Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar



SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 067: Hello Ello or Goodbye Ello?

    10/10/2014 Duración: 27min

    There is a new social kid on the social networking block. This kid goes by the name of Ello. Many are jumping on to the new social network and saying hello Ello by the thousands per hour. However, the real question is how long will they stick around? As I always say, what happens after the like is far more important than the initial like, or in this case "hello." Are the people jumping onto Ello doing anything more than saying hello? Ello touts itself as the anti-Facebook and plays against the Facebook business model of advertising, privacy issues and now requiring real user names. In my opinion, any network that has a primary value proposition of taking out Facebook is failing from the start and needs to go back and do their marketing 101 homework. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO and Founder of Marketing Nutz, a full service social media, digital marketing, experiential branding and content marketing agency shares with you her thoughts on the new social network, Ello and if  

  • 066: Social Business Mindset - 25 Tips to Healthy Mindset

    09/10/2014 Duración: 22min

    Becoming a social business is a journey, not a destination. You can't just mark a day on the calendar and say "this is the day we will be a social business."    We must embrace the journey. We need to endure the bumps, valleys and remember we are in this journey for the long haul! We need to build a team of people who are ready for the journey and can see the vision ahead.    If you are having difficulty seeing real results from your investment in social media, it may be time for you to do a quick mindset check. The problems may be in your own heart, mind and attitude vs The keys to success in integrating new media, social technologies and social business practices into your business for real results are in the people, human relationships and leading teams to achieve goals and objectives.    We must embrace imperfect perfection and know that perfection is the enemy of good. Sometimes really good is good enough!    In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz share wi

  • 065: Stop Listening to Social Media Gurus Build Your Own Plan

    08/10/2014 Duración: 17min

    There definitely is no shortage of social media self proclaimed gurus and experts willing to tell you exactly what you should do to achieve results in business using social media.  You could spend every waking moment of your day reading blog posts, analyzing industry reports, peeling back the onion of the best practices from the social scientists.  They have advice on everything from how to tweet, how to get retweeted, what time of day to tweet, and when, how and why you should be on one social network over the other. In addition you can find a ton of advice on how to become a social rockstar overnight with their magic social media pill for a low price of $49!  There is a hard reality you must understand. You need to quit building your strategy based solely on the advice of social media gurus and scientists.  Why you ask? Because you need to build your own plan that supports the needs of your audience and your own business goals and objectives. These gurus we are referring to do NOT know your audience, your b

  • 064: Social Employee Brand Advocacy Programs Power Up Your Brand

    07/10/2014 Duración: 13min

    Your employees are conversation starters and the front door to your brand 24 hours a day, 365 days of a year. Their reach, impact and conversations with their friends, colleagues, communities and networks they influence don't stop when they punch out for their day job with your organization. According to Edelman's Trust Barometer, 41% of people think a company's employees rank higher in public trust than their PR department, CEO or Founder! 84% of people trust recommendations from friends and family above all marketing. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore, CEO & Founder Marketing Nutz a full service social media branding, digital marketing and word of mouth marketing agency explains why you should consider an employee advocate program to quickly power up your brand and business results!   We are also pleased to announce the first of a series of conversations and educational events to help business leaders understand how to develop and execute a brand advocacy program in their orga

  • 063: Real Social Media Community vs Self Serving Empire

    01/10/2014 Duración: 24min

    Are you building a social media community built upon trust, meaningful relationships and value? Or are you building a self serving empire?  Many marketing and brand leaders struggle with success in building community. They spend hours a day posting updates, engaging with community members and measuring results or lack of there of.  However, when you do the "double click" to see how exactly they are building this so called "community," it's easy to see they are really all about themselves. There is no real sense of community and in reality they are simply bringing people together so they can promote themselves and their business.  Real communities are built upon trust, open communication, sharing, relevancy, context and meaning. They help nurture relationships and the members within the community help one another often times in both business and life.  If you are frustrated and not seeing business or life results utilizing social media to build community it may very well be time for you do an assessment on you

