Tonos Radio



Every week, Sabrena and Matt face the fitness and nutrition industry head-on. In a show dedicated to wading through BS and pseudo science with some laughs and absurdity, Matt and Sabrena encourage listeners to embrace the tension and enjoy the journey.


  • THR | 2016's Top Fitness Trends

    19/01/2016 Duración: 22min

    Coaches Matt and Sabrena sit down at the mic to chat about all the good, funny, and downright ridiculous trends we've seen in fitness. All in all, we're excited about what's on the horizon.

  • Find Yourself In Open Gym

    12/01/2016 Duración: 25min

    Open Gym is a great time to make #gainz, if you have a solid plan and don't bite off more than you can chew. In this episode of The Hill Radio we discuss making the most of Open Gym by: using this time as a tool for self exploration (not self mutilation), how to choose an appropriate workout, mistakes to avoid so you don't ruin your week of workouts, drills you can do to work towards your goals and how to write your own powerful, beautiful, awful WOD.

  • THR | Year in Review and State of The Hill

    04/01/2016 Duración: 21min

    2015 was the year of positivity for me personally and for The Hill. 2016 will certainly carry on this same theme of positivity. However, it's this year that I'm especially interested in seeing what Service can achieve both in our fitness and professional lives. Lots of great work was done in 2015 and I'm especially excited for what's ahead. Stay tuned, friends.

  • THR | Will lifting weights make me bulky?

    28/12/2015 Duración: 32min

    Coaches Matt and Sabrena dive into the science of what it actually takes to bulk up from lifting weights. I'm going to let you in on a little secret: It's REALLY hard to get bulky from strength training. Chances are compound strength movements aren't the culprit. Do you want to get bulky? That's cool too. Just know that you have a long road ahead with lots of full plates, great sleep, and little booze. Of course we're always open to any questions you may have on the subject. Thanks for listening!

  • THR | NutritionNOW

    22/12/2015 Duración: 26min

    Coaches Matt and Sabrena dive deep into what it actually takes to develop lasting, sustainable nutrition habits to support your performance and goals. Dig in!

  • So you just finished fundamentals...

    15/12/2015 Duración: 22min

    Our Fundamentals program, lead by Coach Josh Snyder, won a Pitch Best Of Kansas City award, "Best Workout for Anyone Who Hasn’t Worked Out in, Like, a while." In this episode of The Hill Radio we talk about how to transition out of Fundamentals and into regular classes as smoothly as possible. You will learn: how to navigate class times and Wodify, more about Barbell I (introduction to Olympic weightlifting), what to do when a WOD looks too intimidating, the importance of trusting your coaches and your community, and what to do when it feels like you've hit a plateau.

  • Kate Spry: December Featured Athlete

    08/12/2015 Duración: 24min

    Today on the Hill Radio we talk to Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Kate Spry. Kate is one of the hardest working and humblest athletes at The Hill, you're gonna love learning her story. In this conversation we cover: how to take care of your pets, how to start CrossFit and stick with it, how to balance athletic goals and a very busy schedule, how to work out harder in less time, and how to have a growth mindset across the board.

  • WOD To Expect From Your Workout

    01/12/2015 Duración: 18min

    Coaches Josh and Kyle take a look at the cycle we just finished and what's on the horizon. In this episode you will learn more about: the results of our most recent squat cycle, the Olympic weightlifting cycle coming up, how to learn how to coach yourself, how to scale appropriately on the fly, and how to improve your favorite gymnastics movements.

  • How to know if an exercise program is worth your time

    24/11/2015 Duración: 26min

    A gym membership is not going to help you reach your goals. Contracts probably won't do the trick either. Neither will toys, tricks or textbooks. To reach your goals you need an exercise program. Perhaps you call it a training protocol, a movement practice or a fitness routine; it doesn't matter how you label it, every sustainable exercise program will have these three defining characteristics: skill acquisition- you gotta work towards ever more difficult skills, progressive strength training- if you're not getting stronger, you're getting weaker (& no body wants that,) communal- true habit change can only happen in a group (for 99% of us.)

  • Adam Orr: Ironman

    17/11/2015 Duración: 26min

    On today's episode of The Hill Radio we chat with Adam Orr about completing his first Ironman. We will get all the nitty gritty details on training, race day and recovery. And you will learn some tips and tricks for taking on your first endurance race or triathlon.

