Hustlesmarter With Angie Garner | Motivation | Confidence | Leadership | Network Marketing | Health | Marriage | Money | Mlm



#HustleSmarter with Angie Garner is dedicated to teaching you the building blocks of a successful, significant, thriving network marketing organization. Join us twice per month for motivation and training to design your dream life and make a bigger impact with the power of residual income as you develop yourself as a leader.


  • 023 Mastering Your Body Image & Self-Esteem

    14/09/2016 Duración: 22min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “When you look good, you feel good. When you feel good, you lead good.”    I was a personal trainer for 10 years and recognize that for many- confidence starts with body image. The discipline to create and commit to healthy habits builds confidence…the type of confidence that glows when you walk into a room. The type of confidence that attracts more opportunity and a massive following.    Body image is your perception of how attractive you are.  Self esteem is confidence in your abilities.    Good self-esteem is important because it helps you keep a positive outlook on life and makes you feel proud of the person you are, both inside and out…giving you courage to try new things, the power to believe in yourself, and confidence to make healthy choices.    ________________________________________________   Four steps for killer body confidence & self image:    1. Commit to a workout program.   2. Eat clean 80% of the tim

  • 022 3 Steps To Crazy CONFIDENCE & INFLUENCE

    07/09/2016 Duración: 17min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:    “You will never influence the world trying to be like it.”    I’m BACK! That’s right. Back with weekly wisdom for you to listen to while sitting in traffic, folding your laundry, or doing some steady state cardio.    And I want to kick off the month of September by talking about being Confidently YOU.     You see, I love teaching and training others how to get what they want.    I’ve gravitated towards leadership since I was little girl. I like paving the way. I like the challenge of setting out towards an intimidating vision. I like the responsibility of making decisions.    Bigger influence = bigger impact.  Bigger impact = bigger income.    Because I believe anyone can build influence, throughout the last five years of leading a large organization in the direct sales industry, I continually search for ways myself and my team can grow in this area. I’ve often pondered, “why is it that some people start their business wi

  • 021 How To Attract Massive Success | What's Your Plan?

    11/07/2016 Duración: 10min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Success is not to be pursued- is attracted by what we become…   Today I talk with you about your next steps for personal development.   People are counting on you to become more! What you become is far more important than what you get. In other words, to have more than you've got, you’ll need to become more than you are.   This is where you should focus most of your attention. Rack up new skills, not titles. Stay fresh on the inside. There are always new levels of getting uncomfortable.   That’s why I designed this mindSWEAT Reset and why I designed my #HustleSmarter Bootcamp.   So what’s your plan? Are you ready to lock arms with me?   I’m going to help you make great money and become a truly different person in the process.   I want to invite you to join my #HustleSmarter Bootcamp. Apply at > work with me > apply now.   I’m going to help you uncover what it is you really want, and work backwards with you to make it

  • 020 Choose Your Pain | SONGSPIRATION

    10/07/2016 Duración: 03min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   There are two pains in life: the pain of discipline or the pain of regret…   Today we address the ever important and not-so-sexy recipe for success: being consistent and persistent.   You can’t wish your way to success. You can’t have one foot in and one foot out. You can’t put in the minimum and expect the maximum. You gotta go ALL IN.   Work. Grit. Focus. That’s what it takes.   We live in an age where instant gratification is encouraged. But MATURITY is learning to delay pleasure. Setting aside what you want- for what you want most.   It’s time to face your fears and work on yourself.   Finish your assignment. Finish the work you are given and victory will be the result.  

