Nuclear Hotseat Hosted By Libbe Halevy

  • Autor: Vários
  • Narrador: Vários
  • Editor: Podcast
  • Duración: 194:51:12
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Nuclear news from a different perspective, including safeguarding from radiation, interviews w/leading activists, and how you can help stop the nuclear madness. Nuclear Hotseat is produced and hosted by 3 Mile Island survivor Libbe HaLevy.


  • Hiroshima/Nagasaki Commemoration - 73 Years Ago


    Commmoration of the 73rd anniversary of the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Hear from Pentagon Papers' Daniel Ellsberg, #Hiroshima survivor and #Nuclear weapons ban activist for ICAN, Setsuko Thurlow, and Marylia Kelley of Tri-Valley CARES, which produced the annual protest and die-in at the gates of the Lawrence Livermor Labs, where new nuclear technology is developed. #NuclearHotseat 372, hosted by Libbe HaLevy.

  • SPECIAL: Congress Meets Hard Nuclear Decommissioning Truths


    SPECIAL REPORT: Two Days with Congress: DC Briefing, Education/Lobbying on Decommissioning Nuclear Power Plants. INTERVIEWS: Kevin Kamps is the Nuclear Waste Specialist for Beyond Nuclear, and when it comes to problems with existing radioactive waste and what’s being done – or not done – with it, there’s not much that Kevin doesn’t know. Dave Kraft is Executive Director of Nuclear Energy Information Service, or NEIS, based in Chicago. Dave gives us a picture of what nuclear reactor shutdown and subsequent decommissioning means through the experience of just one of the communities that once welcomed the nuclear industry as the answer to their economic prayers. Manna Jo Green, executive director of Hudson River Sloop Clearwater, has been involved in decades worth of battles regarding New York’s Indian Point nuclear reactors, located only 30 miles as the crow flies from midtown Manhattan. Manna Jo gets into the impact of Indian Point on the ecology of the Hudson River, the ongoing legal battles,

  • Nuclear Power Plays: Helsinki Journalist Ejected over Pro-ICAN Piece of Paper


    Gene Stone, founder of Residents Organized for a Safe Environment, talks about a breakthrough in creating a real-time, inexpensive, publicly accessible radiation monitoring system for the “spent” fuel canisters at San Onofre… and everywhere else. Alecya Casse of Candelas Glows, a group dealing with Rocky Flats in Arvada, Colorado, explains how local developers and the government are trying to “sell” the public on the plutonium-contaminated site re-imagined as a wildlife refuge. Don’t buy a home in Arvada without listening to this report!

  • FALLOUT: Int’l Nuclear Disasters, Lies & Secrecy with Author Fred Pearce – NH #368


    It's more than just Chernobyl! Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy interviews Fred Pearce, London-based environmental journalist and author of the new book FALLOUT: Disasters, Lies, and the Legacy of the Nuclear Age. Author

  • New Mexico Becomes Radioactive Battleground over Nuke Dump


    John Buchser is the two-term Chair of the Sierra Club Rio Grande chapter, part of a coalition of groups fighting against a so-called “interim” storage dump site for high level nuclear waste — “interim” being defined as 60-120 years! Their website is:

  • Libbe HaLevy interviews Garrett Graff, author, RAVEN ROCK:


    Your tax dollars at work! How the government's secret plans for survival do not include "normal" Americans; as far as they're concerned as long as they survive, the rest of us can fry.

  • Nuclear Hotseat 7th Anniversary of Nuke News from a Different Perspective!


    On the 7th anniversary of the start of Nuclear Hotseat, Producer/Host LibbeHaLevy interviews Dr. Heidi Hutner on her two new projects: ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN: VOICES OF WOMEN FROM NUCLEAR DISASTERS, and the film: ACCIDENTS CAN HAPPEN: VOICES OF WOMEN FROM THREE MILE ISLAND.

