Nature Spirits Speak



Nature Spirits Speak is presented by Dr Geraldine Teggelove, a Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry. Geraldine is a Metaphysician, Nature Intuitive and Prosperity Coach who shares with you how she went from totally broke to living what she would call her perfectly prosperous life. Through the combination of a wealth of metaphysical knowledge, a wisdom that can only be found through experience, and her amazing ability as an intuitive, Geraldine brings to you the secrets of her magical journey of healing emotionally, spiritually and financially


  • Nature Spirits Speak - Let Go & Let God

    25/09/2012 Duración: 58min

    Imagine having your very own Magic Wand! How many times have you sat daydreaming of wonderful things and places, etc, and wished that you had a magic wand that you could just wave over yourself, and have all these dreams just appear in front of you in a flash? The exciting truth is, that you do hold that magic wand within you right now! A huge part of having this wand work for you is 'Letting Go and Letting God! On this Nature Spirits Speak Radio Show I share with you the 7 simple steps to Let Go & Let God, which allows you to begin waving your wand!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Money Manifestation

    20/09/2012 Duración: 57min

    Who in this world could do with a little more money in her or his life? If you have answered this question with a resounding "YES", or even a tiny whispered "yes", then this week's Nature Spirits Speak podcast is for you!, I am sharing with you 9 fabulous fun ways to begin the process of manifesting whatever quantity of money you are desiring.

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Finding Your Life Purpose

    11/09/2012 Duración: 57min

    So what is my LIFE PURPOSE? And, if I don't know, how do I figure it out? These are the questions I have been asked a million times over by my clients. My advice has been ... well, we better figure it out before you are sent reeling into it!!! What do I mean by that? Sometimes we keep putting it off and putting it off until there comes the time when our soul refuses to let us put it off any longer. That's when our lives get turned on their heads and we are left wondering what on earth is happening! On this week's Nature Spirits Speak, I share with you the simple but effective ways to discover your gift ... YOUR PURPOSE!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Claiming Your Prosperity

    07/09/2012 Duración: 57min

    Are you ready for more prosperity in your life but not sure how to go about claiming it? Well, on this Nature Spirits Speak Radio Show, I will be sharing with you the 7 tried and true steps that you can take to make this a reality! These are the steps that took me from out of the depths of financial despair, and into living my dreams. It took quite a deal of spiritual growth for me to finally understand that, firstly, wealth, happiness and health were already here for me, and secondly, that I could actually put in a claim to the Universe any time I felt the need ... receive it ... and KEEP IT!!

  • Your Key to Success

    28/08/2012 Duración: 57min

    Did you know that only 2% of people truly succeed 'big time' in this life ... and all of them have achieved their success through learning PERSISTENCE. This week on Nature Spirits Speak, I share with you the 6 reasons why most people fail to succeed, and then the 7 most powerful ways of how to grow your persistence until you reach the mountaintop of your dreams. Believe me, I have had to learn this key to success massively over the last few years! The number of times that I have thrown my hands in the air and screamed to the world, 'I give up!' The number of times I have cried tears of frustration and despair! But, after each moment of 'giving up', I knew that I had to just pick myself up one more time, and take one more step towards my powerful desire, believing without a doubt that if I had been given the desire, then I would also be given the means by which to succeed. If I was serious about creating true prosperity in my life ... then I was going to have to learn PERSISTENCE, and keep on keeping on!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Kiss Those negative Emotions Goodbye!

    21/08/2012 Duración: 57min

    Yes! Kiss those negative emotions goodbye, and begin to live a life of health, wealth and happiness! Just as the Shamanistic healer enters the spirit world through chanting and dance to heal the patient, it is through our use of music and song that we connect with the Source of all things ... the world of the Great Spirit where true healing takes place. Music is our link between the physical and spiritual worlds, and has the power to produce healing miracles. This podcast from Nature Spirits Speak, shares with you the 9 steps to Emotional Healing. How you too can finally rid yourself of those negative emotions that tie you to a life of stress, anxiety, fear and depression! It is time to live health, wealth and happiness! WooHoo!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - You Must Give to Get

    14/08/2012 Duración: 57min

    To get we must first give! What does this mean exactly? Well, in this wonderful world there are Universal Laws that we must abided by whether we like them or not! The truth is, that if we want wonderful things to appear in our life, we must give first … and then we get back!!! The Law of Compensation is one of those MUST KNOW laws, and in this podcast you learn the secrets of using this law to produce miracles in your life!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - See First: Then Experience

    07/08/2012 Duración: 57min

    We are all constantly seeing things in our minds eye and then experiencing the results in our physical world ...sometimes these are positive experiences, and sometimes they are quite the opposite! If you would like to visualize, create and experience your heart felt dreams, then you really need to listen to and discover the Secret Ingredients that make your manifestations sizzle with success here on Nature Spirits Speak Radio Show!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - How to Tap Into Your Intuition

    31/07/2012 Duración: 57min

    Do you realise that you have the most amazing power right at your finger tips? It's called your INTUITION. In this show, Geraldine shares with you 7 ways of tapping into this gift and getting the long awaited answers to all those pressing questions. If you have ever had a feeling inside that something was not quite right ... or you have had a feeling that you just had to go with an idea even though it didn't really make sense! Well, this has been your intuition at work. It is your unconscious mind or the spiritual part of of you, speaking to you. With the help of Nature Spirits, you too can grow your intuitive powers.

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Just Be Happy!

    24/07/2012 Duración: 58min

    As Peter pan discovered, thinking happy thoughts was the magic to enable him to fly! But as we know, sometimes being happy can be quite a challenge, particularly if we are going through trying times in our lives. In this show you will not only discover 7 amazing benefits of finding happiness, but also the 3 most wonderful, practical ways of putting happiness back into your life. So get ready to fly!

  • Nature Spirits Speak - Thoughts DO Create Our Reality

    17/07/2012 Duración: 58min

    Nature Spirit brings to you some fabulous ideas of how we can change those pesky little negative thoughts, that keep us chained to worry, stress, and fear, into positive thoughts where every day is filled with magic … and we can begin right in this very moment!

  • Nature Spirits Speak-New Beginnings

    10/07/2012 Duración: 55min

    Introduction to metaphysical and emotional healing through interaction with Nature Spirit. Geraldine discusses the questions ... How do I begin every day? Is the sky of my life lit up with colours of passion, excitement and joy, or do I just drag yesterday into today? She then gives the practical steps to take in order to see today and everyday as a brand new beginning.

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