The Chase Jarvis Live Show



Chase Jarvis is a visionary photographer, artist and entrepreneur. Cited as one of the most influential photographers of the past decade, he is the founder & CEO of CreativeLive. In this show, Chase and some of the worlds top creative entrepreneurs, artists, and celebrities share stories designed to help you gain actionable insights to recognize your passions and achieve your goals.


  • A Little Known Secret About Creativity

    26/03/2023 Duración: 11min

    In this microshow, I share a little-known secret about creativity that shouldn't be a secret: collaboration is key. As a photographer, director, and entrepreneur, I've learned that collaborating with people outside my area of expertise is a fantastic way to learn and stretch myself as an artist and it can take your ideas and creations to new heights. Topics include: The importance of collaboration in creativity Seeking out collaborators with expertise in areas beyond your own The benefits of collaboration for personal growth and learning Enjoy!

  • How to Battle Health Conditions On Your Own Terms with Dr. Will Cole

    22/03/2023 Duración: 01h03min

    Dr. Will Cole is a renowned medical practitioner, New York Times best-selling author, and health advisor. He specializes in functional medicine, which looks at the underlying causes of health issues and focuses on preventive measures that can help keep the body in balance. Highlights from our conversation: The basics of functional medicine Understanding how physical and mental health are interrelated The two things that increase everyone's risk of illness What changes we can make to live a healthier life Enjoy!

  • Flipping the Negativity Switch: How to Turn That Bad Day Around

    20/03/2023 Duración: 25min

    Bad days happen to everyone, but they don't have to stay bad. When we allow small stresses or bad moments to take over our day and consume our thoughts, it can have a negative effect on our mindset. Our brains are hardwired to focus more on the negative, so when we dwell on the small things, they become much bigger in our minds. This causes us to panic and overreact, creating an even worse situation. In this episode we explore 5 ways for flipping the negativity switch. Not only can these techniques help you feel more energized, they can also improve your relationships with yourself and those around you. Enjoy!

  • Dan Martell: Are you Chasing Financial Freedom or Happiness?

    15/03/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Not enough people are saying this, but we need to stop making decisions based on other people's perceptions and assumptions. When it comes to creating success as an entrepreneur, the risk of following other people’s paths to success is that you reach the top of your ladder and realize it’s leaning against the wrong wall. You’re not living the vision you thought you were going to be living.  The entire topic can feel confusing and a lot of creatives might stall or self-sabotage when they hit the wall. That’s why I’m talking to serial entrepreneur, husband, father, and athlete Dan Martell who’s lived this, learned from it and coached thousands on it.  Dan is an award-winning entrepreneur, angel investor, thought leader, and highly sought-after coach in the SaaS industry. In under ten years, he’s founded, scaled, and successfully exited three tech companies. In 2012 he was named Canada’s top angel investor. He’s a strong believer in entrepreneurs, creative pursuits, and helping people to create a life of unlimit

  • 6 Strategies to Tackle the Messy Middle of the Creative Process

    13/03/2023 Duración: 31min

    Have you ever started a project and felt inspired and motivated, only to find yourself lost in the middle of your creative endeavor? You know the place I'm talking about: the messy nebulous phase of creativity in between vision and reality. It's where ideas get watered down and the unknown starts to creep in. In this episode we dive a bit more into this nebulous process and discuss some strategies to help keep momentum up. Some topics we get into: Preparing your mindset for creative thinking Creating space for your creative ideas How to encourage creative ideas to flow How to avoid overwhelm Enjoy!

  • Steven Kotler: How to Age Gracefully and Boost Peak Performance

    08/03/2023 Duración: 01h08min

    Steven Kotler has got this aging thing down. An award-winning author,  two-time Pulitzer Prize nominee, and Executive Director of the Flow Research Collective, he is considered  one of the world's leading experts on flow states and human performance. In this episode, Steven and I sit down to discuss his first-hand insights on unlocking peak performance and aging gracefully. Highlights from our conversation: Understanding flow state and the value of mastering it Refuting notions that aging means a decline in ability Reworking your mindset to thrive regardless of age Deliberate play and how it can help prime the body and mind Enjoy!

  • You Are Not Your Work: How to Break Free from Fear of Sharing

    06/03/2023 Duración: 14min

    Do you struggle with self-doubt and shame when it comes to sharing your creative work? In this episode, we explore how to cultivate a sharing mindset. Even if we are proud of what we’ve made, we still often feel an overpowering desire to hide. We might drop our work limply onto the floor and slink away, instead of holding it up for everyone to see. If self-doubt and fear of not being good enough have been holding you back, this one is for you. Enjoy!

