Beyond Speech Into Limitless Communication ~ Lauren Polly



Inspired Choices Network How often are you stuck in conversations, presentations, and interpersonal relations that seem to be stale, lifeless and lack spontaneity? Are you able to express yourself clearly so that others listen? Or do you feel like you miss the mark? Lauren Polly


  • The Easy Life ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Do you embrace and receive the easy life?  One where everything just lines up, makes sense and flows unencumbered?  Or do you create your life as a bumpy, halting, frustrating ride where you can’t see two feet in front of you?  What do we love so much about making our lives, relationships, money situation and body health hard?  What’s so bad about having it easy? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on releasing the unconscious undercurrents in your life that create it as hard so the easy life becomes readily accessible.  More ease please!

  • One Woman Three Men, A New Model for Dating and Finding Love ~ Guest Pouline Middleton


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Is there anything new to be said about love, sex, and marriage? YES, there is. A new novel, based on the true story of a truly modern woman, Pouline Middleton, proposes that it is time for a new model of dating for women — One Woman Three Men. Following a divorce and then a relationship with a cheating man, Pouline Middleton decided that trying to get all a woman’s needs fulfilled by a single man no longer makes sense in today’s world. What she and many other modern women need to find are 3 men: one for conversation, one for sex, and a handyman to do work around the house.  Are you ready to explore a new paradigm of dating, love and relationships? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Author Pouline Middleton as they share discoveries on modern love and relationship creation. Pouline Middleton has been a Modern Love coach since 2010. Danish by birth, she holds a M. Sc. in Economics and has worked and t

  • The Gift of Presence ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you been with someone who was truly present with you.  Where there were no distractions, check outs or barriers to being seen or heard?   How did you feel with them?  Have you had moments where you were this for others as well?  What effect did you have on their mood, mindset and creation? Our presence, in all its wonderful intensity, is one of the greatest gifts to the world.  It is also a massive source of creative potential.  What if you were able to show up totally, fully and dynamically as you?  What would that create in your life, your relationships and businesses? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on unlocking your gift of presence. What if communication was FUN and EASEFUL for you? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves

  • 7 Steps to Flawless Communication with Author Kass Thomas


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  "7 Steps to Flawless Communication" outlines seven easy steps that invite people to change their life dynamically by communicating more effectively with their bodies, in their lives and in their business.  The 7 Easy steps connect you to who you really are, disconnect you from defensive postures and invented scenarios and allows you to engage the universe to receive and be the contribution you can truly be. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest author Kass Thomas as they share discoveries on flawless communication. About our Guest Kass Thomas is a writer, coach, inspirational speaker and facilitator at Access Consciousness. Born in the United States, she moved to Rome almost 20 years ago.  Kass has always motivated people to discover their true nature and choose more in their lives.  With her optimism and unwavering presence, whether entertaining guests at her boutique bed and breakfast in Rome or trav

  • Conflict Response: React, Diffuse, Escape or Create? Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  We all respond differently to conflict.  We have different buttons that get pushed, different instincts that kick in and different automatic and unconscious behaviors that rear their ugly head.  How do you respond in the midst of conflict?  Do you react to the situation?  Diffuse it?  Look for the escape hatch? Or engage the possibilities of out creating it? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on the different paths you can take in conflict: react, diffuse, escape or create.  What if you had access to all available paths and the awareness as to what would create the most in any given moment? *****LISTEN HERE*****

  • Teaching the Art and Practice of Compassion ~ Guest Simon Fox


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Many people still think that compassion cannot be taught—considering it a personality trait that’s either there or not. Others think of compassion as a philosophy or a feeling. Simon Fox and his programs, Adventures in Caring, has taken this a step further; compassion is a verb—the practical skill of getting your caring across to a person who is sick or injured so that they no longer feel alone. He says this is the secret of all great nurses, physicians, and health care practitioners—they know the language of healing that lifts the spirits, dispels loneliness, and inspires the will to heal. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and Guest Simone Fox as they share discoveries on teaching yourself the art and practice of compassion.  How could being more compassionate assist your life, relationships and health? About our guest:  Simon Fox is Executive Director of the Adventures in Caring Foundation and lead author

  • The Fragile Face of God ~ Guest Author LeeAnn Taylor


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Can our darkest hour give rise to miracles? And can departed loved ones intervene on our behalf? Chronicled by her journal entries, The Fragile Face of God is LeeAnn Taylor’s luminous story of one woman’s tragic descent into the darkness and, ultimately, her triumphant emergence into the light of redeeming love. It is a celebration of humanity—both the fragile and the sublime—and an intimate view into what makes our journey here one of purpose and eternal significance. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication host Lauren Polly and guest LeeAnn Taylor as they explore the sacred nature and indomitable soul of humankind. LeeAnn Taylor is an author, filmmaker and spiritual artist.  By the time she was twenty-six years old, three of her four children had been diagnosed with Fragile X syndrome—a genetic disorder manifesting in significant mental impairment, autism and a host of behavioral challenges. To her amazement, she discovered that out o