  • 019 Do You Worry About Money? | How To Change That TODAY

    09/07/2016 Duración: 15min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   When we give generously-with an abundance mindset- what we give away will multiply…   Today is about money. Both giving money just to give- and investing money to reap what you sew.   The most successful leaders I know are the biggest givers. And they are also the wisest investors.   The scarcity mindset revolves around the idea that there simply isn’t enough to go around and it also creates sadness and jealousy. The abundance mindset, on the other hand, flows out of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. People with an abundant mindset believe there is plenty out there and enough for everybody.   James and I operate from a place of abundance. But it wasn’t always this way for me.   I had a lot of fear to overcome about the lack of money. I had a tight grasp on my money and was terrified of going broke. I never wanted to have to ask anyone for a dime.   Daily gratitude changed everything for me. Taking those leaps of faith and gi

  • 018 The Most Common Regret Of The Dying | SONGSPIRATION

    08/07/2016 Duración: 03min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   The most common regret of the dying was that they wish they’d had the courage to live a life true to themselves and not the life others expected of them…   Today we are talking about being authentically YOU.    What if today, you took off the mask? Unzipped the ugly costume. And walked into who you truly are.   People are counting on you to become more..but more of who you are not of somebody else!   What inspires you to be you?   The real you is stronger and more capable than you even know.   No more acts.   Take off the costume and be you. Be the best you. Choose to become more.  

  • 017 The Honest Truth About What Holds Most People Back From Success

    07/07/2016 Duración: 21min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Progress comes from doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable…   Today is all about breaking through any roadblocks.   Mindset shifts hurt. But you’re one shift from the next level.   Here are the three major traps that keep people from being successful:   1- Quitting.   Don’t be like the majority. Be bold. And don’t ever quit your daydream.    2- Inability to get along with others.   Master the art of relationships through communication and empathy.   3- Procrastination.   Define the ONE THING your dream needs and immediately take that step. TODAY!   4- Lack of investment mindset. Takes money to make money.   Have you ever sat down and defined what success looks like to you..? I encourage you to start there- so you know WHY you are going to stay the course and overcome these common roadblocks that keep many from their destiny.   I would love to hear what success looks like to you. Email it my way and be sure to sign up at www.hus

  • 016 What's Holding You Back?|Songspiration

    06/07/2016 Duración: 04min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Today we are asking: what’s my current reality and where do I want to go?   Both past successes and past failures can hold us back…   What’s holding you back?   Offense? Let it go. Unforgiveness?  Time to forgive.  A success you’re still holding onto? Move on. Failure? Walk away.    Choose to focus forward. Let go of the old.   You were not born to be mediocre. You were born for greatness. Let’s commit to try new things. To be unafraid. To seize the moments that call your name.   If there’s a stirring in you for more…pay attention.   Walk fully in your gifts. It truly does not serve you to minimize yourself. It doesn’t serve anybody.   The world needs you to say YES.  

  • 015 Make Sales Your New Best Friend and Watch Your Business Explode

    05/07/2016 Duración: 09min

    You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want…   Today I help you break the myth that sales is a bad thing.   Sales allows you to compress time. Sales is your new best friend.   What is sales exactly? Essentially it is offering a solution for someone who is looking for a change. You are a solution for somebody. YOU are your own brand.   You see, everyone sells. Just because you don’t have the word “sales” in your job title, does not mean you don’t sell. You do.   To your boss. To your partner. To your friends. You sell the movie you want to see. You sell the new album you just downloaded. You sell the restaurant you want to try. You sell your ideas, your vision, your favorite type of workout. You sell your employees on how great their job is. You sell yourself in interviews and on Tinder.   It is time sales stops being an ugly, greasy word and is honored for what it is: an art form.   And a benefit to mankind. Matching needs and wants with products and services.   Don’t

  • 014 Don't Let Anyone Keep You From Your Vision

    04/07/2016 Duración: 12min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   The greatest prison people live in, is the fear of what other people think…   Today I talk with you about finding delight in being YOU.   People always want to know: what does it take to build a successful direct sales business?   Work effort/focus and caring more about my purpose than about what other people think. That’s my answer.   When we are overcome with the opinion of others- it traps us. It can be totally crippling, and working through that block can mean the difference between a mediocre life with regrets in our last days- or a crazy, ridiculous, awesome, extraordinary life with nothing but joy when we bid farewell to this life.   It’s time to let go of that fear and walk in a place of power and confidence.   You were born for purpose, unique to yourself. You have access to joy and freedom. It is your job to steward the gifts and talents you have been given.   The world needs you to say YES to your true self. Every one of us was al

