Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 194:51:12
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Nuclear news from a different perspective, including safeguarding from radiation, interviews w/leading activists, and how you can help stop the nuclear madness. Nuclear Hotseat is produced and hosted by 3 Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy.


  • Doomsday Clock Confidential! Rachel Bronson, The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists


    How #Nuclear (along with Climate Change and Artificial Intelligence) got us to 2 minutes to the midnight of annihilation on the Doomsday Clock - interview with Rachel Bronson of Bulletin of the #Atomic Scientists on #NuclearHotseat 351 with host #LibbeHaLevy.

  • Fukushima Child Thyroid Cancer Rates Soar


    Exclusively on #Nuclear Hotseat 350: Interviews w/Japanese doctor, attorney, representative of support group for families of children with thyroid cancer – all fighting for safety, transparency, health. Is anybody listening? Fukushima 7th Anniversary Special

  • Citizen Scientists – Build Radiation Monitors! Map Global Radiation! – Sean Bonner of Safecast Tells You How


    Citizen monitoring of radiation has created the world's largest database of international radiation readings. Safecast teaches how to build your own monitors and then plug into their digital/wifi/bluetooth/fully automated system so your reading become part of the database without you needing to do anything. Sean Bonner, co-founder of Safecast, explains. PLUS: Indian anti-nuke activist Kumar Sundaram explains the volatile situation in India, where six new nuclear reactors are proposed and massive protests are planned against Westinghouse and French President Emmanuel Macron.

  • WA State Hanford’s Dangerous Incompetence Fuels Growing Radiation Contamination


    Tom Carpenter of Hanford Challenge on the latest escalation of radiation contamination at the Hanford site and now into the surrounding communities. Numnutz of the Week - Nothing like a little snack of green laver seaweed – now in new, hot hot hot Fukushima flavor! – NH #348

  • Hidden Politics Behind NY’s (Possibly Illegal) Billion Dollar Nuke Bailout


    Word directly from two who are leading the legal battle against NY state's billion dollar bailout of four failing, unprofitable nuclear reactors. Susan H. Shapiro is an New York State attorney whose practice focuses on environmental protection and land use in the Hudson Valley. Tim Judson has been Executive Director of Nuclear Information and Resource Service, or NIRS, since 2014. NUMNUTZ OF THE WEEK - Hanford site in southeastern Washington state is leaking plutonium and americium, internal contamination confirmed in 31 workers and counting -- so is this any time for a federal budget that CUTS BACK on clean-up funds?

  • EPA’s “70% Plus” West Lake Landfill WWII Nuclear Weapons Waste Clean-Up Plan: The Battle Continues


    Dawn Chapman and Karen Nickel are two North St. Louis mothers who discovered the fact of WWII radioactive atomic weapons waste illegally buried in a neighborhood landfill. They founded the group Just Moms StL and shepherded the protests by friends and neighbors to radioactive waste in the neighborhoods, the back yards, even inside the houses where others in their community live. With this week’s monumental EPA announcement, nobody better to comment on what it all means… and where the battle for the clean-up turns next. You didn’t think it was over, did you???

  • Nuclear’s Resurrected Safety Lie of “Duck & Cover” – Bo Jacobs, Hiroshima Peace Institute


    Bo Jacobs is a Professor at the Hiroshima Peace Institute and author of the recent article, “We Cannot Survive a Nuclear Apocalypse by Ducking and Covering.” He discusses the recent spate of articles promoting the long-discredited “Duck and Cover” method for “surviving” a nuclear attack and analyzes the psychology behind this misleading bit of pro-nuclear propaganda. BREAKING: Fallout in Hawaii of a political nature in the ongoing aftermath of the January 13 false incoming missile alert.

  • Hanford Downwinders - WWII Plutonium Contamination in Washington State


    Hanford Downwinders - New book preserves stories of radiation devastation from WWII era Manhattan Project plutonium manufacturing site in Washington state plus decades-long cover-up of health problems it has caused. Author Trisha Pritikin, journalist Karen Dorn Steele.

  • Arnie Gundersen on the Human Toll of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster


    Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education, focuses on the human toll inflicted by the nuclear disaster at Fukushima Daiichi. Recorded December 2, 2017, at DePaul University, at an event sponsored by Chicago’s Nuclear Energy Information Service - NEIS. More on the incompetent Numnutz at the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency who were responsible for 38-minutes of HELL when they sent a false "incoming nuclear missile" alert to the entire state and then couldn't recall the message.

  • Hawaii Dress Rehearsal for Nuclear Hell


    Nancy Foust of, brings us up to date on the latest at Fukushima and the TEPCO/Japanese government attempts to clean up the site. Shaun McGee of gets down to the nitty gritty on 2017 mystery radiation releases from Eastern Europe and some of the UK’s most difficult, ongoing radiation contamination issues. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): “Neutralize” nuclear radiation with arsenic? What are those boneheads at the UK’s University of Sheffield drinking/smoking?

