Social Media Zoom Factor With Pam Moore | Social Media Marketing | Branding |business | Entrepreneur | Business | Digital Mar



SocialZoomFactor is a social media marketing, branding, business and lifestyle podcast created for you, the business and marketing leader in startups to enterprise organizations. If you want to learn how to integrate social media, branding, digital marketing, visual marketing, content marketing and the latest technology and new media to zoom results in business and life you won't be disappointed in the energy and information Pam Moore delivers 5 days a week. Each episode brings you actionable tactics and strategies you can implement today for real business results. Pam is CEO / founder Marketing Nutz and ranked as Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer by Forbes.


  • 047: 5 Twitter Tools to Zoom Social Business Results

    05/09/2014 Duración: 18min

    It is easy to get lost in the bits, bytes and 140 character conversations of social media. For many entrepreneurs, marketers and business leaders, deciding what tools to focus on to optimize social media efforts can be a daunting task. Twitter is a platform that many people have a difficult time learning. However, it's also one of the most powerful platforms for those who take the time to understand, embrace and utilize it for their benefit. Knowing what tools to spend time on versus ignore can save you much time when it comes to actually seeing a business return using Twitter for business. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, social media, digital marketing, branding, conversion optimization agency will share with you 5 of my favorite Twitter tools. These tools will help you better inspire and engage with your audience, manage social media efforts, listen as well as analyze real-time conversations and results so you can continually rinse, repeat and optimiz

  • 046: No You Can NOT Pick My Brain for Free, Sorry

    04/09/2014 Duración: 30min

    Can I pick your brain please? How about a free lunch? Will you review my mobile application and tell all of your friends about it? We have all seen and heard these desperate marketing attempts at gaining free knowledge and help. Despite the fact that we spend days every week publishing advice free blog content, podcasts, hosting tweet chats and more, people still want more and don't want to pay for it. If you have worked a day in business you likely know that time is money. If you do not put a value on your time, nobody else will. You must put a value on your knowledge, resources and time you spend on whatever it is you do. When you put value on your time and knowledge, those around you will do the same. There is not a day that goes by that I am not bombarded by requests to meet for a free "pick your brain" session, review new mobile applications, videos, marketing plans, infographics and the list goes on. Every morning I jump on to Twitter to find people begging for follows, downloads of apps, sharing of con

  • 045: Twitter for the C-Suite - 15 Things Every CEO Must Do Before Hopping on Twitter

    03/09/2014 Duración: 34min

    Congratulations! You have finally said “yes” to jumping into the social bird bath with that crazy blue bird, Twitter. It feels like a big commitment and you didn't make the decision lightly. You may have thought this day would never come. You thought that lil' blue bird would fly away to its happy place so you would never have to worry about talking in 140 character fragments of conversation.  However, that lil' blue bird is still kickin', swimmin' and rockin' the social ecosystem. Twitter is where we get our news, connect with like minds and  You are probably even seeing trusted colleagues, other CEOs, CMOs and even your best friend nurturing relationships and seeing real business results using Twitter. The big question now is how can you do the same! In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore, CEO & Founder Marketing Nutz, full service experiential branding, social business, digital marketing, content marketing agency shares 15 things  things every CEO, CMO, CTO, CIO and any member of

  • 044: Social Media: Power of OPC Other People's Community & Content

    02/09/2014 Duración: 29min

    Social media presents tremendous opportunity for us to connect with people across the globe like we could never do before. The power is at our fingertips to ignite relationships and business results. With this power also comes much responsibility and associated risk. Ever heard of the OPC? Note, it's not to be confused with the song, OPP, even though if you have ever attended one of my workshops you have likely not only heard the song but danced to it! The OPC = other people's content and other people's community. Tapping into the OPC can be a huge turbo boost to zoom your brand, business results and both personal and professional relationships. However, tapping into the OPC requires as much art as it does science. This is because at the heartbeat of social media, business and life is people. People are the heartbeat of business. People are the heartbeat of Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. Communities create markets, but only after you make the first investment in the human beings within. You must be willing t

  • 043: Hope is Not a Strategy to Monetize Your Passions

    01/09/2014 Duración: 20min

    Many business and life experts will tell you that you should follow your passions if you want to get rich. As human beings it is normal for us to focus our lives on something we are passionate about. We want our work and life to matter. We desire to make a difference in someone else's life. We want to leave a footprint on this planet that is something bigger than what you or I can do individually, something we can only do together. We search for the dream job. We search for the dream products and services that can deliver happiness. We go on vacations that promise happiness. We purchase courses that promise wealth and improved health. It's important that you design a life that brings you happiness. However, happiness isn't going to come in a box. Financial security isn't going to come in a box or a 3 day course. Many search for the dream life where everything magically comes together, where our work can be meaningful, bring value to others and make us rich. The truth is that the chance of this happening in su

