Shell Fischer's Podcast

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 76:52:41
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Insight Meditation teacher Shell Fischer, founder of Mindful Shenandoah Valley, offers her 25+ years of mindfulness training and study in these weekly talks about how we can use meditation practice to cultivate more compassion, kindness, joy, balance, and calm in our lives.


  • The 3rd Foundation of Mindfulness - Mindful of Min

    29/08/2019 Duración: 46min

    A popular myth about meditation practice tells us that in order to meditate, we need to get rid of all of our thoughts. This is not only untrue, but unhelpful. Vipassana Insight meditation is actually asking us to take a good, close look into the nature of our minds, and this includes becoming aware of what we’re thinking. As we get better at exploring the mind more intimately - gradually we recognize that our thoughts are not “us,” and understand that they don’t need to define us, or control us. In this talk, Shell explores the 3rd Foundation of Mindfulness - Mindfulness of Mind - in the 3rd talk in a series of 4 talks on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

  • 2nd Foundation of Mindfulness - Feelings

    21/08/2019 Duración: 46min

    In our exploration of meditation, we are asked to be “mindful of feelings,” and to contemplate the “feelings IN the feelings,” often described as pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral. As we learn how to more accurately discern these subtle sensations, we gradually develop a more calm, non-judgmental awareness of whatever is happening in our lives, so that we’re no longer so controlled by our conditioned responses to experience. In this new talk, Shell explores this 2nd Foundation of Mindfulness - Feelings - as part of a four-part series of talks on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness.

  • Breath of Peace Meditation

    17/08/2019 Duración: 23min

    This meditation was adapted by Thanissaro Bhikkhu the Abbott of the Metta Forest Monastery near San Diego. He learned this from his Thai teacher Ajaan Fuang who learned this technique from Ajaan Lee Dhammadharo (1907-1961).  I learned it from my teacher, Pat Coffey, and now it is yours! Thich Nhat Hahn:“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.” 

  • The 4 Foundations of Mindfulness - Talk 1: Mindfulness of Body

    01/08/2019 Duración: 50min

    For thousands of years, the famous Satipatthana Sutra has been used as a powerful and profound spiritual road map. Contained within it are the rich teachings on the Four Foundations of Mindfulness, which the Buddha himself called the “direct path to enlightenment.” In essence, this sutra is the very basis and ground of our entire practice, and diving deep into its teachings is exactly what can lead us out of suffering, and into more freedom, joy, and ease in our lives. During this series of talks, Shell will explore each of these Four Foundations in more depth. Talk 1: The 1st Foundation of Mindfulness - Mindfulness of Body.  This is the grounding foundation, where we begin. By practicing mindfulness of the body, the Buddha is asking us to see “the body IN the body,” and to recognize that it is not a solid entity, but made up of parts that are impermanent, constantly changing, and “not self” (anatta). It is here where we discover that our entire spiritual life is em-bodied, that we experience everything from

  • Q&A Session with Shell

    26/07/2019 Duración: 33min

    Instead of offering the weekly dharma talk, Shell opened the room up to about 30 minutes of questions this week. If you have a question you'd like to ask Shell, please visit us at the website to write your question, and Shell may answer it in the next session!  Starting in October, 2019, Shell will be offering these Q&A sessions once a month. 

  • The Power of Prayer

    11/07/2019 Duración: 51min

    While the teachings offer us numerous ways of praying, people often ask: in this non-theistic tradition, what does it mean to do this? Or, what is it that we are aspiring to, when we place our hands together and bow our heads in prayer? In this talk, Shell explores how we can use this powerful form of aspiration to open our hearts, expand and connect, and extend more compassion and care to both ourselves and others.

  • Finding A Happy Balance - Exploring the Middle Way

    30/06/2019 Duración: 45min

    When we practice what the Buddha called The Middle Way, we start to realize with more and more clarity that happiness resides at the center of wanting and not wanting; that nothing is really happy or unhappy in and of itself - no thing, person, or situation; that our joy or sorrow depends entirely on how we are relating to our experience. In this talk, Shell explores how learning to “walk in the middle” can help us discover more joy, ease, and balance in our lives.

  • Getting Out of Our Own Way

    20/06/2019 Duración: 51min

    The teachings warn us of 5 main challenging and complicated mental states that block, confuse, or “hinder” our ability to more fully open our hearts and minds, and prevent us from discovering freedom from suffering. In this talk, Shell explores how we can better recognize these five, and learn to transform and eventually overcome them.

  • The Blessings of the Heartwood Sutra

    17/06/2019 Duración: 43min

    Often, as we search for deeper spiritual meaning in our practice, it’s easy to become stalled or stuck at certain points, and become unclear about which direction we need to take in order to continue further. This talk from Shell explores the famous Heartwood Sutra, which points out four things that are often mistaken for progress in our practice.

  • The Power of the 5 Spiritual Faculties

    31/05/2019 Duración: 47min

    The Buddha spoke about 5 spiritual faculties which, if cultivated and developed, can flower into spiritual powers. The truth is, we all have these faculties within us, and when we learn to nurture them through our practice and our lives, they can lead us to more joy, ease, and freedom. In this talk, Shell explores these five, and offer ways that we can begin to harness their profound power, and offers a meditation on these to end.

