Doing The Work With Jay And Becca



Doing the Work with Jay and Becca is like having a life coach in your pocket. Creators Jay Pryor, life coach/speaker/author and Becca Booth, marketing strategist and trainer, are proud to offer a different kind of podcast featuring real life coaching sessions along with powerful interviews with transformational professionals. Each episode will provide you with powerful strategies to start living your best life through progress not perfection. Learn from people who have been doing the work, people just like you. We get real and invite you to do the same. We release our podcasts every Wednesday!Read more at


  • Episode 42-Coaching with Charlene Williams

    22/02/2017 Duración: 35min

    This week we are so excited to have our first listener generated coaching session! Charlene Williams has been a loyal listener since we started this crazy podcast and she was brave enough to step forward and get some coaching. Thank you Charlene for your bravery, your candidness and your willingness to DO THE WORK! Charlene specifically came to us to work on facing her issues around lack and financial abundance. She gets real and raw and wow...just listen! We had such an amazing coaching session that we are going to split into two episodes so that we can keep each episode around 30 minutes. So be sure to come back next week for Part 2! Charlene Williams, is a freelance designer & owner the consultancy Paisley Pickle Inc in Minneapolis MN. Charlene has created designs that adorn everything from laptop cases to maxi pads and everything cute in between. A former corporate employee turned solorpreneur, Charlene has had to learn as much about running a business as she has about self-care and how to manage the

  • Episode 40-We See You

    08/02/2017 Duración: 33min

    This week is a little different...instead of a coaching topic or interview we are excited to acknowledge YOU. Our listeners are so amazing and doing such huge things that we wanted to take a few minutes to recognize all of the exciting things that have been happening. We are so proud of you and honored that you have been able to use this podcast to create amazing transformations in your life. We start with the Facebook page and discuss several of the posts that have occurred over the past 40 episodes. We have BIG things happening and those who are using the Facebook group have been so generous to share their journeys. We also recognize those who have reached out via email or even in person. We invite you to join us in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca and be part of this amazing movement! Use the group as your sounding board, your accountability partner, your support network. We are here. We see you. If you are currently struggling to achieve a goal, manifest your dreams, or just g

  • Episode 39-Angie Viets of Inspired Recovery

    01/02/2017 Duración: 38min

    We are so excited to introduce you to Angie Viets, one of Jay's All Stars and an incredible therapist in her own right. Angie worked with Jay right at a year ago and she has been creating amazing things ever since. You can find her writing in the Huffington Post, Psychology Today and her own website  During this episode we chat about her work with Jay, the work she does around eating disorders and have some fun talking about how this work really can explode with incredible manifestations. We encourage you to visit Angie's website to and read her blog even if you haven't experienced an eating disorder. Her writing speaks to all of us...we have all had those moments where we just need a helpful ear.    Angie Viets is a Clinical Psychotherapist and Eating Disorder Specialist. Angie speaks from her own experiences with eating disorders and her passion for helping to create a space for a new kind of dialogue. In her words, her calling is "To use my voice to inspire your voice, your courage, and pos

  • Episode 38-We Pissed You Off!

    25/01/2017 Duración: 36min

    Whoa. We have made a few of you pretty darn mad. Pissed off is a better description. Episode 35 with Rhonda Burgess discussing how it is "all made up" lit a FIRE under a few of our listeners.  And we LOVE it! Seriously. When something gets your heart racing and your fingers wagging...that is a good sign that it is worth exploring further. We also had many listeners tell us they loved the episode so we know that it is a topic that has value across the board. So we wanted to dig a little further. What does it mean when we say we are making it all up? What about the F.A.C.T.S. Facts? There are facts! We do not dispute the facts. But what we DO with those facts is up to us. Just talk to 10 different people who witness a crime. Everyone has their own version of the events.  We cover a lot in this episode--from science to personal experiences. We are also both still struggling with colds, so please forgive our stuffy noses! We hope you also leave this episode a little less frustrated and pissed off. But if you don'

