Choice Conversations



Choice Conversations is a personal development podcast, dedicated to helping you improve your life, one *choice* at a time! I cover a wide range of topics, including holistic health, relationships, financial success, and finding purpose, peace and happiness.Reading personal development books is one of the best ways to improve your life. Go to the following url and get my top book recommendations:


  • Moving Forward With Aaron Wissener

    02/03/2011 Duración: 31min

    Anybody who is familiar with this podcast knows that I have investigated at great length the problems that we face. But eventually there came a time in which I had to do something and move forward and start looking at realisitic solutions. In this episode and in past episodes and alos in upcoming episodes I want to highlight the people who are going out there and making a difference at the local level.  I want to know why they do it and how they do it. I want to know what they are doing and who is doing it with them. I think these podcasts can be an invaluable treasure for those interested in getting involved. I was introduced to Aaron Wissener through Chris Bedford. Chris mentioned multiple times that Aaron was a go-getter and someone I definitely needed to talk to. He is the founder of a local organization in Muskegon, MI called Local Future. The mission of Local Future is to create local resilient communities but the organization really sprang out of Aaron's realization that Peak Oil was a reality and that

  • BioDynamics with Allan Balliett

    19/02/2011 Duración: 50min

    In this episode Allan Balliett introduces me to the new term BioDynamics(or is it an ancient term as old as civilization itself?). Biodynamic agriculture is a method of organic farming that treats farms as unified and individual organisms, emphasizing balancing the holistic development and interrelationship of the soil, plants, animals as a self-nourishing system without external inputs insofar as this is possible given the loss of nutrients due to the export of food. Allan Balliett mentions the book Ideal Soil: A Handbook for the New Agriculture by Michael Astera numerous times and presents the book as a manual on how to create plants that are both healthy and nutrient dense. The idea that we can just add more compost to solve many of our gardens problems may be flawed because the soil is more dynamic than what conventional wisdom would have you believe. In some cases soil samples may be necessary to identify missing nutrients.

  • Water Crisis in America With Robert Glennon

    09/02/2011 Duración: 01h36s

    Just when you didn't need one more thing to be concerned I bring forth unto you another civilization-stunning problem that threatens our modern living and is by it's very nature the issue is a political pariah. The issue is about water, and why we need to educate ourselves on how we use this valuable resource and realize just how scarce fresh water is.   'Water, water everywhere   Nor any drop to drink.'   My guest was Robert Glennon, professor at the University of Anizona and author of the book Unquenchable: America's Water Crisis and What To Do About It. In this interview we discuss the amount of freshwater available vs. the amount of water on earth and how the hydrologic cycle has supplied our earth with freshwater since... well... the beginning of the hydrologic cycle.Since that time, we have had the same amount of freshwater as the dinosaurs but we use freshwater in many different ways that are important to our modern living. Some of which are destroying the freshwaters ability to used for human consumpt

  • Awakening to the Food Revolution

    05/02/2011 Duración: 01h23min

    My guest this week was Aaron Lucich, the film-maker of the upcoming film 'We Are What We Eat'. Aaron also is a public speaker on the subject of Organic Food. In our interview we, of course, covered many topics but mainly centered the ideas that are in his film. We talked about the need for more sustainable and natural growing of food rather than the industrial model of farming which is wasteful and ultimately unsustainable. We talk about the best methods of reaching out to the masses and consider options that could be used on a large-scale (beyond the small pockets of already aware citizens). We also talked about eating lifestyles such as Weston A Price and Vegan. At the end of this podcast I added on another seperate podcast that is just of myself, Steve Patterson, that you will enjoy. I rant and rave like a madman, but not really. I just jotted down a few things I wanted to say, turned on the microphone, and riffed for a good 35 minutes. Let me know what you think of my random thoughts, and if you feel it n

  • Heirloom Seed Swap with Johnny Max

    24/01/2011 Duración: 58min

    Johnny Max of the website Heirloom Seed Swap joins me  to talk about how you can save your seeds and engage in seed swapping (he also has his own podcast, Self Sufficient Homestead and BeerTalkRadio, interestingly enough). We go over the basics of seed-saving your own seed from the crops that you grow in your own garden. Then we discuss how you can take those seeds and trade them for a wide variety of different seeds on his website The discussion also goes over how to cultivate your own species of a vegetable variety. There is some pretty gardening questions put forth by myself (I'm a newbie at this gardening thang) but much of it will have value to even the seasoned gardener.