  • San Onofre Problems at 5th Anniversary of Shutdown


    San Onofre update at the 5th anniversary of permanent shutdown of two Pacific oceanfront nuclear reactors. Big problems remain. Charles Langley, Executive director of Public Watchdogs, & board member Nina Babiarz interviewed by Libbe HaLevy. PLUS: Bangladesh getting a nuke? Fordham nuclear physics Prof. Quamrul Haider on why that's a bad, bad idea in his home country. Nuclear Hotseat 364.

  • TEPCO Nuclear Error = Fukushima Terror - More 2011 Radiation Releases


    TEPCO Nuclear Error = Fukushima Terror: Nancy Foust on newly discovered 2011 Fukushima Radiation releases that have been revealed in a new NHK documentary + Diane Turco on Boston Globe sell-out of planned closure of Cape Cod's Pilgrim nuclear. Produced and hosted by Libbe HaLevy.

  • Chernobyl Dogs, Radiation Genetics, Plant/Insect/Bird/MammalMutations


    NUCLEAR HOTSEAT SPECIAL - Evolutionary Biologist Dr. Timothy Mousseau on nuclear mutations, Chernobyl dogs, Radiation Genetics. SPECIAL full-program interview based on Mousseau's groundbreaking research into plant, insect, bird & mammal mutations at Chernobyl AND Fukushima. Interviewed by Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy.

  • Radiation NEVER “Good for You” – Dr. Ian Fairlie Rips “hormesis” Lies


    Dr. Ian Fairlie takes on the junk "science" and lies of "hormesis." He has studied radiation and radioactivity since the Chernobyl accident in 1986; received his doctorate from Princeton on the radiological hazards of nuclear fuel reprocessing; and from 2000 to 2004, was head of the Secretariat of the UK Government’s CERRIE Committee on internal radiation risks. He has been a consultant on radiation matters to the European Parliament, local and regional governments, environmental NGOs, and private individuals.Dr. Fairlie’s article on Linear No Threshold (LNT) vs. Hormesis. Leona Morgan of Nuclear Issues Study Group, Diné No Nukes and Haul No! reports directly from NRC Scoping Meeting with the public in New Mexico to find out how opposed they are to a high level radioactive waste dump in their state. (Easy answer: a lot!)

  • New Trinity Site/Rocky Flats Docu OFF COUNTRY - Talk w/Filmmakers


    Filmmakers Taylor Dunne and Eric Stewart on their new documentary-in-progress, OFF COUNTRY, which examines lives impacted on-the-ground after the Trinity test, the first nuclear explosion in the world, and at Rocky Flats, the plutonium contaminated former nuclear weapons production and Superfund site that’s now home to spiffy new subdivisions and a wildlife reserve. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): British Parliament toffs still considering placing the UK’s nuclear waste dump underneath national parks and areas of outstanding natural beauty… so the radiation can muck it all up. But hey — animals, plants and scenery don’t vote and can’t afford to hire a lobbyist! So there you go…

  • Canada Nuclear Waste Dump Upstream of Montreal’s Drinking Water? Dr. Gordon Edwards


    Canada plans to build PERMANENT 6-story nuclear waste dump at Chalk River, upstream of Montreal next to Ottowa River, source of drinking water f/millions. Dr. Gordon Edwards tears it apart w/facts, footnotes, history. First Nations leaders join in.

  • Pilgrim Nuclear Dangers Mounting for Boston, New England


    Pilgrim Nuclear power reactor, NRC's worst-run nuclear reactor in the country, poses danger & multiple risks for the millions of people who live within 50 miles. Libbe HaLevy interviews Diane Turco of Cape Downwinders, who shares the frightening facts.

  • Chernobyl 32nd Anniversary SPECIAL


    Chernobyl nuclear disaster at 32. Nuclear Hotseat examines the devastating impact of that nuclear disaster through interview highlights with Timothy Mousseau, Alexei Yablakov, Dr. Janette Sherman, Bulgarian Chernobyl survivor Bonnie Kouneva, Japan photojournalist Ryuichi Hirakawa.