  • Episode 36-The Busy Trap

    11/01/2017 Duración: 31min

    How many times have you had this conversation? Friend: "Hey! Great to see you! How are you?" You: "Oh, you know, BUSY! So busy! So much going on! How are you?" Friend: "Oh gosh, me too! Busy, busy, busy!" Blerg. The "busy trap" is so easy to fall into. We fill our lives with so much, well, crap and then we can be "busy." But busy isn't fun. And busy isn't manifesting. Grinding it out is life sucking. We don't want your life to suck!  So what do we do when we find ourselves in the busy trap? Coming out of the holiday season and into a fresh new year is a great opportunity to revisit the things that are keeping you "busy" vs. fulfilled. On today's episode we tackle the busy trap. We do it too! Start your year off right with a coaching session with us! If you are currently struggling to achieve a goal, manifest your dreams, or just get over the hump in an area of transformation--we are here to help. Contact us through the contact form or via Facebook to sign up to have a coaching session on a future episode. We

  • Episode 35-Coaching Ellen Clark on Finding a Job You Love

    04/01/2017 Duración: 32min

    We have our first guest coaching session success story! We are so excited to introduce you to Ellen Clark, our first brave listener willing to come on the podcast for coaching. And WHEW! Her manifesting power is pretty darn incredible. Ellen recorded her coaching session with us a few months ago and unfortunately we had some technical difficulties and the recording was lost. We felt horrible because her session was so powerful. She got up close and personal with us and really allowed Jay to walk her through getting clear. While we were crying over lost recordings, Ellen was putting her coaching session to work and we are super excited to share the results during this episode.   The work works. Period. We would love to keep helping our listeners! If you are currently struggling to achieve a goal, manifest your dreams, or just get over the hump in an area of transformation--we are here to help. Contact us through the contact form or via Facebook to sign up to have a coaching session on a future episode. We woul

  • Happy New Year's Evolution!

    01/01/2017 Duración: 17min

    We wanted to celebrate with you as we take on a new year. What is your word for this year? What do you want to evolve? Maybe it is a Revolution?  As always, we are so incredibly grateful for our listeners. This year we promise to continue you to bring you the work each week and serve as a Life Coach in your pocket.  Happy New Year! 2017 is going to kick ass! Jay and Becca

  • Episode 34: Nina Negativa-Who To Share Your Journey With

    28/12/2016 Duración: 29min

    Perhaps you have heard... "What is with this transformation BS?" Or maybe, "Oh, honey, its OK! You are amazing and fantastic and you don't need to change a thing." These are not the people you need to be sharing your transformation journey with! We all have a Nina Negativas in our lives. The people who derail our efforts or just plain make fun of anything that is work. So how to you manage with Nina comes to visit? Or what happens when YOU are channeling your inner Nina? Join us on today's episode to learn more. We invite you to join us in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca. Are you struggling with a Nina? Or maybe you have been your own Nina? Share your story and let us help! If you are currently struggling to achieve a goal, manifest your dreams, or just get over the hump in an area of transformation--we are here to help! Contact us through the contact form or via Facebook to sign up to have a coaching session on a future episode. We would love to help! And a free coaching session

  • Our Gift to You This Holiday Season

    25/12/2016 Duración: 26min

    Happy Holidays! What a wonderful year for celebration with Chanukah, Solstice, Kwanzaa and Christmas all being within a few days of each other. To celebrate the season we wanted to provide you, our incredible listeners, with a gift. After thinking about what would be the "right" thing, I landed on a guided meditation by Jay. Jay gave me the gift of meditation and I know when I listen to him I can take on the world.  Bookmark this episode! While it is a holiday gift it isn't specific to the holidays--in fact this meditation could be listened to daily. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. We are so blessed to have you listen to our podcast each week. We wish everyone the season of joy in whatever way you celebrate.  Happy holidays, Jay and Becca 

  • Episode 33: Rhonda Burgess and Making It All Up

    21/12/2016 Duración: 37min

    We are so excited to introduce you to Rhonda Burgess, one of Jay's fellow spiritual entrepreneurs and BFF. Give her a few minutes and you will want her to be your BFF too! Rhonda is a beautiful human being and brings joy wherever she goes. And she is also the Queen of Making Stuff Up!  The stories we create in order to make sense of what is happening around us control our lives. Example: Your significant other doesn't take out the trash. So now it is time to Make Stuff Up. Right? They didn't do it because they are mad or trying to make a point. Maybe they didn't do it just to spite you. After all they KNOW how annoyed you get with the trash isn't taken out. URG! Or...maybe, just maybe they simply forgot.  The reality is the only thing we know is that the trash wasn't taken out. Everything else we make up.  So what do you do? Especially when the stories are so TRUE. Stories we have carried with us a long time can be hard to discard let alone actually allow yourself to see as made up. Jay and Rhonda walk us thr