  • 042: Mobile Marketing: 5 Top Tools to Increase Conversion Optimization for the Modern, Social Savvy Customer

    29/08/2014 Duración: 16min

    You have approximately 10 seconds to inspire, engage and keep visitors to your website or blog. If they are on a mobile device this can be even harder. Success in online marketing does not come from all of the visitors who "almost" became loyal brand evangelists or customers. Marketers must figure out how to engage their online audience within the first 10 seconds or they are off to a competitor site. If a site is slow loading or has forms that don't work via mobile device the chance of that visitor ever taking the next step to engage in a relationship of any kind with the brand are slim to none.  Given that IDC predicts there will be 1.3 Billion mobile workers by 2015, marketers can not ignore the modern connected and social savvy customer. 90% of people who own a mobile device have that device within arms reach 100% of the time!  How do you break through the noise of tools and tech to identify the best tools to help you increase conversions and nurture a community of loyal brand evangelists and customers? 

  • 041: Mobile Marketing: 15 Steps Build Mobile Marketing Strategy and Plan

    28/08/2014 Duración: 39min

    Marketers can not ignore the importance of connecting with the modern, connected and social savvy customer. Mobile marketing must be prioritized in marketing strategies and plans from the start. Did you know that the average American spends at minimum 2 hours a day on their mobile device. This adds up to 57,293 over a life time. Mobile internet users have grown from 500 million in 2010 to a forecasted 3.5 billion by 2015! You can't just throw the words "get mobile" onto a marketing plan and expect real business results. Developing a mobile marketing strategy and plan that delivers results requires proper planning, understanding of technology, created amazing user experiences, integration of social media, content and conversion funnels that drives desired action, proper reporting and measurement and much more. The modern consumer of today is mobile, social, savvy and smart. Your online and mobile platforms must be able to serve them what they need and want from you how and when they need it. Take a listen to t

  • 040: Mobile Marketing: Why You Can't Ignore the Modern, Connected Social Savvy Customer

    27/08/2014 Duración: 31min

    Who is the modern, connected, social, savvy connected customer? 90% of them hold the knowledge of power in their handheld device which is in arms reach 100% of the time. Did you know 90% of people have their mobile device within arms reach 100% of the time? Or that IDC predicts there will be 1.3 billion mobile workers by 2015? 40% of shoppers consult three or more channels before making a purchase decision. This is happening often times while they are shopping even at physical retail locations. 57% consumers will not recommend companies with poor mobile sites. This is important since 77% of consumers are likely to buy a product via recommendation and conversions are 4-10 times higher coming from trusted brand advocates. The modern consumer of today is mobile, social, savvy and smart. They often hold knowledge in their hand more powerful than the sales representative standing in front of them. They are not thinking "what device should I use to access website a, b or c to make a purchase decision so that the we

  • 039: Social Media Etiquette Don't be a Twit on Twitter

    26/08/2014 Duración: 38min

    What is a Twit? It’s not the same exact thing as a tweet although it’s sometimes referred to as one. Is it a person? Is it short for Twitter? Is it a tweet gone viral? Or a tweet gone bad. Or neither?  Twitter can be overwhelming for newbies to social media and even veterans of the online marketing world. Understanding the social ecosystem you are jumping and tweeting into is critical for success. How do you know what is proper etiquette? How can you join the conversation and become a valuable, contributing member of the community as soon as possible? In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore, CEO Marketing Nutz a full service social media, digital branding, conversion optimization agency share 40 behaviors to avoid when using Twitter for business. With these tips the chances are quite high you will avoid being a "twit" all together!    Episode Highlights 40 tips to not be a twit on Twitter Why you must be human and authentic Why you must read the content behind all links you tweet Establis

  • 038: Social Media in a Nutshell

    25/08/2014 Duración: 10min

    Becoming a social business and integrating social media into the DNA of your business is not easy. You can't mark a day on your calendar and state "that is the day we will be a social business." You can't  just wake up and decide… “I am going to be a social business starting today.  I am going to do social, be social and kick some social butt.  My clients will know I am social. My neighbors will know I am social. My world will know I am social… because I am social.” Unfortunately  it's not that easy. Becoming a social business requires planning, goal setting, understanding of your customers, partners, relationships, the broader ecosystem, your brand, the market perception of your brand, internal culture, internal mindset, stakeholder buy-in and a million more details. Time to simplify and humanize!  We must simplify instead of complicate the steps that will move us toward our goal. We can start small. We can simplify vs over complicate. The heartbeat of social media is people. It's people who write and send t