  • Stefan Molyneux on the Free Market

    12/01/2011 Duración: 01h05min

    This week I talk with Stefan Molyneaux, host of FreeDomain Radio. Not only can you get this episode as a podcast but you can also watch the video of Stefan’s Youtube channel, here is the LINK. You can see ol’ Two Beers in action in this video as he interviews a guest, I have to admit that staring into a camera is not the most comfortable experience in the world but it is a new challenge that I hope to overcome. In fact, if you find me terribly dreadful in this interview (which upon review I think is the case) then you can blame it to the fact that it was the camera in my face.   Like every episode on this program we discussed a multitude of topics, some of which were free markets, healthcare, public smoking, the initiation of force, Alex Jones, why I (or Stefan, or anyone looking to make a difference) will never run for office, etc..   As always with Stefan, if you don't agree with him then at least be entertained by his info-tainment, it is truly some of the best out there.

  • Chris Bedford on Resiliency

    09/01/2011 Duración: 01h20min

    Chris Bedford returns to talk about what is going on since we last talked. In that time frame he has continued work on his local farmers market, worked as a community activist, and is currently working with a committee on bringing a TED Conference to a nearby college.... what have you been doing since Chris was last on our show? We also wander off into many other topics worthy of discussion, of course, the most notable side discussion is our chat about the Governor of New Jersey Chris Christie. Chris Bedford shared some insightful analysis from someone who was a union activist for many years.  

  • The Mythology of Progress with John Michael Greer

    31/12/2010 Duración: 01h09min

    By far the most requested guest from listeners is John Michael Greer and I am pleased to have finally have him on as a guest. Although at first glance I wondered why listeners were so enamored with this gentleman with the long beard who writes for the blog The ArchDruid Report, but I soon found out that JMG's perspectives on many subjects pertaining to economic, techno-industrial, and Peak Oil concerns were in-line with typical guests on Two Beers With Steve. In this discussion we delve into many topics starting with Druidry and then moving into Peak Oil and the ASPO conference. Interestingly enough JMG was a guest speaker at the ASPO conference and details that difference between the 'suits' and 'sandals' crowd. We also talk about the impact of a world affected by oil shortages and I ask John Michael if he holds out hope for any new technologies that will fill the gaps left by diminishing oil production (and I asked that question with a straight-face mind you). For the hardcore crowd who can't get enough Two

  • Housing on the Brink

    27/12/2010 Duración: 01h17s

    Patrick of stops by to discuss the housing market. Much of what we discuss has been talked about before concerning housing but in this discussion we have the benefit of a long period of hindsight. We trace the housing crash from its origins through today and then Patrick offers his version of what the future holds for us. Patricks forecasting of the future is insightful because he incorporates the failures of other nations that have faced the same dilemma as the US (mainly Japan) and we are just re-tracing their steps.  

  • Jeff Cohen on Mainstream Media

    17/12/2010 Duración: 45min

    Never before has this program, Two Beers With Steve, had a guest who was as far into the Mainstream Media Culture as Jeff Cohen has been. Jeff Cohens bio reads like a guest on the McLaughlin Group, not this ol' shabby program... but please, nobody tell Jeff. I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Jeff Cohen and I also thoroughly enjoyed his book Cable News Confidential (2006). Even though people have made the criticism of Jeff Cohen that he is a typical left-wing liberal I think his book and his rhetoric go beyond the two-party paradigm to expose something larger; corporate control. He speaks as though he has no mainstream media career to protect anymore and that may be true since he has established himself firmly in the alternative media system. This show was a departure from traditional topics but still is fascinating and worth a double-listen. Take care and let me know what you think about this topic... I'd be interested in knowing.

