FX Medicine is at the forefront of ensuring functional and integrative medicine gains the recognition it deserves and ultimately establishes itself as an integral part of standard medical practice. Our podcasts are designed to promote research and evidence based therapeutic practises, acting as a progressive force for change and improvement in patient health and wellbeing.
REPLAY: Integrative Oncology: Supporting the Patient Holistically with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Carla Wrenn
30/01/2023Carla Wrenn, naturopath and educator, provides us with her insights into the important role the integrative practitioner may play in holistically supporting the oncology patient in our latest podcast. Having worked with our ambassador, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse in a collaborative care model to support cancer patients, Carla describes how she supports the cancer patient to obtain their best overall health, to reduce potential side effects of cancer treatment and to minimise modifiable risk factors to improve their health outcomes. Carla explains the complexity of the challenges faced by the cancer patient and how she supports them through diet, lifestyle and supplementation. Carla discusses the benefits herbs and supplements may offer for addressing inflammation, hormonal and blood glucose imbalances and stress while expressing caution on their use and discussing the hallmarks of cancer and the all important safety aspects of prescribing natural medicine for the cancer patient. Find today's transcript and s
Intestinal Inflammation: Clinical Definition, Testing and Treatment with Dr. Brad Leech and Lisa Costa-Bir
23/01/2023Join Dr. Brad Leech with ambassador Lisa Costa-Bir on her inaugural podcast on all things Gut Inflammation. Brad breaks down the importance of functional testing for assessing inflammation, with a detailed discussion on interpreting the four major tests – calprotectin, lactoferrin, occult blood and Secretory IgA. Learn about the importance of personalising treatment for patients with gut inflammation and how to effectively use (and dose) key anti-inflammatory herbs and nutrients for optimal efficacy. Clinical take-homes for use in your practice will also include dietary recommendations and an interesting discussion on colon cleansing! Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice o
Summer Series: Breathing for Better Mental Health with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Dr. Judy Lovas
16/01/2023In this week’s episode of the Summer Replay Series, we revisit our podcast ‘Breathing for better mental health’ featuring Judy Lovas with our ambassador, Adrian Lopresti. Our Summer Replay Series has been curated to both support your learnings in the natural medicine space, while respecting your need to relax, unwind and slow down over the summer period. You will find some of our more easy-listening podcasts featured in the series to allow you to listen while heading to the beach, the farm, at the park with the kids or unwinding at the end of a sunny day. We hope you enjoy our podcasts, and we look forward to sharing our new and exciting podcasts with you next week, January 24th, 2024. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substit
Summer Series: Be Inspired by One of the Best in the Industry: Emma Sutherland and Leah Hechtman
09/01/2023In this week’s episode of the Summer Replay Series, we revisit our podcast ‘Be inspired by one of the best in the industry’ featuring Leah Hechtman with our ambassador, Emma Sutherland. Our Summer Replay Series has been curated to both support your learnings in the natural medicine space, while respecting your need to relax, unwind and slow down over the summer period. You will find some of our more easy- listening podcasts featured in the series to allow you to listen while heading to the beach, the farm, at the park with the kids or unwinding at the end of a sunny day. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and look forward to sharing our new and exciting podcasts with you when we return to normal scheduling on January 24, 2023. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, n
Summer Series: Working with Children in Naturopathic Practice with Emma Sutherland and Kelly Gibson
02/01/2023In this week’s episode of the Summer Replay Series, we revisit our podcast ‘Working with Children in Naturopathic Practice’ featuring Kelly Gibson with our ambassador, Emma Sutherland. Our Summer Replay Series has been curated to both support your learnings in the natural medicine space, while respecting your need to relax, unwind and slow down over the summer period. You will find some of our more easy- listening podcasts featured in the series to allow you to listen while heading to the beach, the farm, at the park with the kids or unwinding at the end of a sunny day. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and look forward to sharing our new and exciting podcasts with you when we return to normal scheduling on January 24, 2023. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is
Summer Series: Psychedelics in the Treatment of Mental Health with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Professor Jerome Sarris
19/12/2022In this week’s episode of the Summer Replay Series, we revisit our podcast ‘Psychedelics in the treatment of mental health’ featuring Jerome Sarris with our ambassador, Adrian Lopresti. Our Summer Replay Series has been curated to both support your learnings in the natural medicine space, while respecting your need to relax, unwind and slow down over the summer period. You will find some of our more easy-listening podcasts featured in the series to allow you to listen while heading to the beach, the farm, at the park with the kids or unwinding at the end of a sunny day. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and look forward to sharing our new and exciting podcasts with you when we return to normal scheduling on January 24, 2023. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information p
Summer Series: Case Taking for Environmental Toxin Exposure with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Nicole Bijlsma
