Own Your Life Podcast With Bradley Grinnen



A weekly podcast with Bradley Grinnen to help you change your life in 10 minutes.


  • Episode 43 - What To Do When You Don't Clearly Know Your Purpose


    Do you ever get tired of hearing people talk about 'finding your purpose', especially if you don't know yours or you're unclear about it?  Do you feel pressure or even lost because you aren't clear about your purpose?  Have you ever wondered if there is something wrong with you or that maybe you're broken because you can't clearly state what your purpose in life is? It seems like everyone today is talking about 'discovering your purpose' and yet actually doing that can be so elusive.  It's like everyone is quoting scenes from Forrest Gump, but you haven't seen it yet.What if you could find the direction and meaning that comes from knowing your purpose and elevates your life?In this episode I offer you freedom from the massive internal pressure that is attached to this mandate.  Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this

  • Episode 42 - How To 10x Your Love For Self Today

    13/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    “To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance” — Oscar Wilde How would you like to happen to life, instead of life happening to you?  How would you like to 10x your relationships?  10x Your work?  10x Your finances?  10x Your time?  I believe it begins with loving yourself more.When you boil it down, the one person you are always with is yourself.  It doesn't matter where you go or what you do, you will always be with yourself.  It doesn't matter how your relationships change or who passes away in your life... you will always be with yourself.  Imagine being able to completely accept yourself today.  In this episode, I share with you how to 10x your love for self today.  Imagine being able to take action that will allow you to love yourself 10 times more than you do right now.  Be sure to have a pen and paper ready, because we hit the ground running on this one.

  • Episode 41 - How to Get Free From Anxiety Instantly

    30/06/2016 Duración: 13min

    Often I get the opportunity to work with people when they are at a crisis point in their lives.  I like to look at these times in life as grand opportunities.  We get a chance to make decisions, choices, and actions that can turn everything around. Unfortunately, often times it is difficult for people to get beyond the immediate obstacles that have them feeling stuck.  It takes an action that changes someone's mental, physical and emotional state so that they have the freedom to choose to turn a crisis into an opportunity for growth.In this episode, I share the most effective action I know to turn things around immediately and get to the place of freedom.  Taking this action brings more certainty, connection, love, significance and growth.  Is it time for you to put this powerful tool to use? subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move forward, I am her

  • Episode 40 - Ken Howard Interview: Better Relationships

    22/06/2016 Duración: 01h43min

    Some people you meet and they change your life with an impact that lasts forever.  Ken Howard is one of those people for me.  Ken is a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT). He has been in private practice since 2009 following five years of experience at Healthy Families Counseling and Support working with couples to help them gain skills and tools necessary to achieve strong attachment bonds with each other. Ken also has two years at Willowbrook working with kids that have severe behavioral and mental health diagnosis.Ken completed his bachelor’s degree through Mid America Nazarene University in Olathe, KS and his Masters Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy from Friends University in Kansas City. Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT)is a lens that Ken prefers to look through when doing couples work as he believes that EFT attends to the secure attachment bond that all important relationships must develop, and he is working on his c

  • Episode 39 - One Decision That Will Instantly Improve Your Peace Of Mind

    06/06/2016 Duración: 16min

    I was watching an interview recently and the question was asked, 'If you could have one wish granted, what would it be?"  The response may be one you're familiar with.  The woman said, 'To see a little bit into the future, you know, just so I can be sure that everything will turn out ok and that I'll be fine."Haven't we all wanted that at some point in our lives?When we are facing challenges we all want to know that when everything settles and the dust clears, we are going to be ok.  To have peace of mind.  Believe it or not, there is a sure way to make this a reality in your life.  It isn't a long process because it usually comes down to one precise decision.Would you like to have the certainty that you will be OK... to have peace of mind?In this episode we learn the one decision that needs to be made in order to ensure that we move forward with the best possible results and bring you peace of mind no matter what! subscribe in it

