Lifepoint Church Indy Sermons



LifePoint Church sermons


  • Giving Account (Audio)


    Armed with suffering as our weapon against sin, we now put away wanton lifestyles and pagan practices. Our goal is to suffer death, which is the “way of all the earth,” so that we can live in the spirit with God forever. We need to live like someone...

  • Saved from Judgment (Audio)


    Jesus is eternal, and his Spirit has been at work not only in our time, but in all times. Christ, via the Spirit, has secured our salvation and has triumphed over all of his, and our, enemies.

  • Apologia (Audio)


    We are not to fear those who threaten us when we are innocent, but we are to be prepared to give a defense (apologia) for the reason we hold fast to our faith even though persecuted. Our witness, however, must always be done respectfully and honestly.

  • Good for Evil (Audio)


    Our text for today is basic Christianity. When we obey, we are blessed, but when we do not, we do not receive a blessing, and if we refuse to obey the gospel, we can expect God to turn from us. Let us practice biblical faith which honors our Lord.

  • The Christian Home (Audio)


    God has ordained that men and women, although equal in value in God’s eyes, will have complimentary roles. Submission to God will bring about the greatest possibility for positive relationships between the sexes and for the greatest gospel good.

  • The Heart of The Gospel (Audio)


    Jesus was/is our sin-bearer. He carried our sin in his body that we might stand before God justified. This is the heart of the gospel.

  • Glorious Suffering (Audio)


    Biblical submission is not firstly about yielding to the will of the emperor, or your employer, or your husband. It is about embracing the order of God, trusting in the sovereignty of God and bowing before the majesty and Lordship of Jesus Christ.

  • Resurrection and Life (Audio)


    What do you believe about Jesus? Is your answer "I believe what the church believes,"? Martha was challenged by Jesus through the death and his restoring the life of her brother to come to a deeper and more defined faith. Jesus IS the...

  • Sojourners and Exiles (Audio)


    Living as sojourners and exiles means living as light and not darkness. Our conduct as believers counts; when we live properly, we cause glory to multiply to God, and it will be seen and vindicated when Christ returns.

  • Marvelous Light (Audio)


    God has called us so that we may in turn proclaim his excellencies to the world. We have much to be thankful for, and therefore there is much to proclaim.

  • Living Stone and Living Stones (Audio)


    We are being built into the house of God, a house built on a solid foundation. This is our honor. But for those who reject the honor, the foundation stone becomes a stumbling stone. Believers, as living stones, let us set our foundations on the...

  • Taste And See (Audio)


    We “taste” of the Lord in his word. It is here that God reveals himself to us most fully, and it is by the use of the word that we grow to Christian maturity.

  • The Everlasting Word (Audio)


    The product of salvation is genuine love. Salvation is forever; the gospel we heard that led to our salvation is forever. Therefore, the love produced by it is forever as well.

  • The Incomparable Christ (Audio)


    We serve an awesome God who sent an incomparable Savior to ransom us from a futile life. He is to be feared, served and loved. As citizens of heaven, let us conduct ourselves with fear throughout the time of our exile.

  • Active Holiness (Audio)


    We are called as Christ-followers to an active obedience. Salvation is the goal of our faith, holiness is the goal of our life.

  • Concerning Salvation (Audio)


    What we have as a possession now many could only gaze at from afar prior to the coming of the Messiah. Salvation is amazing; even angels long to know more about God's eternal plan concerning his image bearers. Let us fully and gratefully...

  • A Genuine Faith (Audio)


    We face trials in life. Our trials are used by God for a faith that results in praise, glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ. We can trust He will be faithful in our sufferings.

  • Eternally Secure (Audio)


    Believer, your salvation is not teetering precariously on some slippery edge; it is held firm and secure in heaven. You are guarded by God’s mighty power, and he will reveal the full glory of your salvation in due time. Let us be confident and rejoice...

  • Dear Exiles (Audio)


    Those who are in Christ are exiles in this world. We are pilgrims on a journey, and God has his eye on us, as he has since the beginning of time. We were chosen by God in Christ to obey, in grace and peace.

  • Do We Care Enough? (Audio)


    God commands every believer to evangelize. The content of evangelism is the person and work of Christ. We can have confidence in evangelism through trusting in the promises of God. Let’s care enough about people to love them, develop relationships...

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