  • Episode 32- Manifester is Broken - 121316 5.55 PM

    14/12/2016 Duración: 29min

    We have all been there. We have focused and gotten clear about our intentions while staying in integrity and manifesting like crazy with affirmations and positive talk and ALL THE THINGS...and then nothing. Nada. The "big thing" that we were manifesting doesn't happen. The house, the job, the relationship...Now what? What did you do wrong? Is your "manifester" broken?? In today's episode we are talking about when things don't go as planned. When all the "work" doesn't work and you are left feeling pretty damn confused. Or did it really not work? Maybe you haven't reached land.  We invite you to join us in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca to share your "broken manifester" stories. Where are you in the process? Maybe this is a recent occurrence and you are struggling to figure out the block or missed the branches? Or perhaps it is in your past and you can now suddenly see the Divine Order of it all. Share your story with us on the "Broken Manifester" post!  If you are currently str

  • Episode 31- Dawn Mikkelsen and Forgiveness

    07/12/2016 Duración: 34min

    We have another of Jay's All Stars on this week's episode--Dawn Mikkelson. Dawn is an amazing human being and I promise you are going to be incredibly inspired by her and her work. She is a documentary film maker and her most recent film, Risking Light, focuses on the topic of forgiveness. And not your ordinary, "you ate the last of the cheese" type of forgiveness. We are talking about, "you murdered my son," level forgiveness. During the podcast we talk about Dawn's journey through the film's production and working with Jay. We talk about forgiveness and the power it contains. There are so many great takeaways from this one! ABOUT DAWN: A frequent contributor for Twin Cities PBS (TPT), 2015 Emmy Award winning producer, and 2010 McKnight Filmmaking Fellow Dawn Mikkelson’s work has broadcast and screened internationally. Festival screenings include: the Galway Film Fleadh, Cambridge Film Festival, International Documentary Festival Amsterdam, DocuFest Atlanta, Leipzig DOK Market, American Indian Film Festival,

  • Episode 30- Holiday Hangover - 112916 9.40 PM

    30/11/2016 Duración: 31min

    Whew! We made it through Thanksgiving! We hope everyone had a stress free and happy holiday. But we also know that most of you are probably dealing with a holiday "hangover." It could be from stress or physical exhaustion. It could be from sadness or anger. It could be from pie.  In this episode we get real about how we behave around the holidays. Mine was pie. A lot of pie. But instead of beating ourselves up or throwing our hands up until we start our New Year's Resolutions, we want to get back on the horse and feel good during the holiday season.  Right from the beginning you will notice that we are a little bit wacky still from the long holiday weekend. This is episode 30 NOT 32! But we left in our gaff to show that we are right there with you trying to get our brains back to functioning levels. Time to bring out the baby steps! How do you stay in integrity during a season of indulgence? How do you deal with the stressors that are going to happen--holidays are stressful. While it is truly a magical time o

  • Special Thanksgiving Episode

    24/11/2016 Duración: 17min

    Thank you, thank you, thank you! We are so incredibly grateful for our listeners! In this special Thanksgiving bonus episode, Jay and I give you some tools for managing the holiday. The holidays can be incredibly stressful for a variety of reasons so we wanted to offer you some tools to help you manage and stay clear. #1 Stay present and don't make assumptions. #2 Do something different. #3 Engage in self-care, set boundaries, and do what is right for you. We also wanted to take the opportunity to spread our gratitude with an explosion of gratitude! We encourage you to do the same. Shout your gratitude to the mountaintops! Share what you are thankful for this year. Say it frequently! Expressing gratitude is such a spirit lifter. And that is a perfect thing to release stress! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! We wish you a happy, stressful day filled with gratitude and pie.    

  • Episode 29: The Election Aftermath

    23/11/2016 Duración: 36min

    The last few weeks have been tough for many of us. The election put us in a tailspin and we are just starting to crawl out from under the rubble. Now that the smoke has cleared a bit, what next? How do we manage with the hijack? How do we deal with people who have different political views? How do we get intentional about what we can do to be the change?  This episode is for everyone. Whatever your political affiliation. The key points are about how we can come together and start to get in action.  If you are afraid, we see you. If you are angry, we see you. If you are motivated, we see you. This is a safe space.  We hope you enjoy this episode! Let us know your thoughts. Are you willing to come on and be coached around an area of your life? Do you have someone you would like us to interview? Shoot us a message via our website leave a comment on the Facebook post currently circulating in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca. We would love to keep our episodes focused on what our liste