12/12/2022In this week’s episode of the Summer Replay Series, we revisit our podcast ‘Case Taking for Environmental Toxin Exposure featuring Nicole Bijlsma with our ambassador, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse. Our Summer Replay Series has been curated to support your learnings in the natural medicine space, while respecting your need to relax, unwind and slow down over the summer period. You will find some of our more easy-listening podcasts featured in the series to allow you to listen while heading to the beach, the farm, at the park with the kids or unwinding at the end of a sunny day. We hope you enjoy our podcasts and look forward to sharing our new and exciting podcasts with you when we return to normal scheduling on January 24, 2023. Find today's transcript and show notes here:***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it i
Metabolism, Hormones and Weight Management with Emma Sutherland and Dr. Jade Teta
05/12/2022Dr. Jade Teta, Naturopath, author and podcast host, joins our ambassador Emma Sutherland, as he describes the connection between metabolism, hormones and weight management. Working to define metabolism, Jade debunks the calorie-in vs calorie-out paradigm often relied on for weight management, replacing it with a holistic view of metabolism as a sensory apparatus within the body operating to respond to multiple stimuli including stress, hormones and temperature. Describing the difference between metabolic flexibility and inflexibility, Jade highlights the benefits of both a short and extreme diet and a gentle and prolonged diet for weight management. Turning to hormonal influences, Jade and Emma discuss the role of leptin, insulin, oestrogen and progesterone on metabolism and in turn, weight management. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medi
REPLAY: Cultivating a Healthy Genitourinary Microbiome with Emma Sutherland and Moira Bradfield
28/11/2022Join Moira Bradfield and our ambassador, Emma Sutherland, as they deep dive into the various mechanisms that impact female genitourinary microbial balance. Moira speaks of soon to be published research on recurrent thrush from her PhD, the importance of L. crispatus, its relationship with oestrogen fluctuations, pre-conception and overall vulvourinary microbial health. Emma and Moira point to the fact that 25% of women experience recurring bouts of bacterial vaginosis and they discuss practical strategies for long lasting improvements including lifestyle and navigating the sensitive topic of sexual health, considerations with life-stage, when to test and what to look out for. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to b
Supporting the LGBTQIA+ Community in Healthcare with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Sage King
21/11/2022Join Sage King, fertility Naturopath and Nutritionist and LGBTQIA+ advocate, as she discusses the importance of inclusivity when working with gender and minority groups in practice. Together with our ambassador, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, Sage shares the importance of representation and understanding in the healthcare setting, describing the challenges and medical trauma individuals within the LGBTQIA+ communities may face when not represented or supported. Sage and Michelle have an open and honest conversation about the different communities that form part of the LGBTQIA+ title and how healthcare practitioners can best support these patients. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care.
REPLAY: Workplace Wellness: Preventing Practitioner Burnout with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Sharee Johnson
14/11/2022Join Sharee Johnson, registered psychologist and executive coach as she describes the landscape of practitioner burnout, including the contributing factors to increasing burnout numbers. Defining burnout, Sharee discusses Christina Maslach’s definition of burnout with our ambassador, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse, identifying areas of vulnerability for practitioners within the healthcare profession. Sharee refers to the PERMA model when explaining to Michelle how practitioners can support themselves to both evade and recover from burnout, focussing on personal safety and agency. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care prof
Post-COVID Syndrome with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Dr. Cliff Harvey
07/11/2022Dr. Cliff Harvey, Registered Clinical Nutritionist, describes the risk factors of long COVID, busting the myth that long COVID is reserved for those with pre-existing health conditions and extending it to healthy and athletic people. Together with our ambassador, Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Cliff highlights the role of nutritional status in post-COVID syndrome and shares treatment options to support those with nutritional deficiencies, while discussing the importance of a thorough dietary analysis. Rounding the conversation off with a discussion on lifestyle factors relevant to the management of long COVID, this podcast is a must-listen for all natural medicine practitioners. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice
Replay: The Dangers of Excess Screen Time with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Dr. Nicholas Kardaras
31/10/2022Dr. Nicholas Kardaras, psychologist, international speaker and author describes the physical and psychological impact excessive screen time has on both adults and children. Together with our ambassador, Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Nicholas describes the addictive nature of excessive screen and the impact this has on dopaminergic function, likening it to substance abuse. As a psychologist, Nicholas looks to the behavioural implications of screen use in children, describing the connection between screen time and impulsivity and the longer term consequences. While often associated with children, adults are not immune to screen time addiction, with research demonstrating many adults using screens as an escape from reality. Nicholas describes the implications of screen time addiction on the individual’s ability to connect with others and the correlation this has with increased numbers of depression. Find today's transcript and show notes here:
Metabolic Inflexibility and the Mitochondria with Emma Sutherland and Dr. Felice Gersh
24/10/2022Dr. Felice Gersh discusses the role metabolism plays in maintaining optimal mitochondrial function in our latest podcast with our ambassador, Emma Sutherland. As an experienced Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Felice illustrates the connection between metabolic health and reproductive health outcomes and the impact metabolic dysfunction can have on hormonal regulation. We hear about changes to metabolic function across the lifespan and about metabolic ‘inflexibility’, the connection between blood glucose regulation and hormone control and the circadian rhythm. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional advice or care. Please seek the advice of a qualified health care professional in the event somethi
