Trunews With Rick Wiles

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 1078:32:52
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RATED #1 IN SPREAKER FOR NEWS & INFORMATION!! Rick Wiles is the father of citizen reporting. He pioneered alternative media long before the arrival of blogs and podcasts. In May of this year, TRUNEWS began its 18th consecutive year of news reporting. The program is heard on various internet outlets, international shortwave and over 400,000 downloads of the TRUNEWS mobile app. TRUNEWS has an extremely loyal audience around the world. The program is 100% listener-supported. Guests include members of the US Congress, members of the European Parliament, members of the British Parliament, scientists, astronauts, climatologists, billionaires, investors, top-selling authors, and retired US generals. Respected guests include billionaire Jim Rogers, Swiss investor Marc Faber, EU Parliament member Nigel Farage, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, retired US General Paul Vallely, retired US General Jerry Boykin, retired CIA special operations officer Clare Lopez, former NASA scientist John Casey, international businessman Simon Black, futurist Chris Martenson, obesity expert Dr. Robert Lustig, and Lord Christopher Monckton.


  • Feinstein Resign? Memory Loss May Spare Cal Dem From Chinese Spy Investigation

    12/12/2020 Duración: 02h19min

    Today on TruNews, we discuss the infiltration of America by Maoist moles from Communist China, and welcome geopolitical expert Gordon Chang to detail the history and progression of this multi-generation plot to overthrow U.S. sovereignty. We also share an uplifting update on the GoFundMe campaign for Georgia hero dad Brandon Slater, as the effort reaches over $123,000. Lastly, we address the advent of vaccination passport apps, and the discovery of HIV in the COVID vaccine. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/11/2020

  • U.S. States’ Split Over Texas Election Lawsuit Signals New Secession Movement

    11/12/2020 Duración: 01h13min

    Today on TruNews, we discuss the risk of a new Civil War erupting over President Trump’s Supreme Court election fraud battle, which now involves 40 states. We also detail the unparalleled heroism of a Georgia father named Brandon Slater, who risked his life to save his family from a raging fire that consumed their home in middle of the night. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/10/2020

  • Treason Greetings! Hunter Biden, Eric Swalwell and Their Ho Ho Ho Fang Fang

    10/12/2020 Duración: 01h16min

    Today on TruNews, we discuss the newly revealed Federal investigation into Hunter Biden’s illicit business dealings with China. We also detail the sex-spy scandal involving a female operative code named “Christine Fang”, who infiltrated the inner circles of numerous top Democrat political covens, including House Intelligence Committee member Eric Swalwell. Lastly, we provide an update on President Trump’s Supreme Court lawsuit, now up to 18 states, and show the latest fruits from the tree of Mao on the streets of America, as Portland becomes home to a cop-killing autonomous zone. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/9/2020

  • Perpetual Fortune Cookie: Professor Brags China Has Influential Americans to Assure Beijing's Success

    09/12/2020 Duración: 01h35min

    Today on TruNews, we discuss the warnings by top U.S. national security officials that the communist Chinese are frenziedly plotting to enslave America, and the Beijing-Biden election steal was ground zero for the invasion. We share further proof of the secret Sino friendship between China and “Republican” Governor Brian Kemp, and we detail the latest development in the Trump legal challenge, with 9 states joining Texas in a bid to have the Supreme Court overturn the corrupted “results.” Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/8/2020

  • Judge Dismisses Kraken Lawsuit Without Looking at Evidence

    08/12/2020 Duración: 01h46min

    Today on TruNews, we discuss the dismissal of Sidney Powell’s election fraud suit in Georgia and the President’s endorsement of the upcoming Senate runoff being run on the same system alleged to be responsible for the steal. We also detail the allegations of treason being leveled against Governor Kemp and Secretary of State Raffensperger, including a tax payer funded website in Chinese, and we address the possibility of foul play in the death of Senator Loeffler’s aide Harrison Deal. Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/7/2020

  • Tyrants Beware! Citizens Will Resist Covid Lockdowns and Corrupt Elections

    05/12/2020 Duración: 02h41s

    Today on TruNews, we speak with constitutional lawyer John Whitehead, President of the Rutherford Institute, about the COVID technocracy strangling the America way. We also speak with Georgia election observer Garland Favorito, who shares the shocking testimony he was barred by Republicans from saying yesterday under oath, about how Trump votes were switched to Joe Biden through the Dominion Voting System, and it’s a bipartisan communist coverup, culminating at the office of Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/4/2020

  • 12032020 GodcastRepublican Panic: MAGA Patriots Moving Away From Both Trump and GOP