  • Episode 38 - How To Quiet Your Mind and Find Powerful Solutions

    01/06/2016 Duración: 13min

    Have you ever had a conflict with somebody and then spent the next few days arguing with them in your head?  Trying to find the best way to mentally beat them up, over and over again, only to discover that you couldn't 'shut it off'?  Have you ever been criticized before and then found yourself trapped inside your own thoughts, listening to the many voices repeating the criticisms constantly?  Or spent days trying to figure out if that persons criticisms were accurate?Nothing can drain your energy reserves like the incessant voices in your head.  And sometimes you feel powerless to stop them.How do we quiet those voices and thoughts so we can find clear and powerful solutions for our problems?  It can be done and in this episode I will share an exercise that works for me and works for my clients... every time. subscribe in itunes  If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore this step and move for

  • Episode 37 - Instantly Improve The World With This One Thing

    18/05/2016 Duración: 09min

    Are you someone who cares about making a difference in the world but doesn't know where to start?  Do you dream of making the world a better place for your children and for their children but feel overwhelmed with the thought of launching a non-profit or a business?  Do you want to leave a legacy of adding value to people's lives and making an impact that lasts for years to come but don't actually believe that you have something of value to share?Or maybe you know you have something of value to say but aren't sure how to share it effectively.In today's episode we explore the number one trait that the world's biggest impact makers do on a daily basis.  Here's a hint, it has nothing to do with 'reach' or the number of twitter followers they have.  It has nothing to do with the size of their 'following' or the number of books they've written.It's also something that you can begin practicing immediately and see instant results in the lives

  • Episode 36 - Why You Need To Own Your Life And How To Start

    09/05/2016 Duración: 14min

    What does it mean to own your life?  It means taking responsibility for yourself.  No one else is living your life for you.  Now is the time to step up and get after it.You aren't necessarily responsible for what has happened to you.  But you are the only one who can be responsible for where you go from here.Give yourself permission to live the life you want.  This is a privilege and this is how you honor yourself.No one stands in the way of your fulfillment more than you.  By taking responsibility, owning your life, you remove your self-sabotage and self-destructive behaviors.You are only responsible for you.  By owning your life you get to let go of an enormous amount of stress and anxiety as you realize that you don't have to be responsible for every other person in your life.In this episode you will learn 6 ways to Own Your Life more. Subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversat

  • Episode 35 - 5 Rules For When You Feel Alone

    02/05/2016 Duración: 14min

    Do you ever look at other people and compare yourself to them?  Do you ever wish that things went as well for you as they do for others?  Have you ever found yourself wanting the life that someone else has, their success and accomplishments and thought... "If only I was as smart as them, or had their skills, or had their connections?"This is a dangerous trap that will spiral us to certain gloom and feeling alone.  We see other people's success and begin to feel that they have what it takes and we don't.  Which leads us to believe that something is wrong with us and that we are the only ones that feel this way... that deal with problems.Everyone deals with internal doubts and struggles.  Even the people that seem to have what it all together.  Everyone has the same problems that we do.They aren't any different than you.  They are, however, doing some different things than you.Listen to this episode and learn the 5 things t

  • Episode 34 - How 'One Day' Is Ruining Your Life And What To Do About It

    27/04/2016 Duración: 10min

    'One day things will be different.  Once _______ happens.'  Have you ever said this to yourself?  Are you subconsciously thinking that thought in any area of your life right now?  I remember my first car well. It was a light metallic blue 1989 Ford Taurus. It was 5 years old at the time but it was in excellent condition. And yes, my parents bought it for me when I was a junior in College. I had wanted my own car since I first rode in my dad’s 1969 split top, fastback, Corvette Stingray when I was 6. Now owning my own car, I thought my life was complete. I was a year away from graduating college and joining the real world and I had a car to take me wherever I wanted to go. Then this funny thing happened. When I drove back to Boston from Northwestern Pennsylvania I began to see every other car on the road that was better than mine. This feeling that I wasn’t enough began to creep in and I knew how to handle that. I immediately began

