Choice Conversations



Choice Conversations is a personal development podcast, dedicated to helping you improve your life, one *choice* at a time! I cover a wide range of topics, including holistic health, relationships, financial success, and finding purpose, peace and happiness.Reading personal development books is one of the best ways to improve your life. Go to the following url and get my top book recommendations:


  • Filling In The Gaps - A Chat About Two Beers

    11/06/2010 Duración: 11min

    This is not an official episode, be not disappointed. This is a quick chat about what is going at the Two Beers With Steve Factory. I thought there were a few pieces of business to take care. Here are a couple points that I make: 1. I talk about what Two Beers With Steve is about 2. I announce that we are working on selling Official Two Beers With Steve T-Shirts. Arrive in style this summer for the family picnic with one of our doozy t-shirts. Impress your friends and family. 3. We will be interviewing Steve of Two Beers With Steve in the coming weeks, stay tuned. 4. Become a friend on Facebook Thank you, Thank you, Steve

  • It Ain't Over - Karl Denninger on the Markets

    06/06/2010 Duración: 01h08min

    Denninger discusses the Federal Reserve, Congress, the financial markets, inflation/deflation, and whether or not gold is a safe haven. This interview starts out with Karl Denninger recounting his days as CEO of an internet company during the go-go 90's. Karl recalls the stress of betting the company every 18 months to keep in line with the latest technologies and that it was understood by everyone in the industry that we were clearly in a bubble at the time. The bubble promptly busted, but by then Karl had already exited stage left. Karl was called back into action by the activity in the Asian stock markets in 2007. Since then he has remained an active trader and analyzer of the markets. You can catch up with Karl Denninger at his Market-Ticker blog. You can contact Two Beers With Steve at Please subscribe to Two Beers With Steve Through Itunes

  • Getting Technical With Townsend

    02/06/2010 Duración: 01h40min

    Erik Townsend stops in to discuss the financial markets and give his viewpoint of what it is like to be living in Hong Kong. This episode could easily be a two-part episode. The first half hour is spent giving our roundtable a different angle on China and Hong Kong than what we Westerners see in popular media. It was truly an eye-opening discussion as I had this idea of China being a country with little identity besides rice patty fields and toy factories. The second part, which encompasses about an hour of discussion, focuses on the financial markets. Erik chats with us about his investment strategy, hint: he is a speculator, and what that strategy means as far as what tools he uses and his investment duration. After a few moments of strategy the conversation turns to an overview of where we have been and where we are now. Great episode and it was great to have all the seats at the roundtable filled. Subscribe to Two Beers With Steve through Itunes to receive automatic downloads of our newest shows.

  • Hooked On Growth with Dave Gardner

    23/05/2010 Duración: 51min

    Have we come to the tipping point of exponential growth or do we still have room to run? If we have more room to run, then how much further out is the tipping point? These are serious questions that we should be asking. The conversation needs to be started and Dave Gardner is trying to put it on the agenda. With his soon to be released film 'Hooked On Growth", filmaker David Gardner asks the question that no one wants to hear, 'Do we really want/need more growth?'. In this hard hitting interview with Dave Gardner we dissect the side effects of an unsustainable growth path. While it is very true that growth has provided our planet with incredible technology and innovation, Dave Gardner explains that we need to re-examine where we are at the moment and develop a more balanced approach to growth in the future. The idea is not to abandon our current system but to look beyond the end of our noses and peer into the future of where we headed.

  • Navigating Challenging Times With Cam Mather

    17/05/2010 Duración: 01h01min

    Anybody looking past the bridge of their nose knows that we are headed for some challenging times... for many the hard times are already here. Cam Mather has recently released his book 'Thriving During Challenging Times' to give you a roadmap on how to overcome the obstacles that we soon will face. One of the hardest aspects for me about preparation is sifting through all the data to find the information that I can really use. Cam's book is a shortcut to the knowledge you'll need. But this book is only a starting point... but a valuable one. I think there is still plenty to explore beyond this point. Enjoy the show. Order the book 'Thriving During Challenging Times' directly from Cam Cam Mathers Website    

  • Urban Farming With Jules Dervaes

    11/05/2010 Duración: 01h12min

    Download this episode to your MP3 player, throw on your work clothes, grab your spade and head to the garden. Leave the European Bailout and the NYSE glitches behind you and grow something real. Jules returns to the show and this time I (Steve) have moved beyond making lame excuses as to why I don't have time to grow my own tomato's. The questions I have for Jules this time are more directed to the beginner gardener but I have a feeling any green thumb will enjoy this coversation as well. This episode of Two Beers kicks off with a short chat about Jules' appearance on a reality show on the Food Network channel. It's a lively and humorous discussion but I encourage you to follow the links below and watch the show for yourself. Getting a glimpse of the Dervaes' home is a rare treat and can inspire you to build a two-story Cobb oven... just watch the video already. Enjoy the podcast. Jules Dervaes - Path to Freedom - Urban Homestead - Find them on Facebook Jules on Food Network

