Artful Camera | Analog And Digital Photography And Filmmaking



The Artful Camera (formerly The Digital Convergence Podcast) is a show about the art, craft, and business of analog and digital photography and filmmaking.


  • Episode 81 - The Listeners' Show

    11/07/2012 Duración: 01h03min

    Since Chris Fenwick is locked aboard a big bus careening across the American Heartland working on a top-secret editing job, planetMitch, and I chat with Kris Simmons of 6 Strong Media and In today's episode, we focus on our listeners' questions and comments. Wow! What a diverse, amazing group of people from all over the world who are listening to the show.

  • Episode 80: Are We Evolving?

    27/06/2012 Duración: 01h06s

    Special guest Walter Biscardi of Biscardi Creative and co-founder of Atlanta Cutters joins Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, and Carl Olson in episode #80 of the Digital Convergence Podcast.

  • Episode 79 - Revenge of the Great Camera Shootout

    20/06/2012 Duración: 01h06min

    Zacuto founder Steve Weiss joins the Digital Convergence Podcast panel to talk about the Revenge of the Great Camera Shootout 2012.

  • Episode 78: Mia Maxima Culpa!

    14/06/2012 Duración: 01h09min

    Well, that's embarrasing. No new Mac Pro was announced last week afterall. Let me take that back. There was a "new" Mac Pro announced, but then a few hours later Apple removed "new" from the website description of the Mac Pro. Anyhow, Chris Fenwick, planetMitch and I have a bit of fun with this on today's show. Also, I was hoping to talk about Autodesk Smoke 2013 since the trial came out a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, the Smoke 2013 trial went up in smoke with an installer error. So, the out of box experience for me with Smoke 2013 has, shall we say, gone up in flames.

  • Episode 77 - The Mac Pro Is Back, Baby!

    06/06/2012 Duración: 01h19min

    This week on the Digital Convergence Podcast, Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, and I wrestle with disbelief the latest rumors of a Mac Pro refresh, and wonder does it even matter any more. We talk about desktop and notebook computers for post-production work, voice over talent, new "convergence" filmmakers in the news, the latest upcoming Atlanta Cutters group meeting, flying cats, freelancing and running your own production / post-production business, and the great user feedback we've been receiving about the show. In episode 77, we range far and wide over a number of topics. Focus - it's not happening in this episode.

  • Episode 76 - Hey, Can I Use That Track?

    30/05/2012 Duración: 01h16min

    Welcome back my friends, to the show that never ends (even when I'm out on the road) thanks to Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, and Barry Anderson - another episode of the Digital Convergence Podcast - the show about photography, video and post production - hits the airwaves. Or the intertubes. Today's hot topic: music licensing. I think the Digital Convergence podcast team has pulled off another great episode. Thanks, guys!

  • Episode 75 - The 10K Indie Filmmaker - Mike Carroll

    23/05/2012 Duración: 01h21min

    Many filmmakers can recall a pivotal feature film they watched that caused them to say, "I want to make a movie." For some, it may have been Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odessey. For others, it may have been the summer of 1977's premiere of George Lucas' Star Wars. For our special guest on the Digital Convergence Podcast, Mike Carroll, it was Dvaid Lean's Lawrence of Arabia. Mike Carroll has long desired to make feature length films - not shorts - and to date has three feature length movies in distribution. Each movie was made on a small budget. Not only has Mike directed three feature films of his own, he is the author of two books. His first book, Naked Filmmaking: How To Make A Feature-Length Film - Without A Crew - For $10,000 Or Less, chronicles in depth his journey to make feature length movies with minimal gear and very little money. One reviewer says this about Mike's book: "Carroll walks us through the joyful but often tedious and gut-wrenching process of one-man filmmaking every step of the way,

  • Episode 74: Incident on Marmont Avenue

    16/05/2012 Duración: 01h27min

    planetMitch and Barry Andersson just went to the best film school ever: they pooled their money and resources, grabbed a couple of brand new Canon 5D Mark III's, lined up a stellar cast of actors and actresses, and shot a movie.Incident on Marmont Avenue is loosely based on a true story that happened to Digital Convergence co-host Chris Fenwick (you can read about the actual event here on Chris' website). planetMitch talks about how he and Barry came up with the idea, how they were able to secure top talent to appear in their movie, and why they told the story as they did.