  • Episode 33 - 4 Actions to Engage When You Face Big Obstacles

    20/04/2016 Duración: 14min

    When you're facing big obstacles in your life, do you ever wish that they would just 'go away'?  Have you ever said any of these things to yourself?  "Why do I always find myself here?""Why do bad things always happen to me?""Why can't I ever get a break?"If so, you aren't alone.  In fact, I've been there many times.  But, I have news for you.  If your obstacles disappeared, you would miss out on some of your most incredible opportunities.   It's true!  In this episode I help you see with 'new eyes' the potential that awaits you and I give you a clear process for taking back your power.  You will learn how to turn every challenge into an opportunity and have the motivation to work your way out from underneath the 'load' that you feel is holding you back.Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes If you would like to have a short, 30 minute conversation where we explore these

  • Episode 32 - The First Super-Step to Love and Accept Yourself

    14/04/2016 Duración: 11min

    Have you ever thought to yourself... "if people saw who I really am, if they saw the real me, they wouldn't love me"?  Have you ever felt like a fraud?  I know I've thought and felt those things before.  Not because I was hiding some deep, dark secret.  It's just what I felt like when I stripped everything else away.  I can still feel that way at times.  Especially at critical moments when people were relying on me or when I'm trying to overcome an obstacle.Everyone that you see walking around on this planet has probably had that thought or still has that thought.  We all want to be liked.  We all want to belong.  We all want people to say nice things to us.  It is fear that causes these thoughts.If you're hard on yourself because you want to be the best person you can be, you may be holding yourself back from the very thing you want.  But if you could love and accept yourself, right now, just the way

  • Episode 31- How to Find The Right Person for You


    Q:  “How do I find the right person for me?  More specifically, what are the things I can do to make sure I don’t end up with the wrong person.  I’ve tried making a list before of the kind of person I want I got extremely detailed in what I was looking for.  But at this point in my life, I’m not sure it’s serving me well.”  -  Janet  Dear Janet,Stop dreaming about the perfect person and start picturing your best relationship.   Don’t focus on the kind of woman or man you want to be with.  Instead, focus on the kind of relationship you want AND who you want to be in that relationship.  Above all, STOP making a check list of what kind of person you want!Focusing on what kind of person you want to be with will take you to all the wrong places.  Instead, focus on the kind of person you want to be in a relationship and what that relationship is like. In this episode we look at 3 powerful reasons w

  • Episode 30 - The Amy Interview: The Woman Who Lost Her Memory and Had to Learn Life All Over Again.

    30/03/2016 Duración: 01h27min

    Imagine that you wake up one morning and you don’t know where you are… or even who you are.  You don’t recognize your spouse or your children.  You are completely disoriented and confused because you can’t remember a single thing.  Worst of all, you don’t know if things will ever get back to the way they used to be.  In this installment of the Interview Episodes, I have a conversation with Amy and this exact scenario happened to her.  Her Story is extraordinary and she is amazing.Amy was a top executive of an international consumer product company.  Because of a freak illness, that she didn’t know she had, Amy lost her memory.  The challenges she faced seemed insurmountable. She couldn’t read because she couldn’t remember the words she had previously consumed moments before.  She couldn’t go for a walk because she couldn’t remember the way home.  She had difficulty with her nutrition because her brain would

  • Episode 29 - 6 Compelling Strategies That Free You From Anxiety Overwhelm

    25/03/2016 Duración: 13min

    How do you move forward in life when something has happened to you, either external forces out of your control or because of choices you've made, and it has devastated you emotionally?There is a clear path to move beyond the hurt, get past any shame, and live your life from a place that is free from the stress, anxiety and emotional baggage that comes along with bad things happening.  In this episode I reveal 6 compelling and empowering steps that will lead you from the overwhelming anxiety to freedom. Own Your Life Podcast is produced by Gregg Nordin. Subscribe in itunes  If what you've always done isn't working for you, maybe it's time to explore a different direction.  You may have never tried a professional Life Coach or Mentor before.  I believe it's the best way to help people live a better life. That's why I'm offering you a one-on-one session for free, with no strings attached. Click on the link below to set up yo