  • The Willingness to Try: How to Redefine Limitations with Oksana Masters

    01/03/2023 Duración: 01h07min

    Oksana Masters is a world-renowned Paralympic medalist, author, and motivational speaker. She has won a total of 17 Paralympic medals - seven of which are gold - as well as multiple world and national titles in a variety of sports. I recently had the honor of speaking with Oksana about her life, achievements and the inspiring message in her new book, 'The Hard Parts: From Chernobyl to Paralympic Champion—My Story of Achieving the Extraordinary'.  Highlights from our conversation: Oksana Masters' story and her journey to success The amazing family and people who got Oksana to where she is today Ignoring the naysayers and working hard to achieve her dreams Using your past experiences as a tool to create an amazing life Enjoy!

  • Why You Need Rejection (and How It Can Change Your Life)

    27/02/2023 Duración: 10min

    Do you find yourself constantly held back by the fear of rejection or failure? It's a feeling that's all too familiar for many of us. The reality is that fear of rejection is absolutely pervasive in our culture, and it's something that can be incredibly difficult to overcome. But what if there was a way to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success? What if, instead of trying and failing to avoid rejection, we leaned into it? In this podcast, we explore: How to turn rejection into a tool for personal growth and success. Overcoming the fear of rejection and achieving success through "rejection therapy." Building resiliency, adaptability, and grit by embracing vulnerability and facing fears head-on. And much more… Enjoy!

  • The Urgent Life: How to Live On Your Terms with Bozoma Saint John

    22/02/2023 Duración: 01h12min

    In this episode, we're sitting down with the incredible marketing executive and influencer Bozoma Saint John to chat about grief, self-reinvention, and living urgently. Bozoma Saint John is an extremely talented businesswoman and marketer who has achieved success in the corporate world and beyond. She  has held various executive roles at companies like Apple, Beats Music and Uber,  where she quickly became a highly sought after expert in the field of marketing. Bozoma has become a global icon, standing for authenticity and positivity in the midst of a difficult world. She's been inducted into the American Advertising Federation Hall of Achievement, as well as the American Marketing Hall of Fame (among other accolades), so she knows a thing or two about creating success. But what really sets Bozoma apart is her ability to turn pain into power. She'll share her personal journey of loss and how she's used that experience to fuel her drive for success. And if you're looking for tips on how to embrace change and r

  • How to Practice Saying No

    20/02/2023 Duración: 18min

    Have you ever said "yes" to a project (no matter how small) and really dreaded it? In fact, you end up wondering why you didn't just say no? Creatives often face a unique challenge when it comes to saying "no": knowing what to prioritize and not letting fear of missing out take over. When you say yes for the wrong reasons (even if we'll intentioned), you're working against the things you really want while damaging your own self-trust to follow your own intuition. In this episode, I share some of my go to strategies to practice saying "no" to more things. Enjoy!

  • How to Access Joy Despite All Else with Cyndie Spiegel

    15/02/2023 Duración: 01h15s

    While there may not be an instruction manual for life as a whole, Cyndie Spiegel's new book, Microjoys: Finding Hope (Especially) When Life Is Not Okay, has hope covered. The storyteller and writer recently sat down with me to discuss her personal journey in understanding the power of positivity and how she used this to build resilience in challenging times. Highlights from our conversation: Making major changes when doing so isn't the safe option Finding the courage to face uncomfortable situations and embrace their potential to improve your life Cyndie's experiences with personal loss and struggle The power of acknowledging the simple moments of joy in life, even amidst hardship Enjoy!

  • Hustle is Stupid

    13/02/2023 Duración: 15min

    Hustle is stupid. I leanred this the hard way. Without the right focus and vision, burning the candle at both ends will only leave you burnt out and unable to do what matters most to you. It won’t get you what you want (not really) and certainly won’t make you happy. In this episode, we dive into some hard earned lessons, and a quick reminder of how to stay in the long-game that is our career. Enjoy! Why sleeping more can lead to greater creativity The benefits of taking a break from intensive hustle What it takes to succeed in the post-pandemic world How to avoid "dumb hustle" and cultivate "smart hustle" How to integrate extremes and achieve long-term success Why sleeping more can lead to greater creativity The benefits of taking a break from intensive hustle What it takes to succeed in the post-pandemic world How to avoid "dumb hustle" and cultivate "smart hustle" How to integrate extremes and achieve long-term success

