Nature Spirits Speak



Nature Spirits Speak is presented by Dr Geraldine Teggelove, a Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry. Geraldine is a Metaphysician, Nature Intuitive and Prosperity Coach who shares with you how she went from totally broke to living what she would call her perfectly prosperous life. Through the combination of a wealth of metaphysical knowledge, a wisdom that can only be found through experience, and her amazing ability as an intuitive, Geraldine brings to you the secrets of her magical journey of healing emotionally, spiritually and financially


  • The ‘FAST TRACK’ to Healing through Music & Sound

    25/02/2014 Duración: 58min

    Have you ever wondered why you become so emotional at the sound of your National anthem, or why certain music brings a smile to your heart and other music makes you want to get up and dance, or why some music brings you to tears and allows you to feel the saddest of emotions? Just as the Shamanistic healer enters the spirit world through chanting and dance to heal the patient, it is through our use of music and sound that we connect with the Source of all things - the world of the Great Spirit where true healing takes place… miracles in fact! To help us understand how this all works, I have a beautiful and inspiring guest today, Jill Mattson, who is an expert in the field of Music and Sound healing. I can’t wait to share with you her wonderful hints & tips which I know will help all of us to 'fast track our way to healing emotionally, physically and spiritually.

  • Managing Time in our New Golden Age

    18/02/2014 Duración: 57min

    Time management in this beautiful Golden age that we have just entered … the Age of Aquarius! Okay, hands up all those who feel like there are just not enough hours in the day to do what needs to be done? Keep your hand up if you feel you are working harder and longer hours than ever before, but still not managing to get through all that needs to be done for the day? I am guessing there are more hands raised than lowered! LOL Yes, I know exactly what you mean … I think I need this radio show today more than anyone else!!! I know I don’t have the constraints of children any more, but even so, I seem to be busier than ever and quite often feeling totally overwhelmed at what has to be achieved in a set time frame. So is there an answer to this madness? Yes, there is … but it does take a shift in our perception of life, and how we go about the activities we feel are essential to our everyday living. On today's show I am going to share with you what I see as some of the practical things we can do to ease the press

  • Recipe for Ongoing Success

    04/02/2014 Duración: 57min

    Today we are going to talk about a tried and true recipe for ongoing success! I am sure if you check in with any highly successful person – whether that be in business, relationships, finances, family, general emotional well being, or a million other possibilities – they will all tell you the same thing. They may use slightly different words or terms, but it will all come down to the same basic recipe for success. Within this recipe is 1 essential ingredient – and if you leave out this essential ingredient, then usually whatever you are ‘cooking up’ so to speak, will not necessarily turn out a flop, but including this will bring far greater and more ongoing success. So what is this amazing essential ingredient? It is finding time each and everyday for quiet contemplation or meditation. On this podcast we help you with simple easy ways to make meditation a daily practice in your life ... and reap incredible results.

  • The True Magic in Feathers

    28/01/2014 Duración: 57min

    If you love feathers, love finding feathers, or feathers seem to constantly drift into your life … then this podcast is definitely for you! But, even if none of these things seem to happen, then maybe after listening, we will have you out walking searching for those beautiful little drops of magic called feathers. Now I am sure that all of us, at some time or other have picked up a feather, and even if we were unaware of its symbolism, have somehow connected to its energy. We have probably just held it in our hands, perhaps stroked it through our fingers, admired its amazing beauty, and felt quite excited at having found it … for some – like yours truly – this may happen every day, and for others it may take you back to your childhood LOL Come on think back a little! You may think that yes, feathers are very sweet, but what have they got to do with me? Besides, I don’t really have the time or the energy to be out looking for feathers! So today, I am going to help you understand why others love to find feat