  • No Nuclear “Sacrifice Zone” in New Mexico!


    Nuclear sacrifice zone for high level radioactive reactor waste proposed by nuke industry for New Mexico meets with powerful, organized pushback from Diné activist Leona Morgan and Prof. Eileen Shaughnessy. Learn how you can join the fight with comments to the NRC! PLUS: more Fukushima Food Fight. Olympics, anyone?

  • Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39 - Libbe HaLevy Returns


    Nuclear Hotseat Producer/Host Libbe HaLevy, who was at the nuclear accident at Three Mile Island when it happened, returns to cover TMI at 39, an event featuring a panel discussion with journalists who covered the accident as it happened and researchers reporting on the long-hidden medical impact of TMI. Excerpts from the panel discussion feature: Heidi Hutner, PhD, Director of Sustainability Studies & Associate Dean at the School of Marine & Atmospheric Sciences at Stony Brook University Cindy Folkers, Radiation Health Specialist Beyond Nuclear Dr. Renu Joshi, PinnacleHealth Endocrinology Association Michele LeFever Quinn, former anchor and reporter with WKBO Radio Frank Goldstein, former 1979 photo journalist with WCAU-TV

  • Cancer Stats found to Skyrocket around Nuclear Reactors


    Joseph Mangano is a health researcher, an epidemiologist who has serves as Executive Director of Radiation and Public Health Project. Mangano is author or co-author of 33 medical journal articles on radiation health. He is the author of the books Low Level Radiation and Immune System Damage: An Atomic Era Legacy (1998) and Radioactive Baby Teeth: The Cancer Link (2008). Mangano managed the study of Strontium-90 in baby teeth, and now manages the citizen-based radiation monitoring programs near the Indian Point NY and Oyster Creek NJ nuclear plants. Numnutz of the Week (for Outstanding Nuclear Boneheadedness): According to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, just because the San Onofre Nuclear Power station is permanently closed, there is no need for cybersecurity protection! So it has allowed Southern California Edison to remove it — even thought there is still “spent” fuel rods containing weapons-grade plutonium on site!

  • SPECIAL: Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown: Yes People Died/Are Dying!


    SPECIAL - Three Mile Island Nuclear Meltdown at 39 Words or audio featured include: Arnie Gundersen, Chief Engineer for Fairewinds Energy Education. Peter Bradford, who was a Commissioner at the Nuclear Regulatory Commissioner during the TMI accident. Eric Epstein, Chair of Three Mile Island Alert Mary Stamos, long time Middletown resident and TMIA member Walter Cronkite, anchor for the CBS Evening News at the time of TMI and known as “the most trusted newsman in America. Interviews with residents, doctors, activists, audio from inside TMI as the accident was happening, media reports, and more. PLUS Nuclear Hotseat host Libbe HaLevy’s personal story of having been one mile away from TMI while the accident was happening. This is the subject of Libbe’s soon-to-be-published book, Yes, I Glow in the Dark! One Mile from Three Mile Island to Fukushima and Nuclear Hotseat.

  • Pacific Radiation Levels off CA Coast Triple: John Bertucci, Molly P. Johnson


    Pacific radiation levels explored with two activists: John Bertucci, admin at Fukushima Response Campaign on Facebook and a long time anti-nuclear activist, speaks on water sampling of the Pacific off the coast of Pt. Reyes done in conjunction with the scientists at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Our Radioactive Ocean. Molly P. Johnson explains the increased readings in the Pacific Ocean down the coast at San Luis Obispo, done for San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace. Donate to support their testing here. PLUS: interview w/Hitomi Kamanaka, filmmaker of "Little Voices from Fukushima," about the battle Japanese mothers face in dealing with radiation contamination in thir children.

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