  • Episode 45 - Growing Health - Chris Bedford Returns

    05/05/2010 Duración: 01h11min

    Chris Bedford discusses his current film, which is still in production and will be released Labor Day 2010. The idea of the film began from a comment made at his local farmers market that a gentleman was able to cure his asthma through locally grown honey. The story begins there but quickly expands from a narrative of the health benefits of locally grown diet to Peak Oil and it's effect on community and also to a spiritual connection with our world and nature. Steve and Ed question Chris all the way through that journey and get a sense of what Chris is trying to accomplish. One of my favorite moments was when Chris was asked, 'Do know how your film will end?' (or something similiar to that) and Chris says, 'No'. To me that is the true documentary film. The 'End' just emerges from the process of making the film. There is no contrived conclusion that the storyline is weaved around, rather the opposite happens, the story brings forth the solutions/answers/further questions. Getting to the Truth is the goal. You

  • The View From The Peak - Interview With Steve Crower

    30/04/2010 Duración: 01h16min

    Once again Steve Crower stops by to visit with the Two Beers With Steve crew and this time his audio is far superior. As I do with every show, I re-listen to the podcast while editing it and I must say that I feel this podcast is an education on Peak Oil, even for those who feel they are already educated. There were methods of extraction I had never heard of, types of fuels I was unaware of, oilfields I didn't know existed. For anyone who may already have a conclusion as to what the future of oil holds for this may want to give this podcast a listen, and then re-listen again.  

  • The Episode of Byron Dale - Author of Modern Money Secrets

    25/04/2010 Duración: 01h04min

    'The Episode of Byron Dale' title just stuck with me after recording this podcast. The title reminds me of a good John Ford western film with shadowy characters who avert justice and rule by power... this podcast has alot of that story. Byron Dale tells his own story of how he witnessed justice averted in his own life and what most of us can expect from our government if we decide to take a stand. This is not a story of discouraging others for standing up for what they believe, but instead this story is a wake up call to the powers that you are going up against. Beyond the 'main story' of this podcast we also discuss Byron's books and the very familiar topic of exponential money and fractional reserve banking. Buy Modern Money Secrets Here Byron Dales Website

  • On The Campaign Trail With BJ Lawson

    20/04/2010 Duración: 56min

    BJ Lawson stops by to talk about his campaign for Congressman in the 4th District of North Carolina. He is fighting a tough race in against an incumbent, (D) David Price. Unlike many other political interviews you'll hear, we don't get into the Us Vs. Them, Republican vs. Democrat, going nowhere fast paradigm that you will find everywhere else. Instead it is more of a discussion about finding out what BJ Lawson stands for, and also what he is against; such as the Food Modernization Act. We also discuss BJ's take on the Tea Party; what is it, what do they think, where do they stand?

  • Bouncing Babes And Net Neutrality

    10/04/2010 Duración: 49min

    In this episode I interview Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain Radio. The title of this podcast is intended to draw in the masses, but don't be disappointed, we actually do discuss bouncing babes and net neutrality. Lucky you. This interview covers many topics but we cover the topics from a different angle this time. My intent for this show was to have a more philosphical discussion on many of the topics that we talk about all the time on this show. Stefan's podcast 'Freedomain Radio' specializes on the philosophical aspects of our current financial/economic/political situation. In Stefan's words, 'Philosophy is what matters most', when it comes to diagnosing the problems we are facing today.

  • Kunstler On Many Things

    31/03/2010 Duración: 01h03min

    James Howard Kunstler, or as we like to call him, Jim, tackles six questions from the listeners of Two Beers With Steve. Questions range from social unrest to finance to, of course, Peak Oil. Too bad we ran out of time for a sort of Behind The Actors Studio style of rapid-o questioning. Maybe next time. KunstlerCast- JIm's very own podcast that he does with Duncan Crary where they explore a multitude of topics and give us all an example of a what good conversation once sounded like.  

  • A World Worth Inheriting

    23/03/2010 Duración: 49min

    In our second interview with Chris Martenson since we've begun this podcast we discuss Chris' recent travels; foreign and abroad. I ask Chris questions such as 'what new perspectives have you gained?' and 'what were the objections you faced?'. Chris also recalls the experience of giving his shortened Crash Course presentation to academia types at the London School of Economic, a place that Chris describes as the 'lions den' of economics. We also find out exactly what Chris is doing in his personal life to prepare for a world that is full of uncertainty. So download the podcast, upload it to your MP3 device and enjoy the interview while you plant those tomato seeds!  

