Nature Spirits Speak

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 88:55:21
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Nature Spirits Speak is presented by Dr Geraldine Teggelove, a Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry. Geraldine is a Metaphysician, Nature Intuitive and Prosperity Coach who shares with you how she went from totally broke to living what she would call her perfectly prosperous life. Through the combination of a wealth of metaphysical knowledge, a wisdom that can only be found through experience, and her amazing ability as an intuitive, Geraldine brings to you the secrets of her magical journey of healing emotionally, spiritually and financially


  • Help! I think I need to Re-Tweek My Life

    05/08/2014 Duración: 58min

    We all come to that place of knowing that things need to change and that we need to re-tweek our lives, but how we go about this is not quite so easy or simple. The fact of the matter is that change is inevitable … don’t you just love hearing that when you are up to your eyes in confusion and not knowing what is happening, why it’s happening or which way to turn to find a little relief!!! But the truth of the matter is I guess … change is inevitable, and the sooner we come to terms with this concept, the better we will be able to ride the roller coaster of emotions that are associated with change! The fact of the matter is that we are all going through a re-tweeking at this present time … no one has been left untouched in one way shape or form … at a personal level, a community level or at a global level. That’s what happens when a planet moves into a new Great Age. On this week's Nature Spirits Speak show I will be sharing with you some very practical steps you can take in the re-tweeking process ... hints

  • Is Giving Up An Option - Can We Find Happiness?

    29/07/2014 Duración: 57min

    Well, the answer to this question is definitely YES and YES! How can it be anything but yes, as we all have the power to choose the path we walk in this life-time – we all have free will! For some in our communities, giving up is not an option and they continue to persevere no matter what! But sadly for others it means giving up on life and on ever finding happiness. Now, there can be any number of emotions that people experience when losing someone close to them … sadness, anger, a feeling of betrayal, and often helplessness. Is it possible to find our way through these emotions? On this week’s show I have a beautiful guest Lois McCulloch who is not only finding her own happiness, but is also inspiring so many others do the same! As you will discover during our discussion around finding happiness, Lois is a lady with a wealth of wisdom. Lois speaks from personal experience as we discuss that finding happiness from a place of the deepest grief may be very challenging ... but always possible if we choose to

  • Finding your Uniqueness & the Courage to Live It

    22/07/2014 Duración: 57min

    So often I hear from clients … “if I knew what my uniqueness was, I would be happy to live it … but I don’t!” Well, I have to be lovingly blunt here and say, yes, everyone knows his or her uniqueness, but they have pushed it aside or under for so long that they have come to believe that it no longer exists. Or, they have been put down or made to feel less than they are for such a long time, that to even think about their uniqueness is virtually impossible! It is so sad to see someone who just cannot even contemplate the idea that may have something very special to offer this world … yes, self esteem and self worth seem to be taking quite a beating in our society today! On this week's Nature Spirits Speak I hope that you begin to see that you can find that unique YOU, and find the courage to live the real YOU! Believe me, the benefits are truly amazing and well worth the effort! Listen in to discover the 5 simple steps that will have you stepping into your uniqueness and flying through life in the most magical

  • The Key to Successful Writing

    08/07/2014 Duración: 58min

    So you have a fabulous idea for a book, or you have had the urge to write for a very long time but you just haven’t been able to get started. Maybe people have said to you …”You should write your story, or should write your memoirs, or whatever it may be” … and you think to yourself, that’s all well and good, but where do you begin? Perhaps you are one of those beautiful people who have great plans but just can’t seem to put pen to paper to get things started … and you are just not sure why! I hear so many people say, I have been thinking about writing a book, but I just never seem to get around to it! So you keep promising yourself that you will write someday ... but not sure when! My question to all of these beautiful souls is, “What is the real reason why you are putting it off?” My next question is, "How will you feel if you don’t write that book or whatever it is that you have been promising to do for years." Will you be one of those who, in their last few years on this planet, are telling everyone how d

