Alzheimers Speaks Radio believes in giving voice to those afflicted with the memory loss and their care partners while empowering them to live purpose filled lives. Our goal is to raise awareness, give hope, and share the real everyday life of living with dementia. We look forward to you joining us for great conversation, learning, and laughter as we maneuver this roller coaster called memory loss.About our Host Lori La Bey:Memory loss has been part of Loris life for over 30 years, ever since her Mother starting having problems. Loris Mom was in her end stages of Alzheimers disease for 4 years and passed away in 2014. This journey has taught her much and has changed her life. Lori is an international force shifting our dementia care culture around the world. She speaks and trains on Alzheimers disease, dementia, caregiving, collaboration, culture change and finding your passion.Maria Shriver honored Lori La Bey as an "Architect of Change for Humanity" and recognized b Sharecare and Dr. Oz as "The Number One Influencer Online for Alzheimer's."You can reach Lori via her website:
William H. Frey on Dementia Research During the Pandemic - COVID and Cognition
28/04/2021 Duración: 52minAlzheimer’s Speaks Radio has partnered with the RSVL A/D to provide resource information for caregivers and people living with dementia during the pandemic. This is our 2nd series on the topic of caring and coping during the pandemic. Dementia Research during the Pandemic - COVID and Cognition Our guest today on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio is William H. Frey II, Ph.D. who is the Senior Research Director in the Center for Memory and Aging at the HealthPartners Neuroscience Center. He start with a presentation on the intranasal method for bypassing the blood-brain barrier to treat neurological disorders while reducing unwanted side effects and we wrap up with questions. Center for Memory & Aging - HealthPartners Neuroscience Center Alzheimer’s Research Center Email Link to 1st series of caring and coping during the pandemic Contact Roseville Alzheimer’s and Dementia Community Action Team: Website Email Contact our Host Lori La Bey Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from cri
Dr. Krystal L. Culler: Taking Control of Your Brain Health
27/04/2021 Duración: 57minToday show is live and as always you are invited to call in and ask your questions or make comments. Lori La Bey will be talking with Dr. Krystal L. Culler, the Founder of the Virtual Brain Health Center. She is a Doctor of Behavioral Health, a social gerontologist, and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health with Global Brain Health Institute at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Join us for an interesting conversation about Brain Health and how and why this has become such a hot topic. Listen in and get some tips you can incorporate into your own life. Call in and join the conversation at 323-870-4602. Contact Information: Website Social Media Handles: Twitter: @VirtualBrainCtr @DrKrystalCuller LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook: @virtualbrainhealthcenter Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising al
Differences Between Elder Housing vs. Care Farms in Japan
24/04/2021 Duración: 49minSaturday – April 24th, 2021 – 11am ET, 10am CT, 9am MT, 8am PT, 4pm London, 5pm South Africa & 1am on the following day in Australia AEST Today Lori La Bey talks Mr. Yasuyuki Ota, who has run an architectural design office since 1986. He is the CEO of Urban Greenery, Inc. which he launched in 2020 and is a member of the Japan Institute of Architects and the Japan Construction Management Association. It was a true privilege to have Mr. Yasuyuki Ota, join us today. Contact Mr. Yasuyuki Ota Website: Email Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Learn About Dementia Dialogues & Alzheimer’s Disease Registry
22/04/2021 Duración: 49minLori La Bey talks with Megan Byers, who has developed policies and training curricula, monitored legislative sessions, and educated stakeholders on issues of adult maltreatment and dementia. Joining Megan is Maggi Miller, the Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at the University of South Carolina where she manages the South Carolina Alzheimer’s Disease Registry. Dr. Miller’s research interests include individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and their caregivers, healthy aging, and program evaluation. Join us today to learn about Dementia Dialogues & Alzheimer’s Disease Registry. Feel free to call in and join the conversation at 323-870-4602. Contact Dementia Dialogues® and the Office for the Study of Aging Email Website Dementia Dialogues Alzheimer’s Disease Registry Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort aroun
The Bitove Method - What is it & How does it Work?
