Shair Addiction Recovery Podcast | Higher Power | 12 Step | Drug Addiction | Alcoholism | Sobriety | Hp Baby



SHAIR - Sharing Helps Addicts in Recovery. Recovering drug addicts and alcoholics share their amazing life changing success stories, the battle against drugs and alcohol, when they hit rock bottom and finally there inspiring journey into recovery. Learn how we got clean and sober and now live amazing lives.


  • SHAIR 189: The Moment That Saved My Life with Paul Haney

    25/09/2018 Duración: 01h28min

    Paul Haney is an active member of the SHAIR Recovery Network. He used to drink up to 36 beers a day until he ended up in the emergency room. Paul has never worked a formal recovery program like NA or AA, but his recovery is solid and he has over 9 years of sobriety. Paul uses online resources and takes what he needs from each program. His mission is to live happy, joyous, and free, and his unique story proves that there is a pathway to recovery for everyone. CLEAN DATE: June 22, 2009 For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 188: Every 7 Minutes with Corey Burgess

    18/09/2018 Duración: 01h42min

    We have a lot of high-profile guests on this show, but many of our listeners love to hear real stories from real people who battled drugs and alcohol and came out on the other side. Corey Burgess is one of those real people. She has been an avid SHAIR listener since she got out of treatment in August of 2016. She had a few relapses since then, but she was thrilled to officially celebrate one year of sobriety this past June and would love to share her story of recovery from her addiction to alcohol and prescription painkillers. CLEAN DATE: June 13th, 2017  For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 187: Dave talks about Chris

    11/09/2018 Duración: 02h27min

    Today we have a very heavy and heartfelt episode with Dave from Dopey Podcast. His cohost Chris recently passed away after a tragic relapse and overdose. Many our listeners reached out and wanted to know what happened. We’re so grateful for Dave to join us to discuss Chris’s death and the future of Dopey Podcast with our recovery family across the world. For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHIAR 186: Sober Life School with Arlina Allen

    04/09/2018 Duración: 01h50min

    Our guest today is Arlina Allen. She's the host of the ODAAT Chat Podcast and has been clean and sober since 1994. Arlina was a binge drinker who used to believe finding puke on her shoes in the morning meant she had a great time. Alcohol brought out her alter-egos. She never knew which one of them was going to show up at the party, and she didn't remember what they did either. Arlina always thought her life would straighten out if she found the right man, but Prince Charming never came to save her. Nothing changed until she removed alcohol from her life. Listen to how she replaced alcohol with connection and is now starting the Sober Life School. For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 185: Cleaner Daze with Tess Sweet

    28/08/2018 Duración: 01h40min

    Tess Sweet is an award-winning producer and director known for Cleaner Days, a dark comedy series about addiction written by a recovering drug addict. Cleaner Days shines a light on the realities of living with addiction. Tess never had a goal in life. She always had artistic inclinations, but she didn't know quite where she belonged. Instead of finding herself, she discovered drugs, and sunk deeper and deeper into a pit of danger and despair. Tess experienced a terrifying moment that compelled her to get clean, but afterward, she had to start life all over again. Learn how she went from halfway house and community college to an MFA and a dream life working in film. For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 184: Surviving Sexual Abuse with Rachel Grant

    21/08/2018 Duración: 01h34min

    Rachel Grant is the owner and founder of Rachel Grant Coaching and is a Sexual Abuse Recovery Coach. She is also the author of Beyond Surviving: The Final Stage in Recovery from Sexual Abuse. She brings to the table a passionate belief that her clients do not have to remain trapped or confronted daily by the thoughts or behaviors that result from abuse. Rachel's story started when she was a young girl when she was sexually abused by her grandfather. As she grew into an adult, she was convinced there was no way out of the pain and feelings of worthlessness and endured an excruciating life for more than twenty years. One day, she had enough and embarked on a journey of education and self-discovery. She now provides a 7-Step Toolkit to take victims beyond surviving sexual abuse to living a joyful life they never thought possible. Listen to Rachel’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Supp

  • SHAIR 183: The Record Collector with Shane Watson

    14/08/2018 Duración: 01h56min

    Shane Watson is a writer, Youtuber and prevention specialist. He speaks to kids and adults about substance use for an organization called Not My Kid. It’s a nonprofit that educates students not only about addiction, but also unhealthy relationships, depression, self-injury, bullying, and suicide. His blog is called the Silver Ladder and he has an unbelievable story of addiction and recovery that proves even the most hopeless addict can turn his life around. Shane was addicted to alcohol, cocaine, methamphetamines, and heroin. He is a felon. He is now clean and sober and helping the future generation to stay that way too. I am a living example that people can change. CLEAN DATE: Nov 29th, 2011 Listen to Shane’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group -