  • 062: Increase Conversions with Trust & Relationships, Not Spam & Self Promotion

    30/09/2014 Duración: 16min

    It's not rocket science or hot news that earning trust, establishing authority and nurturing relationships is the key to success in business and life. Do you wish you had more business conversions? Focus on earning trust as a top priority. Relationships are nurtured over time with a foundation of trust, caring, and open communication. Relationships are not formed via a spam auto Twitter direct message or a spam link blasted via Twitter to the top 50 influencers in your industry niche.  Many marketing and business leaders hop onto the social networks and get excited about how easy it is to blast the noise to hundreds and thousands of people. Even for those who don't like to write, they find it easy to throw together a few 140 character tweets spamming links and self promotional content with the hopes of growing their business.  Spamming and over self promotion will hurt your brand more than help it. These behaviors may be pushing people away from you and your brand vs attracting them and inspiring them to have

  • 061: People Don't Buy Things, They Join Things!

    29/09/2014 Duración: 29min

    Humans are creatures of habit. Since marketers are humans, this means it's easy for marketers to fall to old tactics and strategies to achieve their business and marketing goals. Times are changing. Smart marketers are quickly learning that it is no longer simply about eyeballs and impressions. To inspire audiences to connect with brands, marketers must connect in a human way. Even more important is that audiences and community members are invited to join something bigger than what they can be or do by themselves. It is human behavior for people to want to feel connected. They want to connect with other humans. They want to know that they are safe, cared for and that their worth on this planet will have a lasting impression. They want to feel a sense of belonging, achievement and actualization. Bottom line, people want to be part of something bigger than what they can be by themselves. They want to not just buy something, but join something. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Mar

  • 060: 10 Tips to Stop Selling and Provide More Value Using Social Media

    25/09/2014 Duración: 23min

    There is not a day I don't wake up that my social media stream and email inboxes are not filled with spam and self promotional garbage from people I don't know trying to sell me their goods. Everything from Twitter direct messages, public spammy tweets, to LinkedIn spam messages and the list goes on. Whatever happened to first saying hello? Or how about building a relationship first? Or even better, how about earning my trust and inspiring me to check out your blog, website, mobile application or other products and services? It is imperative that marketing and business leaders learn both the art and science of social media. Just because you CAN spam the world using social media doesn't mean you should. It's time marketers shift gears from the "me me me" selling strategy to the "give, give,  give" mentality. Inspire your audiences to connect with you with a top goal of helping them achieve their goals. When they achieve their goals, you then achieve yours by default because you are aligned with the needs of yo

  • 059: 5 Reasons Marketers Fail Using Social Media

    24/09/2014 Duración: 18min

    It is a myth to think you can jump on the social networks and see immediate results. Many marketers and business leaders fail simply because they underestimate the amount of work required. They get sold on the social media easy button and "Facebook is free" mentality. The truth is that the ability to achieve real business results using social media requires proper research, education, planning, an understanding of your audience and much more. You must know what your audience wants from you as well as how you can offer them unique value that helps them achieve their goals in life and/ or business.  In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social media, experiential branding and digital marketing agency shares 5 reasons why marketers and business leaders fail and never see real results using social media. Do the opposite of these 5 things to increase your results and better achieve your business goals and objectives.  Episode Highlights 5 Reasons why

  • 058: The Only Way to Do Social Media

    23/09/2014 Duración: 16min

    Are you one of those people who has spent the last 6 months or longer searching for the social media easy button? Do you wish there was a perfect cookie cutter solution you could buy or a social band-aid you could slap on your broken business that would make all of your social business problems go away? Do you wish there was a magic carpet ride to increase brand awareness, Facebook news feed mastery and Twitter viral master heroism?  The truth is that there is only one way to do social media and that is the way that works for you, your audience, your customers, and your business. You might as well quit searching for the social media get rich fast pill as it doesn't exist. There is no class that you can download or workshop you can attend that will help you become a social media rockstar or guru overnight. There is no shortcut that will help you bypass rolling up your sleeves and getting in the head of your audience, setting goals and objectives and building and implementing a strategy and plan to inspire your