  • Doing What You Love & Loving What You Do

    22/01/2014 Duración: 57min

    Wouldn’t that be great I hear you say! But, it’s just not possible … there are bills to pay, rent or house payments, food, school fees, etc etc, so I really have to continue at what I’m doing (even though I’m unhappy doing it) or we will go under! Yes, I know all this because I have been there myself at one point or other in my life. The real issue here is … and I know this may sound very harsh … that these are just the excuses we keep telling ourselves and even more importantly, believing! So is it really possible to do what we love and love what we do? The answer is a resounding YES! And on today’s show I have a fabulous, inspiring guest who is going to help us understand this - Heather McClosky-Beck. Heather has a wealth of information to share with us that will propel each and everyone of us towards this end. Just imagine being able to do this every single day … well, Heather is going to help us make this a reality! WooHoo!

  • How to Wish Upon a Star & Have YOUR Dreams Come True

    15/01/2014 Duración: 57min

    We all love to set goals we wish to achieve during the year ahead, and I am sure 2014 is no exception. The trick is in taking the steps necessary in order to accomplish these goals and dreams. It would be great if we could just whizz outside and wish upon a star and have everything come true. The fantastic news is ... we CAN! What does this really mean and, if it is possible, then how do we do this? We accomplish this by following a very simple 5 step process. Within this process is the secret step that most people don't even know about ... but putting this secret into practise as quickly as you can, will bring amazing results. So join me this week to discover how you can make your dreams come true.

  • What 2014 Holds for YOU!

    08/01/2014 Duración: 58min

    So what does this year hold for you … I thought that a great way to start the year and discover some interesting facts about the year ahead on a personal basis was to look at our individual number through the eyes of Numerology. My guest today will tell you that the numbers never lie, so I think it is certainly worth listening to see how Numerology can assist us. You see we all have a very special number which is related to … of course … to our birth date. This date has great significance not only in the world of astrology, but also in Numerology. So today I am interviewing well known and highly successful numerologist, Henry Conlan. Henry has some really fabulous things to share with us today … very practical information that we can use to help us understand how we can work with the year ahead to make it a truly successful one. WooHoo!

  • Past Life Regression Therapy - the benefits to you!

    17/12/2013 Duración: 58min

    Past Life Regression Therapy is a fabulous way to help you heal. Sometimes there are issues in our lives that just seem to NOT want to go away! Try as we may, the same old problem raises its head. We go through every possible healing modality that was ever created or thought of to address the issue, but the problem still remains. So what can we do? Well, sometimes the issues we face are so deeply embedded that it takes going back into the original experience that caused us the problem in the first place. This was the time we took on certain beliefs or perceptions about our lives … negative beliefs and perceptions that we are still holding onto today. To assist our understanding and our healing, on this podcast we discuss: • Past Life Regression therapy • What this is and how it works • What it may mean for your life, and how it may be the answer to your personal healing

  • The Power of Connecting to Your Angels

    10/12/2013 Duración: 57min

    We can all do with a little help in this journey of life and who better to help than those beautiful beings from the Angelic Realms.We have discussed this topic before on Nature Spirits Speak, but today we are going to search a little deeper. On this podcast you hear lots of helpful information which will assist you to create your very own Angel Board of Directors. This magnificent team of Angels will assist you in overcoming those challenges and struggles you may be facing or experiencing, and attach wings to our dreams! With my wonderful guest Angel Lady Terrie Marie, we discuss: • The practical benefits of having an Angelic Board of Directors • How can someone design an executive Board of Directors made up of Angels • What is the simplest way of activating our Board of Directors • Introduce a few angels and their specialties • And discover how angels relate to our chakras If you love connecting to the Angelic realm, then this is a not to be missed podcast!

  • What Will It Take to Love Yourself Enough?