  • Episode 73: Live From Atlanta

    09/05/2012 Duración: 01h30s

    Today's episode of the Digital Convergence podcast finds me face-to-face with Chris Fenwick who is working on location for a huge conference. Before recording the show in his edit suite, I got to the conference opener video that Chris crafted for three large video screens before an audience of over 600 people from all over the world. All I can say is, "Wow!" planetMitch joined us via Skype today, too. We talk about a wide range of topics from doing video for large conferences, editing in FCP X, ergonomics for editors, and the 2012 Guerrilla Film Challenge where planetMitch is serving as a judge along with Koo of NoFilmSchool. You can read more about the 2012 Guerrilla Film Challenge on planetMitch's blog at

  • Episode 72: Smoke 2013 with Marc-Andre Ferguson

    03/05/2012 Duración: 01h02min

    Autodesk's Marc-Andre Ferguson joins Chris Fenwick, planetMitch and I today on the Digital Convergence Podcast to talk about Smoke 2013. Marc-André gives us the scoop on the new Smoke. With a price reduction from $15K down to a more accessible $3,495, combined with a slick new UI that will make most NLE users feel right at home - Smoke 2013 is poised to be the "super-app" that has proved to be elusive for so long. Instead of needing a multiplicity of applications to edit and finish, Smoke 2013 promises to be an all-in-one solution for many editors.

  • Episode 71: Po Chan - Collector of Memories

    27/04/2012 Duración: 51min

    In this special edition of the Digital Convergence Podcast, we leave behind gear talk. Chris Fenwickdelves deep into the mind and vision of Po Chan - a remarkable visual story teller and artist. Po Chan wrote and directed The Ticket and The Last Three Minutes - both films that were shot byShane Hurlbut of Hurlbut Visuals. Behind every great film is a great story. From where do those stories come from? How do stories make the transition to the medium of film? How is editing more than just "cutting"? What role does a colorist play in evoking emotion and meaning? How does a director bring the story to life and propel it forward by means of camera position and moves? What role does light play in breathing life into the film? This interview of Po Chan by Chris Fenwick provides insight and commentary on these questions. You will enjoy the scene by scene breakdown by Po Chan as she explains her thinking - why it was framed, lit, shot, edited and graded as it was.

  • Episode 70: Imagine - Creativity on a Budget

    26/04/2012 Duración: 01h08min

    Creativity on a budget is the theme of this week's episode of the Digital Convergence podcast. We talk about two low budget films that prove to be a good antidote to the toxins of stratospherically high priced gear and software that have unfortunately dominated our conversations on this podcast for a while. Join Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, and I as we talk about how creativity does not need a gazillion dollars of gear and software. The first film is titled The Camera by Peter Lewis. Peter says that this film was "largely born from its constraints. It had to be doable in my free time, and I had to be able to shoot it during my vacation... with a budget of only $50 to cover the props." The props included an old Polaroid camera that reveals more than is seen. The second movie is called Copelandia by Luke Neuman. This movie is more than a test of the new Canon 5D Mark III. With just a little grading and a judicious bit of 35 film grain added, Luke has created an engaging movie full of twists and surprises. The fi

  • Episode 69: NAB 2012

    18/04/2012 Duración: 01h14min

    This week show was recorded in the midst of what is probably one of the best NAB shows on record. Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, and I only scratch the surface in talking about all the exciting announcements coming out of NAB 2012. We talk about the $999 Avid Symphony crossgrade from FCP7. We talk about Black Magic Design's Cinema Camera - touted to be a 2.5K camera for $3000 - shipping in July (so they say). Black Magic was spewing out product after product at this year's NAB, but one that stands out to us is the new Davinci Resolve 9.0 with it's sleek new user interface. Speaking of color grading and correction tools, Adobe CS6 now includes SpeedGrade - so we talk a bit about that. We go on a few, um, friendly rants about anti-FCP X snobs (OK, it was me that went on the rant), and also Vimeo's stuttering problem.

  • Episode 68 - We're Gonna Need A Bigger Screen

    11/04/2012 Duración: 01h16min

    The buzz is building for NAB. What is Canon going to announce? Wait, not one, but two cameras? planetMitch, Chris Fenwick, and special guest Paul Antico, all chat with me about we might expect from next week's NAB show in Las Vegas. Also, in the news we talk about the FCP X 10.0.4 update from Apple - and - ouch! - it breaks Red Giant Software's Magic Bullet Looks and probably a whole bunch of other plugins. We talk about Flickr, 500px, and Instagram. In the course of the conversation we invent three new phrases: data tainting, pixel gorillas, and 4K for free. You'll have to listen to the podcast to see what it all means :) Paul Antico talks about his progression from a "convergence" shooter with the Canon 5D Mark II (and now Mark III) to the FS100 to the C300. Chris talks about the question of whether one should switch to Avid. Of course, we do our usual artist picks and gear picks. Many thanks toCrumplePop for sponsoring the podcast. Until next week, that's a wrap!

  • Episode 67: 4K For 10K?

