With This Cup Series where we look beyond religion to see God’s bigger plan.

  • With This Cup | We Look Around

    31/03/2019 Duración: 27min

    When we take the Lord’s Supper, we do it with a variety of other people who share our faith and our common need for grace. But as we look around, we may not find much else in common with our fellow worshippers. While the meaning of the Lord’s Supper can be extremely personal and should inspire us to look deep within, it also reminds us that Jesus’ love for the world should also draw us together. As the bread is broken from one loaf and the wine is shared from a common cup, we who were once disconnected from God and each other are united by love of Jesus. We will share The Lord’s Supper around the table as we hear stories about how Jesus is drawing us together.As you prepare to share communion around the table:1.       Describe the spiritual atmosphere of your home growing up. 2.       Who played the biggest role in your faith journey growing up?3.       How are the people around you (both at this table and figuratively) challenging and encouraging your walk with Jesus?4.       What can (should) you be doing t

  • With This Cup | We Look Within

    24/03/2019 Duración: 24min

    Jesus’ death on the cross is a demonstration of God’s love, but it wouldn’t have been necessary were not for the sin and brokenness in our hearts. Just as the Lord’s Supper is an invitation to look and remember God’s love, it is also a mirror that allows to evaluate the condition of our souls and recognize our need for a Savior. We will begin our worship service with a time of silent reflection as we prepare our hearts to share the Lord’s Supper.

  • With This Cup | We Look Back

    17/03/2019 Duración: 45min

    Why do we like the foods we like? What makes us crave one thing while being repulsed by something else? Our cravings and aversions are not only a reflection of our cultural preferences, they speak to a deeper divine design. Every religion uses food as a part of their religious rituals. But for Christians, the Lord’s Supper is not necessarily an appetizing concept. In fact, when Jesus first introduced it, many people found it so disgusting that they walked away from Him. Join us for part one of With This Cup where we will see how The Lord’s Supper invites us to look back and remember the price God paid for our redemption.

  • Boundaries | Unlimited

    10/03/2019 Duración: 35min

    When we think about boundaries it is easy to think only about those boundaries God has set for us, but it is also important to consider how God Himself has chosen to work and relate to us within certain boundaries. Why would an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent God restrict Himself to the boundaries of time, space, temptation, and suffering? Join us for the conclusion of the Boundaries series to learn the answer and to discover the secret to living the unlimited life.

  • Boundaries | The Prison of Pain

    03/03/2019 Duración: 42min

    There has never been a society more averse to suffering than ours. We have perfected the art of reducing, eliminating, medicating – and if all else fails – hiding pain and suffering. But pain and suffering are an inescapable part of the human condition. The question is, to what end? Do the boundaries created by our frail bodies and the pain and suffering we endure in this life tell us anything about God? Join us for the next installment of Boundaries as we discuss the prison of pain and how to find God in that place. 

  • Boundaries | Sex and Marriage

    24/02/2019 Duración: 46min

    Since the sexual revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s, it might appear as if our society has become more and more sexually promiscuous. In reality, however, we’ve probably just become more open about the promiscuity that has always existed. The early church faced a culture that had very destructive beliefs and practices related to human sexuality. One of the things that set early Christians apart was their understanding of the beauty and sacredness of human sexuality as designed by God. Join us for part seven of Boundaries as we discuss God’s design for human sexuality and how it points to very essence of our most basic desires.

  • Boundaries | Temptation Q & A

    20/02/2019 Duración: 01h02min
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