  • 037: Fake Facebook Fans, Followers, Trolls, Influence, Spam and Bullies

    22/08/2014 Duración: 26min

    Just as we think social media, marketing and business leaders were finally starting to "get it" in regard to the foundation of social media being about human connection, relationships, authenticity, there seems to be new wave of cheaters, influence score addicted self proclaimed "gurus" ready to risk their reputation, business, client relationships, integrity and more for a few hundred or tens of thousands fake Facebook fans or Twitter followers. What is even more disappointing is that these are the exact same people who are tweeting, speaking, training and preaching about the importance of being real, nurturing real relationships and how to build and ignite a human social brand. There are industry thought leaders setting up fake accounts that advocate for themselves all troll others on the web. I believe these things are one big fat social elephant in the room that we all must no longer tolerate. Ignoring it is not going to make it go away. Should you fake it until you make it? You can hear Pam Moore, CEO Ma

  • 036: 10 Tips to Build Social Media Game Plan

    21/08/2014 Duración: 20min

    As entrepreneurs, marketing and business leaders, when we start our career or new business venture we start with a zoom. We are ready to jump in head first, join the team and make both business and life happen.  However, as the work piles on, tweets are flying and the never ending social networks are calling our name 24/7, we often grow weary. We let ourselves get caught up in algorithms, influence scores and things that don't really matter.  It's easy to lose track and sight of the why we started our journey in the first place. Why did we join the team and jump on the field to begin with?  When we lose track of the why we are doing what we do, it's easy to wind up on the bench. Before you know it, you are watching life and business success pass you by.  If this is you, it is time you get off the bench! You need to reach back into your heart and mind and find the WHY you started this journey to begin with. It's time you get back on the field and zoom your own game of life and business!  In this episode of the

  • 035: Social Media Launch Strategies for Startups, Entrepreneurs, Mobile Application Providers, Corporations

    20/08/2014 Duración: 33min

    I am simply shocked at how many startups, small business owners, entrepreneurs and even marketers in large corporations wait until the last minute before launching their business or product to market to implement social media marketing strategies and tactics. We have all seen them. They hop on Twitter the day before or day of launch throwing nothing but social spaghetti and spam on the walls of influencers, begging for clicks, plays, downloads, shares and everything in between. There is not a day that goes by that I don't wake up to an inbox filled with spam web forms begging me to share info graphics, videos and the list goes on. My Twitter feed is filled with beggars spamming links to apps and software that they are confident will take over Facebook in the next 30 days. What these lazy marketers don't realize is that they are doing their brand more harm than good. It is obvious they don't understand the social ecosystem of which they have barged into blasting nothing but noise. Two of the top reasons market

  • 034: Social Media Marketing: 45 Signs You Need to Get a Grip on Your Program

    19/08/2014 Duración: 28min

    Many marketing and business leaders jump onto the social networks after being sold a bag of social goods from consultants and agencies thinking they can drive immediate business return. They often get sold on the belief that all they need to do is "do social media" and the magical social media fairy will deliver them a basket of ROI. The truth is they wind up feeling as though their social program is spinning out of control. They focus too much on the science vs art of social media. They chase shiny objects and random acts of marketing vs spending time aligning social media to business goals. It seems marketing and business leaders have forgotten basic marketing and business 101. If this is  you, do not fear my friend. There is hope. You need to first acknowledge that you need a grip. Then you need to focus on your business goals and objectives and align social media to where social can have the greatest impact. You need to get stakeholders on board and integrate social into the DNA of your business. In this

  • 033: Facebook for Business: Get off of Facebook For Improved Marketing Results!