  • 013 How To Deal With Disappointment | Songspiration

    03/07/2016 Duración: 03min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Each of our stories involve heartache that uniquely shape us to become who we are…   Today’s songspiration is about dealing with disappointment.    Leaders have an expectation for their future. They are goal-getters. And they expect more. And when you expect a lot from yourself and others, it is easy to quickly get disappointed.   Have you ever been disappointed? Sure you have. But you need to realize- disappointment starts seeping in and affecting our every move.   It’s time to forgive. Forgive yourself for making a bad decision. Forgive yourself for being lazy. Forgive yourself for saying something hurtful to someone you love. Forgive that person who didn’t keep their word.   Believe for the best. Hope allows passion to have its way.   We are not defined by our mistakes, we are defined by the direction we are heading. Every day we get the chance to start over.  

  • 012 How To Find Balance In A Busy World

    02/07/2016 Duración: 17min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Balance exists when your priorities are in order…   Today I talk with you about finding balance in your life.   But…balance is a myth. What do exist are priorities. And learning how to prioritize and discipline what you want MOST- will bring you a ton of satisfaction.   AVOID EPIC FAIL IN THESE FOUR NON NEGOTIABLES:    Family Health Finances Spirituality   Don’t let one of these four categories completely off the radar! It’s not about perfection. It’s about courageously making hard decisions.   MAKE TIME FOR WHAT MATTERS MOST:   Understand the seasons. Trust in the payoff. Know where your time goes. Find extra hours. Dream big. Do more of what you love.   Have you joined the private support group?  

  • 011 You Were Uniquely Designed To Fight For Your Purpose|Songspiration

    01/07/2016 Duración: 04min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Today you are going to ask the question: “WHO AM I?”   And then…listen.   The thing is, if you don’t know who you are then you’re vulnerable to other people telling you who you are.   Your personal identity—how you see yourself—is often shaped by your early experiences in life. Maybe your parents said things to you as a child that made you doubt your worth. Maybe you were rejected or abused. And then you carried those emotional wounds into relationships and decisions. Maybe you were picked last for the kickball team. Maybe you were teased because of what you wore, how you looked, or what car your parents’ drove.   Don’t believe the lies.   Don’t let the enemy steal your identity. You are a masterpiece.   Stop accepting what others have said about you, how others have labeled you, and how others have defined you.   …Set your sights on a vision that is rooted in your heart, planted by a seed from your creator. And you will be do and become eve

  • 010 Words Are Power

    30/06/2016 Duración: 11min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Your words command and change the atmosphere…   Today I talk with you about words.   Words are power. Words are energy. Words allow you to speak life or death over your dreams.   If you’re saying, “I’ll never lose this weight…that never works for me…I’ll never reach that point in my business…I’lll never meet the man of my dreams…”   Then guess what? You won’t.   Today I give you a homework assignment for your mindSWEAT reset: You’re going to make BELIEF CARDS. Get some notecards and write positive, present-tense “I AM” statements.   For example: “I am patient, compassionate and empathetic to the feelings of others.” “Talking on the phone energizes me!” “I am strong, sweet, and free.”   Please share a belief statement in our Facebook group!   Change your words, change your life.     

  • 009 What Is Your VISION? | Songspiration

    29/06/2016 Duración: 05min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Today may be the most important songspiration. Today I talk with you about VISION.   What is the mission statement for your life? What do you want your life to look like? What do you want your life to feel like? Who do you want to be surrounded by? What do you want to see when you wake up? How do you want to bless other people?   Don’t shrink your dreams to match your income. Don’t shrink your dreams to meet the expectations of others.   What is that thing you’ve pushed down because you never know if you’ll have the time and finances to achieve it? What is it in you that HAS to happen?   VISION is a light inside of you that attracts the right opportunities and people. Progress towards this vision comes from doing the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable.   You weren’t put on this planet to be average. But you must uncover that vision in order to see it come to fruition.