    04/12/2020 Duración: 01h45min

    Today on TruNews, we address the betrayal of Lin Wood and Sidney Powell by the right-wing establishment, as leaders from Newt Gingrich to Ted Cruz call the President’s biggest defenders destructive clowns. We also detail the moves being made against China, including the sanctioning of their state oil company and the fleeing of thousands of undercover PLA spies, all while Georgia faces a crisis of allegiance from embattled political leaders over their questionable relationship with communism. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/3/2020

  • 60 Minutes Blunder: Chris Krebs Admits Dominion Voting Machines Connected to Internet

    03/12/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    Today on TruNews, Matt Skow and Edward Szall provide coverage of the Kraken Wood press conference in Atlanta, Georgia, where attorneys Sidney Powell and Lin Wood are taking on the ballot manipulation. Rick provides historical context of the electoral challenge that could determine the real outcome of the 2020 Election. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/2/2020

  • 60 Minutes Blunder: Chris Krebs Admits Dominion Voting Machines Connected to Internet

    02/12/2020 Duración: 01h30min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the statements by the fired cyber chief turned Secretary of Re-Education Mr. Krebs about the role the infamous operators of the fraudulent vote tabulators played before, during, and after the election to manipulate the public. We also address the latest Covid nazism and announce the covering of another fine imposed against a Church of God ministry in Steinbach, Manitoba who dared to worship Jesus and defy the mask mandate. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 12/1/2020

  • Dem Donkey Dumps: News Blackout on Mysterious Early-Morning Vote Surges in Swing States

    01/12/2020 Duración: 01h48min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the implications of further election deception, as continuing efforts by the Trump campaign legal team, Sidney Powell, and Lin Wood chisel away at the Dominion and Smartmatic ballot fraud. Will the punishment for treason by firing squad be used for traitors to the Republic? Rick also responds to critics regarding paying the synagogue fine in New York. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/25/2020

  • Gerald Celente: Patriots Must Resist Covid Communism

    28/11/2020 Duración: 01h14min

    Today on TruNews we speak with renowned trends forecaster Gerald Celente, Publisher of the Trends Journal, to discuss the post-election landscape, including the rise of new Nazis commanding pandemic panzers to track, explode, and run over the remaining rights of American citizens. Rick Wiles. Airdate 11/27/2020

  • Pardon Me! Will Trump Appoint Gen. Flynn as CIA Director?

    26/11/2020 Duración: 01h54min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the pardoning of President Trump’s first National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, and the move to legalize execution by firing squad as lawsuits progress in key states alleging sedition and treason related to the 2020 election. We also address the attempt to kidnap Thanksgiving, by imposing draconian edicts against family gatherings and potential arrest for those who refuse to wear the Karl Mask. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/25/2020

  • TruNews Pays Brooklyn Synagogue $15,000 COVID Fine

    25/11/2020 Duración: 01h21min

    Today on TruNews we announce a donation to the Yetev Lev temple to cover the full unconstitutional penalty being placed against Hasidic Jews by NYC Mayor De Blasio for the crime of assembling for a wedding. We also address the continuing saga of President Trump election fraud challenge, including an announcement by Rudy Giuliani of public hearings at Gettysburg, PA to potential electors, and Sidney Powell’s long awaited ‘Releasing of the Kraken’ Dominion filing in Georgia. We also discuss Joe Biden’s communist cabinet picks and the U.S. Navy’s standoff this morning against Russia which almost resulted in the USS John S. McCain being physically rammed by a Kremlin warship. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/24/2020

  • Caged Kraken: Hair-Dye Rudy Slams Powell After She Linked CIA to Dominion

    24/11/2020 Duración: 01h28min

    Today on TruNews we discuss Rudy Giuliani’s betrayal of Sidney Powell and the Republican Party base that supports an investigation into the systemic corruption rotting our nation to its core. We also address President Trump’s concession of the 2020 election through allowing the GSA to recognize Joe Biden as the victor, and we detail China’s proposal of a global QR-code immunity passport for post-plandemic travel. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/23/2020

  • Checkmate: SCOTUS Reassigns Trump-Appointed Justices to Key Election States

    21/11/2020 Duración: 01h42min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the significance of the decision to place constitutionalist Supreme Court justices in charge of the circuit courts in the contested states of Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. We also address the dust-up between Sidney Powell and Tucker Carlson over the existence of evidence proving unprecedented election fraud. We also further detail the wave of tyranny being codified into law through coronavirus lockdowns, including the UK’s head counter terrorism officer comparing resistance to mandatory vaccination to the detonation of a suicide vest in public. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/20/2020

  • Sidney Powell: Dominion Voting Systems Rigged 2020 Election

    20/11/2020 Duración: 02h13min

    Today on TruNews we analyze the statements by the Trump campaign’s all star legal team regarding allegations and evidence of historic and unprecedented election fraud. We also discuss the new global wave of coronavirus tyranny as the elite evangelize about a Great Reset to cure the world of the freedom virus. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/19/2020

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