Southside Baptist Church Podcast



Located at the heart of San Marco, Southside Baptist Church is engaged with God in His mission to make all things new. Southside Baptist Church is not what you might expect. While the Corinthian columns and stained glass windows may lead you to believe you know what this place is all about, don't make your decision until you meet the people. At Southside we believe it is the people, not the building, that is the church. We believe it is our privilege to represent Jesus in San Marco by creating ministry environments where people can GATHER to worship God, GROW in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ, and GO in the power of His Spirit to serve the world.


  • Boundaries | Credit Limit

    10/02/2019 Duración: 40min

    Money is perhaps the most recognizable of all boundaries. Most of us have been in a situation where we have felt the constraints of not having enough money to do what we wanted or even needed to do. The Bible has a lot to say about money and how we use it – not because God needs our money – but because money and how we think about it is so deeply connected to our spiritual well-being. Join us for part five of Boundaries where we explore what the Bible teaches about financial boundaries and how God can use them to guide and provide.

  • Boundaries | Making Time with Jesus

    03/02/2019 Duración: 42min

    Have you ever wished for more time? Maybe it was so you could meet a deadline, or for a vacation to last a little longer. We have all felt like we are running out of time. In fact, the Bible tell us that our days are numbered! Time is an immovable boundary that forces us to make choices with what we will do with the limited time we have. “In the fullness of time,” the Bible says, Jesus entered into time and experienced the confines of time and space. And yet, Jesus was never in a hurry. In fact, we can see several occasions when He appeared to be late to important events! Jesus’ daily pace shows us a rhythm of life that is at peace in spite of the demands and pressures of time. Join us for part four of Boundaries where we will learn Jesus’ secret to “making time”.

  • Boundaries | Fences, Neighbors, and Good Samaritans

    27/01/2019 Duración: 44min

    The relationships we value create boundaries in our lives. A commitment to our spouse, our responsibilities to our children or parents, and the needs of friends all create certain limitations in our lives. These relational boundaries can be very difficult to identify and are frequently crossed. This creates relational conflict that impacts our lives in significant ways. Join us for part three of boundaries where we will look at four stories from the Bible the illustrate appropriate relational boundaries and the consequences of ignoring them. 

  • Boundaries | Laying Down the Law

    21/01/2019 Duración: 43min

    God’s perfect creation was a wide-open space with only one boundary marker. But because man chose to cross the only line God said not to cross, the human race has been imprisoned by the consequences of sin ever since. What began as one simple law forbidding Adam and Eve to eat the fruit of a particular tree became a law so burdensome that there was no hope of fulfilling it. Join us for part two of Boundaries where we will explore the purposes of God’s law and how we can fulfill that law by answering one simple question.

  • Boundaries | Hemmed In

    14/01/2019 Duración: 38min

    You’ve probably heard the statement, “Great fences make great neighbors.” Regardless of how you feel about that phrase, you have likely experienced the benefit of healthy boundaries in certain relationships and the pain that comes with the lack of them in others. Healthy boundaries are important in other areas of life as well. From how we handle money and use our time, to how we deal with suffering and respond to disappointments, boundaries are a reality for all of us. Join us for a new sermon series exploring what the Bible teaches about boundaries: what they are, how we should face them, what they teach us about God, and how we find the pleasant places He has for us inside of them. 

  • All Things New

    06/01/2019 Duración: 36min
  • It's God's Mission

    30/12/2018 Duración: 43min
  • The Front Row Seat

    26/12/2018 Duración: 15min

    Before anyone else knew God’s plan, there was a young girl in an obscure village who would not only be the first to know, she would be the first to welcome Him into world.

  • Alias | Prince of Peace

    23/12/2018 Duración: 35min

    When angels appeared to shepherds in the fields outside of Bethlehem, they declared, “Peace on earth, good will to men.” But centuries before, God had offered a clue about the mission of the coming Messiah when Isaiah said He would be called the “Prince of Peace.” How is it possible that a baby born in a barn to a poor refugee couple could bring about the peace that had so long eluded the wisest and most powerful kings? And if that is what He came to bring, why does it elude us still today? Join us for part four of Alias as we explore God’s conspiracy to finally bring peace on earth and good will to all.”

  • Alias | Everlasting Father

    16/12/2018 Duración: 34min

    The Bible tells us that in “the fullness of time God sent forth His Son,” but even before the birth of Jesus, the great Advent Conspiracy had long been underway. One of the aliases the Prophet Isaiah gave Jesus was the “Everlasting Father.” Jewish and Christian scholars have debated this name for centuries. Isaiah was literally calling Jesus the “Father of Eternity.” Join us for part three of Alias where we will learn how Jesus came to give us the gift of eternity.

  • Mighty God Q & A

    14/12/2018 Duración: 01h04min
  • Alias | Mighty God

    10/12/2018 Duración: 30min

    Seven hundred years before Mary and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah to reveal four important clues about the coming Messiah. One of those clues was that He would be called “Mighty God.” This Hebrew phrase literally means “Hero-God.” God came to us in human flesh, the ultimate superhero in disguise. He would not only rescue us from sin and death, He would defeat those enemies once and for all. Join us for part two of Alias where we will learn that Jesus was more than a human savior; He was and is our Hero God. 

  • Alias | Wonderful Counselor

    05/12/2018 Duración: 40min

    God’s conspiracy to rescue us from sin and death began long before the events surrounding Jesus’ birth. In fact, 700 years before the angel appeared to the shepherds, God spoke through the prophet Isaiah to give us four important clues about the coming Messiah. One of the aliases Isaiah used to describe Jesus was “Wonderful Counselor.” When we think about a counselor, we may think about a mental health professional, a religious adviser, a lawyer, or someone who gives advice in a specific field. But Jesus has come to offer us more than good advice; He is our Wonderful Counselor. Join us for part one of Alias as we learn how Jesus is God’s word of hope to a hopeless world.  

  • 30 Words | So We Can Share in God's Life

    25/11/2018 Duración: 28min

    Thousands of evangelistic conversations have started with the question, “If you were to die tonight, do you know for certain you would go to heaven?” While this question has been effective for many, for others it has made the Gospel sound less like good news and more like a life insurance plan. Jesus said He came to give life and give it abundantly. While we all need life insurance, we want abundant life. Join us for the final message in 30 Words where we explore the difference between a Gospel that only promises heaven when we die versus a Gospel that promises that we can share in God’s life here, now, and forever.

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