  • How to Infuse Your Life into Your Creative Work with Timothy Goodman

    08/02/2023 Duración: 48min

    Timothy Goodman is a highly accomplished creator, artist, and designer. His work has been featured in countless magazines and respected publications, with clients that range from Nike to The New York Times. His new memoir, 'I Always Think It's Forever: A Love Story Set in Paris as Told by An Unreliable Narrator' was released in January of this year.  On this episode of the podcast, Timothy shares his journey to successful freelance artist, explaining how he found the courage to take a leap of faith and pursue his dreams.  Highlights: Why fearlessness isn't real and why courage is more important for personal growth Believing in your passion and putting it first Success doesn't equate to happiness Prioritizing mental health and re-learning how to be honest with yourself Enjoy!    

  • Writing Makes You More Creative (+ 5 Prompts ANYONE Can Do)

    06/02/2023 Duración: 14min

    For me, happiness has always been inextricably linked with creativity, the two enjoying a direct relationship. The happier I am, the more creative I am. Or more metaphysically speaking, the happier I am, the more open I am to inspiration and creativity.  In this episode, we're exploring one of my creative inspirations: writing. Writing isn't always an easy medium for me but every time I consistently invest into it, I find new pathways I hadn't considered previously. I share how I've explored my own writing and provide simple prompts anyone can try.  Enjoy!

  • Born Creative: How to Put Your Voice into Your Work with James Victore

    01/02/2023 Duración: 01h09min

    Despite having dropped out of two colleges and being told his ways of  thinking were never going to amount to anything, James Victore has become one of the most respected and sought-after graphic designers in the world. In this podcast, we sit down to discuss his background, mindset and philosophy as it relates to achieving success as a creator. Highlights from our conversation: James' strict upbringing and how it contributed to who he is today Choosing to buck conventional rules and stand out from the norm Taking an honest look at success and why the advice we're given is ill-fated How we can tap into our individual traits to stand out in a crowded field Enjoy!

  • How to use the IDEA framework to Focus Goals in the New Year

    30/01/2023 Duración: 21min

    Did you set intentions or goals for the New Year? If you're coming up a little short only a month in, you're not alone. But you're also not optionless. In this episode, I discuss how we can use the IDEA framework from my book Creative Calling to enable your progress towards success. Highlights: Explaining the IDEA framework and what it's designed to do Getting started with the idea framework by knowing where you stand Why taking action is the best thing you can do to realize any goal Breaking your goals down the right way can make them a lot more achievable Enjoy!

  • How to Thrive Under Pressure with Kelly McGonigal

    24/01/2023 Duración: 01h11min

    Kelly McGonigal knows stress. As a psychologist, speaker and author of The Upside of Stress, she helps people build better relationships with the natural reactions that can create emotional overwhelm. In this episode, she joins me to discuss her research on stress, emotions and how to effectively cope. Highlights from our conversation: Addressing stress and its many misconceptions The 'stress mindset effect' and how it can hold us back Identifying the good aspects of stress and using it to our advantage Exercise as a way of embracing the effects of stress on the body

  • Why Creative Cross-Training is Better than Productivity Hacks

    23/01/2023 Duración: 05min

    Here's something that's been on my mind a lot lately: We're constantly bombarded with tips and tricks on how to do more, more more, but what if all that productivity gibberish actually misses the mark?  In this episode, I share what I believe is more powerful than optimizing our productive output. In fact, when I think about the biggest leaps in my career, it's not a result of how many to do's of crossed off the list. It's actually been from one simple practice.  Enjoy!

  • Skill Stacking: How to Combine Your Talents for Greater Success with David Epstein

    18/01/2023 Duración: 01h16min

    Chase Jarvis and best-selling author David Epstein discuss human performance, creativity, and the pros and cons of specialization in a career. David, a former sports journalist and the author of "The Sports Gene" and "Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World," says that early specialization can be counterproductive and that having a wide variety of talents is necessary to succeed in a dynamic world that is continuously changing. By "skill stacking", we can use the power of our own unique background and experiences to advance our careers.  He underlines that we should view our profession as an 8-lane highway where we can pick up contacts and talents as we advance. In this way, we can take these skills and unleash them in other places. Some highlights from the conversation: Demystifying the '10,000 hours to mastery' myth How some people excel and others don't, and why Understanding the differences between generalization and specialization What approach to take when pursuing a particular craft Why

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