Earn Your Happy Podcast | Motivation | Self-love | Entrepreneurship | Confidence | Fitness And Life Coaching With Lori Harder



Get all the inside secrets and tools you need to help you bust through your fears, connect to your soul and get focused and clear so you can elevate your life, business and relationships Listen in as Lori Harder, founder of the Bliss Project, 3X time fitness world champion, fitness expert and cover model, turned self love junkie - lifestyle entrepreneur and author digs in shares the goods! Each episode is designed to give you the tools, ideas, and inspiration to take action in your life. Tune in for an inspirational guest, a story or a "quickie" of motivation to get you out of a funk or blast you even further on your rockstar journey! Stop waiting until you are happy and go out and earn it! I promise to make sure we have some fun along the way - you can't take this life too serious. It's time to fall in love with the process and take back your control! Oh and please make sure to share the episodes that give you goosebumps and leave us a review!


  • Break Through Limiting Beliefs and Unleash Your 10x Potential, Live Living Room Session with Lindsey Schwartz

    29/04/2024 Duración: 51min

    Grab your go-to beverage (glōci anyone?), settle into your cozy spot, and prepare for an empowering chat like no other! If you’ve been to a living room session or even heard one of these episodes here on the podcast you know Lindsey and I had the best conversation in front of as we spill the secrets to unlocking your true potential and skyrocketing to new heights! Say goodbye to self-sabotage and hello to the unstoppable force within you. It's time to embrace the mindset of success and become the 10x version of yourself you've always dreamed of. These live living room sessions are one of my favorite things I do here on the podcast, and I can’t wait for you to get a glimpse of what it’s like to be in the room with us. HIGHLIGHTS 05:00 Who do I need to become to take myself to the next level? 15:00 Investments we’re making to open up new opportunities.  20:00 The hack to uplevel your identity for 10x growth! 30:00 Ways to amplify your potential to conquer your goals! 40:00 Attract opportunities, abundance, an

  • The initiation that will open the door to your next level

    25/04/2024 Duración: 08min

    What if you looked at your current challenge and flipped it on its head? Get ready for the quickest way to change your perspective and see how your current challenges are the key to your next level. Challenges are the best teachers that equip you for success. So instead of getting yourself stuck focusing on what is hard about your circumstances, listen in for better questions to ask yourself, get the lessons you need, and launch into your next level.  HIGHLIGHTS 02:00 What if you could change the perspective (and experience) of your current challenge? 03:30 Questions to ask yourself to get unstuck and shift your perspective.  05:00 The preparation you need to be able to sustain success. RESOURCES Get glōci HERE and use code: HAPPY for 15% off! Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivation. Sign up for GrowthDay - https://www.growthday.com/lori?via=harder Watch on YouTube - @LoriHarder My book: A Tribe Called Bliss FOLLOW Follow me: @loriharder Follow Earn Y

  • What value can you add to a high performing group?

    23/04/2024 Duración: 15min

    We just had the most incredible couple of days connecting with friends in Nashville. Since I was going to be in the area doing 11 podcast episodes between my podcast and being a guest on other shows, Chris and I made plans to meet up and deepen connections with new and “old” friends that are doing big things in the world. In this episode, we share tips to add value, collaborate, and create deeper connections with high performers you want to be connected with. Plus, I talk about how to create an engaged audience online. HIGHLIGHTS 07:00 Ways I add value to others through my podcast and other platforms. 09:15 What skills can you give to add value to others? 11:00 How to make sure you aren’t sitting in the same situation a year from now. 13:15 Tips for growing an engaged following online. RESOURCES Make our network, YOUR network - grab a seat at the next Dinner Series event! Go to loriharder.com/dinner Get glōci HERE Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivati

  • Tips to Grow Your Following + What It Takes to Live A “Good Life” with Sazan Hendrix, Author of A Real Good Life

