Trunews With Rick Wiles



RATED #1 IN SPREAKER FOR NEWS & INFORMATION!! Rick Wiles is the father of citizen reporting. He pioneered alternative media long before the arrival of blogs and podcasts. In May of this year, TRUNEWS began its 18th consecutive year of news reporting. The program is heard on various internet outlets, international shortwave and over 400,000 downloads of the TRUNEWS mobile app. TRUNEWS has an extremely loyal audience around the world. The program is 100% listener-supported. Guests include members of the US Congress, members of the European Parliament, members of the British Parliament, scientists, astronauts, climatologists, billionaires, investors, top-selling authors, and retired US generals. Respected guests include billionaire Jim Rogers, Swiss investor Marc Faber, EU Parliament member Nigel Farage, Georgia Congressman Paul Broun, retired US General Paul Vallely, retired US General Jerry Boykin, retired CIA special operations officer Clare Lopez, former NASA scientist John Casey, international businessman Simon Black, futurist Chris Martenson, obesity expert Dr. Robert Lustig, and Lord Christopher Monckton.


  • Kraken the Whip: Why is Trump Suddenly Consolidating Special Ops?

    19/11/2020 Duración: 01h12min

    Today on TruNews we discuss President Trump’s revolutionary move to appoint General Flynn’s former aide Ezra Cohen-Watnick to lead a new elite branch of the military, and eliminate General Milley from the chain of command of America’s deadliest warriors, if and when they are needed to defend the country against communist terrorists. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/18/2020

  • Himalayan Kebab Cookout: China Cooked Alive Indian Soldiers With Microwave Weapons

    18/11/2020 Duración: 02h22min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the troubling report that the PLA used an experimental millimeter wave weapon system to expel Indian soldiers from a strategic outpost through literal immolation. We also address the continued build up for World War 3 in the South China Sea, and the promises by COVID cops and trans-tyrannical draconian queens to strangle freedom through a new wave of lockdowns. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/17/2020

  • Dominion Deception: Will Trump Expose Cyber Vote-Theft Crime Cabal?

    17/11/2020 Duración: 01h22min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the MOAB of election fraud being alleged by President Trump’s all star legal team, led by Rudy Giuliani and General Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell, involving the Soros-affiliated made-to-cheat, Dominion voting system. We also detail the aftermath of the team’s coverage at the “Stop the Steal” rally, including the debut of the original Antifa-flag with the Star of Remphan. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/16/2020

  • Mario Murillo: Election Fraud Will Expose Deep State Cancer in America

    14/11/2020 Duración: 01h16min

    Today on TruNews we welcome evangelist Mario Murillo to discuss the unprecedented corruption surrounding the still undecided 2020 election. We also address the ominous report from Texas Congressman Louie Gohmert, that the U.S. Army conducted a raid in Frankfurt, Germany, on a server which held important data related to illegal vote switching across America. Rick Wiles. Airdate 11/13/2020

  • Michigan Republican Governor Candidate Saw Voter Machines Connected to Internet

    13/11/2020 Duración: 01h42min on TruNews we welcome former Michigan State Senator Patrick Colbeck to discuss allegations of wide-scale election fraud using back door electronic cheating through the infamous Dominion voting software. We also discuss the accusations of China’s role in the rigging and the potential that President Trump may use his emergency powers to invoke an Internet kill switch to shutdown the ability by the Democrats to enforce their coup through propaganda. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/12/2020

  • News Coup Update: Sydney Powell Reveals Mysterious Biden Votes in Multiple States

    12/11/2020 Duración: 01h43min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the switching and theft of 3,469,261 votes in key 2020 battleground states and precincts across America using the Democrat backed, Chinese infiltrated, Dominion Election voting software. We also address the decapitation of the Deep State leadership at the Pentagon and what the appointment of Green Berets and General Flynn patriots may mean for President Trump’s counter strike against what’s shaping up to be the largest threat against the Republic in the history of our nation. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/11/2020

  • Rat Trap: Did DHS Set Cyber Trap to Catch Democrats Stealing Election?

    11/11/2020 Duración: 01h40min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the possibility that President Trump’s Department of Homeland Security caught the crooks blue handed as they stole America’s future through electronic election fraud. We detail the significance of the Georgia races and the role their Secretary of State may have played in the steal, and we remind the audience about the long standing role intelligence agencies have played in gaslighting the public and manipulating minds of the masses with legacy media propagandists like CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/10/2020

  • News Coup! Biden Proclaimed President-Elect on Anniversary of November 7, 1917 Bolshevik Revolution

    10/11/2020 Duración: 01h41min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the communist, deep state, intelligence-led, news coup that has been launched against President Trump and the soul of America, as a formidable counter attack has finally formed from the MAGA movement, including a DOJ investigation into voter fraud, and actionable evidence of widespread illegal voting across every battleground state, using software produced by Democrat connected elite and the CIA. We also address the report from CNN that Arizona has been uncalled from Biden and the shift by Real Clear Politics, stripping “the Big Guy” of electoral votes from Pennsylvania, and in-turn, the presumptive title of President-elect crowned on him by the treasonous puppets of compromised media. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Matt Skow. Airdate 11/9/2020

  • Supreme Suspense: Election 2020 Headed to America’s Highest Court

    07/11/2020 Duración: 01h57min

    Today on TruNews, host and founder Rick Wiles discusses the continuing tug of war over ballots by the competing Biden and Trump campaigns, as lawyers ready to go into legal battle all the way to the Supreme Court over the election. Edward Szall is live from Black Lives Matter Plaza in Washington, DC, as Biden supporters await an announcement from their candidate. We also discuss the disturbing massacre of millions of minks in Denmark from ‘Coronavirus’; does this give us a clue as to their future plans for human victims? Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 11/6/2020

