Nature Spirits Speak

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 88:55:21
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Nature Spirits Speak is presented by Dr Geraldine Teggelove, a Minister in the World-Wide International Metaphysical Ministry. Geraldine is a Metaphysician, Nature Intuitive and Prosperity Coach who shares with you how she went from totally broke to living what she would call her perfectly prosperous life. Through the combination of a wealth of metaphysical knowledge, a wisdom that can only be found through experience, and her amazing ability as an intuitive, Geraldine brings to you the secrets of her magical journey of healing emotionally, spiritually and financially


  • Butterflies & Boomers

    27/08/2013 Duración: 58min

    A baby boomer is a person who was born during the demographic Post–World War II baby boom between the years 1946 and 1964. Many of these baby boomers are now finding themselves facing retirement without the means to survive financially and struggling to make sense of their lives. Many are discovering that the only way to overcome the challenges and struggles is to reinvent themselves as entrepreneurs. On today's show we are going to be discussing this huge topic ... 2nd Act Boomers - who are they, and how are they learning to survive challenging & difficult times? What we can all learn from Baby boomers regards reinventing ourselves as entreprepuers? What strategies or steps can we use in order to get our passions from hobby status, to becoming financially rewarding?

  • Going Back to Basics to Achieve the FLIGHT of your Life!

    20/08/2013 Duración: 57min

    Any time of the year is a great time to stop and take stock of what you have actually achieved since setting those wonderful goals at the beginning of this year, and also a great time to take some simple, proven steps towards achieving each and every one of these.You want successful outcomes? Following these 6 wonderful steps will certainly bring you success! The FLIGHT Plan program is a fabulous way to do this, using simple, easy steps. Why this name? Well, the word FLIGHT actually becomes an acronym for making sure you are really on track to achieving all you set out to achieve for 2013. F: Figure L: Learn I: initiate G: Generate H: Harness T: Thoughts In this podcast, I share with you what this word FLIGHT means in the context of you achieving all your goals and dreams.

  • Ladybugs & Entrepreneurs

    14/08/2013 Duración: 58min

    What on earth have ladybugs got to do with being an entrepreneur? On this show I share with you all the symbolism around this little creature and how it relates to anyone who is willing to embrace the challenges of life and continue working towards their goals and dreams. I also introduce and interview my fabulous entrepreneurial guest: Mary Cimiluca. We discuss: What makes an entrepreneur. How to become an entrepreneur. The 6 crucial steps to become the producer of your own documentaries. What are the challenges or the pitfalls of movie making. How to fund your movie. And a whole heap more!

  • Say Goodbye to FEAR & Welcome Freedom

    10/07/2013 Duración: 57min

    I know that without a doubt, if you are living on this planet … at some point in time you will be facing a fear … and wondering how to overcome it! Without exception, we all have fears! They hold us back from becoming the best we can be. They hold us back from achieving our dreams, and if not addressed, they can be the cause of a great number of illnesses which we really don't wish to experience.In order to succeed, we want to face our fears head on and then step right through them or around them so we can be, do or have all that our heart's desire. So on this podcast I am going to do the very best I can in helping you with some very practical steps to do just that! We will look at: So what is FEAR? How do I know what it is that I FEAR? And the big one: How do I let go of my FEARS and move on to success? I will be sharing with 7 amazing practical steps you can take to remove the blockages that stand in your way of achieving your dreams. These will help you to climb YOUR wall of FEAR, stand on the top of

  • Stepping Into the Future

    25/06/2013 Duración: 58min

    Having been through an immense time of challenge myself … losing it all financially and a bit more, and not knowing how I was going to survive … with everyday being an enormous struggle to just put food on the table and pay the rent! I cried so many tears of despair and anguish not knowing which way to turn, until I discovered that all I really needed to do was to turn inward and find my truth. I had the power at my fingertips to change my world in the most wonderful ways. If you are currently experiencing challenges, please take heart for I am here to tell you, that things can and do change, and you can and will find the light at the end of the tunnel!! For me, and thousands of others before me, out of those bleakest of times have grown the most magical opportunities. I would have to say that life has become a miracle, and the same can happen for you. Today, my guest Cheryl Maloney, is going to help us make sense of these difficult times and share with us the steps we can take to move forward with our lives

  • The Secrets to Weight Loss & Loving You!

    18/06/2013 Duración: 57min

    The Secrets to Weight Loss! No! This is not just sharing with you another diet fad! To get to the truth around weight loss, I am interviewing an expert in the field of health and well being, Angela Counsel, who has a great deal of fabulous information to share. Angela is truly an expert in helping us to understand this issue whether we have just a little to lose or a lot! We will be covering issues such as ... Why people gain weight … what are the underlying reasons for this? What would be the most common reasons for people not being successful at losing the weight? What can we do in practical terms to ensure we reach our goal weight? All this and more on this Nature Spirits Speak podcast.