  • 008 The Most Successful People Do THIS

    28/06/2016 Duración: 10min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   Sew habits, reap character. Sew character, reap destiny…   Today I’m talking with you about HABITS.   The most successful people I know also happen to be the most disciplined. It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being your best!   Having diligence in the small things. Being who you say you are. Showing up and keeping your word at all costs.   We live in an age where instant gratification is encouraged. It is tempting to look for the shortcuts. But there is great satisfaction knowing we have made the most of our days by staying the course and staying committed to our word over our feelings.    Remember, the universe will match whatever vibration you put out. Do you put out laziness, lack of focus, and indecision…?   Or do you put out tenacity, grit, and later focus?   Habits are freeing.   COMMENT in our private Facebook group and share the one habit you are committed to working on in this season of your life!   [For access to Facebook g

  • 007 The Most Powerful Ingredient For Success

    27/06/2016 Duración: 13min

      The American DayDeam is brought to you by:   Today I talk about the secret sauce for reaching any goal: #momentumbaby.   Momentum is tunnel vision. Setting your sights on a goal and not letting distractions pull you off course.   Winning at anything starts with momentum. But you can’t just sit back and cross your fingers hoping it all works out. You have to get into action. #allaboutthataction Momentum is what helped me pay of $40,000 of debt in 9 months. Momentum is what allowed me to build my side business to six-figures in 1 year. Momentum is why people reach incredible fitness, financial, and personal development goals in relatively short periods of time.   Don’t ignore the power of momentum. If you’ll stay focused, intense, and passionate over time about your purpose, then you’ll begin to see unstoppable momentum in your life.

  • 006 People Matter Most|Songspiration

    26/06/2016 Duración: 04min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   People were created for relationship…   In today’s songspiration I talk about how difficult it can be to love others- and yet it is the most important thing we can do on this planet.   Why do we hurt others? Because we are flawed. Every one of us falls short.   So…how can we love more?   People will irritate you less if you know where they’ve come from. Everybody has a story. Everyone is walking through something or has just walked through a trial.   Strengthen your heart today by reaching down and lifting others up. With your words, your smile, your energy, your presence.   Because people matter most.  

  • 005 Have You Answered The Call Of Leadership?

    25/06/2016 Duración: 16min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more- you are a leader…   Today I talk with you about stepping into the call of leadership on your life.   Leadership is influence. And leadership is not exclusive. Everyone is born a leader. It’s simply a matter of uncovering that disposition or not.   So, what qualifies leadership?   Commitment qualifies leadership.   To exercise leadership, you must believe that you are inherently a leader.   Leaders need to provide:   1- COMPASSION 2- HOPE 3- STABILITY 4- TRUST   These are fundamentals. You can inspire people- but you can’t change them. Focus on being the best you- continue to grow- and because of that growth, you will inspire others. 

  • 004 How To Face Change With COURAGE and BOLDNESS

    24/06/2016 Duración: 09min

    The American DayDream is brought to you by:   For things to change, you have to change…   Today I teach you how to stop running from change.   I want you to ask yourself this: am I living the exact life I really, truly deeply want right now?   The goal is to face fear and uncertainty and see them as opportunities to do more, be more and have more…because there are so many opportunities on the other side of change! It’s time to get bold, face your fears, and kick major booty.   What’s your rock bottom? When we get to a place of disgust, we have no choice but to let the pride and ego down.   If you’re in a funk it’s because you aren’t challenging your level of discomfort. Time to charter new territory in the unfamiliar.   Let’s do this: Today is your day. Choose COURAGE over FEAR. Take that next step.  

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