  • Chernobyl Mutations, Fukushima Implications: Dr. Timothy Mousseau


    Chernobyl Mutations, Fukushima Implications: Dr. Tim Mousseau + Don Safer on TVA and Small Modular Reactor dangers, interviews by #LibbeHaLevy. #NuclearHotseat 341

  • Nuclear Numnutz of the Year, 2017!


    A look back at 2017 through the lens of Numnutz of the Week. Revisit the gaffs, goofs, cover-ups, misdirections and madness of the nuclear industry and those who support it through our most popular feature. All this will lead to the announcement of Nuclear Numnutz of the Year, 2017!

  • A True Christmas Story: Sister Megan Rice, the Peace Nun


    To celebrate the holidays, a reminder of one of 2015’s successes — the early release from prison of Sister Megan Rice, one of three brave peace activists who broke into high security US weapons manufacturing site at the Y-12 nuclear facility in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, to protest nuclear weapons Sister Megan Rice, the 85-year old nun, speaks at length about the peaceful 2012 Transform Now Plowshares protest action which resulted in her being charged with sabotage and sentenced to almost three years in prison. Recorded when she was newly out of prison pending a re-sentencing hearing. All further charges were later dropped. Co-defendant Gregory Boertje-Obed, 60, who along with co-defendant Michael Walli, 68, was sentenced to over five years in prison for their non-violent protest. Originally presented on May 26, 2015, for Nuclear Hotseat #205.

  • Nuclear Reactors & Climate Change Lies


    Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer at Fairewinds Energy Education , former nuclear industry Senior Vice President and whistleblower, explains global warming in terms of an apple , then takes apart the nuclear industry’s claims that we “need” 1,000 new nuclear reactors to combat climate change. Brilliant, concise, filled with talking points we all need to know and use.

  • SPECIAL: Activists De-Code U-Chicago Atomic Propaganda Orgy


    The University of Chicago produced a month-long orgy of pro-nuclear self-congratulations to celebrate the first atomic pile, the chain reaction which started our collective nuclear nightmare. The events culminated in a Symposium, “Nuclear Reaction,” held on December 1, 2017, featuring relentless pro-nuclear propaganda. Nuclear Hotseat was there to cover the events through the eyes of those who know enough to oppose nuclear, along with NEIS-sponsored events presented as a counterbalance. Hear feedback and perspective on the human toll of the Atomic Age from: Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer, Fairewinds Energy Education Dave Kraft, Executive Director, Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS) Norma Field, PhD, the Robert S. Ingersoll Distinguished Service Professor Emerita of Japanese Studies at the University of Chicago NEIS Board Members and Activists, including Gail Snyder, Jan Boudart, Steven Sondheim (NEIS member, Sierra Club Nuclear Free Campaign).

  • RUSSIA CONFESSES: Europe's Radioactive Cloud Came f/Disaster-Prone Mayak


    Award-winning journalist Karl Grossman shares insights on the Indian Point Closure agreement, the hidden manipulation tactics of the Institute of Nuclear Power Operators, and gives us examples of how activists have successfully scuttled nuclear industry plans. An Encore presentation from Nuclear Hotseat, #295, February 14, 2017. After two months of lies, Russia finally admits that cloud of Ruthenium 106 at radiation nearly 1000x background originated from its Mayak nuclear waste reprocessing center. With a half-life of just over one year, and ten half-life cycles necessary to become non-radioactive, we're looking at 10 years of radiation contamination... so far.

  • San Onofre's "Chernobyl in a Can" - Donna Gilmore,


    Donna Gilmore of reports on Southern California Edison’s plans to bury 1,800 tons – that’s 3,600,000 pounds of high-level radioactive waste a mere 36 yards from high tide in canisters that are known to crack and leak. Each one contains a Chernobyl’s worth of radiation on the Pacific Ocean less than 70 miles from Los Angeles!

  • Trump's 1st-Strike Nukes Authority Challenged - PSR's Martin Fleck Was There, Reports


    Martin Fleck, Security Program Director for Physicians for Social Responsibility, spoke with Nuclear Hotseat less than an hour after his attendance at today’s Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing chaired by Sen. Bob Corker, which confronted the president’s – any president’s – authority to use nuclear weapons. Congressman Ted Lieu’s presentation on the legalities surrounding use of nuclear weapons, taken from the October 26, 2017 Ploughshares conference, “Nuclear Weapons Policy in a Time of Crisis."

  • Busby: Why Child Leukemia Rates Soar Near Power Lines & Nukes


    The surprising connection between high power lines and atmospheric radiation. Prof. Chris Busby is a British scientist and activist known for his work on the health effects of ionizing radiation. He often appears in UK court as an expert witness in radiation-related cases. His website is:

  • N. St. Louis Nuclear Nightmare Explodes in Powerful “Atomic Homefront” Documentary


    Focus this week is on “Atomic Homefront,” a documentary about the families in North St. Louis fighting against radioactive contamination of their homes from the illegally buried WWII nuclear weapons waste in Westlake Landfill — and the underground fire at the adjacent Bridgeton Landfill that can’t be put out and is advancing on the radioactive waste.

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