  • KMO of the C-Realm Podcast stops by...

    16/12/2010 Duración: 54min

    I've had some difficulties loading up this podcast so please bear with me, the recording of this podcast also had some irregular difficulties. Someday I'll eventually figure this all out.... someday. In this episode KMO of the C-Realm Podcast stops by to talk about his recent book (Conversations On Collapse), his Podcast, and the Eco-Village. We also explore many other topics including talking about KMO's tales of the road as he has been couch-surfing while promoting his recent book. The conversation also veers into talking about technology and Kevin Kelley's recent book 'What Technology Wants'.  

  • Gonzalo Lira on Current Events

    08/12/2010 Duración: 01h26min

    In my first ever interview with Gonzalo Lira we cover a multitude of topics, many of the topics are applicable to the current events that our world now faces and a few other topics are thrown in for good measure and a whole lot of fun. But ultimately, the conversation was informational and important. The reason we came together to talk was the events surrounding the Irish Banking Crisis that is unfolding in real time. The domino's are slowly starting to fall across the Euro-Zone area and the solutions. GL makes many predictions as well as a defined commentary on the events that led up to the crisis. Probably the 'gem of the show' was GL's take on the movement of money into commodities and the reasons why. During the editing process I picked up on a few comments he made that I hadn't fully comprehended.  

  • Plateau Oil vs. Peak Oil with Steve Crower

    03/12/2010 Duración: 01h26min

    Steve Crower returns to give his latest insight on Peak Oil, or rather the introduction of the term 'Plateau Oil'. The Plateau Oil term refers to the introduction of both new technologies that increase the existing oil fields (marginally improving the yield) and new technologies that bring shale oil to the market. The effect will be a plateau-ing of oil production or, to put it differently, oil supply. The demand part of this equation remains a question mark but we spend most of our time in this interview discussing the supply side.

  • Spotlight on Private Equity with Josh Kosman

    27/11/2010 Duración: 46min

    Josh Kosman returns to once again talk about the Private Equity industry, an industry many of us have little knowledge of and an industry that greatly impacts all of us. The facts are that the number two private employer in this country is a Private Equity firm, KKR, and among the top ten private employers in this country five of those companies are PE companies. There is no question that PE firms have a direct impact on our economy and thus should be on the radar screens for anyone following the economy. I asked Josh Kosman to come back on the show to give us an update on PE since we last spoke and to my surprise they are making a dramatic comeback. The reason is simple, with the Federal Reserve keeping interest rates far below the natural rate of interest the investment managers at pensions and mutual funds are looking for some yield to meet the hurdle rate (minimum acceptable rate of return) that is mandated by the fund. In effect, the Fed is pushing money right into the hands of the very PE firms that sad

  • Dave Pollard on Complexity

    18/11/2010 Duración: 01h04min

    Dave Pollard, author of the How To Save The World blog, joins me in an episode dedicated to our Culture of Dependency and how our civilization has evolved into a highly complex system that lacks the resilience to handle the multiple crises that we now face. This episode examines the structure of our complex society and how it has been a product of an era of abundant cheap energy (ie. petroleum oil). We also discuss overshoot and what that means to future societies. Along those same lines we talk about a transition to steady-state economics (while hashing out the probability of it ever being implemented). A truly enjoyable guest and a great episode. Thank you all for listening. Towards the end of this podcast we talk about how the listening and reading community is as much a part of the New Revolution as the speakers and writers. -Ol' Two Beers Download Podcast Through Itunes Books mentioned: Dave Pollards Book Finding the Sweet Spot The Upside of Down by Thomas Homer-Dixon

  • Talking Tools With Nelson Lebo - Part 1

    24/07/2010 Duración: 40min

    I talk with Nelson Lebo about essential tools of a post-petroluem world... or for whatever world you live in (a modern world, a world where credit has dried up and food deliveries are erratic, a world where you care about the food you eat and where it comes from, a world where you realize that anything that ends with a -cide means death). We only get as far as talking about one essential tool but we learn about many of the techniques that Nelson uses to preserve that tool and how to be the most effective with it.