    22/04/2024 Duración: 52min

    We all want to live a good life - but how do you intentionally create it? Sazan Hendrix has built a large following online that began with beauty tutorials and evolved into sharing real stories of her life and family. Sazan and her husband Stevie are so fun to follow and considered couples goals for so many and she shares how to share authentic stories that build your community. Sazan also shares how she found God, and how she navigated marrying outside her culture with the fear of letting her family down.  HIGHLIGHTS 04:30 How did your following evolve from beauty tutorials to people following your family online? 08:45 Tips for telling authentic stories online. 11:00 Balancing life on and offline, and what to say “no” to.  13:00 How did you figure out who you are and what your purpose is? 18:30 How did you find and create a relationship with God? 23:15 Navigating fear of marrying outside of her culture.  28:30 What did it actually look like when you were breaking patterns and living differently? 44:15 How d

  • Hard Fact: You might need to do a lot more

    18/04/2024 Duración: 17min

    Are you ready to take bold steps to get unstuck? If you aren’t getting the results you want, it might be time to take different action to get where you want to go. It’s time to push past comfort zones, try new strategies, and go all in. Listen in as I share one of my favorite places in Newport Beach and what I’ve learned watching the boats in the harbor about how to increase your odds for success.  HIGHLIGHTS 02:00 Have you tried glōci yet? 06:15 What I’ve learned from fishing boats about business. 08:15 How I’m increasing my odds for success with glōci. 12:30 Ways falling in love with the build has changed me. 14:15 How to amplify your influence and get yourself out there. RESOURCES Get glōci HERE - use code: Happy for 15% off!  Grab a seat at our next Dinner Series event - loriharder.com/dinner Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivation. Sign up for GrowthDay - https://www.growthday.com/lori?via=harder Watch on YouTube - @LoriHarder My book: A Tri

  • 4 Reasons You Might Be Exhausted (and What to Do About It!)

    16/04/2024 Duración: 18min

    What would it mean to you to go from completely exhausted to generating all the energy you need and beyond? Chris and I dive into some real reasons why entrepreneurs can feel tired all the time - and some simple shifts you can do to change that. We unpack how being misaligned in your work is a surefire way to zap your energy, and how your habits are either draining or recharging you. Listen in for actionable tips to choose what you put on your calendar, and our personal dos and don’ts that have us more energized than ever in the busiest season we’ve ever been in. HIGHLIGHTS 06:15 My process for choosing what to put on my calendar. 08:00 Are your habits setting you up to generate more energy? 11:15 Ways social media is draining your mental and physical energy. 13:30 When is your next appointment on your calendar that you’re excited for? RESOURCES Grab your seat at the next Dinner Series Event - loriharder.com/dinner Get glōci HERE Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts

  • Discover How to Heal Your Heart, Find Love, and Truly Love Life with Matthew Hussey

    15/04/2024 Duración: 01h16min

    If you’re looking for love, or want to fall in love with life in general? I had the best conversation with NY Times Best Selling Author of Get The Guy and Love Life, Matthew Hussey! We dive into everything from how our childhood experiences and previous relationships influence how we show up in our relationships later in life, how you can heal, and how to find true happiness in your life. Listen in for shifts to overcome heartbreak, navigate loneliness, raise your standards, and how being "happy enough” positions you to make better decisions when it comes to relationships (romantically or in friendships!) HIGHLIGHTS 04:45 How understanding your love languages will help your relationship thrive. 08:00 Why did you decide to write this specific book in this season?  10:30 The 3 most important relationships everyone has. 16:15 Letting go of the pressure of being perfect before finding love. 19:30 The red flag’s people miss and how to find love again after heartbreak. 24:00 Taking back control with the stories we

