Truth Community Church




  • Get Your Hopes In | GC 1 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    03/12/2023 Duración: 40min

    Hope is something that we all want, yet many people fail to experience it. Biblical hope is not attached to circumstances and outcomes; it is about a Person named Jesus. The Christmas season reminds us that God always keeps His promises. Simeon eagerly waited for the fulfillment of prophecies that were made about the Messiah. He did not wait in despair; he had hope. We can experience hope because we have the Holy Spirit in our lives. This Christmas season, whatever circumstances unfold, you don’t have to get your hopes up; you can get your hopes in Jesus!

  • What Do You Want? | ATM 80s 4 | Josh Palmeri

    26/11/2023 Duración: 26min

    If you could ask for one thing right now, what would it be? Maybe it’s a gift — a new car, or a new iPhone. Maybe it’s something more — success in business, a restored relationship, physical health, healing from  a wound. We love when we get what we ask for in life. But what happens when it doesn’t happen, and we feel devastated? How do we cope? In this message, we hear how God knows what we truly need. We can ask Him, wait on Him, and trust His timing. To do this we’ll look at two stories: a woman who desperately wanted children, and a boy who desperately wanted a new toy for Christmas. Their responses will help point us to the best thing you can ask for - Jesus himself!

  • Overcoming Worry | ATM 80s 2 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    12/11/2023 Duración: 31min

    Jesus gives us a profound command: "Do Not Worry.”There are two extreme worldviews of "Man Up" and "Give Up" when it comes to controlling outcomes. Drawing inspiration from the story of Esther, we learn that God is in control, and our choices matter. We are presented with four practical steps: "Pray First," "Rely on Others," "Trust God's Timing," and "Act in Faith." These steps empower us to face life's uncertainties with confidence, relying on the comforting knowledge of God's sovereignty and the significance of our choices.

  • Embracing God’s Authority | ATM 80s | Pastor Amy Indovino

    05/11/2023 Duración: 35min

    Who likes to be told what to do by someone else all the time? Let’s be honest — we rarely welcome authority over our lives because we believe we know what is best! This message kicks off our At The Movies 80's Edition, drawing parallels between "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" and the biblical story of Adam and Eve. Rebellion is resisting authority, often due to an unwillingness to submit to someone else. Rebellion against God's authority leads to consequences such as shame and separation. Recognizing God as the ultimate authority is so important in our lives. "Fearing the Lord" means revering His greatness and power rather than fearing punishment. Having a good excuse doesn’t mean it’s a good choice! True wisdom is found in having a healthy respect for God and obeying His commandments. God clothed Adam and Eve after their rebellion, and He clothes us in His grace and forgiveness through Jesus! We can surrender to God's authority in every aspect of our lives, knowing that His boundaries are for our best.

  • Made For Connection| Pastor Keith Indovino

    30/10/2023 Duración: 37min

    We are made for connection. We go through life trying to find the best source to connect our lives to in order to establish our identity and purpose. While many sources look good, in the end, they will overpromise and underdeliver the joy we are looking for. Jesus called Himself the True Vine. By doing so, He was claiming to be the truest place for humanity to connect to in order to discover identity and purpose. We are called to receive God’s Son and remain in Him. Faithfulness and fruitfulness make up the Christian life. Our motivation for remaining in Christ is His love for us. If friends determine our future, we are blessed to be called friends by Jesus.

  • I Need You, You Need Me | Landmark 4 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    22/10/2023 Duración: 41min

    Followers of Jesus can make an eternal difference when we choose to come together in unity to accomplish a God-sized vision. On Commitment Sunday, we reflect on the prayer David when the people of Israel sacrificially gave to see the Temple built. Everything we have comes from God. We are managers who are putting back in His hands what He first gave to us. The heart of generosity includes willingness, sacrifice, gratitude, integrity, and obedience. We praise God as we give Him our best yes to see the Landmark vision become a reality.

  • Put It In His Hands | Landmark 3 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    15/10/2023 Duración: 39min

    Christian faith is not a vague hope; it is a settled confidence that God will keep His promises. Without faith, we cannot honor God with our lives. So then, how do we have faith? Faith grows by hearing about the goodness of Jesus Christ. There was a moment when Jesus performed a miracle as a result of a young boy’s faith. The disciples faced an enormous problem that no human solution could solve. Jesus stretched their faith by asking them certain questions and commissioning them to serve the people. When we put what’s in our hands in the hands of Jesus, miracles take place. As we approach commitment Sunday, we have faith to believe that the Landmark vision will become reality.

  • What Plant Are You Crying About? | Landmark 2 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    08/10/2023 Duración: 35min

    What do you care about? We care about the things that matter to us! What if the things we care most about, aren’t what God cares more about? Through the life of Jonah, we discover how easy it is for us to be caught up in caring about plants that will wither and die. We learn that God’s heart is for lost people to be saved. God’s Plan A to bring Jesus to this world is His people, and there is no Plan B. When we seek His Kingdom first, God promises to take care of everything else in our lives.