  • Being Social: Uncovering the Graceful You


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you one of the many that feels awkward in social interactions? Do you have difficulty connecting to others, expressing yourself or being understood?  Does your distaste or boredom for socializing have you pulling away from the world and missing out on life?  What if there was a different possibility? Where you could be eloquent in your expression and receive what you desire from every interaction you have?  Where being social could be fun, easy and feel like a true expression of you in the world? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on how increasing your awareness of your unique skills and how to utilize them you can become a clear and effective communicator, a master connector, a seductress of what you desire and a social butterfly that others flock to.

  • How to Deal with Difficult People! Guest Georgina Elliott


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  As a confidence coach who works with a wide range of people, the single issue that seems to crop up more than anything is “how do I deal with challenging people?”  Whether it be a manager or co-worker who seems to want nothing less than to make your life difficult, a teenager who has zero interest in complying with expectations, a partner or friend who you feel is taking advantage of you…all of us at various points in our lives encounter people who are not easy to deal with! Georgina offers strategies to help people firstly, to deal with their own mind- set and how they respond to challenging behavior and secondly, to develop the confidence and communication skills needed to create greater rapport (no matter how “difficult” the person is!) and resourcefully handle an array of situations.  The world is full of challenging people, but that doesn’t mean YOU have to be challenged by them! Georgina Elliott is founder of ‘The London Confidence Co

  • Stress and Anxiety – A New Understanding with Author Peggy Sealfon


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  More than 40 million people in the just the United States alone suffer from various forms of anxiety fueled by our fast-paced high-tech lifestyle and fear-inducing world events. The impact is devastating as our abilities to perform and function in daily life are seriously impaired. “We accept stress and anxiety as normal,” says our guest Personal Development Coach Peggy Sealfon. “It isn’t. It’s a pandemic of our speeded-up culture and it’s killing us…literally.” According to the American Medical Association, stress/anxiety is a factor in more than 75% of sickness today and causes headaches, sleeplessness, chronic fatigue, pain, decreased effectiveness, and often results in depression and diseases like cancer, strokes and heart attacks. "We're even seeing anxiety issues in youngsters today," says Peggy who will discuss telltale signs of serious anxiety and shed light on a broader understanding of how to change debilitating patterns like pani

  • Undefinable Communication ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How many definitions do you use to express yourself?  How many definitions do you use to filter everything you hear and receive?  Definitions limit our possibilities yet many of us have bought that defined communication leads to greater connection, understanding, acceptance and safety.  What’s possible beyond all of that? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on expressing and receiving from the open space of being undefined!

  • How To Establish Goals That Are Right For YOU! With Author Sherry Brantley


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Are you frustrated by not knowing how to achieve your goals?  Do you become excited at the prospect of becoming a better version of you, but have no idea how to get started?  Would you like to establish goals that allow you to access immediate success, helping you keep your eyes on the prize as you approach the finish line? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and her guest Sherry Brantley, Author of S.T.E.P.P. - Start To Exercise Personal Power as they discuss the 4 most common mistakes people make when setting goals and how to overcome them. Sherry Brantley is the author of STEPP: Start To Exercise Personal Power — How To Create Positive Change in Your Life! She is a Certified Life Coach and is a dynamic leader and trainer specializing in the areas of Goal-Setting and Goal-Attaining.

  • Communication as Co-Creation ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What if communication was a co-creation?  A space where you engaged with people with the target of creating more for both of you?  What if you allowed both of your perspectives to be included – not polarized into domination or submission?  What would be different in your relationships – personal and business – if you not only mastered the art of communication but were the catalyst and inspiration for a different way of interacting? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on un-locking your co-creative potential through communication.