  • 057: Stomp Status Quo & Zoom Past Competition

    20/09/2014 Duración: 17min

    Are you an entrepreneur, small business owner or leader in a corporate organization and feel as if you are stuck in a rut? Ever feel as though the rest of the world is zooming past you? Or maybe that you have fallen victim to the status quo bug? You know your results could be better but you don't know how to get there.    If this is you, then this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast is exactly what you need.   In life and business we always want to be looking ahead to what we can be doing that is better, smarter and more efficient. Most importantly we need to always be striving to deliver the best value for our audiences, customers, partners and larger community.   In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, a full service social media, branding, digital marketing and content marketing agency shares 5 tips to help you get unstuck and hopefully inspire you to take your business and life to the next level.  You can implement these tips immediately. It's time you stomp status quo and zoom pas

  • 056: Your Tweets Are Not Your Own!

    19/09/2014 Duración: 13min

    Everything you tweet, post, pin, say and do is a representation of your brand.   Does adding the disclaimer "my tweets are my own" to your Twitter profile really make them your own? Does it really separate your thoughts in 140 character increments from that of the brand you are associating yourself with?   Brand, marketing and business leaders must realize and learn that a simple statement of "my tweets are my own" does not mean that another human being reading them is going to necessarily separate those thoughts and a particular tweet or post to any social network from that of the brand.   Instead, brand and organizational leadership should be focused on investing in employees as human beings. They should be training them, empowering them to be loyal brand evangelists!   In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO and Founder Marketing Nutz, a full service, social media, social business and digital marketing agency shares with you exactly why she does not  believe your tweets are your ow

  • 055: Can Brands be Human? 15 Characteristics of Human Brands

    17/09/2014 Duración: 27min

    Can a brand really be human? In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder of Marketing Nutz, full service social media, social business, digital marketing, branding agency answers this question. Becoming a human brand is different for each organization. There is no perfect cookie cutter solution. However, there are  definitely some best practices that can help marketers and business leaders better humanize their brand and connect their audiences in a real and meaningful way. What are your favorite brands? Why are they your favorite?  It could be you like the product, the service, the way it makes you feel. It could be many different things. If it is not the actual product you are in love with from the brand, then the chances are high that you like the service as well as the way the brand makes you feel. The brand has done something within you heart that makes you feel good. Do you feel empowered, inspired, capable of doing more, being more than you would be without the brand and it

  • 054: LinkedIn in a Nutshell - 10 Business Benefits of Using LinkedIn

    16/09/2014 Duración: 28min

    If you think LinkedIn is only for looking for a job you are missing out on benefits that could be increasing brand awareness, generating leads and increasing sales.  Did you know that there are executives using LinkedIn from all 500 of the Fortune 500 organizations? Or that LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network online with more than 313 million members in over 200 countries and territories? Although they started with only 4,500 members in 2003, professionals are now signing up to join at a rate of more than 2 new members per second. LinkedIn can provide many benefits for brands, marketers and business leaders both personally and professionally. From establishing authority, building trust, igniting your personal brand, increasing corporate brand awareness and community building to nurturing relationships, generating leads and increasing sales LinkedIn can provide tremendous value for those who learn to embrace and maximize the potential. LinkedIn is a platform that myself and our agency spends t

  • 053: Want Social Media ROI? Quit Being Lazy!