  • Tuning Into Success

    11/06/2013 Duración: 57min

    How do we do this without turning ourselves inside out, staying awake at night thinking & planning, running ourselves ragged, feeling tired and worn out or creating illnesses within our bodies through stress and anxiety. The answer is really quite simple, but one that we quite often either don’t know about, or have forgotten to put into action in our lives! Get to know the Laws of this Universe, and begin to work in harmony with them rather than against them!!! For those of you who have never heard about these secret Laws … you are in for an exciting journey. For those who say, I have heard all this before but it just didn’t work for me … well, all I can say is that it does work, and quite often it is just a matter of tweeking things a little to see amazing results! What if you heard the secret gem today which took you flying towards your goals and dreams? Speaking from experience, working in harmony with the laws of the Universe rather than against them, have brought nothing but magical outcomes for me

  • Connecting to Golden Age Energy

    04/06/2013 Duración: 57min

    On this Nature Spirits Speak podcast we talk about connecting to the amazing Golden Age energy which can bring massive beneficial changes to all areas of your life!Here are just a few ... Everything flows easily and effortlessly and you become the instant manifester that you have always wished you could be … abundance is yours! Healing takes place at the deepest levels … emotional healing at its best. Your body glows with health and well being … and this is not just the fresh air on your face and filling your lungs!! LOL You feel younger and more vibrant … having more energy than you have ever had before Your mind becomes clear and receptive to new ideas and opportunities You begin to build a relationship of co-operation with everything around you … life becomes peaceful and balanced You live by your inner guidance system … your intuition You have a knowing about things so decisions are made simple, with wonderful results You become a shining example of what it is to be truly healthy, wealthy and wise How

  • How to Fly with Eagles!

    28/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    This all sounds wonderful, but in practical terms what does it really mean? Well, that’s exactly what you will discover on this Nature Spirits Speak radio show. No, we are not going to hear about a brand new airline or something, we are going to hear how we can pick ourselves up from whatever challenges and struggles we may be facing or enduring, and fly right through them, over them, or whatever we need to do in order to create enormous success in every area of our lives!!! On this show we are using the symbolism of the eagle to help us understand how to change our reality … how to transform our lives from lack to abundance, from imbalance to balance, from fear to strength and courage, from illness to health & well being, etc, etc! In order to not only survive but truly thrive in this life, there a few essential steps that we need to take ... if we can take these steps, amazing changes will occur in our lives and we will be reeling from magical outcomes. The metaphysical symbolism of the eagle is truly

  • The How's & Why's of Social Media

    21/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    The How's & Why's of Social Media! On this Nature Spirits Speak Radio show, we discuss the benefits of having a Social Media presence, if there are particular Social Media sites that are a must, Social Media etiquette, and how to successfully build numbers on your Social Media sites. To give you the very best of information, Katrina Kavvalos is my expert guest who shares with us some of her secrets to building a fabulous Social Media platform which can then be used in so may ways to creat buzz around your business, product or service.

  • New World Children - Indigo, Crystal & Rainbow

    14/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    New World Children are appearing on our planet each and every day as beautiful little beings with an extra special purpose driven life. On this Nature Spirits Speak podcast, help people get to know and understand a little more about the children who are assisting in the shift from one world order to the next ... Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow children. We will take a look at who they are, how to recognise them and how to help them in their journey here on our planet. The experts say that the Indigo/Crystal phenomenon is the next step in our evolution as a human species. But in saying this, it is great to know that because of our moving into the Golden Age, and more and more people focusing on spiritual growth, in many ways we are all becoming more like the Indigo and Crystal people. These beautiful souls are here to show us the way forward as we continue with the transition to the next stage of our growth and evolution.

  • Marketing Your Gifts Globally

    07/05/2013 Duración: 57min

    On this Nature Spirits Speak Show I interview a beautiful lady who is a supersonic business/marketing coach with a great deal of fabulous information to share. Ally Loprete is truly an expert in the area of getting yourself seen and getting yourself heard! This is a show not to be missed as Ally shares with us ... Some of the absolute musts in being successful at getting ourselves out into the market place How important it is to find our uniqueness How a business coach can assist you in marketing your gifts What you need to look for in a business coach What a business/marketing coach looks for in a client Ally Loprete: Known as the Work/Life Balance Parenting expert, Ally Loprete’s career began when she founded the widely popular, an online search directory that lists the products and services of thousands of self-employed parents in more than 120 cities across the US….. And we are going to hear more about this during our time with Ally today. Ally has become a na

  • Super Foods for Sensational Women

    23/04/2013 Duración: 57min

    We are all busy people, and trying to maintain balance with health, happiness and success can be quite a challenge! But learning how you can become the healthy, energetic, fun loving person you were meant to be, can be quite a simple process when you know how … even if you have never done this before! On this show, I am interviewing a beautiful lady who is a naturopath, and is going to share with us fabulous information about what we might call … Super Foods... including chocolate! Angela will also be giving us recipes that not only boost your health, but also make your mouth water! After you have listened to Angela, you will understand that eating healthy can also mean eating deliciously. WooHoo!