  • The Wisdom of Animal Totems

    01/07/2014 Duración: 57min

    Animals are the most wonderful teachers and guides. The wise of our society have always taught that the key to understanding how our Universe works is to create a relationship with all in Nature. For many, the best way to begin creating this connection is through animals. We all know only too well the language of our pets – dogs, cats, horses, pigs, mice, birds, etc, etc. We understand their unique language and we learn to listen to this. Well, guess what? All creatures have a language, and as we study the animals that come into our lives, we expand our knowledge and understanding of how this Universe operates! Great way to go! How can animals possibly have a wisdom that is greater than humans … please remember that animals don’t have the hang-ups or the negative perceptions and beliefs that we seem to love to hold onto and carry through our lives. They live in total harmony with all that surrounds them, and are happy to allow life to unfold in beautiful and natural ways. Each of them accept their uniqueness.

  • A Mother's Greatest Heartache

    24/06/2014 Duración: 58min

    On this week's Nature Spirits Speak, discuss how Mother's cope after having been forced to give up their child for adoption. Do they ever really heal this enormous hole in their heart, or do they just push the loss down deep inside with the hope that one day it might mend? On this show, I chat with one such mother, Barbara D Hayward, and find out how she has managed to bear her greatest heartache, and how it has impacted on her life. This is one story you really do not want to miss ... truly heart warming and inspirational. My Guest: Barbara D. Hayward is a Story Teller, a Practical Mystic, Spiritual AdvisorClairvoyant/Medium and Author.

  • Is Your Dream Worth the Wait?

    17/06/2014 Duración: 58min

    Have you ever found yourself asking: "Is this ever going to happen? Am I doing this right? Is all this stuff that I read about just made up or can I really create what I want in my life?" Or perhaps you have found yourself saying, "It’s just not happening! Things seem to work out for other people but definitely not for me! I’m just over trying to do this everyday and not seeing results! It doesn’t seem to matter how hard I work on this … it just doesn’t seem to happen!" Well, believe me I have said all of these … and more!!! I know from first-hand experience that waiting for a dream to become a reality can be at times, a rather harrowing experience!! I seem to have been waiting a life time for some of my dreams to come true! But they have, and I know without a doubt that there are still lots more on their way to me as I grow in belief that I can create anything that I desire. Life has now become sooo exciting as I learn more and more that Divine timing is the perfect timing in accomplishing anything in this p

  • Making an Ordinary Life Extraordinary

    03/06/2014 Duración: 57min

    if you feel as if you are living in a rut or that your life is not going as well as you would like it too, then maybe it is time for you to discover how to take your life from ordinary to extraordinary! Well, Mother Nature has some incredible advice for you on this week's show … but, of course, it is up to you to either take it on board or let it go through to the keeper! My advice would be to listen very closely to what she has to offer, because I know without a doubt that it was this advice that took me from a place of complete depression and disaster, to living a peace filled, happy, and prosperous life … and loving it! WooHoo! We are going to take you through the 7 simple steps which will have your life moving from the ordinary to the extraordinary! The Spirit in Nature will also be sharing with you a beautiful meditation which will help you to open up to the idea that this is possible for all to achieve ... even if you have never done it before. I would love to have you join me and hear the steps that

  • Whisperings of Horses

    27/05/2014 Duración: 58min

    Since ancient times, the horse has symbolised power and freedom. We can only imagine how truly exhilarating and freeing it must have felt for the first men who climbed on the back of a horse and raced across the open plains. Humanity made a huge leap forward when we finally recognised the power and freedom that the horse could bring. Horses are amazing teachers if we would only take the time to watch their actions, and listen to their unspoken language. By connecting to their wisdom and allowing horses to share all they have to offer, the riding experience will become truly enjoyable. On this week's show we hear from 2 extremely talented people ... Steve Halfpenny of Silversand Horsemanship Centre (Horse whispering expert) and Helen Sharp who is a trainer for Silversand. Both handle horses with complete love and care - they create the most wonderful unity between themselves and their horses. This is certainly a gift, but it is a gift that can be developed by all who wish to create that oneness between horse a

