Shell Fischer's Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 76:52:41
  • Mas informaciones



Insight Meditation teacher Shell Fischer, founder of Mindful Shenandoah Valley, offers her 25+ years of mindfulness training and study in these weekly talks about how we can use meditation practice to cultivate more compassion, kindness, joy, balance, and calm in our lives.


  • False Evidence Appearing Real: Working With Fear

    10/01/2021 Duración: 53min

    Given all the conditions that are giving rise to worry, anxiety, and fear in our world, it’s natural that many of us find ourselves struggling with what the Buddha called unhealthy fear – which occurs when we become trapped in a kind of spiral of our own stories about what the future holds for us. This talk explores how we can use our practice to take a good look at our own fortune-telling skills, and discover more calm and ease by examining and questioning some of these predictions.

  • Don't Give Up, No Feeling Is Final

    12/12/2020 Duración: 46min

    Inevitably, throughout our lives, we will all experience both the beauty and terror of what are called the 8 Worldly Winds, which can arrive in varying degrees –sometimes as a gentle breeze; at other times like a gusting tornado. Either way, the way we work with these winds is what determines how much they affect us as they’re passing through. This new talk explores how we can use our practice to discover and take refuge in that calm, still point that rests in the center of this storm we call life.

  • Don't Argue With Fools - Practices for Working with Insult

    14/11/2020 Duración: 50min

    Though the experience of being insulted can feel extremely painful, it’s actually a common experience. Yet, if we continue to cling to each and every barb, it can greatly affect the quality of our lives. This talk explores some of the Buddha’s teachings on this subject, and how it can help us work through these experiences with the qualities of kindness and compassion, rather than with a sense of bitterness, anger, or hatred.

  • This Is A Moment - A Practice on Presence

    09/10/2020 Duración: 47min

    This new talk is based on the phrase, “This Is A Moment,” which through practice can help us to detach from our busy, discursive, and negative thoughts, and bring us back home to the more open, calm, awake space of the present moment - just as it is - with great kindness, compassion, and care. It includes a 10-minute meditation at the end.

  • Allowing Our Sadness to Speak

    02/09/2020 Duración: 45min

    So often, we tend to believe that whenever we’re experiencing sadness, there must be something “wrong,” or that it “shouldn’t” be happening. But when we can use our practice to courageously and compassionately allow ourselves to not only feel our sadness, but listen to what it has to say, we can uncover a profound sense of peace, connection, and freedom. In this new talk, Shell explores how we can open up to the whole flow of our emotions, without making any of it – including ourselves – wrong.

  • Finding Refuge in Gratitude

    30/07/2020 Duración: 52min

    Especially in times of difficulty, the practice of gratitude (or katavedita, in Pali) is one of the most profound skills we can use to help us discover some sort of balance in our lives, some ground beneath our feet, a sense of safety when everything else around us seems to be coming undone. In this new talk, Shell explores this essential element of our practice, and how we can use it to not only make a deep shift in our consciousness, but open our awareness to the preciousness of each moment of our lives. (It includes a 10-minute gratitude practice to end.)

  • Permission to Pause

    18/06/2020 Duración: 39min

    As the teachings show us, in order for us to respond to suffering – our own, and that of others – it is essential that we very consciously give ourselves permission to pause, to temporarily take some sacred time to shore up our own capacity for wisdom and compassion, so that we don’t allow what’s happening to harden our hearts. This pause is often called “sacred,” because when we allow ourselves to enter it, we become better able to not only see what is true, but what is needed.

  • The Benefits of Being Patient

    04/05/2020 Duración: 35min

    Often, during difficult times, what’s most needed to help soothe, quiet, and ease our troubled minds – the quality of patience - is also the most difficult to access. In this new talk, Shell taps into the Buddhist teachings to explore how we can develop more calm, compassion, and patience not only for the situation we find ourselves in, but also for others, and ourselves.

  • Finding Balance & Ease: The Practice of Equanimity

    23/03/2020 Duración: 47min

    In this talk, recorded live on Mar. 10, Shell explores how we can use the practice of equanimity (or balanced awareness) to work with our fear, panic, and uncertainty, and discover more kindness, compassion, connection, and ease during these difficult times. (This talk is the 7th in a series of talks on the 7 Factors of Enlightenment).

  • Concentration - The 6th Factor of Awakening

    26/02/2020 Duración: 47min

    In mystical and spiritual literature throughout the ages, deep states of consciousness have been described as having been achieved through the art of concentration – which is exactly what we’re trying to cultivate in our meditation practice. As we learn to develop a more refined and skilled awareness, this in turn offers us access to even deeper levels of understanding and insight. In this talk, Shell explores how we can use our practice to train our minds to become more focused, steady, and clear.