  • Colour Your World & Heal

    16/04/2013 Duración: 57min

    This Nature Spirits Speak show discusses Colour Therapy and the important role it can play in bringing about healing in our lives. I am interview a beautiful friend, an expert in Aura-Soma and its power to heal - Jenette Youngman. Jenette has some really fabulous things to share with us today … very practical information that we can use to help us understand how we can find the answers to some of those niggling questions we have about our lives, and move forward with ease and grace. WooHoo! What are the effects of becoming conscious of colour? What can I learn about myself and how can it help me to grow spiritually? Are there any negative colours? What are the ways we can use colour in our lives to enhance our everyday living?

  • Numerology - Life by the Numbers

    09/04/2013 Duración: 57min

    Numerology - Life by the Numbers Everyone is different, and we all have different needs when it comes to figuring out where we are headed and the best way of getting there! Numerology is another source of information that just may suit you, and help you unravel some of those questions you have about why certain things are happening … or not happening … right in this moment. My guest today will tell you that the numbers never lie, so I think it is certainly worth listening to see how Numerology can assist us. We will discuss: What is Numerology? How can a knowledge of this ancient system help us? How can we work out our very own number and what this means? Plus heaps more!

  • We Are All One!

    02/04/2013 Duración: 57min

    Today on Nature Spirits Speak, we are going to be chatting about how everything is connected to everything else… yes, even those individuals that you would not put at the top of your friendship list!!! LOL And of course, it is not just people that we are all connected to, but everything around us, over us and under our feet! We are connected to every tiny thing in this amazing Universe. This can be quite a tricky thing to understand and accept … but at long last, science and spirituality both now agree that yes, we are all connected by energy and vibration. You will discover that you are not alone on this journey, and everything you do is heard and felt by the whole of the planet and the cosmos … and the whole of the Universe responds to your vibration. You will understand the importance of treating everyone and everything on our planet with respect and love, bringing into your life far more happiness, health and wealth than you ever imagined! You see, we are all vibration and energy! My Guest is I

  • Healing with Plant Medicine

    26/03/2013 Duración: 57min

    Healing with Plant Medicine! Finding Natural Remedies for stings, bites, burns, stress, headaches, colds, ... and a million and 1 other everyday illnesses, is really very simple, and extremely cost effective! Mother Nature’s pharmacy includes hundreds of medicinal plants and herbs that can be used for the healing of so many of our ills and spills! In this show I look at all those plants that you probably have growing somewhere in the garden, or your neighbours garden, or growing wild somewhere where you walk, and explain which plants to use, what these plants offer in the way of healing for our mind, body and spirit, and how to use them! I also explain easy ways of making herbal teas. And there are one or two little surprises along the way!

  • You are the Magician

    19/03/2013 Duración: 57min

    Becoming a Magician? This does sound a little out there doesn’t it … but you know, we are the magician in every moment of every day! Now obviously, I am not talking black magic or anything here … far from it!! The magic I am talking about are those wonderful little things we can do to bring amazing new life into our own world, and into the world at large. Sometimes we live in a trance, but this is a spell of our own making. We become caught in a web of misconceptions … a mistaken belief that our lives can only be lived in struggle and lack. This is so far from their Truth. We actually have so many wonderful tools right at our fingertips which will assist us in reaching our dreams and desires. On today's show, we will be covering a number of these such as crystals, metaphysical spells, astrology, readings and more.

  • Serendipity & Synchronicity

    12/03/2013 Duración: 57min

    Yes, you too can have the most wonderful and exciting serendipities and synchronicities happen in your life everyday! Once you grasp an understanding of the metaphysical meaning of these words, and then how to use them in your life, you have now discovered a long lost secret that the ancients have used since the beginning of time. This secret can truly create all the serendipities and synchronicities that you have ever wished for, or could ever desire in the future. In this show, we look at these in a very easy to understand way … the simplest way to see how this happens is by using a scenario, and today we are going to take the scenario of finding that perfect partner in our lives. Now if you already have this wonderful person in your life, then you can just relate all that I am about to share to your very own need.

  • The Why's & How's of Feng Shui

    05/03/2013 Duración: 57min

    This particular Nature Spirits Speak Radio Show, is all about using the ancient art of Feng Shui to assist us in balancing the energies within us and around us so that we can live happier, healthier and more prosperous lives. A expert Feng Shui consultant shares her expertise in the areas of Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology, and why this may be of importance to you, and how you can put the principles into practice in your life. We will look at... What is Feng Shui? A little of its history What have flying stars got to do with Feng Shui? And of course ... lots of hints and tips on how to use Feng Shui to improve your life.

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