  • SHAIR 182: Bars, Bedrooms, and Bad Decisions with Cyndy L

    07/08/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    Cyndy L says her story in recovery involves being a slow learner. She went to her first meeting at twenty-one years old, but she didn’t pick up her one-year chip till she was forty. She fell in love with alcohol at a young age, leading her to a lifestyle of bars, bedrooms, and bad decisions. It took her a long time to realize the role her childhood and genetics played in her alcoholism. Some people are proud to say they are the first person in their family to go to college, get a degree, or open their own business. Cyndy jokes that she’s proud to be the first alcoholic in her family to get sober. Listen to Cyndy’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 181: The Victim Suit with Denise W

    31/07/2018 Duración: 01h43min

    Denise and I met 5 years ago when she was a patient at Costa Rica Recovery. We saw each other in passing at the AA and NA meetings. And when she finished her treatment, she went back to the United States. She recently returned to Costa Rica to share her story on the anniversary of her 5th year in sobriety. It impacted me so much, I asked her if she would be willing to share her story on the podcast and here we are. Denise has an intense past full of childhood trauma and abuse, self-loathing, and racism that developed into full-blown alcoholism and a long pattern of destructive relationships. She eventually found sobriety but relapsed when shoulder pain and a toxic husband lead her into painkillers and other sedatives. She tried to kill herself and overdosed frequently as her son was growing up. By some miracle, she found her way to Costa Rica Recovery and is grateful to be alive to tell us how she broke free from her addiction and the victim mentality that kept her from getting clean. CLEAN DATE: November 25t

  • SHAIR 180: The Miracle of the Mundane in Sobriety with Mark Goodson

    24/07/2018 Duración: 01h28min

    Mark Goodson is a very active member of our SHAIR Recovery group, and it’s about time we had him on to tell us his wild story. His life of addiction started before he ever took his first drink and eventually triggered an episode of drug induced psychosis that led him to bizarre behavior, like stripping down naked in a Mexican church. Now Mark Goodson’s a sober husband, dad, and writer at his website called The Miracle of the Mundane. Merriam-Webster defines the word ‘mundane’ as dull, but Mark finds ordinary life to be a miracle, and his sobriety has unleashed creativity he never knew he had before. CLEAN DATE: October 13th 2007 Listen to Mark’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 179: 25 Years, 1 Lesson with Andrea Dye

    17/07/2018 Duración: 01h38min

    Andrea Dye is a directionally challenged expat who no longer has to huff shoe polish to feel alive. She focuses on cultivating the positive impact of living a balanced life and collaborates on non-commercial interests with cool folks around the world. She is the author of 25 Years 1 Lesson and has a hell of a story for you today. Andrea became a raging alcoholic at the age of 14, and eventually graduated to other drugs. She was rebellious and selfish, with no intention of ever getting clean. She hated being sober so intensely that while in rehab she considered breaking open an air conditioner so she could huff the freon.  Andrea’s road to recovery was gradual, with her fighting tooth and nail all the way. Listen to how she finally surrendered to recovery and how she developed coping mechanisms that keep her emotionally and physically sober to this day. CLEAN DATE: SEPT. 22, 1991 Listen to Andrea’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE

  • SHAIR 178: Warm Beer with Sam Mooney

    10/07/2018 Duración: 01h22min

    Sam Mooney’s not writing a bestselling book or running a marathon. He’s not a celebrity or a pro-athlete. He’s a salesman who plays and coaches softball in his small town. He’s a husband to his best friend for 18 years and a father to 4 kids. Sam’s the average dude next door.  But Sam was an alcoholic dad who would get so drunk that he couldn’t be trusted home alone with his kids. He would drink to the point of blackout and his wife would have to scoop the vomit from his mouth so he wouldn’t choke to death. He would get violent, and it got to the point where his family was scared to death of him. Now Sam is more than 8 years sober and celebrates his recovery every day. He volunteers at drug court and human services to prevent youth drinking in his area and cherishes every moment with the family he so nearly lost to his alcoholism. CLEAN DATE: APRIL 25th, 2010 Listen to Sam’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Netwo

  • SHAIR 177: The Warrior Within with Sarah Mabry

    03/07/2018 Duración: 02h01min

    Sarah Mabry is the wife of our former guest, John Mabry (SHAIR 165). John has been sober for two and a half years and now hosts the High Sobriety Podcast, but before he got clean, his addiction put Sarah and his kids through unimaginable emotional destruction. This is Sarah’s first podcast. For the first time she gets to share her story out loud. Sarah is not a recovering addict or alcoholic, but drugs and alcohol still took her over her life. She is here to talk about what it was like being the wife of an addict and what it is like now living with a spouse who is in recovery. Listen to Sarah’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join the SHAIR RECOVERY COMMUNITY Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -  