20/04/2021 Duración: 53minThe Bitove Method - Change the Way the World sees Memory Loss and Dementia Lori La Bey talks with Jennifer Hicks a creative movement artist and Speech-Language Pathologist and Kristin Bartlett the Artistic Project Manager of The Bitove Method. Listen in or join the conversation as we discuss the Bitove Method and how it is helping so many people. The Bitove Method is an arts-based program that focus is on relational care. Learn how they are changing lives! Feel free to call in and join the conversation at 323-870-4602. Contact The Bitove Method Website: Instagram: @bitovemethod Facebook: thebitovemethod Email: Music is Life Documentary Trailer For the Full Documentary Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just
Creating Sustainable Dementia-Friendly Communities
13/04/2021 Duración: 01h02sCall in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Today Lori La Bey talks with our friend and past guest Susan H. McFadden, who is known around the world for her cutting-edge work in dementia care. Today we will discuss her new book; Dementia-Friendly Communities: Why We Need Them and How We Can Create Them. This will be a live sho, so feel free to call in with your questions or comments. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Susan H. McFadden Email: Purchase Her Book: Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
MCI – What is it, How it Differs from Other Dementia’s, and Resources to Assist
08/04/2021 Duración: 59minToday Lori La Bey talks with Tony Dearing a journalist who writes about brain health and prevention of dementia. We will focus on Mild cognitive Impairment (MCI), how it differs from other dementia’s, and why it’s important to understand what you are dealing with, and Tony’s book, I Want My Mind Back." Feel free to call in and join the conversation at 323-870-4602. Contact Tony Dearing: Email Website Tony’s Book YouTube Private MCI Facebook Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks. Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Author Tracey Lawrence Talks Why & How Dementia Sucks - Alzheimer's Speaks Radio
06/04/2021 Duración: 59minLori La Bey talks with Tracey Lawrence the founder of Grand Family Planning and best-selling author of “Dementia Sucks.” Tracey will discuss how she survived caregiving for two parents who were diagnosed with dementia. I think you will find Tracey’s unique perspective on the challenges of staying productive under pressure. She will share some tips with us today, but you can also reach out to her for speaking, coaching, and training programs. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Tracey Lawrence Website: Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks. Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Language & Dementia with Cathy Braxton on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio
01/04/2021 Duración: 01h21sAlzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Lori La Bey talks with Cathy Braxton the founder of Improv4Caregivers, a site which offers a variety of support to those who care. Today we are going to talk with Cathy about the importance of language and how it impacts our relationships. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Contact Cathy Braxton: Website: Email: Facebook: improv4caregivers (Beautiful Failure Fridays) Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs and visit www.AlzheimersSpeaks.comSupport this Show: for privacy information.
Help For Caregivers with the Caregiver Warrior on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio
30/03/2021 Duración: 59minLori La Bey talks with Susanne White, the founder of Caregiver Warrior. Susanne will share some of her experiences, and how she found strength and hope to survive the caring journey with grace and empowerment. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Contact at Susanne White: Twitter: @caregivewarrior Facebook: Caregiver Warrior Instagram: Caregiver Warrior Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs and visit Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011Support this Show: for privacy information.
Join Open Mic on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Share Your Thoughts on Dementia
25/03/2021 Duración: 42minOpen Mic on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Come Join the Conversation! Tell Us What Ties You to Dementia? Call in and Tells Us Your Story or About Your Product, Service or Tool. We Discuss Everything Dementia. Join Alzheimer's Speaks Radio today on Open Mic as we shift dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time. We love raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites! So, we invite you to call in and tell us how you are improving dementia care. We just ask all parties hold to having a respectful conversation. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Share your personal dementia or caregiving stories. Tell us about your service, product, or tool you have which can help others dealing with dementia. Have you written a book, penned or produced a song or film? Maybe you are working on a research project or have a trial you are promoting. Please call in and share your work with us. We want to hear from you. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Conta
Shame, Alzheimer’s Disease, and Other Dementias with Kari Berit
23/03/2021 Duración: 57minToday Lori La Bey talks with colleague and friend Kari Berit who has been known for here work in the Caregiver field for ages. Today we are going to discuss shame its relationship to Alzheimer’s disease & other dementias. We will learn how to stay S.A.N.E. when caring for another. Come join us as we have a fun, honest, and informative conversation, that will help you on your own caring journey. Contact Kari Berit Email Website Facebook Youtube Twitter Instagram Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks www.AlzheimersSpeaks.comSupport this Show: for privacy information.
Learn About Maude's Awards For Dementia Care & Innovation!