    18/08/2014 Duración: 30min

    How is that Facebook marketing strategy working out for you? Do you ever feel like you are pounding Facebook social sand that never has an end to in sight? Does it seem that no matter what you do, you just can't find the needle in the haystack of ROI (return on investment)?  Does it seem that Facebook takes all of your time yet you aren't getting a return on your time spent?  If this is you, I have a recommendation for you. You need to get OFF of Facebook to do a Facebook check-up.  You need to think bigger than Facebook. You need to understand your audience. You need to inspire, connect with and nurture relationships both on an off of Facebook.  Getting out of the Facebook box you are stuck in might be just want you need to drive some real business and life results once and for all.  In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast Pam Moore, CEO Marketing Nutz, social media, digital marketing, branding, word of mouth agency provides the steps needed to get your Facebook marketing strategy and results back

  • 032: Why Twitter for Business? 12 Business Benefits of Using Twitter

    15/08/2014 Duración: 43min

    It is challenging for marketing and business leaders in organizations big and small to prioritize where they invest their time when it comes to marketing, branding and social media. When choosing what social network they want to invest in they often choose the social networks they more easily understand the benefits. Even smart and successful marketers and business leaders struggle with understanding not only how Twitter works but most importantly how their business can benefit from using it. Twitter can be one of the most powerful social networks to help brands build community, reach new markets, elevate brand awareness, better manage and monitor reputation and the list goes on. In this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast, Pam Moore CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, social business, social media consulting, digital marketing, branding agency shares the top 12 business benefits of using Twitter. The content is applicable for entrepreneurs to large organizations, and newbies to veterans of social media and Twi

  • 031: Twitter for Business in a Nutshell

    14/08/2014 Duración: 47min

    Twitter is one of the most powerful social networks to help business and marketing leaders increase brand awareness, establish thought leadership, ignite personal brands and nurture relationships that bring great benefit in both business and life. Unfortunately Twitter is also one of the most difficult platforms for many to understand and master. However, the results can be amazing for those who invest time to learn and understand how Twitter can fit in within their overall marketing and business strategies, tactics and plans. This is the first of a series of episodes of the Social Zoom Factor podcast where Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social business, social media marketing, digital marketing, brand agency digs into the details of how business leaders in organizations of all sizes, from startups to large corporations can achieve a positive ROI and zoom both life and business utilizing Twitter for business. The goal is to help you put Twitter in a nutshell to help you learn, master and

  • 030: Content Marketing Strategy: Leverage What You Got to Zoom Results

    13/08/2014 Duración: 35min

    Do you wish the magical content marketing fairy would fly into your office and help you create the most amazing content that energizes and inspires your social communities, audience, customers, stakeholders and friends? Does it seem there is simply not enough time to create relevant and helpful content that your audience will devour? If this is you, today is your lucky day as this episode of the Social Zoom Factor podcast is loaded with tips to help you get a running start again by maximizing the use of content and resources you already have. Leveraging what you already have will help you maximize to monetize the investment you have already made to date in content marketing and other creative and social marketing assets! It's not always about re-inventing the wheel but instead finishing what you have already started and learning how to integrate your efforts across mediums, audiences, organizations, programs,  teams and more! Pam Moore, CEO Founder Marketing Nutz, full service social media, digital marketing,

  • 029: Stop the Interruption Marketing

    12/08/2014 Duración: 30min

    With the introduction of social media and modern marketing tactics and strategies, times are changing. Many of the old school marketing tactics that use to work for marketers in businesses from startups to Fortune 100 organizations no longer work today. It's clear that there is not a need to send mass numbers of tweets or Facebook updates to fill space.  The social inter webs are tearing at the seams with an overwhelming amount of noise. It's getting harder for brands to stand out and unfortunately many of them are falling to noisy, interruptive and spammy tactics. It's not about pushing content to the masses as fast as we can and hoping we get eyeballs, ears and mindshare. Hope is not a strategy, nor is spam. Smart marketers are quickly learning they must stop the interruption marketing tactics and instead focus on delivering value, meaningful conversation and connecting at the human level with the people within their communities and circle of influence both online and offline. In this episode of the Social

  • 028: 15 Reasons Random Acts of Marketing are Bad for Business

    11/08/2014 Duración: 36min

    Random Acts of Marketing (RAMs) are mean little monsters. They crawl in through open cracks in marketing plans and take advantage of people who feel overwhelmed and are desperate for results. They thrive off of lack of planning, short budgets and over stressed teams. They live in digital marketing plans, social media plans, branding strategies, website development projects and go to market activities and tactics.  Although RAMs may feel good for the short term, they are very bad for business and also for the career of the person implementing them. Unfortunately even the smartest and most social savvy business leaders fall victim to random acts of marketing (RAMs) from time to time. In this episode Pam Moore, CEO Marketing Nutz, full service social media consulting, digital marketing, branding and conversion optimization agency shares 15 reasons Random Acts of Marketing (RAMs) don't work and why they are bad for our business. These tips are useful for marketing and business leaders in organizations of all size

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