Hustlesmarter With Angie Garner | Motivation | Confidence | Leadership | Network Marketing | Health | Marriage | Money | Mlm



#HustleSmarter with Angie Garner is dedicated to teaching you the building blocks of a successful, significant, thriving network marketing organization. Join us twice per month for motivation and training to design your dream life and make a bigger impact with the power of residual income as you develop yourself as a leader.


  • 003 Your Miracle Is Coming

    23/06/2016 Duración: 04min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   God’s plan is best seen in the rearview mirror…   In today’s songspiration I talk about the perfect timing of how our dreams play out.   I don’t know what you believe in, or who you believe in- but I believe there is a force at work. A good force. And we can’t see His master plan exactly. But we can believe.   Is there a dream you’ve been holding out for? You feel like it’s overdue?…Almost hopeless?   Your miracle is coming. The timing is perfect. Believe. Trust. Have faith.   Commit to the process of growth. Not of perfection- but of getting better every day.   Control what you can control! You are being prepared.   In 2014 I wanted debt freedom. And I didn’t just need a good plan- I needed a God plan. James and I prayed, mapped out a strategy and got to work. We knocked out $55,000 within one year of focus and had massive personal growth in that year together.   Naturally, that one year took forever :) But that year was crucial in growing

  • 002 The Best Way To Set Goals

    22/06/2016 Duración: 22min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   The future doesn’t get better by hope, it gets better by design…   Today I teach you how to properly set and reach your goals!   The American DayDream is about designing your life. And you must know what you are aiming for.   Here are the 7 steps I personally use to set realistic, specific, measurable goals:   Write them down. Get the right equipment/gear. Seek out expert help. Keep a journal. Use technology/accountability to stay motivated. Set mini goals along the way. (THIS IS SUPER DUPER IMPORTANT!!!) Reward yourself for hitting mini goals.   Most of us don’t get what we want because we don’t know what we want- and we don’t pray for it.   What are you aiming for? Where are you at with that goal in these 7 steps?

  • 001 The Secret Of Great Leaders

    21/06/2016 Duración: 21min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:     Offense is an enemy to your destiny…   Today I talk with you about being a follower on your path to being an impactful leader.   Actively seeking feedback and using it to grow is a sign of maturity! Getting offended is a sign of having a victim mindset.   But I don’t rush right into the opinions of others when seeking breakthrough. I have a set process.   Here is my process for making decisions:   Pray. Talk with James. Seek counsel.   When seeking counsel, I don’t believe in one single mentor- but in finding experts in whatever you want breakthrough and insight on.   Who are you listening to? What success have they had? And if that person has the fruit in their life you want, are you truly applying their advice?   Nothing makes a coach more upset than when they pour into you and you make no change. And then you wonder why you aren’t seeing growth.   If someone with more experience and wisdom offers you guidance…LISTEN. Ask questions. Ap

  • 000 How I'm Living My DayDream

    19/06/2016 Duración: 42min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Welcome to the first episode of The American DayDream where I will be teaching you how to #HustleSmarter and build focus, confidence, and grit to achieve your wildest dreams. In today’s episode I share my personal journey of entrepreneurship and how the blessing of building a business has allowed me to live my personal daydream. But it didn’t happen by accident- I have been very intentional about getting here. And I am going to teach you how to THINK like a champion so you can live your daydream. We are going to increase your mindset and create #momentumbaby.  I believe you can be, do and have just about anything you want in this life if you’re willing to work hard enough for it. And that’s what we are going to do together. WORK. The right kind of hustle. Because ALL are capable of overcoming extraordinary adversity to live an extraordinary life. The whole world is in front of you and you need to go for it. Break the cycle. Change the trajec

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