  • Taking a Quantum Leap

    20/05/2014 Duración: 57min

    In this amazing time in history, we have the ability to perform feats of magic in creating our heart’s desires. Right now we have the ability to stretch into the quantum field and in the blink of an eye, perform what most would consider impossible! The fact of the matter is though, that for most of us, the concept of quantum anything seems virtually impossible … why? Well for starters, unless you happen to be a quantum physicist, the mechanics of quantum can be just a tad confusing, and secondly, our 3 dimensional minds find it quite difficult to wrap themselves around this concept! The other issue is that the word quantum has become such a catch phrase of so many, that it has kind of lost its meaning. According to the dictionary, taking a quantum leap is a sudden large increase or advance … so I am presuming that this sudden large increase or advance can happen in any area of our life. But once again, for most of us who have been struggling with just getting through today, this seems totally off the radar …

  • One Simple Technique - Life Changing Results

    13/05/2014 Duración: 58min

    This amazing technique increases Focus, Reduces Stress and Promotes Health and Happiness in Children and Adults alike! My guest today is a beautiful lady – Heidi Thompson. Heidi teaches a simple exercise called 'Breath Awareness' which helps children and adults feel more calm and focused … and a great deal more! I for one am very happy to learn techniques that reduce stress and bring a calmness to my life. So Breath Awareness … what is it exactly, how does it differ from other techniques such as yoga, and what other benefits does it have for us in today’s world? Well, with Heidi’s assistance, we learn how ‘Breath Awareness’ can not only reduce stress, but also how it helps in the overcoming of addictions, and assists in creativity. Heidi shares with us hints and tips on ways we can put this fabulous technique into practice on a daily basis, and see incredible results.

  • Is Your Guidance System Working for You?

    01/05/2014 Duración: 57min

    Have you ever asked someone for their opinion on a pressing question only to be asked in return, “what is your heart saying?” or they simply reply with a statement of “go with your heart”. Have you ever had that feeling inside that something was not quite right? Have you ever had the feeling that you just have to go with an idea even though it doesn’t really make sense at the time? Have you ever been pondering the answer to a problem only to suddenly have an idea just flash into your mind? Well, this is your intuition at work. It is your unconscious mind or the spiritual part of you, speaking to you. As you grow in understanding of this, you will begin to realize the amazing power you have at your finger tips!!! You don’t need to take special lessons or training in how to use it; the only thing you need to do is raise your awareness about it and set your intention to harness it. … oh no, there’s that Intention word again!!! “The only real valuable thing is intuition” Albert Einstein. Intuition is a natural p

  • Finding Balance - is it just a myth?

    29/04/2014 Duración: 58min

    To help us unravel the ongoing issue of finding that elusive work/life balance, I have the most wonderful guest on this podcast, Angela Counsel. Angela is an expert in the field, and I know can help us all to find that balance that we all crave - you know, finding time for family, career, friends, sporting activities, and still remaining sane and finding quality time for self. Angela explains how we go about bringing some sort of sense to our lives whilst juggling all the must do’s, and still look after ourselves in ways that will still see us healthy, happy and enjoying life? We also discuss some very simple, easy and practical ways we can begin putting this into action in our lives.

  • Open the Floodgates to Living Abundantly

    22/04/2014 Duración: 57min

    On this podcast I discuss with Bente Hansen the in and outs of ‘Conscious Living’ … what this actually means, the practical ways of making this a reality in our day to day living, and the amazing benefits it can bring to our lives. Yes, big topic – huge outcomes not only for the individual, but also for our world as a whole. We all have a responsibility to become consciously aware of what we add to ‘the field’ – the field of consciousness that is in a constant state of expansion … creating, growing and becoming. When we choose to live consciously, we choose to better not only our own lives, but the lives of past, present and future generations. This is certainly not something to shrug off or take lightly, but a choice that has the ability to open the floodgates to living true abundance.