    03/12/2013 Duración: 58min

    Lack of self esteem and self worth are the 2 greatest problems of 99% of the population suffering from ongoing issues! That is quite a big statement to make … yes, it is, but it is also very true! I see this constantly with my clients … and the reason I can recognise it, is that I experienced this very same problem for many years, and I am still finding that I have to sometimes grab hold of myself and give a good old shake to wake myself up to the truth. On this podcast I am interviewing a wonderful lady, Chris McKee, who has a great deal of fabulous information to share in assisting us to do just that! WooHoo!. Chris is truly an expert in helping us to understand how to take those practical steps we need to take when choosing to move forwards with our lives. If you answer yes to any of these questions, then this is a show you cannot miss! • How many of you accept 2nd best in your relationships, career, business success, health, etc? • How many times a day do you put yourself down? • How many of you

  • What is Your Body Saying to You?

    26/11/2013 Duración: 57min

    What is your body saying to you? And if you think your body can’t speak and doesn’t really have a say in what you do … think again!! Our bodies will go along nicely until one day it says enough is enough … and then believe me, if you don’t take the time to stop and listen, well, you are in for a shock!! LOL Well, I also have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on this Nature Spirits Speak Radio, Angela Counsel, who is an expert naturopath, wellbeing counselor & much more! Angela assists in really understanding how our body speaks to us … and the times we really need to listen. I think with the busyness of life at the moment, this could be vital information for us to hear and take on board. We will be discussing: What is Body Speak? Why does our body need to speak to us? How do we start to interpret what our body is saying?

  • The Secrets to Conjuring Magic & Miracles

    19/11/2013 Duración: 59min

    Have you ever wished that you had a magic wand that enabled you to perform miracles? Have you ever looked at others and wondered how they seem to make all their dreams come true, and you are still wishing and waiting? Well, your wish is my command! On this week's Nature Spirits Speak, I am going to share with you the secrets to becoming the most wonderful manifestor that this world has ever seen. I am going to share with you a very simple 7 step process, that if followed daily, will enable you to rub your very own Aladdin's lamp and have your genie appear. WooHoo! The only thing for you to do after learning these secret steps, is to figure out what you truly desire!

  • Putting the Sparkle Back Into Our Lives

    12/11/2013 Duración: 58min

    Losing a child is tragic ... a heart wrenching experience that can take hold of parents lives and drop them into the deepest depression and despair. On this week’s show, I have with me a beautiful lady, Tova Gold, who knows only too well the grief associated with losing children. Not only has Tova a truly inspiring story to share, but is also going to help us understand a little more about ‘Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome’. Over time, Tova discovered ways to overcome the depression that accompanied the incredible loss she suffered. She now inspires thousands globally through what she calls ‘Finding My Muchness’! This is all about sharing with others how to find their way through the challenges of life and move forward in the most delightful and extraordinary ways! I am just so excited to be chatting with Tova.

  • How to step into Fun, Freedom, Laughter & Happiness!

    22/10/2013 Duración: 57min

    Life can be tough! Life can be an absolute struggle! Is it really possible to turn things around, and what is the secret to doing this? On this week's show we are going to look to life coaching as a way to put a halt to struggle and despair ... and deepen your understanding of how Life Coaching can really help you to "Step into Fun, Freedom, Laughter & Joy"(Pauline Daniel) I know I can hear many saying, well you have no idea what’s going on in my life at present, you don’t understand the circumstances, and there is no way on this earth that I could possibly crawl my way, or drag myself there, let alone step into fun, laughter, happiness and joy! It simply is not possible. Well, the thing is, no, I don’t know your circumstances, and I don’t know what’s going on in your life, but I do know without a doubt that there are immutable laws of this Universe, that if followed with focus, trust and perseverance, anything in your life can be changed. You can create a happier life in no time at all.

  • How to Interpret Your Dreams

    15/10/2013 Duración: 58min

    Do you dream? Believe it or not, everybody dreams ... some of us remember and some of us don't ... but we do all dream. I am sure we have all at one point in time, woken up and just had to tell our friends about a dream we have just experienced, hoping that someone can shed some light on its meaning. Interpreting Dreams is what this Nature Spirits Speak Radio show is all about ... with my expert guest Rose Inserra, we are going to be discussing: - what are our dreams all about? - how do we interpret them? - are they all about the characters within the dream, or are they about us? - what are the most common dreams and what do they mean? - dreams about dying ... what do they really mean? - dreams about flying ... what do they really mean? Such a fun and informative show in which you will be truly pleasantly surprised! No more concerns about those unnerving dreams.