  • Episode 28 - 3 Powerful Strategies to be More Present

    14/03/2016 Duración: 13min

    Q:  "How do I become more present in my day to day life?  I feel like I’m aware of my wandering mind and at times I make a conscious decision to try to be more present with people, but I end up drifting off… and then I realize that I have no idea what’s going on around me.  Is there a way to ground myself long term?" - JoshWe've all had those moments when we were in the middle of doing something, a meeting, driving, a conversation with someone... and then we realize that for the last several minutes we had no idea what was going on because we 'drifted'.    It's as if our bodies have been present but the rest of us was absent.We all know that power of being present.  We recognize it when others are present with us.  In fact, it's one of the rarest and most powerful gifts that we can receive from someone... their undivided attention.  It's one thing to make a conscious effort to be present, but how do we maintain and s

  • Episode 27 - What to do When Your Critical Voice Paralyzes You

    08/03/2016 Duración: 09min

    Have you ever tried to get centered? Maybe it was through prayer, meditation or yoga. Or maybe you were on a run. Or sitting in a coffee shop and you wanted to quiet things within so that you could align with your true desires or with your God. But you just couldn’t get rid of ‘that’ voice in your head that continues to criticize everything and anything. That’s the critical voice. It’s the voice within ourselves that tells us that we’re not good enough. It tells us that we’re not doing a good enough job. That we could be doing better, no matter how well we are actually doing. Sometimes the critical voice charges directly, shouting and screaming across the battlefield while pointing at us and calling us out. But other times it comes at us sideways while we feel safe in the comfort of our bed, surrounded by our pillows and duvet. In those moments it whispers, ever so softly, ‘you’re going to forget something important tomorrow. You aren’t prepared for that p

  • Episode 26 - How to Schedule Without Losing Your Soul

    26/02/2016 Duración: 09min

    So many struggle with the idea of scheduling.  Even some of those who have been scheduling for years don't tap into the deep potential and power that scheduling provides.  Maybe you've tried scheduling before and then just gave up on it because it 'didn't work for you'.  Or maybe you're afraid of the whole idea.  I know I was.  I told myself that for years.  I was afraid that if I committed to scheduling that I would lose all creativity and spontaneity in my life.  The reason for this is because I didn't realize what scheduling truly was and what it isn't.Scheduling isn't a way to cram more 'stuff' into your day so that you feel 'busy' or 'accomplished'. It's not a tool for multi-tasking.  Scheduling is a tangible and active way to prioritize your values and live into those values.  It actually gives freedom to live the kind of life you want.After you listen to this podcast, you are invited to join me for a beta

  • Episode 25 - How to Beat Being Overwhelmed and Sustain Motivation

    15/02/2016 Duración: 12min

    Listener question for Bradley:  Could you explore keeping up momentum for change? How do I avoid feeling too satisfied too quickly, or getting overwhelmed and demotivated?Response:  Often when we have gained some form of momentum for change, it has been preceded by inspiration.  Something we’ve experienced has inspired us to create momentum.  However, momentum never lasts.  However, we can put systems into place that sustain our momentum, even when we aren’t feeling inspired.  One of the most powerful systems is scheduling.  I used to fight the advice to harness the power of my schedule because I was afraid I would become a slave to my schedule and lose my freedom.  I couldn’t have been more wrong.One of the more transformative pieces of scheduling that I appreciate is the intentionality it brings.  When I focus on what I value and I take action towards that, things in my life change… drastically.  Sometime

  • Episode 24 - How to Break Free From Excuses and Soar in Life

    08/02/2016 Duración: 09min

    Here is one of the greatest myths:  “If I can just get my life straightened out, then I will be happy and successful.” There’s a lot of problems with that line of thinking, but the most important is the assumption that success will bring a sense of satisfaction.  Success doesn’t equal fulfillment.  How many times have you put off satisfaction until 'that thing' happens? Until you get the job?  Until you get the boy/girl?  Until you get the big break?You’ll never find fulfillment until you learn what you want out of life.  Start there: learn what you want.  After all, the best stories are the ones where everyone knows what the main character wants.  Frodo wants to destroy the ring. Rocky wants to be the Heavyweight Champion.  . Katniss wants to save her sister and survive.  You have to know what you want.This isn’t rocket science.  You know these things

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