16/03/2021 Duración: 59minOn this show, Lori La Bey talks with Marilyn Raichle, the Executive Director of Maude’s Awards, along with Reverend Dr. Nicole Chilivis, a recipient of on of their awards in 2020. Learn about the application process which just opened and will run through May 15th. The winners will be announced in October of 2021. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Our Guests: Website: Nicole’s Website: Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Nana' s Book Series For Adults with Dementia - Engagement + Nostalgia = Joy
11/03/2021 Duración: 45minToday Lori La Bey talks Laurette Klier the founder of Nana’s Books who shares the beautiful adult book series she has developed for those living with dementia. The series has exquisite artwork and prose which provide a wonderful and natural engagement point to create joyful moments. Learn about this fantastic resource and the types of books available. Contact Laurette Klier with Nana's Books Website Email Phone: 860.227.4218 Instagram: nanas_books Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Navigating Dementia: It’s Not That Simple
09/03/2021 Duración: 59minToday Lori La Bey talks with Pam Ostrowski who is an Alzheimer’s family consultant, speaker, and Author of the book: It’s Not That Simple – Helping Families Navigate the Alzheimer’s Journey. She has been through a 14-year Alzheimer’s journey with her own mother. She knows what it's like to make those tough decisions and learned from mistakes she made and has become stronger for that process. Listen in or call in and get some guidance and tips from Pam. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Pam Ostrowski: Email Website Facebook LinkedIn Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Email Website Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Dementia & Speech Therapy with Dr. Kelli A. Uitenham
04/03/2021 Duración: 43minLori La Bey Talks with Dr. Kelli A. Uitenham, a nationally certified speech language pathologist. She is the owner of Serenity Speech Therapy, a private tele-practice company. Dr. Uitenham is a medical speech language pathologist who specializes in young adult, adult, and geriatric populations, treating articulation, cognitive, swallowing, fluency, and voice deficits. Dr Uitenham has worked in skilled nursing, assisted living, and independent living facilities. She has experience as a travel speech language pathologist and is licensed to practice in seven states, providing services in each via telehealth. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Dr. Kelli A. Uitenham Phone: (828) 548-3155 Email Website Facebook & Instagram: @serenityspeechtherapy Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs or check out Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising al
The Magic of Music Therapy with Miya Adout
02/03/2021 Duración: 58minToday Lori La Bey talks Miya Adout the Founder of Miya Music Therapy. Miya is a Certified Music Therapist and specializes in working with seniors with dementia & Alzheimer's disease. Let’s learn together about the power of Music Therapy. Call in and join the conversation at: 323-870-4602 Contact Miya Adout Website Email FaceBook Instagram: @miyamusictherapy Contact Lori La Beywith questions or branding needs or visit Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Rays of Hope - When Grief, Loss & Isolation Take Hold
25/02/2021 Duración: 01h05minSusan Zimmerman joins Lori La Bey on Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio to share her latest book with, Rays of Hope: Lighting the Way in Life’s Transitions and Losses, which is so timely with the COVID pandemic. This book is a powerful and beautiful piece of art that calms the soul and gives hope to move forward. Contact Susan Zimmerman Email Blog Purchase Susan’s Books & get 2 Free E-Books Also Available on Amazon For bulk purchase rates email Susan or call her at 952-432-4666 Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs at Alzheimer’s Speaks Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites since 2011.Support this Show: for privacy information.
Dementia: Caring & Coping During the Pandemic Series #8 of #8 @AlzSpksRadio
24/02/2021 Duración: 37minAlzheimer’s Speaks Radio has partnered with the Rsvl A/D to provide resource information for caregivers and people living with dementia during the pandemic. The following episode is #8 of an 8-part series. Lori La Bey talks with Bonnie Jaffe, an RN who has been with Jewish Family Services of St. Paul since 2008. She leads the Senior Care Services program that helps elders and people with disabilities age in place through care planning and coordination. Contact Bonnie Jaffe, Jewish Family Services of St. Paul Website Email Direct: (651) 497-8248 Roseville Alzheimer’s & Dementia Community Action Team Email Prior Caring and Coping During the Pandemic Episodes in the Series Lori La Bey at Alzheimer’s SpeaksSupport this Show: for privacy information.
Open Mic on Alzheimer's Speaks Radio - Come Join The Conversation!
23/02/2021 Duración: 59minJoin Alzheimer's Speaks Radio today on Open Mic as we shift dementia care from crisis to comfort around the world one episode at a time. We love raising all voices and delivering sounds news, not just sound bites! So, we invite you to call in and tell us how you are improving dementia care. We just ask all parties hold to having a respectful conversation. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Share your personal dementia or caregiving stories or tell us about your service, product or tool you have which can help others dealing with dementia. Have you written a book, penned or produced a song or film? Maybe you are working on a research project or have a trial you are promoting. Please call in and share your work with us. We want to hear from you. Call in and Talk with us (323) 870-4602 Contact Lori La Bey with questions or branding needs and visit Alzheimer’s SpeaksSupport this Show: for privacy information.