    15/09/2014 Duración: 20min

    There is not a day that goes by that I don't hear an ear full from a client, partner, colleague or friend of how much they dislike a particular social network, or how a social network is not delivering value for their business.  It's human nature to want to blame a "thing" on the lack of a result. It's easy to blame Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn for the problems you have in your business. It's easy to blame the lack of success on the never ending changes to the Facebook algorithm, spammers on every social network and the list goes on. The truth is that your results are 100% dependent upon how prepared you are as well as how patient you are. Your return in business and life is only going to be as good as the quality of inputs. If you are always trying to take the easy way out, your results are going to be lacking. If you take time to plan, set goals, understand the needs of your audience and help them solve problems, your results will show such!  Bottom line, you need to stop being lazy. It's not Facebook's pr

  • 052: 5 Top Wordpress Plugins

    12/09/2014 Duración: 16min

    If you know anything about using Wordpress for business, you know that having the right plugins is key to maximizing the platform and ensuring you are leveraging the technology to achieve business goals as well as deliver a pleasant and consistent user experience. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, social media, branding and digital marketing agency shares 5 of her very favorite Wordpress plugins. An important note is also that a plugin will not do anything for your business and online platform if you do not have a solid foundation from which you are building your online marketing strategy upon. It is important that your site is mobile friendly and preferably mobile responsive to meet the needs of the modern, connected customer. I also encourage you to check out the other associated podcasts and information provided below if you are struggling with achieving an ROI with your online marketing investment. The sum of the parts ar

  • 051: 25 Content Marketing Ideas to Stomp Writers Block

    11/09/2014 Duración: 36min

    Ever feel like banging your head against the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn wall trying to think of ideas for your content marketing efforts? If yes,  you are not alone. Some of the brightest marketing and business leaders run out of ideas when it comes to inspiring and connecting with their audience. It's alright to feel stuck now and then. However, if you find yourself continually running short on ideas it's time you find some inspiration and quick! Even if creating content doesn't come easy for you, the truth is inspiration for creating amazing content that connects you and your brand with your audiences in a meaningful, relevant and human way can be found within the most simple parts of your business. Content marketing that inspires your audience and helps them solve problems will organically attract them to your brand. By establishing trust and thought leadership you can more easily nurture relationships that will endure the never ending technology changes. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor Pam Mo

  • 050: Content Marketing in a Nutshell

    10/09/2014 Duración: 24min

    It is not news that content marketing is one of the hottest buzz words for online business today. Many self proclaimed social media, social business and internet marketing experts want to convince you that content marketing was invented via the era of social media and social networks. The truth is that content, relationships and connecting as human beings has existed for decades. Content is simply how we communicate, help, and share information with a goal to inspire, engage and activate our audiences and communities to a desired action. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast I put content marketing into a nutshell to help you understand what content marketing is and how you can use it in your business to serve the needs of your audience, grow community and achieve your business goals.   Episode Highlights Definition of content marketing  Best practices of developing and leveraging content marketing for business Creating content that helps your audience solve their business problems  Different type

  • 049: 25 Tips to Integrate Social Media Into Events and Conference

    09/09/2014 Duración: 38min

    It is no surprise that social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram is changing the landscape for events and conferences. The conversation is no longer limited to the stage, event break out sessions, paid for booth displays and show floors. Instead, there is a conversation happening 24/7 both inside and outside of the event. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social media, social business, digital marketing, branding agency shares 25 tips and strategies to increase ROI at events and conferences by integrating social media.   Event managers and marketers have a tremendous opportunity to leverage social media to increase awareness of the event, increase attendance, and better engage participants live at the event as well as online. Your audience and attendance is no longer limited to the people sitting in seats in the chairs. By integrating social media into the DNA of your event, creating visual experiences for parti

  • 048: Are Realtors Ignoring the Modern, Social Media Savvy Connected Buyer?

    08/09/2014 Duración: 33min

    Is the real estate and vacation rental industry keeping up with technology including social media and mobile marketing? Are they doing all they can to inspire, engage, and connect with the new modern customer? Or are realtors ignoring these mobile, always connected and social savvy customers? Many realtors, property managers and others working in the industry complain of not enough leads, their websites not performing to a level that delivers a positive return on investment and that they are not seeing results using social media. This shouldn't come as a surprise with a few quick Google searches. Even the top searches return websites and blogs that are not mobile responsive, listings that lack visual appeal and the list goes on. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service digital marketing, branding, social media, conversion optimization agency shares strategies, tips and best practices to increase business results using social media, mobile marketing,

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