  • Surrender | Landmark 1 | Pastor Keith

    01/10/2023 Duración: 41min

    We have a God-sized dream to see a Landmark established in our community that will draw people to Jesus. Pastor Keith shares what the vision is and how we can all play our part in making it a reality. We are driven by the commission Jesus gave us: to bring the gospel to lost people and to see saved people pastored. Our very first response is to surrender to what God is calling us to. True surrender includes humility, prayer, seeking Jesus, and turning from wickedness. We will be a people who is available to whatever God wants to do!

  • Generosity Is Our Privilege | Multiply 4 | Josh Palmeri

    24/09/2023 Duración: 37min

    Have you ever considered what it truly means to be generous in your finances? What standard and definition do you use? In this message, we discover why God commands us to be generous, and what that really means. When we respond to God’s grace for us, it produces gratitude in our hearts, and we are enabled to live truly generous with our finances to make an eternal impact.

  • God and the Highly Unexpected | Multiply 3 | Pastor Steve McCarthy

    17/09/2023 Duración: 42min

    God calls unexpected people to unexpected places to make an eternal difference! He invites lost people to know Him and then sends them into the difficult and dark places because there is someone else He deeply cares about who needs to know His love, grace and mercy. When we are obedient to respond to God’s faithfulness and to do what He calls us to, a miracle happens: His will is done and lost people are found in Jesus!

  • Boulevard of Fulfilled Dreams | Multiply 2 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    10/09/2023 Duración: 36min

    Are you walking through life alone? You were created to be cared for and care for others. Our lives find their fullest potential when we are connected to others in Small Groups. At Blaze Church, small groups look the way they did when the church first began. We focus on four things: Studying God’s Word, Forming Genuine Relationships, Gathering At The Table, and Praying With One Another. The only way to Find Freedom in your life is to be close to other believers.

  • Fight For Them | Multiply 1 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    03/09/2023 Duración: 37min

    We are a church committed to fighting for the next generation to know God. God has commanded us to commend his works to every student. The people of Israel failed to do this, and a generation grew up that “did not know the Lord.” Jesus showed us the best way to obey this command: welcome children, become children, and serve children. We can fight for the next generation by setting up environments for them to know God, serving in kids' and students' spaces, and regularly praying for them. When we focus on the next generation, the word of God will multiply in our community!

  • When Life Feels Empty | Deep Clean 4 | Pastor Amy Groeschel

    27/08/2023 Duración: 32min

    The things of the world—like appearance, status, and knowledge—can satisfy for a minute, but end up leaving us feeling empty. In Week 4 of Deep Clean, we’re learning how to find fulfillment from the right source and enjoy an abundant life that can only come from God.

  • How to Quit Porn | Deep Clean 3 | Pastor Craig Groeschel

    20/08/2023 Duración: 37min

    If you struggle with an addiction to pornography, you know how much of a toll it can take on your life. It may seem like there’s not a way out from your struggle, but it’s possible to experience freedom. We’re learning how to quit porn addiction in this message of Deep Clean with Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life Church.

  • When God Doesn’t Make Sense | Deep Clean 2 | Pastor Craig Groeschel

    13/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    Sometimes life can leave us feeling like a mess. The kind of mess that’s just too complicated to figure out. Bitterness can steal your joy and keep you focused on the past. What do we do when God doesn't make sense?

  • Healing From Shame | Deep Clean 1 | Pastor Craig Groeschel

    06/08/2023 Duración: 35min

    Have you ever done something you’re ashamed of? It can be easy to feel like you’ll never be free from the shame of your past. Sometimes life can leave us feeling like a mess. The kind of mess that’s just too complicated to figure out. But it’s possible to start fresh. Find out how in this message from Pastor Craig Groeschel of Life Church!

  • Compassion In Action | Living The Dream 4 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    30/07/2023 Duración: 38min

    Everyone needs compassion. As we live the dream, we will inevitably be hurt by others. The hardest people to show compassion to are the ones who have hurt us the most. Joseph had the opportunity to exact revenge and hold a grudge against his brothers. There were three truths that Joseph believed that empowered him to love his brothers deeply. Because God has kept no record of our wrongs, we are free to release those who hurt us.

  • Common Cents | Living The Dream 3 | Pastor Keith Indovino

    23/07/2023 Duración: 41min

    Every dream requires dollars! Without finances, a dream remains a dream. After thirteen years, Joseph’s dream is finally coming true. It will require him to manage the financial assets of Egypt. This is no small task. God provides wisdom to Joseph so that Egypt is able to thrive in the midst of famine. We discover four biblical, financial principles from Joseph’s leadership: Work hard, Save up, Give away, Live debt-free. Money can be a wonderful servant or a terrible master. No matter how much money you have, you will never have enough to save your soul. By knowing God, you will have the greatest motivation to use your money in a way that brings freedom and happiness. Apply Common-Cents Principles to your money habits.

  • Character Reference | Living The Dream 2 | Pastor Amy Indovino

    16/07/2023 Duración: 37min

    When we are living the dream, we will be faced with temptations that will try to have us compromise our godly character. If you and I want to resist temptation, we need to live differently than this world. Our character matters because character is who we desire to become. And our reputation demonstrates our character. By living in accordance with the Spirit, we will daily walk with the Lord. And when The Lord is our supreme love over everything, including our fleshly desires, then we can resist temptation – and even run away from it!

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