  • Jack Spirko on Modern Survivalism

    11/07/2010 Duración: 51min

    Jack Spirko of the Survival Podcast stops by to educate Ol' Two Beers on Modern Survivalism. We also talk about Jacks background, the beginnings of his podcast, and where the future may very well lead us. Both Jack and I spend alot of time talking on this podcast about many of the shortcomings of our modern society and how our ability to handle crisis is limited. Jack also details the differences of our grandparents ability to handle the Great Depression differs from our current generation, and how this particular financial bomb will have more of an impact on our society... But the episode is not all Fear and Loathing in 2010... the episode is actually uplifting and optimistic. Jack speaks as though he's come from the future and he is here to spread the good news... that we all live in the end, and we manage to lean on our brothers in hard times and we get through this.

  • The Modern Day Paul Revere - Nicole Foss of Automatic Earth

    06/07/2010 Duración: 48min

    After a few years of consuming and digesting massive amounts of information pertaining to our current financial/energy crisis I find it rare that I consume a 'game-changer'. So it was exciting to have an MP3 forwarded to me that provided me with that game-changing moment. Now, when I say game-changer, I'm not talking about What will happen, but rather How it will happen.  The How is focused on the debate about whether deflation or inflation will win the day. Because to get from where we are, (a debt-saturated global economy) to there, (historically normal debt ratios), we have to go down either one of two paths; inflation or deflation. For the most part I really don't care, the outcome of both still means that I need to move up the learning curve on my gardening skills, start building a local community, and continue to keep educating myself on all matters that pertain to self-sufficiency. Where inflation vs. deflation matters to me is how should I react with my investing strategy. This is why the debate has i

  • Ol' Two Beers - Steve talks about the show, his background, and what his guests have taught him

    22/06/2010 Duración: 01h37min

    The table gets turned in this episode and Nathan Martin (A two time guest on 2BwS, woop-woop) asks the questions. We explore topics such as my background, which tends to go on longer than it should have... but who doesn't like talking about themselves, c'mon! We also talk about the show; past guests, thoughts I've pulled away from my guests, what I've learned, yadda-yadda. The interview eventually breaks down into the typical type of conversations that me and Nathan have had. The conversation seems to follow a narrow stream of consciousness and I think most everyone will appreciate the candidness of both Nathan and I. These are the types of conversations that more people should be having. I don't think anywhere in the interview are we complaining about what THEY are doing to US. That is an important statement for me to make, because I don't want to view myself as a victim of the system, or some higher power (Royal Order of the Frog? hmmm.). I hope you enjoy this episode Send emails, comments, guest suggestion

  • Organic Gardening Workshop with Nelson Lebo

    15/06/2010 Duración: 01h06min

    Nelson Lebo is an award-winning environmental educator with 20 yearsteaching experience. He has been an organic farmer and green builderfor the decade. He is trained in Organic Land Care, EcologicalDesign/Build, Eco-Renovation and holds a Permaculture DesignCertificate. Nelson has worked as a design consultant and educator inthe USA, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, India, Australia and New Zealand. Heis currently pursuing a PhD in permaculture education at theUniversity of Waikato. Contact: theecoschool@gmail.comBlog: Nelson is looking for sponsors in the New England area and the vicinity to host his four hour workshop on how to garden organically and do it successfully without much energy input. If you are interested in hosting Nelson please contact Nelson or myself.  

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