  • Tranquility: The 5th Factor of Awakening

    12/02/2020 Duración: 45min

    As we deepen our meditation practice, it is crucial for us to learn how to develop the powerful quality of Passaddhi, also translated as “calm,” “tranquility,” “serenity,” or “composure.” This soothing, cooling quality of mind and heart can help to keep us peaceful and at ease, especially during times of difficulty. In this talk, Shell  explores this essential step along our path, and how we can better develop it.

  • Meditation: Discovering Our Deepest Intention

    07/02/2020 Duración: 23min

    In this 25-minute guided meditation, we're invited to look beneath our more shallow intentions to discover our deepest intention, so that we can learn to cultivate, nurture, and embody it, and carry its light out into our lives and our world.

  • The 4th Factor of Awakening - Joy & Rapture

    29/01/2020 Duración: 46min

    The good news of our practice is that, as it deepens, we are bound to experience what in the Pali language is called piti - otherwise known as joy, happiness, delight, and even rapture. It’s an important aspect of our journey, and we absolutely want to cultivate and nurture this sense of pleasure, and joy. Yet, it is also vital that we learn how to skillfully work with it as it arises, so as to not become attached to it - which can take us in the wrong direction. In this talk, Shell explores this 4th Factor of Awakening, and how we can both access it, and know when to wisely let it go.

  • The 3rd Factor of Awakening - Energy

    16/01/2020 Duración: 41min

    The root meaning of the Pali word viriya, or energy, is “hero” … and in the Buddhist tradition, when we start walking on the path of meditation, we are considered warriors. This is because what we’re doing as we practice is acting as ‘warriors’ against the great forces of greed, hatred, and fear in ourselves. We’re also courageously facing and confronting our natural tendencies … which are to run away from ourselves and our problems, or to fight them, or to completely ignore them, drown them out, or pretend they aren’t there. In this talk, Shell explores this 3rd Factor of Awakening - viriya - and how it can inspire us to become more bravely dedicated to our path towards freedom.

  • The 2nd Factor of Awakening - Investigation

    11/12/2019 Duración: 46min

    The great teacher Joseph Goldstein tells us that the awakening factor of investigation (vicaya) is a refined quality of mind that “discerns and illuminates the truth by means of discriminating wisdom.” In our practice, this is the crucial factor that can cut through our delusion, and liberate the mind. In this 2nd talk of a 7-talk series, Shell explores how we can develop, nurture, and harness this important quality of wise discernment to discover more clarity – and therefore more joy and ease – in our lives.

  • The 1st Factor of Awakening - Mindfulness

    28/11/2019 Duración: 44min

    As you might imagine, we cannot develop a good mindfulness practice without first learning how to be mindful. But, what does mindfulness (or sati, in Pali) really mean? And, how do we do this? In this new talk, Shell explores this foundational factor of our spiritual development, and offers suggestions about how we can both utilize and strengthen it in order to discover more joy and freedom in our lives.

  • The 7 Factors of Awakening - An Exploration

    14/11/2019 Duración: 43min

    In the teachings, it is said that there are seven profound qualities of mind that not only lead us to awakening, but also perfectly describe the awakened mind. In fact, all our approaches to practice are to be considered in the light of the development of these profound qualities, or factors. In this talk, Shell offers a summary of how we can use our meditation practice to develop these, in anticipation of a series of talks on each one.

  • The Gift of Being Heard

    23/10/2019 Duración: 47min

    One of the most profound gifts we can offer both ourselves and others is our kind, compassionate presence. In truth, the most important aspect of all our interactions lies in our ability to listen, along with a deep intention to truly understand – a skill that takes conscious practice. In this talk, Shell explores how we can tap into our practice to create true connection – or communion - with both ourselves, and others, through the art of listening.

  • 4th Foundation of Mindfulness - Mindful of Dharmas

    12/10/2019 Duración: 50min

    There are many definitions of the word “dharma,” which includes natural phenomena, as well as the Buddha’s teachings. In our own practice, rather than relying on an outside authority to offer us the answers, we are being asked to contemplate the dharma (or truth) within ourselves, with guidance from the teachings. This inner seeking is often called “come and see” and is the basis of our practice – being willing to look inside, and see for ourselves whether or not the dharma is true. In this talk, Shell explores how we can do this through the 4th Foundation of Mindfulness - Mindful of Dharmas.

  • A Ceremony: Taking Refuge in the 3 Jewels

    30/09/2019 Duración: 31min

    Ever wonder what it means to Take Refuge in the 3 Jewels? In celebration of the meditation group’s 9th anniversary, Shell offered a traditional Refuge Ceremony for sangha members, including a brief summary of what it means to take refuge (find sanctuary) in what are called the 3 Jewels of Practice: Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. You can listen (and participate) here.

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