  • Finding Love in All the Right Places - & Keeping It

    15/04/2014 Duración: 57min

    Finding that wonderful partner to share our lives with can be quite a tricky thing … People tell me it is so much harder these days compared to when I was young and dreaming of finding the perfect man with whom to share my life. Well, I know there will be lots of people who may say I don’t know what I am talking about, but I would have to disagree! Yes, times have definitely changed, and people do not meet in the same way as they once did … or do they? Where to start? Manifesting love is the same as manifesting anything else we want in our lives, except for one rather big exception! Finding love in all the right places takes going on a journey of self discovery. If you are not prepared to do this, then you will continue to find love in all the wrong places and be left wondering why. This Nature Spirits Speak shares the secrets to finding our perfect love, and then keeping it! I am going to share with you the steps to find that beautiful soul who is also looking for you – whether that be male or female? On

  • Stop Doing what is Not Serving You

    01/04/2014 Duración: 57min

    This podcast is going to be quite challenging for many of us … but if we wish to move forward with our lives and create those dreams we have been longing for and working towards, then actually taking action on what I share with you today is critical! So many times in our lives we see repeated patterns of things that we really want to say goodbye too … but instead, we sit and say to ourselves, why is does this keep happening, or why am I drawing these experiences or people into my life over and over again? There must be something I can do to get off this merry-go-round that takes me back to the same old same old!!! The same negative relationships, the same health issues, the same career path, the same negative experiences! Some people say that it is part of our life journey to go through what we see as negative experiences … but I say, do we have to experience them over and over again? I mean to say, not sure about you, but once is enough for me, and I don’t need to go back and do it all again thank you very m

  • Be Empowered to Create Change

    25/03/2014 Duración: 57min

    Can we really create change when sitting in the depths of despair not knowing how we are going to get through the day let alone the next week or month or year? The answer is a resounding YES! How do we accomplish this? By exploring every possible avenue available to us, and finding the method of healing that empowers us to move beyond our challenges and struggles and into a new and exciting way of life. Yes, life is full of challenges and one who knows this from first-hand experience is my guest for today … Ellie Peterson! Ellie has an amazing story to tell, and the most wonderful, unique method of healing which has empowered many to create the changes they wished to see in their lives: Meditative Movements! This may just be the technique that inspires you create the change you have been longing for ... be empowered and listen.

  • How to Deal with Emotional Abuse

    18/03/2014 Duración: 57min

    In our changing world, life for many is becoming more challenging than ever before! The sad reality is that the way people are coping with the stresses of life is by hitting out those around them … not necessarily with physical abuse, but in a way that can quite often have much greater long term negative effects. I am referring to emotional abuse which has become rife in all age groups. and in so many personal and work place relationships. Our guest today is an expert in helping those affected by emotional abuse to stand in their power and, as she says, ‘Choose to be Incredible’! Victoria Rei not only has a wonderful story to tell, but is also here today to assist anyone who may be the victim of emotional abuse, by sharing winning strategies that will help them to take back their power. Feeling trapped or bullied can be truly debilitating, and a feeling that we do not have to accept for our life. We all deserve to be happy and confidently living our Truth.

  • Bridging the Gap between Medical & Spiritual Healing

    11/03/2014 Duración: 58min

    How do we go about bridging the gap between the medical & the Spiritual worlds and ensuring we have the best healing possible? To help us with this, quite often controversial question, I have a beautiful guest – Carolyn Green The 'Energy Nurse' who is going to share with us firstly the importance of this, and then help us with simple and practical steps that we can take to bring the 2 together. Whilst living busy lives, we all tend to forget to set priorities in our lives, and create healthy boundaries that assures we are taking care of ourselves. Today we are going to learn how we can actually bridge the gap between medical and spiritual healing, and empower ourselves with the ability to take care of not only our physical bodies, but also our spiritual and emotional bodies. So where do we begin? A great place to start is by loving ourselves enough to slow down the busyness of our lives, breathe a little deeper for just a few moments each day and contemplate our energy levels. Our energy levels are the tr

  • How to Achieve Greater Health, Happiness & Success with 1 Simple Technique ...

    04/03/2014 Duración: 57min

    Emotional healing is the absolute key to changing our lives in amazing ways – the challenge is to find a technique that is simple and easy to use. A technique that we can put into practice every day without necessarily having to run off to a practitioner for expert guidance … and technique that is not going to cost us the earth … and more importantly, a technique that truly works! Is this possible I hear you ask? Well, yes it is! This simple technique is called EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique, and on this podcast you are going to be hearing all about this from my expert guest John Freedom.

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