  • How 'Bout Them Apples!

    20/03/2010 Duración: 01h36s

    Damon Vrabel, writer for the Free Canada Press and avid poster on the CM website, recounts his time at Harvard Business school and gives Steve a visual on how the school really operates. We also discuss many other issues, most of the issues surround the topic of our debt based monetary system. The title of todays podcast is a play on a line from the movie Good Will Hunting. The phrase 'How about these apples?' comes from a scene when Will Hunting confronts a group of wealthy, arrogant, elitist Harvard students. From the perspective of an ordinary serf, this scene is a very uplifting moment. Damon at Free Canada Press Damons Council on SPER

  • Unemployed? Become An Organic Farmer!

    07/03/2010 Duración: 52min

    The title of this podcast, "Unemployed? Become An Organic Farmer!", refers to a comment made in our interview with Ann Adams of Holistic Management International that she believes our agricultural industry will need 50 million more farmers if we are going to have a sustainable farming future. Sometime in the future (5 years, 10 years, 20 years?) the large scale, fossil fuel dependent methods of our current farming operations will be unsustainable for multiple reasons (Peak Oil, the poor soil content, etc.) The pendulum is swinging back towards the smaller scale farming and there is a desperate need for organic farmers to fill the gap. For those that are seeking employment in industries that will be much smaller in a Peak Oil environment or worse, your industry may become irrellevant, organic farming could be an excellent option. We also cover may other topics along the lines of organic farming; international as well as what is happening here domestically in the US. Links Holistic Management International Vide

  • The Creature From Gilligans Island

    23/02/2010 Duración: 01h12min

    A Two Beers With Steve original idea! This episode is an interactive reading of an essay I wrote that outlines just how the Federal Reserve and the private banking system are out to own everything is this great country without having done a damn thing. The title of this podcast is a total rip-off of G Edward Griffins excellent book The Creature From Jekyll Island, I don't think Mr. Griffin would mind it though. Enjoy this episode, however, there is a two drink minimum though.... I just would like to let everyone know this is an open-source project and I would value all ideas and if you are interested in getting your hands on a copy of the essay just email me at I'd love to hear from you... Be cool, be a fan of Two Beers With Steve on Facebook... every once in a while I post something thought-provoking.

  • Peak Oil And It's Effect On The Healthcare Industry

    10/02/2010 Duración: 53min

    What compels people of all walks of life to break from the herd and begin the process of self-education? In this episode we talk with Peter Gray who explains what were the decisions he made that broke him from the pack and why he thinks his industry, healthcare, is overlooking a very serious threat... Peak Oil. As always we explore a multitude of topics including medicinal marijuana and the increased use of tranquilizers by Americans. And since we have a Canadian doctor why not ask him what he thinks of the American healthcare debate?  

  • The Actual State of the Union, Andy Gause Style

    04/02/2010 Duración: 52min

    This will probably be the first of hopefully many times we get a chance to talk with currency historian Andy Gause. In this episode we talk about the Federal Reserve and gold, two subjects that are right in Andy's wheelhouse. He has a long history of being critical of the Fed, and his business specializes in numismatic gold purchases. You got gold and want to sell it? DO NOT call, instead call Andy at 800-878-2646. Interesting tidbits of this episode are that Andy is in favor of nationalizing the Fed rather than Ending the Fed and that owning gold is an excellent way of making generation to generation wealth transfers. Excellent episode I hope you enjoy! As always be a friend of Two Beers With Steve on Facebook, I make profound posts every once in a while, you'd hate to be the one that didn't hear what I posted! So become a fan. Subscribe through Itunes by clicking the Podcast-looking-link to the right. Andy Gause's website

  • Repost of BJ Lawson Interview - My host is having problems

    03/02/2010 Duración: 01h27min

    For those fo you who have heard this episode, I apologize. The host of my podcast changed its software and it led to some difficulties on my end. No problemo, I'll just repost and move on with my life. Sorry for the inconvencience. Steve

  • Two Organic Beers With Chris Bedford

    18/01/2010 Duración: 01h10min

    The great thing about our zesty little podcast, Two Beers With Steve, is the range of topics we can cover on this show. In this episode we discuss topics ranging from Peak Oil to organic farming to DDT to local farmer markets. Our guest was Chris Bedford, filmmaker of the film 'What Will We Eat?' which questions the sustainability of our current food system.

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