Replay: Intermittent Fasting: Fad or Metabolically Beneficial? with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Dr. Veronique Chachay
17/10/2022Dr. Veronique Chachay, Lecturer and Research Academic, shares the history and metabolic benefits of intermittent fasting, calorie restriction and time restricted eating and the challenges associated with studying these protocols with our ambassador, Dr. Michelle Woolhouse in our latest podcast replay. Veronique elaborates on the various forms of intermittent fasting and their role in both metabolism and weight management and how eating within a certain time of day may support the function of specific organs based on chrononutrition. Intermittent fasting has been associated with a reduction in insulin growth factor 1 (IGF-1) production, suggesting a benefit for healthy ageing and a reduction in insulin resistance and the production of ketone bodies associated with the use of stored fats for energy. Michelle and Veronique cover these topics in addition to the potential for personalised nutrition and the adoption of intermittent fasting to suit a persons genotype. Find today's transcript and show notes her
Continuous Glucose Monitoring with Dr. Michelle Woolhouse and Jessica Turton
10/10/2022Jessica Turton, Accredited Practising Dietitian, joins Dr. Michelle Woolhouse to discuss the use of continuous glucose monitors (CGM) to identify blood glucose dysregulation in non-diabetic patients in our latest podcast. Together, they discuss the role of the CGM in obtaining key, patient-specific information in terms of the blood glucose regulation of the individual, allowing for greater analysis of dietary, environmental and lifestyle influences on blood glucose regulation for the individual. Jessica and Michelle discuss the role stress, sleep and inflammation play in blood glucose regulation and share clinically practical advice on the role of magnesium deficiency in patients with blood glucose imbalances. Discussing the impact of certain exercises and alcohol, Jessica answers some of the many often-asked questions around how to best manage blood glucose levels for the non-diabetic patient. Find today's transcript and show notes here:
REPLAY: Stress Resilience & Practical Prescribing with Dr. Adrian Lopresti and Professor Julia Rucklidge
03/10/2022Professor Julia Rucklidge discusses the essential role of nutrition to support resilience in the face of acute stress or trauma in our podcast replay. With our ambassador, Dr. Adrian Lopresti, Julia delves into her research and the use of micronutrients to support survivors of natural disasters and acute trauma experiences. Julia also discusses the diets and nutritional status of individuals following a traumatic experience, and how practitioners might best support these people. Julia is generous with both academic and personal anecdotes on the benefits optimal nutrition (supported by nutritional supplementation) has on the individual in a high stress or trauma period and to promote recovery, sharing insights from her experience during the Christchurch earthquakes. We learn about the essential role the B group vitamins play in supporting the production of adrenalin and cortisol required to respond to an acute situation and how nutritional inadequacy may lead to poor mood and sleep regulation. Find today
The Endometriosis Series: The Specialist with Emma Sutherland and Dr. Andrew Orr
26/09/2022Dr. Andrew Orr, reproductive and women’s health medicine specialist, Chinese Medicine doctor and Naturopath rounds up the final part of our endometriosis series as we look at endometriosis from the perspective of the clinical specialist. With our ambassador, Emma Sutherland, Andrew describes the challenges in obtaining an endometriosis diagnosis for patients, and provides us with the clinical signs he attributes to endometriosis. Andrew describes the challenges endometriosis patients may experience in finding appropriate pain relief, and of the many causes of pelvic pain often attributed to endometriosis. We hear Andrew’s preferred holistic strategies to support an endometriosis patient, and of the importance of a collaborative care model to support the complexity and individualistic nature of endometriosis. Find today's transcript and show notes here:***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medic
REPLAY: Menopause: Oestrogen and the Brain with Emma Sutherland and Dr Nicola Gates
19/09/2022Dr. Nicola Gates, clinical neuropsychologist, researcher, and author, joins us in our podcast replay to discuss the important role of oestrogen throughout the lifespan, shining a spotlight on the menopausal transition. Commonly known for the vasomotor symptoms including hot flushes, insomnia, and weight gain, Nicola expands on the role of oestrogen in menopause making the connection between fluctuating oestrogen levels and cognition, memory, and mood changes. While menopause is a period of great change, Nicola and Emma address the influence of societal expectations and perspectives on the individual, adding to the mental health burden associated with the physiological changes of menopause. We hear of the different forms of oestrogen and their associated life stages and of the key role oestrogen plays in brain function. To support you clinically, Nicola provides us with some excellent clinical strategies to support the menopausal patient. Find today's transcript and show notes here: https://www.fxmedicine.
Olive Leaf Extract: Research, Treatment and Applications with Dr. Damian Kristof and Ian Breakspear
12/09/2022Naturopath, Academic and Researcher, Ian Breakspear educates us on the properties and clinical benefits of Olive Leaf Extract in our latest podcast. Ian provides our ambassador, Dr. Damian Kristof with an insight into the upcoming research into the benefits of Olive Leaf Extract for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and cardiovascular health alongside its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant properties. Having completed research into phyotchemical composition of varying Olive Leaf Extracts in the Australian and American markets, Ian walks Damian through the varying options available and importantly, Ian describes the properties of a therapeutically superior Olive Leaf Extract and its clinical benefits. Find today's transcript and show notes here: ***DISCLAIMER: The information provided on FX Medicine is for educational and informational purposes only. The information provided is not, nor is it