  • How to Manage Your Emotions and Ditch the Excuses to Win in Business

    11/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    Want to know what sets apart the people who win in business? The ones who detach from the rollercoaster of emotions that is entrepreneurship! I know it can be easy to get caught up in the challenges, or tie your self-worth up in how well your latest launch does. The ones who win in the long run (and entrepreneurship IS A LONG GAME) are the ones who stay focused and push forward with purpose. If you’re ready to drop the excuses and make room for the things that will move your business forward, this episode is for you! Also, as a thank you for tuning into the podcast I’m offering a 15% off discount code for my new product glōci! Check out the links below! HIGHLIGHTS 01:15 The glōci results that are blowing my mind right now! 04:00 The person who can manage their emotions is the person who wins. 06:45 Let go of the excuses and use this mindset shift to win. 08:30 How to prioritize and fit in the things that will move the needle. RESOURCES Save 15% off glōci when you use code:HAPPY - Get glōci HERE  Text DAILY

  • Start Doing These 3 Things to Be Successful

    09/04/2024 Duración: 16min

    If you want to take on your next level of success, the 3 things we share in this episode can change your life (and they are so simple.) Chris and I have been reflecting on some things we’ve done that have helped us be successful over the years despite setbacks. We share what it looks like to have a “front row” identity in your life, how to get the opportunities you want, and the investments that will actually move the needle in your life and business.  HIGHLIGHTS 02:45 Are you being a “front row person” in your life? 06:00 The opportunity I said yes to that pushed me to uplevel. 08:00 How to get the answers and opportunities you need in your life and business. 11:15 Are you investing in things that will move the needle in your life? RESOURCES Grab your seat at our next Dinner Series event in Beverly Hills - go to loriharder.com/dinner Get glōci HERE Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivation. Sign up for GrowthDay - https://www.growthday.com/lori?via=har

  • Overcome Self Doubt, Build Your Empire, and Manifest Your Dream Future with Tara Electra, Founder of Unruly

    08/04/2024 Duración: 49min

    Do you ever struggle with undervaluing yourself? I got to sit down with Tara Electra, Founder of Unruly Agency, and she gives a peek behind the curtain of how she went from undervaluing her services and feeling like she wasn’t smart enough, to building a massively successful Agency helping influencers monetize online. All by looking at something she was obsessed with and asking herself “What if I could make money doing this?” We dive into everything from manifesting our craziest dreams and OWNING our worth, to breaking limiting beliefs and challenging society’s view on aging.  HIGHLIGHTS 01:15 We're diving into starting despite feeling inadequate—because guess what? You are more than enough!" 05:00 Unlocking the power of pain and turning it into purpose. 06:15  The KEY that helps to gain alignment and inspiration for what you really want.  09:45 Breaking the cycle of undervaluing & underpricing yourself.  14:00 Turning the tables, preparing to meet opportunities. 16:30 Gaining the ideal flow between work li

  • Your Biggest Opportunities in Life Are IN The Resistance

    04/04/2024 Duración: 15min

    How do you know if you have enough resistance in your life? And I am talking about resistance that produces greatness, opportunity and growth. I know it was one of the areas I have struggled with in the past and friend if that is you too well this episode is for you. Today, I am sharing one of the things that caused me to step out of my comfort zone and into an environment with major resistance which inevitably became the catalyst to some of the biggest opportunities in my life. It’s time to lean get out of your comfort zone and see what opportunities are waiting for you! HIGHLIGHTS 02:30 The opportunity in resistance and finding your journey to your calling. 03:30 How identifying what is causing resistance will be a game changer. 05:00 Ways to encourage yourself to get uncomfortable and expand to hold more. 08:00 One of the most powerful tools for finding friends that will support your growth. 09:45 How do I know when resistance is a good thing and put myself out there? 12:00 What is the cost of not putting

  • Permission to Celebrate YOUR Wins in Entrepreneurship

    02/04/2024 Duración: 20min

    All my fellow entrepreneurs out there - do you ever take a moment to soak in the fact that you’ve created a business, a product, or something that is out there making people’s lives better? I hope this episode is a reminder to do that, because Chris and I are taking this moment to soak in the fact that glōci is out there already getting people such great results and THIS is what all the work (blood, sweat, tears) and attention to detail has gone into. We share a few things like the power of assembling the right team around you, that the best thing you can do for your business is to stay focused on your zone of genius, and keeping a positive mindset is key to navigating the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. HIGHLIGHTS 00:45 What it felt like when people started posting their glōci starter kit on social media. 03:30 Lessons I’ve learned when hiring from my internal team and beyond. 11:30 Surprising benefits people are getting from glōci. 16:15 The power of celebrating wins along your entrepreneurial journey.

