St. Peter's Fireside



St. Peter's Fireside is a church in Vancouver, B.C. seeking to be a faithful presence of renewal.


  • Encountering Presence

    16/10/2022 Duración: 32min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Lloyd Lee preaches from Revelation 1.9-20. As he unpacks the wild vision of John's revelation, he invites us to see the nearness of Jesus, and to discover the goodness of God through the presence of Jesus Christ.

  • Encountering Sabbath

    09/10/2022 Duración: 25min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Phill Pearson preaches from Exodus 20.8-11, and invites us to discover the goodness of God through experiencing the spiritual practice of Sabbath. As we practice Sabbath, he shows us that it forms and shapes us, almost like an act of resistance, so that others can receive the gift of rest and dignity through us.

  • Beloved Goodness

    02/10/2022 Duración: 28min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Phill Pearson preaches from Matthew 3.13-4.11. As he explores the story of Jesus' baptism, he invites us to consider what it means for God to call us his beloved.

  • Extravagant Goodness

    25/09/2022 Duración: 28min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Rob Collis preaches from 1 Chronicles 17, and explores how King David encountered the goodness of God through the prophet Nathan, and what this reveals to us about God's goodness towards us.

  • Second Genesis

    18/09/2022 Duración: 24min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our new series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, David Robinson preaches from John 20.11-18, and invites us into the story of when Jesus appeared to Mary Magdalene after the resurrection. As he helps us see the real Mary from the Bible, he shows us that Mary's encounter with Jesus is a second Genesis, and paved the way for a long line of witnesses who have told us we, too, can experience the goodness of God for ourselves.

  • Leading Goodness

    11/09/2022 Duración: 35min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our new series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Lloyd Lee preaches from Exodus 13.17-14.29, and invites us into the story of how God encountered Moses and led him and the people of Israel out of slavery. As he explores the way God was leading Moses and the people of Israel, he invites us to consider the ways God is leading each of us, and to encounter the goodness of God as he leads us.

  • Surprising Goodness

    04/09/2022 Duración: 33min

    Join us this Sunday as we start our new series, Encounters of Goodness. This week, Phill Pearson preaches from Genesis 28.10-22, and invites us into the story of Jacob's encounter with God in Bethel, and to discover the surprising presence of God with us.

  • Revealing the Heart

    28/08/2022 Duración: 25min

    Before Jesus ever went to the cross, he spent time with his disciples, preparing them for the time when he would no longer be with them. As we continue in our series in Luke, we're again joined by Bishop Dan Gifford, who preaches from Luke 11.53-12.3. He shows us how Jesus was revealing the hearts of his disciples and the people around him to heal them and renew them, and invites us to consider the state of our own hearts before God, too.

  • Practicing Prayer

    21/08/2022 Duración: 31min

    Prayer is often described as simply having a conversation with God. But it can often feel more difficult than that. As we continue in our series through the Gospel of Luke, guest preacher Ross Lockhart preaches from Luke 11.1-13 and helps us to learn how to be in the presence of God.

  • Praying Like Jesus

    14/08/2022 Duración: 28min

    Bishop Dan Gifford preaches from Luke 11.1-13 looking at what Jesus taught on how we should pray, what we should pray, and why we should pray.

  • Slowing Down & Welcomed

    07/08/2022 Duración: 20min

    In Luke's Gospel, we learn about two sisters who invited Jesus to come have dinner. But tensions rose between them as Mary sat at Jesus' feet while Martha rushed around, getting everything ready. This Sunday, our guest preacher Carrie Schuliger invites us into this story from Luke 10.38-42, and asks us to slow down to receive the generous hospitality of God for us, and enter into his welcome.

  • Lawyer on Trial

    31/07/2022 Duración: 27min

    In Luke's Gospel, we read about a lawyer who put Jesus to the test. He wanted to challenge Jesus, and test if he was a credible religious teacher. But in replying, Jesus challenged him. As we continue in our series in Luke, Alastair Sterne preaches from Luke 10:25-37 and invites us to hear Jesus' challenge to the lawyer -- to stop justifying ourselves in our own eyes, and instead receive the gift of eternal life.

  • Failure Redeemed

    24/07/2022 Duración: 37min

    We continue our series through the Gospel of Luke. Lloyd Lee preaches from Luke 9.37-50 on how Jesus reshapes, reedems, and reframes us.

  • Included in the Kingdom

    19/07/2022 Duración: 35min

    Why do Christians feel the need to share their faith? Am I supposed to share my faith with other people? How can I share my faith without offending people? Shouldn't I leave it to people who are trained? Phill Pearson explores these questions as he preaches from Luke 10:1-24 and examines what gives us motivation to share our faith.

  • Total Commitment

    12/07/2022 Duración: 30min

    Jesus is leading a new Exodus: deliverance out of everything that enslaves us and keeps us from sharing in the life and love of Jesus. In this sermon, Alastair Sterne preaches from Luke 9:51-62 and asks ,"What does it look like to follow Jesus the Messiah into a New Exodus?"

  • Sincere Faith

    06/07/2022 Duración: 33min

    In Luke 9.37-45 and Mark 9.14-31 the same story is recorded: a man comes to Jesus asking him to help heal his son. The gospel of Mark records him saying to Jesus "if you can do anything." Jesus calls him out for his lack of belief and the father replies, "I believe, help me overcome my unbelief." Alastair Sterne preaches from these passages and identifies this father's statement as the crux of sincere faith. We can turn to God with the smallest bit of faith and God will not disappoint us.

  • Listening to Jesus

    29/06/2022 Duración: 31min

    Alastair Sterne continues our series in the Gospel of Luke, preaching from Luke 9:27-36 on listening to Jesus. Watch the full service on YouTube here:

  • The Cross of Discipleship

    19/06/2022 Duración: 36min

    The Gospel of Luke is a carefully written narrative to help us answer the question, "Who is this Jesus of Nazareth?" This week, Alastair Sterne preaches from Luke 9:27-36. In this passage, the core question behind the gospel rises to the surface. Jesus turns to his disciples and says to them, point blank, "Who do you say I am?"

  • Discipleship

    12/06/2022 Duración: 40min

    Join us this Sunday as we continue in our series Brick & Mortar! This week, Alastair Sterne preaches from Matthew 28:16-20 and explores how, as people of the gospel, we are disciples of Jesus, and our discipleship takes place wherever we are.

  • Temple of the Spirit

    05/06/2022 Duración: 35min

    Join us this Pentecost Sunday as we continue in our series Brick & Mortar! As we celebrate Pentecost, Alastair Sterne preaches from Ephesians 2.19-22, and explores what it means for us as Christians to be set apart as God's holy temple on earth.

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