  • SHAIR 176: Against the Odds with Christopher Velona

    26/06/2018 Duración: 01h28min

    Today we have Christopher Velona on the show. He is a sober father, philanthropist, CBD advocate, and Gene Therapy enthusiast, and Founder Project Sebastian. Project Sebastian is a charity that is racing for a cure to Batten Disease, a fatal and degenerative neurological disorder that is taking his son’s life bit by bit each day. Chris is a grateful recovering alcoholic. He grew up in a wealthy family in California and fell into heavy drinking early on in life. He was able to skirt the consequences because he was well-connected. The party did not stop until he destroyed all his relationships and his parents disowned him. Finally, he knew he had to end the insanity and went to Alcoholics Anonymous. Now Chris believes his purpose in life is to help other humans. CLEAN DATE: September 28th, 1996 Listen to Chris’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with P

  • SHAIR 175: What It Was Like with Laura Alvarado

    19/06/2018 Duración: 01h36min

    In addiction, there are two sides to the story. We usually have recovering addicts on the show to share their experience, but today we have an unusual guest. SHAIR host Omar Pinto interviews his ex-wife, Laura. She recounts how addiction systematically dismantled their marriage and their future as a family with their daughter. This is an important episode that shows the pain and confusion family and friends go through with a person in active addiction. Laura also tells us how she learned to forgive, heal, and practice self-love to transcend the ruin that addiction caused in her life. Listen to Laura’s story! For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -  

  • SHAIR 174: Genius Recovery with Joe Polish

    12/06/2018 Duración: 01h46min

    Joe Polish is founder and president of Piranha Marketing. His Genius Network and GeniusX masterminds feature household guests like Peter Diamandis, Tony Robbins, Sir Richard Branson, Steve Forbes, and John Mackay. Joe is the creator of Artists for Addicts and Genius Recovery, an organization’s whose mission is to change the global conversation around addiction and recovery from one of judgment to one of compassion. He is currently working on an addiction recovery book with former SHAIR guest, Anna David. Joe is a dynamic individual who is seeking tools for recovery in any shape or form, even ibogaine and ayahuasca. His is an inspirational story full of new insights into addiction and how to break free from it. For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon L

  • SHAIR 173: Dawn Nickel of She Recovers

    05/06/2018 Duración: 01h25min

    Dawn Nickel is the founder of She Recovers, a community that focuses on women's recovery from anything and everything, including drug addiction, alcoholism, codependency, love and sex addiction, eating disorders, workaholism and perfectionism. In Dawn’s view, we are all recovering from something, and we’re stronger together. She's a strong advocate for the view that each woman in or seeking recovery must be supported to find the tools and pathways that will work best for her as an individual. Dawn has been in recovery since 1987. Alcohol free since that time, she struggled until 1989 with a marijuana addiction and was then both alcohol and drug free for nearly 11 years before relapsing on prescription drugs for several days in May 2000. CLEAN DATE: May 11th, 2017 For the show notes and links mentioned in this episode, go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Pri

  • SHAIR 172: Recovery 2.0 with Tommy Rosen

    29/05/2018 Duración: 01h56min

    How does a person go from a rock bottom life in addiction to leading an extraordinary life in sobriety? Listen to Tommy Rosen’s story of true transformation! Not only will Tommy be celebrating 27 years of sobriety, he is the founder of Recovery 2.0, a yoga teacher, and an author. He’s built a mecca for recovery and has created an enormous resource for people who want to get clean and sober by integrating the mind, body, and spirit. CLEAN DATE: June 23rd, 1991 Listen to Tommy’s powerful story!   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 171: Give Yourself a Chance with Ken Rivord

    22/05/2018 Duración: 01h44min

    Today we have an insane show with my guest Ken Rivord, who actually flew down to Costa Rica to record this episode with me to celebrate his 6th year of sobriety. After a typical Tico breakfast, we begin with an account of Ken’s Costa Rican travel nightmare. Everything that could go wrong, did. This was followed by another disaster, the disappearance of the first recording of this interview. Then listen we move into Ken’s harrowing story of child abuse, mental illness, IV drug addiction, prison, relapse, and ultimately, lasting recovery. This is a wild episode about how the worst of situations can bring beautiful outcomes. Strap in and listen! CLEAN DATE: 4/20/2012 For the show notes for this episode go to   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group - Amazon Link -

  • SHAIR 170: Being Human with Vasavi Kumar

    15/05/2018 Duración: 01h23min

    Vasavi is a savvy entrepreneur, licensed social worker, and a plant-based chef. She holds dual Masters degrees in Special Education and Social Work. She has been featured extensively on TV and in the media. She is now a personal development coach who truly believes that with impeccable character, work ethic, and unwavering values, you can do, be and have anything you want! Vasavi is also a grateful recovering addict and alcoholic who got out of rehab 6 months ago and has just finished moving out of a sober living home. She had always been successful on the outside, but inside she was lost, empty, and addicted to cocaine. Then she found emotional and physical sobriety with faith in her higher power. CLEAN DATE: October 21st 2017 Listen to Vasavi's powerful story! Click here for this episodes show notes.   Join SHAIR SPACE - the Empowerment Network Support The SHAIR Podcast: Donate with PayPal - Facebook Private Group -

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