  • The Best Foods for Great Skin, Mental Wellness, and Hormone Health with Dr Amy Shah

    01/04/2024 Duración: 47min

    How you feel right now is the product of the food you eat, the thoughts you have on repeat, and the people you spend your time with. Dr Amy Shah is on the show sharing wellness hacks for your mood, energy levels, hormones and so much more. We talk about the connection between our microbiome and mental wellness. Dr. Amy also gives simple tips for feeling our best as we go through perimenopause. Tune in for ways to feel your boat from the inside out. HIGHLIGHTS 04:30 How does gut bacteria impact your mood and energy levels?  10:00 Ways to improve your skin, brain, and hormone health naturally.  15:15 The impact food and nutrition has on your mental wellbeing. 19:30 What your gut microbiome has to do with loneliness, and human connections.  24:45 Ways you’re being influenced by your social circle (for better or worse). 30:15 Benefits of sharing food and bacteria with people you trust. 35:00 How can we prepare for perimenopause and menopause? 40:00 What  43:30 Gut health, fasting, and morning routines.  RESOURC

  • Could You Be The Cause of Your Own Stress?

    28/03/2024 Duración: 09min

    How can we add more fun to our lives? The story you are telling yourself about the challenges and pressure you’re experiencing can drastically change how you experience them. In this episode, I’m sharing how I reframe pressure as something I’m lucky to get to experience pressure around things I’ve been dreaming to do. Entrepreneurship is hard, but at what point are we focusing on how hard it is that we make that our identity. We all will face challenges and traumas and I just want to make sure that we all remember to live and have fun along the way too! HIGHLIGHTS 01:30 Where am I making my life harder than it needs to be?  04:00 How I use pressure to show up at a higher level. 05:15 Questions to ask yourself to relieve stress and change your perspective on challenges.  RESOURCES Get glōci HERE Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, journal prompts, and motivation. Sign up for GrowthDay - https://www.growthday.com/lori?via=harder Watch on YouTube - @LoriHarder My book: A Tribe

  • How to Create Your Own Opportunities with the Power of Proximity

    26/03/2024 Duración: 18min

    Oh my gosh, I can’t believe the events and dinners we went to this weekend sitting shoulder to shoulder with celebrities and experts we’ve wanted to connect with for YEARS. We actually recorded this episode as Chris just landed in NYC for a dinner he was invited to and it got us talking about why it’s so important to put yourself in proximity with other people who are building their big dreams. Those are the rooms that are full of opportunities! In this episode, I share some of the connections I’ve made that I know are going to take my businesses to the next level, including glōci! So many of you are starting to share results! Listen in as we talk about the power of connecting in next level rooms, and the opportunity we have to connect with you soon! HIGHLIGHTS Stop waiting for opportunities to find you - look here instead! Rooms and events Chris and I have been to recently that have blown our minds. Tips to have rapid growth if you’re ready to go all in. Results I’m hearing from all of you that have rec

  • Build Your Personal Brand: The Key to A Bigger and Greater Life with Ryan Serhant

    25/03/2024 Duración: 37min

    I've been a fan of Ryan and his content since I saw him on a real estate show years ago, and I’m thrilled to have him on the show today! Ryan has a brand new book out called Brand it Like Serhant - and you guys - he shares some incredible tactical things to not only build a massive brand, but get super clear on your identity and what you want to create in your life.  Get ready for ways to overcome the fear of being embarrassed that may be holding you back from unapologetically building your brand, and universal strategies that apply to every single type of brand and business. HIGHLIGHTS 02:00 Is it more important to focus on building your brand or creating a product first? 06:15 How to discover (and recreate) your identity. 12:15 Are you presenting yourself how you want to be seen?  16:30 How did you structure your content as you were getting started? 19:00 How to grow your personal brand and show your true personality. 24:30 What should people delegate when it comes to content creation? 30:00 How to bring