  • Why Expectations Matter with Author Art Costello


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  High expectations are the key to achievement.  We are born to succeed.  Struggle, adversity, and setbacks are inevitable.  Indeed, they are frequently the stepping stones to greatness.  Every individual has the seed-potential of high performance and personal excellence inside them.  Mastering your expectations is probably the most important step you can take towards unlocking this potential. Join Beyond Speech: Limitless communication with host Lauren Polly and guest author of “Expectation Therapy” Art Costello for a conversation on the principles, habits of mind, and wisdom that will help you achieve your aims and the personal excellence that lies within. “I’m absolutely certain that if you expect the very best of yourself, then you will begin to discover the courage, creativity, and strength to reach your goals.” ~ Art Costello Art Costello lives in Austin, Texas with his wife, Beverly, and their dogs Chloe and Hazel.  His varied backgrou

  • Benevolent Leadership, Creating a Sustainable Future Through Empowerment; Guest Kim Lucien


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Clearly the current status of the leadership of the world needs to change.  Continuing to do the same thing day in and day out and expecting different results is the definition of insanity.  If you’d liked something different to show up, you need to DO something different. Are you willing to be a part of that change? Are you will to become a leader in that change?  To lead no matter who follows?  To start the momentum of a different future by inviting others to a different way of functioning? In business? In life? In your relationships? In your family?  With your body? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Kim Lucien as they share discoveries on becoming the leader of your own life. Kim Lucien is an Access Consciousness Certified Facilitator, Body Process Facilitator and an Access Consciousness Maestro. She has also studied multiple healing and personal growth modalities from Emotional Freedom Techniqu

  • Out with the OLD In with the NEW ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  It’s that time of year!  Time for reflection over the last year and target setting for the next.  How often is this process done from judging what was wrong with the past year?  What if instead we could acknowledge what you did create and ask for more of that to show up?  What if gratitude and acknowledgement were the ultimate spring board into creating more in all areas of your life? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly for an hour of acknowledging your creations in 2015 and kick starting 2016 in a space of gratitude!

  • Healer’s Hands, Healer’s Heart ~ Guest Author Dr. Gloria Kaye


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Wounds heal up overnight. Arthritis bone abnormalities and bone spurs dissipate. Physical structure imbalances correct with the lightest fingertip touch. Chronic back pain evaporates. If this sounds like soap opera miracles, you are mistaken. These are actual healings from the hands of Dr. Gloria Kaye, a highly regarded psychotherapist, yoga therapy pioneer, hands-on healer and UCLA Medical School lecturer on Healing Touch. She relates these and many more case histories in her eye-opening new book Healer's Hands, Healer's Heart: In-Depth Insights, Practical Techniques and Inspiring Stories of Success with Non-Traditional Healing. And moreover, in her book, she will start you on the path to doing this work yourself! Dr. Gloria, who often works on clients at the recommendation of medical doctors, has become sought after nationwide for her logic-defying healings. A quiet woman with a big heart, she very gently touches various areas of the body

  • Doing Friendship Differently ~ Guest Gabrielle Vena


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  What is friendship?  Is it an open playground of possibilities or is it a mine field of unexpressed expectations?  Do you find joy and spontaneity in your friendships or are they marred with old patterns that you can’t seem to break free from?  How much of yourself and your friend are you excluding in order to ‘fit’ with each other?  How do you make the leap from simple connection to powerful co-creation? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Gabrielle Vena as they share discoveries on being and doing friendship differently.  What if friendship could be a creative space with everyone and everything included? Gabrielle Vena has been a seeker her entire life.  After many years practicing as a Psychotherapist and helping to train Psychotherapy Trainees and Interns, a series of life altering events allowed her to look more closely at her life and what she truly desired to create in the world.  Something gr

  • Keeping Secrets ~ Lauren Polly


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  How many secrets are you keeping?  Do you even know what they are?  What affect does keeping secrets have on your life?  Do you live smaller, speak softer, erect walls around yourself or wear masks to hide your secretes?  Does the secretive energy allow you to acknowledge and receive all of you? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly as she shares discoveries on lifting the cloak of secretes and enjoying the freedom of exposure! What would occur if you exposed yourself as the being you actually are? Lauren Polly has been working with folks with “communication disorders” since 2004 as a speech-language pathologist and it never ceases to amaze her how much people judge and beat themselves up for supposed mishaps in communication. “I never meant to say that.” “It came out wrong.” “I just don’t sound like myself.” Are some of the things she hears every day. What follows are stories of how the communication breakdown

  • Receiving From Your Creations


    Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with Lauren Polly  Radio Show  Have you birthed ideas, businesses, relationships or creations into the world? Are you allowing yourself to receive from them? Do you have the point of view that since you created them that it is your job to continue to gift and gift and gift yet never receive? is this point of view keeping those creations smaller than they would like to be? Is it keeping you from receiving all that you have created? Join Beyond Speech: Limitless Communication with host Lauren Polly and guest Therese Stoa as they share discoveries on allowing yourself to receive all that you have created and more. Therese is a happy CFMW, Access consciousness™ Certified facilitator, Talk To The Entities™ facilitator and a licensed veterinarian currently living in Sweden when she is not travelling the world facilitating consciousness and change for people, animals and entities.

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