    04/04/2012 Duración: 01h12min

    While battling bandwidth issues that take us back to the nostalgic days of dial-up, the Digital Convergence podcasting team bravely soldier on and press the record button and we thus spring upon our loyal listeners: episode 67 "4K For 10K?" Chris Fenwick, planetMitch and I talk about the latest announcement from Sony: the new NEX FS700. The NEX-FS700 is touted as a 4K-ready NXCAM camcorder with a superior Super35mm CMOS sensor, super slow-motion capability and an interchangeable E-mount lens system, offering unrivalled flexibility and creative expression. The real question is, 4K at what cost? The camera is reportedly available for under $10,000, but there is no information on how much the 4K upgrade will be or when it will be available. Then the conversation melts down as we we all just implode from the tediousness of the endless onslaught of gear and specks. This episode really touches on a lot of different topics and as usual we go off on several tangents. We discuss videos going viral (or mostly not), sel

  • Episode 66: planetMitch Goes to Hollywood

    28/03/2012 Duración: 01h09min

    The Digital Convergence Podcast gang finally managed to get back together to bring you another episode. With my voice box nearly desimated by a cold,Chris Fenwick and planetMitchjoin me in another interesting discussion of video, photography, and post-production. planetMitch Skypes in from LA where he is working with Barry Andersson to produce a short movie with their brand new Canon EOS 5D Mark III's. planetMitch gives us the scoop on what it was like to work on such an ambitious project on a tightly constrained schedule. Chris, too, has been working on editing some BTS footage for a recent Shane Hurlbut commercial shoot. In this episode, I lose any chance I could have ever had at being invited to an Apple event. What's that you say? No, it's what Chris said to Apple's Final Cut Pro X project manager at a recent SFCutters meeting. Yikes! But he has a point and Apple really does need to listen. We respond to some great listener feedback and questions in this episode. Until next week, that's a wrap!

  • Episode 65: The End of 16mm?

    14/03/2012 Duración: 01h06min

    While I was out "gigging", the Digital Convergence podcast team carried on! I want to thank to Chris Fenwick,planetMitch, and Barry Anderson for conducting an interesting discussion while I was out in the field. The Digital Convergence panel launches into a discussion on the sunsetting of 16mm movie cameras in film school as reported to us by a listener of the podcast. Talk about convergence timing... planetMitch reports on the latest Kickstarter sensation, the Digital Bolex 2K Raw video camera. Is this camera too good to be true? The conversation then turns to the craft of shooting video with an eye towards editing. After a shoot, do you have everything you need to tell the story? Do you have enough b-roll? Close-ups and extreme close-ups? The show wraps up with what I think are two very good excellent choices for featured artists. The team did a great job with the podcast today. Pardon the audio quality as Chris was in an airport getting ready to catch a plane. To me that's a really cool indication of how f

  • Episode 64 - The Canon 5D Mark III

    07/03/2012 Duración: 01h05min

    With an APB out on Chris Fenwick (we think he's holed up in a KOA Campy Cabin in the mountains), planetMitch (, and Gabe Cheifetz ( and I take on the latest news and happenings in the world of video and photography. We lead off with a wrap-up of the excitement (and fall-out) of Canon's latest announcement: the Canon EOS 5D Mark III. planetMitch brings a balanced, reasoned response to the Nikon D800 demo video that apparently used Canon 5D Mark II footage. Gabe Cheifetz, of CrumplePop, talks about FCP X. I'm pleased to have CrumplePop as a sponsor of our podcast. I'm fanatical about their plugins and use them extensively in my training series. Gabe talks about their reaction to FCP X when it first came out, and the unexpected opportunity that arose from Apple's tight integration of Motion 5 and FCP X.

  • Episode 63 - Film School of Hard Knocks

    29/02/2012 Duración: 01h20min

    Episode 63 of the Digital Convergence podcast brings Chris Fenwick, planetMitch, Tony Reale (of NextWaveDV) and myself together in a lively discussion about learning the craft of filmmaking. Do you need to go to film school? Is a college degree necessary to make it in this business? What is the best way to learn? Does one size fit all when it comes to education? We also talk about the latest video and photography news. planetMitch talks about his recent weekend trip and meet up with Shane Hurlbut, the director of photography for the recently released feature film, Act of Valor. Much of the movie was filmmed with Canon 5D Mark II's. Chris Fenwick responds to a friendly rebuttal from one of our listeners on the noise reduction / sharpening issue we talked about in the last episode. I'm pleased to introduce CrumplePop as a new sponsor for the Digital Convergence podcast. I have been using their products for some time now. They make a lovely collection of plugins for Final Cut Pro. Thank you, CrumplePop, for spon

  • Episode 62 - Is There A Psych In The House?

    22/02/2012 Duración: 01h16min

    Episode 62 - Is There A Psych In The House? All artist face it one time or another. We loath the work we do, wondering "Is it good enough?"  In this episode of the Digital Convergence Podcast, episode number 62, aptly titled Is There A Psych In The House? - Chris Fenwick and planetMitch provide a little psycho-therapy for my wounded artistic ego and help me face my self-doubt and loathing I sometimes feel towards my work. I worry about doing not only competent work, but desire to do great work. However, does every video we produce have to be a great "epic" to fulfill it's purpose? It's a rather gnarly and sensitive topic.

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