  • Electoral Dysfunction: Trump Campaign Asks Courts to Stop Alleged Voter Fraud

    06/11/2020 Duración: 02h31s

    Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles comments on the ongoing electoral saga facing the nation. Edward Szall reports live from Philadelphia, as the Trump campaign mounts a legal challenge to make sure that every legal vote is counted. We also feature the President in a live feed as he lays out his case to go to the mat fighting for a win. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 11/5/2020

  • Battle of Ballots: Biden Inches Toward Victory Over Trump

    05/11/2020 Duración: 01h34min

    Today on TruNews, host and founder Rick Wiles analyzes the aftermath of Election 2020, as both Vice-President Biden and President Trump signal overtures to victory in the battle for the executive crown. As social media censors Mr. Trump, and lifts up a Biden win, Rick shares his personal insight into the corruption inherit in American politics, and the pathway to victory for US citizens, especially Christians, to truly make a difference in the nation. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/4/2020

  • TruNews Prediction: Expect President Trump Victory and Democrat Violence

    04/11/2020 Duración: 01h26min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the state of America on what could be the last free election in the history of this iteration of the Republic. We detail the states and legislative positions up for grabs as lockdowns and domestic preservation weigh heavily on the minds of voters. We also address the move by General Milley to hold a secret call with the top tv anchors from the communist covens of correspondents in establishment media and his promise of no military intervention against the revolutionaries preparing to lay siege to the White House. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 11/3/2020

  • Countdown to Chaos? National Guard Troops Deployed to U.S. Cities for Election Violence

    03/11/2020 Duración: 01h41min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the mysterious deployments of National Guard soldiers across many states on the eve of the election as a stand by reaction force for potential violence. We also address the apparent lack of enthusiasm for Kamala Harris and Joe Biden as President Trump attracts tens of thousands to rallies in battleground states. We also detail anti-lockdown riots in major cities in Spain and New York’s new mandatory testing requirement which is sure to cause a Great Reset to tourism. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 11/2/2020

  • News Alert! We Interrupt This Election to Bring You This War With China

    01/11/2020 Duración: 01h55min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the emergency crisis talks between China and the United States over the very real prospect of a war breaking out between the two superpowers before and after next week’s election. We also address the new letter from Archbishop Carlo Viganò to President Trump, warning of a plot to overthrow freedom and imprison Christians around the globe through a Globalist Great Reset. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/30/2020

  • FREEDOM! Twitter Suspends TruNews and Whistleblower Movement Over Biden-China Scandal

    30/10/2020 Duración: 01h53min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the flagrant disregard of American sovereignty by the tech tyrants who are once again censoring Christians and truth tellers brave enough to report on the pedo-treason accusations against the Biden crime family syndicate. We detail the latest in that scandal, including a tie in from 2014 to infamous mafia don Whitey Bulger. We also address the continued build up to war between the West and China before and after the election. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/29/2020

  • Forward Ho! Jim Biden Gave Bank Wire Instructions to China Spy to Send Money to Hunter

    29/10/2020 Duración: 01h33min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the evidence that Joe Biden’s brother arranged for a $1 million wire transfer to Hunter Biden from China’s spy chief Patrick Ho. We also analyze the statements from Biden business associate turned whistleblower Tony Bobulinski, who can personally tie Joe Biden to this decade long collusion with the Communist Chinese, and believes that the Democrats Presidential nominee is 1000% compromised. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/28/2020

  • Secret Audio: Hunter Biden Discusses Partnership With China Spy Chief

    28/10/2020 Duración: 01h37min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the first of what could many damaging audio recordings from Hunter Biden’s laptop, confirming the billion dollar puppet program the Chinese ran through the Obama administration, led by what now appears to be the real shadow President, Joe Biden. We also explore the role Barack and his communist comrades played in selling out America, and we share a strange story of a Chairman Xi ally infiltrating North Carolina’s Governor’s Office, and plotting to take blood samples from the 50,000 attendees to this year’s RNC convention. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/27/2020

  • G-news Reveals Pics and Vids Suggesting Hunter Biden Had Sex With Niece and Obama’s Daughter

    27/10/2020 Duración: 01h44min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the political pornography poised to sink the Biden 2020 campaign, as photos and videos emerge of Joe’s son having sex with what text messages appear to indicate is his 14 year old niece, the daughter of his dead brother Beau and Hallie, his former lover. We also address the alleged Obama connection, including the mysterious coke coated credit card with Malia Obama’s name on it, and the tie in to takeover plan from Communist China. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/26/2020

  • Stand Down? Did Trump Back Off Biden’s Chinese Money Scandal During Debate?

    23/10/2020 Duración: 01h08min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the last presidential debate and President Trump’s choice to ignore and omit mention of Hunter Biden’s child porn and his father’s treasonous dealings with China and Ukraine. We offer possible explanations for why America is not only corrupt, but has become ok with our decay, and we detail the odd trend of global leaders getting black eyes when the crimes of the elite are about to be exposed. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/23/2020

  • U.S. Ruling Class Struggles to Cover Up Hunter Biden’s Child Rapes and Joe Biden’s Treason

    23/10/2020 Duración: 01h39min

    Today on TruNews we discuss the latest evidence from Joe Biden’s devilish dealings with Communist China, including a confirmation of the allegations from the man chosen to run one of their rackets, Tony Bubilinskj, and an email from Jim Biden marking top democratic officials like Senator Kamela Harris as prime targets to become agents for treason. We also address the claims that three former CCP officials betrayed President Xi Jinping and mailed three hard drives to the DOJ and Nancy Pelosi with Hunter’s sex tape torturing kids, Xi and his deputies’ financial records, and evidence of a “CCP Bioweapon.” Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart, Edward Szall. Airdate 10/22/202

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