  • The 4 Phases to Get Unstuck and Take Action When You Encounter A Setback with Amy Shoenthal

    21/03/2024 Duración: 44min

    What if you could turn your setbacks into your stepping stones towards success? In this episode, I’m joined by journalist and top contributor to ForbesWomen and Harvard Business Review, Amy Shoenthal. As Amy has interviewed countless celebrities and everyone from politicians to Peloton she started to see commonalities in people who have pushed through setbacks to create success in any area of their lives. Which inspired her to write her brand new book The Setback Cycle. Tune in to hear her framework for navigating any setback that comes your way. HIGHLIGHTS 04:00 Can we keep making progress when we keep getting hit with setbacks? 10:15 How can I grow from a setback vs it causing me to stay stuck? 18:45 Questions to ask to gain your next best step when you’re in the thick of a setback. 25:00 The phase where most people get stuck and how to move past it faster. 29:15 Why it’s important to get curious and explore new possibilities for yourself. 34:00 The power of naming your inner critic and your inner hype per

  • Mini Mindset Shifts To Be Happier and Become A Magnet for What You Want

    19/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    Your perspective creates your reality. Everything from your happiness to what you manifest and create in your life all stem from your mindset. In this episode, Chris and I talk about some of the happiest people we know enjoy life the way they do not because they are free from challenges and worries, but because of the perspective they have and what they choose to focus on. We also share some of the “cheesy” things we do that give us results in attracting more of what we want in life. Listen in for simple ways to shift your mindset on a daily basis so you can stay positive, especially when challenges come your way.  HIGHLIGHTS 03:15 How to reframe your perspective so small problems don’t create a bad day. 07:15 The power of understanding that joy and pain exist share the same lane. 08:00 What you focus on and are FEELING is what you will manifest more of. 11:00 What happens in your life when you do the “cheesy” things that shift your mindset and get results. 16:45 Is the real pain score of the challenge you’r

  • How to Set Up Your Boundaries & Your Environment to Have More Peace In Your Life with Trent Shelton

    18/03/2024 Duración: 42min

    Want to know how to protect your peace and your sanity even during the busiest (even chaotic) seasons? In this episode, I’m joined by Trent Shelton as he talks about the habits he’s cultivated that he writes about in his new book, Protect Your Peace. Trent and I are in the GrowthDay Network together, he’s a former NFL wide receiver now considered one of the most impactful self worth and transformational speakers of this generation. If you follow him, you know he is an incredible husband to Maria and father of three and he just released his new book Protect Your Peace, nine unapologetic principles for thriving in a chaotic world. Let me just tell you, when I started reading this book, I was in tears, it's as if your soul could write a book, this is what it would want to tell you! Trent and I dive into how to hold your boundaries, prioritizing your most important relationships and the healing power of nature. We both bonded over this so much because that has been a huge key for me to maintain my sanity and find

  • Embarrassment is the Price You Pay For Entry to Your Dreams

    14/03/2024 Duración: 21min

    I have been waiting so long to be able to say - Glōci is on it’s way! It’s finally been loaded onto trucks and I’m freaking out in the best way knowing you’ll be receiving your orders soon! In this episode, I share how being a beginner and having so many embarrassing moments and “failures” along the journey of bringing Glōci into the world has taught me what I’m capable of. Anyone that has had any level of experience in entrepreneurship knows business is the BIGGEST personal development spiritual journey you will ever go on in your life. You’re going to come face to face with your fears and the things you fear the most are going to be the exact things that make you the person of your dreams! HIGHLIGHTS 01:00 Looking back on everything it’s taken to get to this point where Glōci is finally being shipped. 07:15 The ambassador program we’re creating for Glōci. 15:00 What it means to me to know that God’s got my back. RESOURCES Get glōci HERE Text DAILY to 310-496-8363 for daily manifesting affirmations, jou

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