  • I'm in the business of busy-ness

    10/11/2015 Duración: 31min

    We all lead very busy lives. But our lives shouldn't be controlled by our to-do lists. In this episode of The Hill Radio Coaches Matt Scanlon and Kyle J Smith discuss how to optimize your waking hours by being the master of your domain. You will learn: how to avoid common traps of the workplace, why saying no is just as important as saying yes, why being selfish can be okay, how to prioritize health in a high-stress environment, how important friendships can help you succeed, and how busy-ness can fool you in to ignoring your true priorities.

  • Stay focused, on yourself.

    03/11/2015 Duración: 17min

    Coach Matt has been offering goal setting sessions for over a month now. He has met with many members of The Hill Family to talk about their future, aspirations, worries and questions. Thank you to all of the athletes who have taken part, Matt hopes the focus you've gained from these sessions has been as invaluable as the focus it's given him. In this episode Coach Matt talks with Coach Kyle about the sessions so far and shares: how mentorship and accountability can help us all improve, the most common goal amongst The Hills' athletes, how to make a plan for improvement then actually stick to it, what it really takes to form a new habit, how to eat the way you want to want to eat, why goal setting sessions are just as much for The Hill Coaches as they are for the athletes.

  • Turn the Mic: Fitness in too many words

    20/10/2015 Duración: 34min

    Long time listener, first time questioner Hunter turns the mic on Coaches Matt and Kyle to ask all the questions you are too scared, too polite, or too smart to ask. You will learn nothing or: how to go from zero to gyro, how CrossFit will make you uncool (and also really cool (and also hot,) why eating junk is the job of garbage disposals and professional fitness athletes, why you should only Google CrossFit in incognito windows, why a rowing fetish is good for you, how to get better at your job by listening to The Hill Radio more often, if you really care about your friends you should give them high fives before a workout & not after.

  • October Featured Athlete: Lydia Friz

    13/10/2015 Duración: 15min

    Lydia has been an important part of our community these past two years. She is a committed athlete who has come a long way since joining. In this episode she discusses: how she found CrossFit after dealing with injuries and mobility issues in boxing, her favorite and least favorite exercises (& why,) how she overcame the fear and anxiety when first starting CrossFit, why CrossFit is important to her now and her plans to go to Physical Therapy school, what she wants to include her special workout for an upcoming class.

  • I Heart Olympic Weightlifting

    06/10/2015 Duración: 27min

    Coaches Matt and Kyle go total fanboy on the Olympic lifts: the snatch and clean and jerk. You will learn: why any athlete can improve their game by Olympic weightlifting, how to enjoy the journey of a career in Olympi weightlifting, how the snatch and clean and jerk can help you lose weight and reach our body composition goals, why efficiency is so important in CrossFit, how to gradually improve your Olympic lifts without burning out or getting frustrated.

  • Goals - How, Why, and When.

    29/09/2015 Duración: 35min

    Coach Matt is now offering goal-setting sessions to help you become successful as efficiently and enjoyably as possible. In this episode you will learn how to set goals that you can actually stick to, why you need to goals to lead a long, fulfilling life, and when you need most goals (hint: now.) You will also learn: why your brain hates losing control and can't focus on the big picture, how to set community, performance and body composition goals that really work, what to do when your health and fitness plateaus, why the first step is the most important step, how to have fun while improving your fitness and life.

  • Turn the mic with Alex Darr on CrossFit for the Competitor: Part II

    22/09/2015 Duración: 34min

    Member Alex Darr turns the mic on Coach Matt Scanlon to learn more about his new home, The Hill. They discuss: How to use your results from Wodify to drive training, Using the barbell as a conditioning tool, How do we determine weight percentages in WODs?, How do we use different metabolic systems to provide varied programming?

  • TGIF 9.18.15. Everything you need to do to get white, healthy teeth

    18/09/2015 Duración: 10min

    Today we talk to Matthew Foster, DMD, about how to keep your teeth white and healthy. Topics include: why you should brush your teeth twice and floss everyday, tools that work and those that don't, folksy teeth care that you should pass on, the benefits of chewing gum, what a dentist actually uses and does.

  • Turn the mic with Alex Darr on CrossFit for the Competitor: Part I

    15/09/2015 Duración: 30min

    Member Alex Darr turns the mic on Coach Matt Scanlon to learn more about his new home, The Hill. They discuss: History of CF programming & main site, History of CFMH Programming, For whom do we program?, How do we use data to adjust programming?

  • Training the whole person.

    08/09/2015 Duración: 33min

    Coaches Matt and Sabrena detail how you can get the most out of your workouts by training your mind, body and soul. In this episode you will learn: how to make exercise a sustainable habit, the importance of rest and recovery, how to sleep better and reduce stress, why intrinsic motivation is more powerful than extrinsic motivation.

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