  • Episode 28: Coaching on Changing Your Operating System

    16/11/2016 Duración: 48min

    This week's episode is one Jay and I have been talking about doing for awhile...using Lean Inside as a guide to dive into a topic. When Jay was writing Lean Inside he hoped it would become a manual of sorts. A book readers could pick up anywhere, anytime and simply turn to a page to get focused. So that is what we did! Jay turned to a page and pointed at a section to set up our topic for the episode and it was a doozy! One that I personally needed to hear and I bet you do as well. How do you change your Operating System? Why do we get triggered by certain events, people or even words? How do you get yourself to a place where you truly change that automatic reaction that comes from your Operating System? With the holidays approaching, I know that I am prepping for triggers. But what if I could just know I was going to be OK?  Sound familiar? Join us and learn how we can all get laser focused around changing our Operating System so we no longer have to face hijack or slip into old patterns of behavior. We hope

  • Episode 27: Coaching on Asking for Help

    09/11/2016 Duración: 45min

    I am probably not the only one who has a hard time asking for help. In fact I lived many years proud of the fact that I could "do it all." HA! What a funny statement. I was "doing it all" except I wasn't really doing anything well and I was literally making myself sick trying to take care of everyone else. Self care is so important but it so easily slips out the door. Or, like me, you might feel like it is selfish or not even possible to take time for yourself.  Recently I got sick. And I was so mad! I had actually been doing all the "things" I was supposed to do! I was being good to myself and I was living in such a positive space. Then I lost my voice. The Universe actually SILENCED me! WHAT?? What did I have to learn?  Join Jay and I this week as we talk about self care, asking for help and how sometimes the Universe will put the smack down on you in order to wake you up to how you are REALLY treating yourself. We hope you enjoy this episode! Let us know your thoughts. Are you willing to come on and be coa

  • Episode 25: Jessica Pryor on Relationships

    26/10/2016 Duración: 01h13min

    Eek! This episode is so much fun. We get the chance to tap into the #relationshipgoals of Jay and Jessica Pryor!  Jessica is Jay's amazing wife and the mother of their two beautiful kiddos. This couple make it work by doing the work. During the episode you will get a glimpse into their lives and how they use the work to keep them focused on what matters. Jay and Jessica truly have a very special relationship but as we learn, it doesn't just happen without putting in the effort. You can literally hear the love the they have for one another and it was very fun to step back in time and see how they ended up where they are today.  Are you willing to come on and be coached around an area of your life? Do you have someone you would like us to interview? Shoot us a message via our website leave a comment on the Facebook post currently circulating in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca. We would love to keep our episodes focused on what our listeners want to hear. Everything you need already

  • Episode 24: Coaching on Making Yourself Wrong

    19/10/2016 Duración: 49min

    Today's episode is focuses on something we are all very good at...making ourselves wrong. Lord. We might joke about making t-shirts with "I am amazing at making myself wrong" but it is so true! When Becca first started her transformation journey, this was one area that was a constant hang up. And of course Jay has an incredible answer as well as a new outlook for those moments. We also discuss dealing with the emotions that are part of your story while not beating yourself up or buying into the story. YES! This is possible! As always, we invite you to join us in our private Facebook group--Doing the Work with Jay and Becca--to keep the conversation going. What are YOU going to do that SCARES you during the month of October? Are you willing to come on and be coached around an area of your life? Do you have someone you would like us to interview? Shoot us a message via our website leave a comment on the Facebook post currently circulating in our private Facebook group, Doing the Work with Jay and Becca. We woul

  • Episode 23: Wendi Keleman-Braden on Environment

    12/10/2016 Duración: 01h01min

    We are so excited to share Wendi Keleman-Braden with the Doing the Work listeners! Wendi is a master of "doing the work." As a long-time friend of both Jay and Becca, she always keeps us on our toes and thinking bigger. We cover a ton of topics but the main focus in on environment and how it shapes you and the work. Wendi is filled with perfect little nuggets of information the I promise you don't want to miss. You are going to have a new girl crush after this episode! A little bit about Wendi... Wendi is a longtime student of the Law of Attraction.  Wendi owns her own business, Elevate Your Connections.  She specializes in teaching business professionals how to leverage the Law of Attraction in their business through Appreciation and Relationship Marketing strategies.  Her favorite teaching tool is a system called SendOutCards. She currently lives in a thriving Midwest community with her husband and two daughters. Don't forget to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher to get your episodes automatically

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