  • Walking Meditation: Instructions, Guided Practice, Q&A

    27/05/2019 Duración: 43min

    Though it’s considered an integral part of our formal meditation practice, walking meditation is something that is often not well-known in the West, or practiced, and can seem odd when we first try it. Yet, it can not only help the body refresh and rejuvenate between meditation periods, but can help us to take our practice “off the cushion” and into every single moment of our lives, so that we can become more and more aware of being fully embodied, experiencing the whole of our lives through all of our wonderful senses. In this episode, Shell “walks us through” this important practice with explanation, guided practice, and q&a to end. 

  • Receiving Blessed Rest

    25/05/2019 Duración: 46min

    As we all know, whenever we’re having difficulty relaxing, or sleeping, this can often profoundly affect our thinking, mood, behavior, and quality of life. The good news is, the Buddha’s teachings (especially those that deal with the hindrance of worry and restlessness) can not only help us to fall asleep more easily, but can allow us to live with greater calm, joy, and ease. In this talk, Shell offer some ways that we can discover sacred rest through the teachings and our practice.

  • Buddha & Jesus: Spiritual Brothers

    11/04/2019 Duración: 46min

    "If there is to be understanding, compassion, and peace in the world, spiritual teachers must learn to honor the 'jewels,' or 'best values,' at the heart of diverse traditions, and to keep their own alive by interpreting them in light of the here and now" ~ Donna Seaman. In this talk, Shell explores how, so often, the teachings of both the Buddha and Jesus were essentially pointing to the same truths.

  • Overcoming Blame & Insult

    27/03/2019 Duración: 50min

    One of the main ways we tend to suffer is when someone insults or blames us, and we can’t seem to let go of the hurt or anger it evokes; when it lives in us, and grows bigger and more intense, maybe even overwhelming. During this talk, Shell explores how we can use the teachings and the practice to help us to better let go of our strong grip on blame and insult, and to bring some healing to our vulnerable hearts.

  • Falling Awake: How We Can Work With Sleepiness in Our Practice

    23/03/2019 Duración: 48min

    There are a multitude of reasons why we fall into sleep or a kind of dreaminess or even a sense of “nothingness” during meditation, and it’s helpful to know what these are so that we can use our practice to work with these states, and discover more clarity, energy, and wakefulness - not only in our practice, but in our daily lives. Shell explores these and more in this talk on what is called the hindrance of "sloth & torpor."

  • Visiting Your Wisest Self: A Meditation

    06/03/2019 Duración: 27min

    This meditation - recorded during one of Shell's Tuesday night classes - is a 30-minute guided visualization practice, designed to help us discover our wisest self, and listen to the wisdom of our hearts for the answers we have been seeking. 

  • The Consequences of Karma

    27/02/2019 Duración: 47min

    In our modern western lexicon, the word “karma” is often employed as a kind of derogatory term that implies that someone who is experiencing some negative consequences is somehow getting their just reward, or cosmic punishment. Yet in the Buddhist teachings, this is not at all an accurate description, and the Buddha himself was actually critical of many of the beliefs and myths that are attached to this word. In this talk, Shell explores this complicated concept, and how we can use it to bring more happiness and joy into our lives, and into the lives of others.

  • Offering Our Hearts to Kalyanamitra

    21/02/2019 Duración: 48min

    In the famous Upaddha Sutta,the Buddha’s disciple Ananda suggested that ”admirable friendship” is half of the holy life … and the Buddha exclaimed, strongly, “no, it is the whole of the holy life.” In this new talk, Shell explores the importance of cultivating Kalyanamitra(a Sanskrit word that means “spiritual friendship, or “noble friend”) and why it’s essential that we nourish this same strong friendship with the most important person in our lives – ourselves.  

  • Facing the 8 Worldly Winds

    30/01/2019 Duración: 49min

    According to the Buddhist teachings, there are 8 main “anxieties” or “hang-ups” that take up an enormous amount of our emotional energy, and keep us trapped in a cycle of pain, frustration, and suffering. These 8 are praise and blame, recognition and disregard, gain and loss, and pleasure and pain. As we use our practice to learn to face these inevitable winds in our lives without being constantly blown over by them, the more peace, steadiness, and ease we experience. In this talk, Shell explores these 8 Winds (also called 8 Worldly Dharmas, Attachments, or Concerns).  

  • The Gift of the 5 Remembrances

    16/01/2019 Duración: 44min

    In the Pāli canon, the Buddha asks us to practice reflecting each day on what are called “The 5 Remembrances” as they relate to the truth of annica (impermanence). Over time, and with practice, reflecting upon these 5 things can help us to more deeply recognize and accept that change, loss, and death are not unusual events, but are woven into the very fabric of existence. As we continue to reflect on these truths, the more the mind becomes imbued with peace, & equanimous in the face of difficulties. This talk from Shell explores these 5.

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