  • Potent Healing from Near & Far

    01/10/2013 Duración: 57min

    So many tell us that healing can be a simple process … well this just wasn’t the case for me! I felt that life had dealt me quite a few rather difficult blows, and healing myself from all of this was not something that I could do myself … it was not going to be simple and definitely not easy!! I searched high and low for anybody who could heal me of whatever needed to be healed, until one beautiful moment in time when I realised that I had the power to heal myself! Others could assist this process, but I was the one who had to make the decision to heal, and by doing this, I had already begun the process! WooHoo!! To help us with this, I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on this show, Wendy Joy, helps us really understand this concept. Wendy is an extremely gifted healer with so much wisdom to share. We discuss: ‘Energy Healing’ and what this means! How we figure out the underlying cause of the problems we are having! How to clear our energy and remove the blocks! How our beliefs factor in the hea

  • Overcoming Chronic Depression & Finding miracles in Your Life

    24/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    So what is a miracle? Well, if we go to the dictionary, we read that a miracle is an extraordinary event which has no natural explanation … a little of the supernatural powers at work! I not only think, but know without a doubt, that we have all experienced miracles in our lives! Sometimes though, we just have to learn how to recognise them. To help us with this, I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on my show today, Leah Carey, who is going to help us really understand this concept. Leah is a lady with an extraordinary story to tell … having spent over two decades struggling with chronic depression, to now assisting others to find their very own miracles. We are going to be discussing depression and how to not only cope with this, but to use it as a spring board to creating a wonderful fulfilling life. We are also going to be discussing the ways in which you can recognise the miracles that surround you every single day … even how to create your very own!

  • How to Create Your Angel Dream Team

    17/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    For all those beautiful souls who love connecting to their Angels, this Nature Spirits Speak radio show is definitely for you. It is also for all those who would love to know how to Create Your Angel Dream Team and what this means for you in your life ... and your Success! I also chat with a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest, Angel Lady Terrie Marie, who helps us not only understand this concept, but also helps us to put together our very own Angel Dream Team. This magnificent team of Angels will assist us in our journey here on planet earth, and attach wings to our dreams! We discuss: • The main purpose of Angels and how they work in your life • What is an Angel Dream Team? • Why is it important to know how to activate your Angel Dream Team? • What can your Angel Dream Team do for you? • What are 3 Angel-centered strategies for raising your “wealth-frequency” and accelerating your income? • How can someone design an executive Board of Directors made up of Angels? And lots more!

  • Connecting with the Spiritual Realms

    10/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    On today's Nature Spirits Speak we are going to be discussing how to activate our Spiritual abilities, and how connect with Nature Spirits and our Spiritual Guides. To assist us today I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest, Dr Lesley Phillips, who is going to help me in uncovering ways in which we can communicate with those in the spiritual realms. As you all know, I love to combine science and spirituality, and Dr Phillips is certainly one who is qualified to assist us in doing just this.

  • Surviving a Money Meltdown

    03/09/2013 Duración: 57min

    How do we survive a money meltdown & recover bigger and better then ever! I have a wonderful and inspiring woman as guest on my show today, Cheryl Maloney. Cheryl certainly knows a great deal when it comes finding a way through financial challenges, and this comes through her personal experience of life. She is going to share with us today, some of the ways in which she put her life back together, and set out on her road to recovery again after losing it all and a bit more! I will chat to Cheryl about: The reasons for losing the money What practical steps did she take to get herself financially stable again? What were the biggest challenges? What did she discover that needed to be changed within the way she lived in order for her life to move on?

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